The body is not your identity at all. Unless you accept the Reality that “the body is not your identity”, the experience of a body-form will continue to appear upon your Presence. These concepts create so much confusion, and then, the mind raises all sorts of questions. So many questions keep arising, and they are all body-based questions! I receive so many questions from seekers, and they are always body-based concepts. Melt, dissolve, demolish all your body-based concepts. This is the primary task at hand. Your problems are all body-related, arising from this human life that is only a dream: depression, worry, sadness, loneliness, feeling unloved, fearfulness, stress, dispeace, unhappiness, misery, etc, etc. We have become fearful of everything. We behave like sheep, instead of lions! We have a lot of tension. There is no peacefulness, or blissfulness. And, we are always fearful of death. All these illusory concepts are to be demolished. Demolish all your concepts! This is the main goal of spirituality.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Ultimate Truth
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj October 14, 2017.
So now, any fresh question? See purpose behind meditation is to invite the attention of invisible Listener within you. Since childhood until today, we are counting ourselves in body-form. Our conviction is “I am body, somebody else” and name is given to the body. In fact, body is not your identity at all, you know better. Body is having time-limit. So, who is holder of the body? It’s just glimpses of I. It is formless. So why is all this spirituality required? Why Naam mantra is required? Why meditation is required? The one reason is because we have forgot our identity. And we are under the pressure of so many concepts. Death and birth, past birth, future birth, hell, heaven, then virtue and bad deeds, good deeds, so many concepts! Because of so many body-based concepts, you are confused, everybody is confused! What to do? You always say that God is there, God is great, his blessing, if you do something wrong thing then he will punish you, if you are doing something good thing then he will reward you. These are various concepts. Where do I stand? Is this world true or not? What is the fate of the world? So, to come out from all this confusion, the secret of this spirituality is told. What is the secret of spirituality? The basic thing: you are counting yourself in body-form and that is to be discarded. It is fact! Body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity, body is not going to remain your identity. Only dry discussion on spirituality will not help you. So that body-based concept is supposed to be dissolved. Then the originality, the spontaneous presence, where there is no experience and no experiencer, will come out. We are trying to convince with some words, but words are not sufficient to define or give the meaning of this spirituality. But we are trying our level-best to convince with some words. So, what is the purpose behind this? The purpose behind the spirituality is to come out from these illusions. And what is reality? Your spontaneous invisible presence is the reality. To whom there is no birth, no death. Basically, you are unborn. See, the moment that spirit clicked with the body, you started saying ‘I am’. And that ‘I am’ was instantly colored with so many concepts: “I am man or woman, I am somebody being”, so many concepts. And then the world is there. World is projected out of your spontaneous invisible presence. Just like in deep sleep, we are sleeping but that dream world is projected. You are acting inside the dream world, you have so many feelings, so many concepts, so many people. You see the sea, so many hills, sun, moon, so many things. How is that world projected? You are acting in that world, and not even that, some video shooting of that world is getting taken. After awakening you say “I have seen good dream, bad dreams” etc., etc. It is not a good dream; it is not a bad dream. Same as that dream-world is projected, similarly, the moment spirit clicked with the body, this world is projected. So, what you see is the seer’s reflection. And we are to invite the attention of the invisible Seer within you that you are Ultimate Truth, final truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. These names are given to the Ultimate Truth, that invisible presence within this body. With the result that, at the time of leaving body, there won’t be any concepts. Human being body is very important, invaluable, because through human body, we can identify ourselves. This is golden opportunity for everybody.
And then what is the importance of meditation? So many times the questions are asked “what is the purpose of meditation?” You always suggest, in book I mention that concentrate invisible concentrator within you. “Means what?” There is a glimpse of I. The moment spirit clicked with body you say ‘I’. Who am I? The question is Who am I? If I am not body, who am I? That is the question. To reply this Who am I, you are to undergo the meditation. What is the meaning of meditation, of that Naam mantra? I am Brahman, Brahman I am; I am Brahman, Brahman I am. Brahman means Ultimate Truth. All the way, with that mantra, you are hammering yourself, with the result that body based knowledge will be dissolved. And how you were prior to beingness and how you are after leaving the body, that reality will be opened. It cannot be defined or explained in any words. W.O.R.D.S. words are only media. We have created language; we have given meaning to the various words. Through words, we are trying to convince. So not to analyze the words. There are some seekers or devotees who are always analyzing words: “this master says this, that master says that”. Don’t analyze the words of the various Masters. What they want to convey is most important. All the Masters want to convey that except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master. You are Ultimate Truth; you are Almighty God. The