Instant projection, and you feel ‘I am’

Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 25, 2012.

Experience is just like a mirage. You know mirage? It is like the water appears but is not there. You know dear? Deer becomes thirsty. Looks for water. It sees, there is this sandy area. That sand appears to be water. Similarly, experience is there, but behind that experience, bottom of experience, some spontaneous presence is there. Out of spontaneous presence, which is invisible, anonymous presence. Out of that anonymous presence, invisible presence, projection takes place. It is an instant projection. You can’t say, but it is instant projection, and you feel ‘I am’. We are thinking considering based on ‘I am somebody else.’ All questions come from, originated from, body-based knowledge. As you know body someday or other, is going to disappear. Body someday or other, is going to disappear. When you came across with the body? Prior to body-knowledge where were you? You think from that point. Prior to 100 years, do you know about yourself, your shape, you are a man or woman, what did you know? Nothing. Now you say, ‘I am a woman, or I am a boy.’ See prior to consciousness, how you were. I am inviting attention to that particular point. So, it is decided it is not your identity. This knowledge is not your direct knowledge, perfect knowledge. It is not ultimate. Therefore, you have to undergo meditation.

Sincere meditation is required. Sincere meditation. Honest meditation. Not casual meditation. ‘Oh, Master says I have to do meditation, oh what time is it? Half an hour, oh, ok, ok.’ Total involvement. You become one with the meditation. Address of destiny. Address of destiny. Destiny. You are destiny. You are forgetting yourself. I am reminding. You forgot your name. You are considering ‘Eliah’. You are not that, you are all. Not ‘Eliah’. Always you are everywhere.

In different, different terms, I am trying to convince you. Unless your foundation is perfect you are not able to know this. Spiritual maturity is required. Meditation is the base. Bhausaheb Maharaj, ten to twelve hours he used to be meditating. At that time knowledge was not open. Out of the meditations, he came to the conclusion, ‘Except myself nothing is there.’ Same thing happened to Siddharameshwar Maharaj. You know he sat for more than six months, seven months? He forgets his body everything. Some people color his face. He was just like a statue. Some people placed pink color. But he was not knowing. Because he was completely involved in meditation. Then he opened the secret of knowledge. He made it very, very easy for us. Nisargadatta Maharaj completely opened this knowledge. No bar was there. With that effect we are talking with you. You have ready-made food, fast food. Consume it. Don’t waste that food. You will say it is spicy, I will throw it out. Your knowledge is too spicy, I am not going to take it.

Sri Ramakant Maharaj


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