This is the Test of Your Spiritual Life
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj August 13, 2014.
Q: Personality should be dissolved totally or not?
Person is related to the body knowledge only. The moment body knowledge dissolves, all problems will dissolve. All the personal problems, whatever problems are there, are body related problems. Prior to beingness there were not any problems. The moment there is conviction of Ultimate Truth all problems will be solved. Because, importance of problems is because we have given so much importance to body. Importance of problems are because we have given so much importance to the body. The moment body knowledge dissolves, all problems will dissolve. There are no problems. Prior to body, prior to beingness there were no problems. After leaving body there won’t be any problems. So far as we are measuring ourselves in body, therefore problems are there. Just like in a dream, you are having so many problems. You are facing so many problems, good things, bad things. After awakening, after waking, what has happened to those problems in dream? Including yourself, including all this dream world disappears. The problems disappear along with the dream. So, basically unless body knowledge dissolves you will find severity of the problems. But the moment body knowledge disappears, dissolves, no problems will be there. Because you are getting courage. When you know the reality, you are getting courage to face all problems. We are giving a lot of importance to the problems because we are having a lot of faith and confidence in the body. The moment that body-knowledge dissolves, everything will dissolve. If you see the Biography of so many Saintly people, including: Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj or Ranjit Maharaj, everybody faced so many problems during their physical awareness. But they ignore it. They face with courage. As I have told you so many times, Nisargadatta Maharaj was faced with so many problems. He lost; entire properties taken over by his partners. Money shortage. His business deeply disturbed. He was having physical problems. So many problems he faced. But he was having courage, full faith in the Master, Siddharameshwar Maharaj. He was always talking “If I am fortunate, I will get a lot of problems.” He was talking “If I am fortunate, I will get problems.” He faced so many problems. So now you are mature enough. You are mature enough; you have a lot of knowledge. Knowledge in respect of reality, final truth. Not to come again and again at body level. You use body just like a middleman, instrument. As long as you are having body, everybody is having problems. Physical problems, spiritual problems, mental problems. Everybody feels that his problem is a greater problem. Everybody feels that his own problem is a big problem. If you see the world, there are people suffering a lot of problems, more than us. This is the test of your spiritual life. You are to implement that knowledge. You have to bring that knowledge in practice.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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