listener within this body is Almighty God, to whom there is no form, to whom there is no birth and death. To whom there is no past and future life. Who is not doer, there is no deed. So, these are the reality. To open, to absorb this reality, you are to undergo, in the beginning, meditation. Meditation is the base. Without which, after reading so many books, approaching so many masters, it is meaningless. It is dry discussion, dry knowledge. Be practical. It is very simple, even if you think intellectually, what is there? This body was small child, become young man, then old man, and one or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you are to leave the body. Then it is reality that body is not your identity at all. So, who is acting from the body? Who is listening from the body? That question is there. That means that Who am I? It is said, the questioner itself is Ultimate Truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, and Master. But to have this spontaneous conviction you are to undergo, in the beginning, meditation. Through meditation you will get or regain your original memory. These are words, just remember that you are prior to beingness. How you are, your Ultimate Truth, is just like space or sky. Where there is no experience, no experiencer. This experience came out of nothing only. So that reality will be open with you. So always we say concentrate invisible concentrator within you. Means, invisible concentrator cannot be seen, it can be felt – I am, but you can’t see how that I am is. It is feeling. It is called glimpses of I, which is subtler, subtler than space and sky. There is no comparison to sky and space because sky is visible. But the experiencer, invisible experiencer within this body is not visible. You feel it. But we are mixed up with the body knowledge, therefore we are not having conviction. We are knowing I am Brahman, I am Paramatman, I am God, everything we know better. But that conviction is not there. To have the conviction appear spontaneously, you are to concentrate on the concentrator within you. It is a deliberate act. Then while concentrating on the concentrator, the concentrator and concentration will disappear. When you are trying to concentrate on the concentrator deliberately, after certain level, that concentration and concentrator disappear, nothing remains. That is to say Samadhi or trance. You know trance? So, there is no witness, no witnesser. So, like that, reality will be open with you and then there will be spontaneous peacefulness, spontaneous happiness: “Oh! That I, Oh I am That!”. So even though you are living in this world, even though you are holding this body, you remain unconcerned with the body. If there any calamity, any problem, any nervousness, any depressions, these are coming and going, these are mental bases, egoistic bases, intellectual bases. So, thoughts are coming and going. What is mind? Mind is the production of the thoughts. Mind is producing so many thoughts. Intellects is taking decision to implement those thoughts, and ego is implementing thoughts. It is a very simple thing. So prior to that, your presence is there.
In brief, you are Almighty God, You Are Almighty Brahman, You are Almighty Everything. Don’t count yourself in body-form. You are holding body, ok, it is external cover. But you are unconcerned with the body. So, with the result that at the time of leaving body, there won’t be any feeling “Oh! I am dying! Oh, do something to safeguard my body!” etc, etc. That thought will be dissolved spontaneously. Let it go! Because I am not body, this is not my property. The property belongs to the five elements, let them take, I am not concerned. That conviction will appear spontaneously with the result that you will be totally fearless, no tension will be there. So, though you are holding body, you remain unconcerned with the body, you remain unconcerned with the world, unconcerned with every feeling, no feelings will be there. Feeling may appear, it may come, it may go, you are not concerned. Thoughts are coming and going, you are not concerned. The thoughts which are useful for your daily use, you can use, the thoughts which are not useful, you are neglecting. So that art of living will appear within you spontaneously. How to act under certain circumstances, that clarity will be come. Nothing is impossible! The speaker within this body and listener within the body is one and the same. But the speaker in this body is inviting attention of the invisible listener within this body that except your Selfless Self, there is no God. There is no difference between master and disciple. There is no difference between deity and devotee. These are concepts. These concepts are appearing during the human form. Human from itself is illusion. You are beyond that; you are beyond that. This world itself illusory world. This is illusionary world, what we are posing our self is illusion.
And for which, in the beginning, again I am repeating, meditation is the only source. In the beginning that mind will rebel against you. Some laziness, some depressions, nervousness, but you don’t leave that meditation. Yesterday I received some message from one devotee. He says “In the first two or three months I could not concentrate meditation, so many confusion was there, so many depressions are there”. That means that those words of the meditation are affecting inside. The medicine given to you is affecting. So those unwanted things are going out, just like I told that there are some tenants in your house. While going, while leaving this house, they will abuse you because since long the tenants are there. Similarly, wrong concepts are there. So many wrong concepts are there, illusory concepts are there in body. So, while going, they will rebel against you. So, mind, ego, intellect is controlling your body – now you can control the mind, ego, intellect. It is a vice versa. So, you are Ultimate Truth, you are final truth, you are Almighty God, Almighty God is not separate from you.
Almighty God is the name given to the supernatural power which is already within you. So, don’t underestimate you. But you are to follow the meditation. It is very simple; you are to devote some time for You. In the beginning we are asking to do meditation for one hour, two hours, three hours. If you do it, it will give you more effect. And then after some time, you need not to go and have meditation. It is Spontaneous Meditation. Even if you are in deep sleep, meditation is there. Just like this body called man. I am not thinking ‘I am man, I am man, I am man’. This body given some name ‘Ramakant’, then in deep sleep “oh I am Ramakant”. Or his name is Gangadharam, you are in deep sleep “oh I am Gangadharam”. So that word is totally close and close and has become one with body. Similarly, the word Brahman is supposed to be very close with your Selfless Self. At that moment you will forget everything. Till that time, you are not to leave this Naam mantra. Naam mantra is necessary up to the level till you get spontaneous conviction that I am Brahman, without any experience. Then, Naam mantra and meditation are not required. At that time, you will find that ‘I am Brahman’ is even also a concept. It is very direct simple knowledge. It has become complicated by various sides. It is a direct approach. Therefore, the brief or the summary of the spirituality is: except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master. That reality, you are to accept it. That Ultimate Truth, you are to accept it. For which you have to hammer with the Naam mantra ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am.’ And I told that the spirit within this body is very sensitive. What you impress, it reflects. You are impressing, you are always hammering “Yes I am Brahman, I am Brahman, I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. And see the fun! That reality will be open with you. I am giving 100 percent guarantee. Really, I am giving 100 percent guarantee. Nobody will guarantee but I am 100 percent. Only you are to sacrifice, you are to devote some time for you. And then result will be there. I am not doing any miracles; miracles happen within You. But you are to be very serious regarding meditation. “Oh, I go this master, then that master then that master”: there should not be confusion, there should not be wavering mind. If you have thousands of masters, meaningless. Why to leave? Because Master is formless, just like sky or space. If you go to India, you go to China, to Japan, space is one. What you will do? If you are not getting happiness in India, you will not get happiness in Japan or China or England or anywhere else. Find out. Try to identify yourself. Thinking part is given to you. In the light of all these statements, you try to identify yourself, where do I stand? I have been told that I am Brahman, how can I be Brahman? Question yourself. You will get instant answer. Have dialogue with your Selfless Self. Be with you all the time. Not to neglect your body, not to neglect your duties. Live your routine life. Enjoy it. Be with the society. If you are businessman, do your business very nicely. You can be with family responsibilities. “Oh, I am Brahman, I am spiritual man! How can I concentrate my family”- not like that. To quit the society, to quit family life is not spirituality. Remain in family. Remain in society and try to identify yourself. Not to run out from this battlefield. Faith: “Yes ok! I can do it!” Have some courage, spiritual courage, not egoistic courage. All these saintly people faced a lot of problems. A lot of problem but nothing then again then. I have said that Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj faced a lot of problem in their life, physical problems, mental problems. But they are having strong faith in their Master: “Yes! My Master says that I am Ultimate Truth, then I am Master, Ultimate Truth.” With the result, there will not be any importance given to any concept.
Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj said “Not to come across with such elements which will distract you from the reality.” “Such elements” means what? The elements are trying to confuse you. Now I told you that you are Ultimate Truth, then somebody says “no, no, you are not Ultimate Truth. Brahman is separate from you, and something and something else”. They are trying to confuse you. Convince yourself! “Yes! My Master says that I am Brahman, so I am Brahman, I am Ultimate, I am Ultimate Truth. Not to listen from anybody else. Then confusion starts and again you will come down. You must have strong will power, you must have sacrificing nature: “Yes, my Master says I am Brahman, so I am Brahman.” Brahman is called Ultimate Truth, final truth, where there is no experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser, no identification also. It is Unidentified Identity. Unidentified, invisible, anonymous identity. Simple thing. Prior to beingness, do you know anything? Nothing. After leaving body, know anything? Nothing. What is the purpose, the use of all these things? Convince yourself: this is illusionary world, just like a dream world. Every day you see different, different, different dreams. Are you taking ego “Oh! I studied the image like this, therefore yesterday…?” Are you planning “Oh! Today I will see this dream, tomorrow that dream?” It appears spontaneously. What happened to those dream people, the good people, the bad people? Think seriously, even intellectually, and try to convince yourself. Your Self-conviction is most important. Your self- conviction is most important.
Process of thinking is there, clue is given to you, Master has given you various clues. You are to accept it, you are to think seriously, yes. Something is there, it is fact that I am not body, it is fact. How long you can you protect this body? This is a dead body. Who is acting from that body? Who is listening from the body? Who is enjoying this body knowledge? That invisible presence called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, master that you are. It is formless, where there is no fate, no rebirth, no past, no birth, no future birth? God is not having any birth, God means Ultimate Truth. It only requires strong confidence, strong faith within you and your master. If you have got a wavering mind: today here and then this master, that master, changing master, it is like changing wives. What happiness you will get? Nothing. One place to another and then one place to another place. There should not be any prostitution mentality. You may feel that this is a bad word, but it is like that. Be loyal with yourself. After knowing the reality, what is there? Why to go here and there? Time is very short: each and every moment in your life is most important. Only lack of spiritual confidence is there. It is open truth! Nothing hidden is there. Accept it: “Yes! I am That!”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj August 7, 2017.
Regarding spirituality, we insist on continuous meditation. continuous meditation does not mean sitting in one place, we remember all-the-ways. Meditation means concentration. Through concentration, all layers of the illusory concepts will dissolve.
There are so many concepts are there. Yesterday there was a lecture in Marathi regarding Dasbodh. It said “Reality, so many layers are there…concept of bodies, that is food-body, and subtle-body, and this body and that body.” So, these are the concepts or layers upon your Ultimate Truth or Presence. So, through meditation, there’s a direct hammering. Through meditation You are hammering the Selfless Self with the result that the Reality will open. The purpose behind that meditation, and that concentration, and that listening from the various Masters, the reading from various books, is that the Spirit is very sensitive, what You impress, it reflects. So, in other words, you could say it is psychological. What you impress on that Spirit, it reflects like that. So similarly, meditation is recommended. That Soham Sadhana, or ‘I Am Brahman, Brahman I Am’, like that. With this process, you will forget your food-body identity and the Reality will be open. What is Reality? You are nothing to do with the body-knowledge. Body- knowledge is illusion. And the body is not going to continue for long time. The body is having some time-limit. So, until body touch dissolves, you are to undergo the meditation. What do we mean by “body touch dissolves”? Just like when you are using clothes. You are using clothes, but you are not feeling that you are wearing clothes. Though you are using the clothes, you remain untouched with the clothes. Similarly, even if you are within the body, you remain unconcerned with the body. You feel totally light, their is no weight, nothing is there. So, there won’t be any type of burden. You remain completely free, weightless. So, like that, to have such things you are to undergo the meditation. And the meditation leads to Ultimate Truth, to Realization or Enlightenment.
Because we are nothing to do, just we are to know that the body is not our identity at all, just a very simple thing. Because if, with the strength of the body-knowledge, you try to extract the spiritual knowledge, that will get the duality. Any devotee of any age, if he at all likes to identify oneself, he has to undergo strictly meditation. Now I told that for meditation, the words are given, Soham, or Shivoham, so many words are given through Masters. That words are hammering the Meditator. And then what hammering? “I am Brahman, Brahman I am; I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. So continuously reciting the Mantra, the Reality that You are Ultimate Truth will be open. And then there will be spontaneous conviction that I am not body at all. And the result is that you won’t face any, another body-based dream. This is a body-based dream, “I am somebody else, my name is something, I have family members, I am male or female, and my family is there, my Master is there, God is there, so many relations are there”. So, all relations, all needs, all requirements came along with the body. Prior to beingness we are unknown to everything: no God, no disciple, no devotee, no master, no brother, no sister, no father, no relations were there. Because there is no body at all. So how you were prior to beingness is just like space or sky. Sky does not have any relations. So, like that, after leaving the body, or prior to beingness, no touch of the anything. So, you remain untouched.
So therefore, I am insisting – almost all that you know, you have got good background, you have got good foundation, spiritual foundation – now you are to just hammer Yourself. You are to be totally free from the body-bondages. Because even if you’ve got spiritual knowledge, these body bondages appear, having spirituality behind this curtain of this body-bondage, body-knowledge, it will not serve your purpose. So, after that you will be totally free. Whatever concept will be there you will have some exceptional internal happiness, peacefulness. Though you are living in the society, or with your friends, and all relations, exceptional happiness, exceptional peacefulness will be there. Though you are holding the body, you remain untouched with body. Just like we are wearing all these clothes. So, we are not feeling that ‘I am wearing clothes, it is there, but you don’t feel that ‘I am wearing clothes.’ Similarly, body is an external cloth. Though you are holding the body, external cloth, you remain unconcerned with that, just like suppose subtle, subtle, subtle light. You can’t describe in any words but that is something – exceptional experience, beyond imaginations. Because Bhausaheb Maharaj while planning all this Inchegeri Sampradaya, he had foresight that everybody should remain with this atmosphere, spiritual atmosphere all the time. Because early morning Bhajan, meditation, afternoon Bhajan, evening Bhajan, and all this, because you want to keep yourself busy with the spirituality.
And at the same time, it’s a practical knowledge. You do your job, do your duties, have your responsibilities, don’t neglect your body, but at the same time you, should be totally concerned with the Selfless Self. That is the idea behind it. No doubt that he is knowing that this Bhajan, meditation, are also illusion. But it is necessary to have conviction, spontaneous conviction of Your Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Identity.
In the beginning Master is necessary. He may be in any form. See I told, I am giving example; that Master is refusing to give the teaching of archery to Eklavya. But even so, he prepared some statue, and he under the statue of that Master he learned archery. So, in that case also, if the physical master is not available, suppose he suppose refuses or anything, you can have the idol of this Master, and you will get instruction from that out of the Master. Because Master is not separate from You. You are a Master, but you’re posing yourself as some body-form, therefore that body-form is supposed to be dissolved.
It is very simple, but very difficult also because you must have strong faith within your Master. Yesterday I told that, there are so many layers upon your Presence. So, remove all these layers, to burn all these layers, you are to undergo strictly the meditation, and you are to follow the instruction of the Master in the beginning very strictly. At the same time, you have your own responsibilities, do your job, do your duties, not to neglect your duties. But at the same time, You must concentrate concentrator.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 25, 2012.
Experience is just like a mirage. You know mirage? It is like the water appears but is not there. You know dear? Deer becomes thirsty. Looks for water. It sees, there is this sandy area. That sand appears to be water. Similarly, experience is there, but behind that experience, bottom of experience, some spontaneous presence is there. Out of spontaneous presence, which is invisible, anonymous presence. Out of that anonymous presence, invisible presence, projection takes place. It is an instant projection. You can’t say, but it is instant projection, and you feel ‘I am’. We are thinking considering based on ‘I am somebody else.’ All questions come from, originated from, body-based knowledge. As you know body someday or other, is going to disappear. Body someday or other, is going to disappear. When you came across with the body? Prior to body-knowledge where were you? You think from that point. Prior to 100 years, do you know about yourself, your shape, you are a man or woman, what did you know? Nothing. Now you say, ‘I am a woman, or I am a boy.’ See prior to consciousness, how you were. I am inviting attention to that particular point. So, it is decided it is not your identity. This knowledge is not your direct knowledge, perfect knowledge. It is not ultimate. Therefore, you have to undergo meditation.
Sincere meditation is required. Sincere meditation. Honest meditation. Not casual meditation. ‘Oh, Master says I have to do meditation, oh what time is it? Half an hour, oh, ok, ok.’ Total involvement. You become one with the meditation. Address of destiny. Address of destiny. Destiny. You are destiny. You are forgetting yourself. I am reminding. You forgot your name. You are considering ‘Eliah’. You are not that, you are all. Not ‘Eliah’. Always you are everywhere.
In different, different terms, I am trying to convince you. Unless your foundation is perfect you are not able to know this. Spiritual maturity is required. Meditation is the base. Bhausaheb Maharaj, ten to twelve hours he used to be meditating. At that time knowledge was not open. Out of the meditations, he came to the conclusion, ‘Except myself nothing is there.’ Same thing happened to Siddharameshwar Maharaj. You know he sat for more than six months, seven months? He forgets his body everything. Some people color his face. He was just like a statue. Some people placed pink color. But he was not knowing. Because he was completely involved in meditation. Then he opened the secret of knowledge. He made it very, very easy for us. Nisargadatta Maharaj completely opened this knowledge. No bar was there. With that effect we are talking with you. You have ready-made food, fast food. Consume it. Don’t waste that food. You will say it is spicy, I will throw it out. Your knowledge is too spicy, I am not going to take it.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj August 13, 2014.
Q: Personality should be dissolved totally or not?
Person is related to the body knowledge only. The moment body knowledge dissolves, all problems will dissolve. All the personal problems, whatever problems are there, are body related problems. Prior to beingness there were not any problems. The moment there is conviction of Ultimate Truth all problems will be solved. Because, importance of problems is because we have given so much importance to body. Importance of problems are because we have given so much importance to the body. The moment body knowledge dissolves, all problems will dissolve. There are no problems. Prior to body, prior to beingness there were no problems. After leaving body there won’t be any problems. So far as we are measuring ourselves in body, therefore problems are there. Just like in a dream, you are having so many problems. You are facing so many problems, good things, bad things. After awakening, after waking, what has happened to those problems in dream? Including yourself, including all this dream world disappears. The problems disappear along with the dream. So, basically unless body knowledge dissolves you will find severity of the problems. But the moment body knowledge disappears, dissolves, no problems will be there. Because you are getting courage. When you know the reality, you are getting courage to face all problems. We are giving a lot of importance to the problems because we are having a lot of faith and confidence in the body. The moment that body-knowledge dissolves, everything will dissolve. If you see the Biography of so many Saintly people, including: Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj or Ranjit Maharaj, everybody faced so many problems during their physical awareness. But they ignore it. They face with courage. As I have told you so many times, Nisargadatta Maharaj was faced with so many problems. He lost; entire properties taken over by his partners. Money shortage. His business deeply disturbed. He was having physical problems. So many problems he faced. But he was having courage, full faith in the Master, Siddharameshwar Maharaj. He was always talking “If I am fortunate, I will get a lot of problems.” He was talking “If I am fortunate, I will get problems.” He faced so many problems. So now you are mature enough. You are mature enough; you have a lot of knowledge. Knowledge in respect of reality, final truth. Not to come again and again at body level. You use body just like a middleman, instrument. As long as you are having body, everybody is having problems. Physical problems, spiritual problems, mental problems. Everybody feels that his problem is a greater problem. Everybody feels that his own problem is a big problem. If you see the world, there are people suffering a lot of problems, more than us. This is the test of your spiritual life. You are to implement that knowledge. You have to bring that knowledge in practice.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 22, 2012.
What is your experience?
Q: He thought a lot about Nisargadatta Maharaj Samadhi place. He thought that he would come to Samadhi and some experience would happen. But nothing happened. And he does not like at all Swami Ram Dass Samadhi. He does not like Ram Dass Swami Samadhi at all.
He feels something strange, something from outside, not close to him. But he was not dissapointed about it. Because it is so, just so.
What of Tukaram Maharaj, Jnaneshwar Maharaj?
On the energy level Jnaneshwar Samadhi was very interesting to him.
All Saints are within you. No experience is experience. No experience is also an experience. Because, your name is Ellis, so have you got any experience, ‘I am Ellis’? That means you are one with the spirit. When you are having experience, that means you are totally separate from that. It’s a good sign. Because your experience and experiencer dissolves together. It’s fact.
Yesterday you talked about expectations, and he expected from the whole pilgrimage, the main expectation was Nisargadatta Maharaj Samadhi. And nothing happened.
Don’t worry about it. Because always, see, the experience and experiencer, these are not the same. It means. Electricity is lighting. Light and electricity is one and the same. The light is just the instrument. The electricity reflects, this to light this place. Similarly, your energy or power reflects through this body. With that body some layers of experiences are appearing. But, without your presence the layers, you can’t visualize. Always you keep in mind, that without your appearance, without your existence, you can’t see anything.
When you are talking about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Masters for which body media is required. When we are not having body association we are not knowing what is Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, what is experience, what is non experience, what is good thing, what is bad thing, nothing was known.
Sensations, expectations, good feelings, are just like chocolate. When a small child is not studying, parents are showing ‘Oh if you read this lesson, I will give you this chocolate.’ To have that chocolate that child, that boy, is reading those books. Experience is just like a chocolate. Master is giving some experience, but it is not Ultimate thing. Some miracles happen, some changes also happen.
When I was at Bapoli there was a call from Shaman person from Deli, elder, older person from Delhi. You know Shaman? He called me about quarter to twelve. Something happened and he was not able to tolerate it. A little bit some imbalance inside had taken over and he was upset. ‘How is this happening?’ So I told him to call in the morning, I could not talk right now, in the morning. I called in the morning, ok, something had subsided. Why am I explaining this? Because, in this spirituality, some unpleasant experience is also happening inside. Not to take note of such an experience. Even after having Ultimate knowledge sometimes some incident is taking place inside, that you feel something…scared. Some kind of fear will be coming in mind. In that moment you should be very, strong enough. At that time you remember whatever you listened to today. Therefore your knowledge is supposed to be constructive knowledge, strong knowledge.
This is not just an exchange of words, spiritual words to you. This is not bookish knowledge. Words are only just to explain your identity. Just to remove your body attachment. We are having strong body attachment. Even though we are talking about the spirituality, philosophy, Atman, Brahman, attachment with the body is very strong. We are thinking from that point of view only. The moment your body attachment dissolves, you are totally fearless. Any kind of difficulty, unpleasant atmosphere appears before you, you totally remain untouched with that atmosphere. My effort is, to make you strong. Therefore Nisargadatta Maharaj rightly says ‘I want to make you Master, not disciple.’ Sense of Master, sense of God, sense of Brahman, is already within you. But because of strong attachment to the body you forgot your identity. We in effect are repeatedly hammering that. Same thing through your Mantra, hammering that you are not a body, you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master. As I told earlier that spirit is so sensitive the impression which you impress it reflects accordingly. So the moment that body attachment dissolves you can see yourself in a real sense. So don’t worry. Don’t expect any experience. No experience, means also experience. When one Saint told his disciple,disciple asked ‘How is God?’ So he told ‘Close your eyes. What do you see?’ He responds ‘Nothing’ ‘That is God’
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 29, 2012.
You are living, depending upon mind, ego and intellect. Mind does not allow to keep faith. Always creating duality, this is correct, that is correct. Unless you are firm with your decision it is not possible to know yourself. Because we are conditioned to think or imagine through body-based knowledge. We mature to think or imagine with body-based knowledge. Unless your body identity dissolves, you are not able to know yourself in a real sense. Dry discussion on spirituality is meaningless. Just like kite flying. Because in human nature, hundreds of concepts, hundreds of imaginations are there. What to believe, what not to believe, people are under pressure of confusion. We are planning for future, planning what to do. So, after death our plan we are to go. Number of concepts are there. There was one great Saint named Tukaram. What he said was: ” All gods and goddesses are imaginary.” This was 400 or 500 years ago. He said human beings are blind. They don’t know the real God. They follow imaginary gods. And are trying to extract some happiness or peace. Just like a deer running for a mirage. You know mirage? Deer is running for water. People are like that, we are running after the mirage, just like the deer. Getting tired. Spending all valuable life in mirage. For which conviction is most important. Foundation is most important. You have to establish reality, this is reality, beyond that nothing is there. Because, we are victim of our own emotions. Out of emotions so many doubts are occurring. For that Self inquiry is required. You’ve got knowledge externally. Not internally. This is the proper time. Life is very short. Every moment in our life is very important. There is a lot of fear. Human beings are under the pressure of fear. Main fear is death. Everybody is worried what will happen after death. Nobody likes death. Even a small insect will not want death. Small ant, you put some water, pour some water, and he is running here and there. Everybody runs, wants survival. Because through body we are knowing our self. And like it. Once you know the secret of life, that is Self-Realization. The simplest, no death at all, this is Ultimate. Beyond that, nothing. People are traveling, go here and there, and there, think Maharaj will give some solace. Running here and there. They are torturing themselves. Torturing themselves…troubling. Some people have one leg, lifted just standing. Some ash putting like this. Some long beard and hair. Some colorful clothes. Sometimes some are fasting. Some performing some sacrifice with fire. So many (concepts). You have to come out of all those illusions. This is possible, only when you realize yourself in a real sense.
Q: That is the idea? What is the method?
It is not an idea; it is Ultimate Truth. Ideas something else. It is your truth, your final truth. Ideas is running externally, it is the imaginations. This is not an idea. It is a practice, given that practice practical knowledge. We are carrying body-based knowledge. You have to come out from the body-based knowledge. You have to break the circle.
Q: How?
After knowing the reality. It is just snake and rope. You know the example of snake and rope? Your considering rope as a snake. How are you completing removal of this concept? You are taking the light. This is a rope, this is not a snake, it just appeared as a snake. It is not a snake at all. Likewise, you know yourself, then all illusion will disappear. This is just like snake and rope. You have created fear. It’s snake, it’s snake. But if you take a light, this is not a snake this is a rope. I was under the impression, pressure of fear. As a matter of fact, this was nothing. Similarly, you know yourself. You know so many things, but you are not knowing yourself. It is very simple, but one must be daring. I want to know the reality! Don’t believe the ideas of anybody else. Don’t nod your head blindly. Don’t nod your head blindly. Don’t yes, yes, ok, ok, ok. Unless you are convinced don’t say ok, ok. Yes, I am not convinced I wanted to know the reality. That is a real seeker. After knowing the reality there will not be any temptation to go anywhere.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded Skype Session of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj May 1, 2013.
Don’t make any deliberate effort, it will be spontaneous. Your appearance in the world is spontaneous. You did not decide to come into this world as a man or a woman. How are you prior to beingness are you a man or woman, or any person, nothing, nothing was there. The moment spirit clicked with the body you started knowing yourself as a man or woman. Without your spontaneous presence you can’t see the world. You see yourself first, then you see the world. Since we are measuring our self in the body form, therefore we are not able to know reality. Reality means just to know yourself in a real sense. Basically, you are unborn. Because you are considering yourself in body form, therefore you say, ‘I am born,’ and ‘I am going to die’. Since you are not born, the question of death should not arise. Don’t measure yourself in body form. Measuring yourself in body form, you are underestimating your presence. Remember the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj he said: “Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Master, no Paramatman, no Atman, no Brahman.” Experiences are a kind of veils or layers. Experiences are a kind of veils or layers appearing upon your spontaneous presence. If presence is not there, who’s experience. Therefore, all experiences are illusions. Even experience I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God it is illusion. To say ‘God’ your spontaneous presence is required. Entire world is spontaneous projection of your spontaneous presence. Behind everything your spontaneous presence is there. Unless body knowledge dissolves, you are not able to know yourself. Body is just like media. What does he say?
I am telling Ultimate Truth, you may like, you may not like. There is no hide and seek. I am placing before you your truth, not the truth of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, or any god. Because you are basically formless. Ego, mind and intellect is creating problems for us. But we are providing energy to ego, mind and intellect. To say ‘my ego’ to say ‘my intellect’ something is required, your spontaneous presence. Any question?
Silence is already within you. Happiness is already within you, not knowing happiness. We are running after mirage. You know mirage? We are running after imaginary God. Nobody’s seeing God. Because Godly essence is within the seer. After knowing the reality, you can do all your job, no problem. You can live like a common man, or woman. Because spirituality is not rocking your routine life.
Any further questions?
Q: How much time does it take to dissolve body related knowledge?
Say there is a darkness for 500 years. I am putting you in the place where there has been darkness for 500 years. If you will take a light, how many years will it take to get rid of the dark of 500 years? The moment you light it, darkness goes away. Dark will not say ‘I am here for 500 years; how can I go?’ It is up to you. This is a kind of Self Realization. There is not any span or period. Concentrate on the concentrator. Because all Godly essence is already within you. Any steps you have to undergo the discipline of meditation. It is complete concentration. Because the spirit through which you are talking, through which you are doing activities, is very, very sensitive. What you are impressing upon it, it is coming out with that impression. Therefore, Naam Mantra is given which is the meaning ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. After continuous reciting with complete faith that Brahman essentially will automatically appear. Because, already it is within you.
Q: His question is about trouble, troubles. When body related knowledge dissolves completely are any troubles still existing? Or are they just temporary reduced for a short time? Or are they gone completely?
Body belongs to the five elements. Including mind, ego, intellect. There is bound to be some imbalance in these elements. Trouble with the body can be tolerable, when you know yourself. Pressure or trouble will be reduced. If you see the biographies of almost all saints, they are having a lot of trouble. But they tolerated it because of their Self Realization. Ranjit Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, even Vivekananda, all those saintly people were having a lot of problems, but they are tolerating because they are Self Realized. Because you are holding body, there are bound to be troubles. Prior to body knowledge or prior to beingness there was no trouble at all.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj January 2, 2013.
The whole world. W-O-R-L-D. All world is in him. But the same world also in other, so, how can this be?
M: There is no anything like this. When you are considering yourself in body form, therefore you are thinking like that. Because you are considering yourself in body from, therefore this question arises. You are not in body form. I repeatedly say, your presence is just like the sky.
For example, you see the dream world. In the dream world you see sky, you see moon, you see sun, everything you see. From where it comes? From little presence, limited presence, clicks with the body and the entire show is projected. Little presence, you say ‘I am’. Clicked with the body entire show is projected. Not only that you are seeing this world, this sun, this moon, everything. Your acting, and not only that you are acting in that dream. Some invisible presence is taking the photographs. On awakening you say ‘Oh, I have seen this dream, I was acting like this’ Who is it that has created that world? You are sleeping, deep sleep. You are remembering all those stories. After awakening you are remembering all of those stories. Just like Sudama. You know the story of Sudama? This is what is called Maya.
So, first thing, not to consider, not to consider as a body form. I explain more. Spirit clicked with the body you see the explosion of this world. Just as matchbox and stick. Click you see the fire. Fire is everywhere. Fire is everywhere, because it is there when you click the matchbox and stick you see the fire. So, your presence is everywhere. Only click with the body and see this world ‘I am somebody else’. So, you are everywhere. Death and birth are only for the body. Not for you, not for anybody else. Not for you or anybody else.
Mind, ego, intellect, they are outcome of your body form. Prior to beingness, there is no mind, no ego, no intellect, nothing was there. No body was there. Therefore, one devotee asked the question of Nisargadatta Maharaj: “So every day I see the same world, same people, same sun, same moon.” Nisargadatta Maharaj replied: “You see yourself first, then you see the world. Without your presence you can’t see the world.” In body, if presence was not there, it is a dead body. Who will talk about the world? Who will talk about the people? Along with that spirit, everything goes. The moment spirit dissolves, the world dissolves. Entire world is a drama. The moment the spirit dissolves, entire world dissolves. Who will talk about the world? Who will talk about the relations?
This is only a food body. As long as you are supplying food, it will survive. You stop supplying the food, it will be reduced, reduced, reduced, and then it is gone, thin. So, who supplys the food? You use the food. If you don’t take food for say two weeks or three weeks, your weight is reducing, this fat. This is a food body. So, after knowing this there won’t be any struggle. Why to struggle? Who to struggle? No enemy, no friends. No enemy, no friends. No father, no mother. Because of the ego we are fighting. Unless ego dissolves, we are not able to know ourselves in a real sense. So, ego is supposed to be dissolved. ‘I am, I am’ What ‘I am’? Body is not going to remain constantly. This is a dead body. Ego is number one enemy. Diverting all spirituality. Making slave. We have become a slave of our body knowledge. Slave of mind, ego, and intellect. So, I am alerting. Be cautious. Forget past life. Start new life. This is a new birth. We are considering our self in some body form. After listening to the reality, you are not in body form. No more body form is there. ‘I am Ultimate Truth’.
Q: Why is his spirit is so weak? Why can’t he understand this?
M: There is no ‘why’. Again, we are counting on the base of intellect ‘why’. There is no ‘why’. Because everything is sky. There is no ‘why’ everything is sky. Is sky questioning anything? The sun is questioning? ‘Because of my heat somebody goes, because of my heat somebody is dying’? Is sun saying ‘Oh, I am giving light to everybody.’ It is spontaneous. There is no ‘why’, there is no ‘I’ to question ‘why’. If ‘I’ is there, then ‘why’ is there. If ‘I’ is not there, then the question of ‘why’ is no more.
For which meditation is required. It dissolves all this body knowledge. Ego, mind, intellect. First stage is meditation. As I told earlier. Clean your hard disk. Strong software, software is required, anti-virus software is required. So, Guru Mantra is strong anti-virus software. Everything will be opened. We have so many unwanted information in this laptop. Since childhood. So, since childhood until today, unwanted information, illusory information, we are feeding that laptop. Unless you remove all those unwanted files, you will not get good results. Virus, is confusing, creates problems. With various ways I am trying to convince you.
When you are holding body, some good things, bad things are bound to happen. All saintly faced, all saintly people faced a number of problems. What they realized, ‘I have nothing to do with the body’ and body related knowledge. So, don’t worry. Problems will be minimized. When you go closer and closer to your Selfless Self. After establishing the reality, after conviction. You yourself ‘Oh I am everywhere in the world.’
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 24, 2012.
It’s a simple knowledge. Knowledge of your Selfless Self. Without this body. Just glance what is here with this body bones, flesh and blood. Who is talking from this body? Who is listening from this body? This does not have any body form. That spirit which is listening or talking does not have any body form. The spirit which is talking and listening silently, these are the media for the speaker. Glance within yourself. The moment you have Enlightenment or Realization, Self-Realization. At that time, you don’t need anything or any worldly happiness. Those days Nisargadatta Maharaj refused a visit to this Prime Minister of India, because he was not after any publicity. Some people offered money also, he rejected, no. After Realization worldly happiness will have no meaning. Internal happiness is such that all external happiness becomes, nothing. After this, we are teaching to invite your attention that, when you are searching for happiness in publicity, money, sex, and other objective things, search within yourself. Who is enjoying this happiness? In brief, body is not Ultimate, but the spirit which is holding this body is Ultimate. That Ultimate state, is a totally thoughtless state. Though language is flowing, thoughts are flowing, you remain totally unconcerned with those thoughts. Though you are holding this body, but you are remaining totally unconcerned with the body. Just like you are wearing these clothes. It is not difficult, one thing you should have strong faith within yourself. Don’t do any deliberate effort. But with this strong faith within yourself and with your Master, that internal atmosphere will be totally changed. At that moment entire self will totally disappear. You can see all these changes within yourself. This is not an intellectual knowledge it is an exceptional story of your Selfless Self. How many devotees serious enough to know this Reality? How many devotees are there to know this Reality? People want happiness externally. Running after money, publicity, sex, and so many objectives. Then there is, as the process of life old age came. Old age. At that old age there is fear of the clouds of death, oh. That moment is a very, very, painful moment. Because; you don’t want to leave this body, at the same time you want to leave the body, very, very serious thing. Therefore, you should know what is the secret of death and birth. Nobody’s having experience of death and birth. Death and birth belong to the body only, not to me. This conviction is supposed to be there. You may live your life, your routine life as you like. But; the conviction should be there ‘I am not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain as a body.’ ‘My spontaneous existence is the source of this world. If my Presence is not there, who will see the world?’ All this philosophy, all this spirituality is within yourself only. All these spiritual books, all this listening, are indicating that you are the Supreme of this world. Don’t measure yourself in body form.
What do you say? Though you are living in this world, you remain untouched with the world. What is useful to live this body, to nourish this body, accept it, otherwise reject it. Like this tea. I don’t like to have coffee, so I want this tea, I don’t want coffee. Similarly, what is required for this body’s purposes, you use it, otherwise, reject it. Because; ego, mind, intellect is demanding so many things from the world. Different types of feelings are bound to be there in the body. Something says, ‘Some bad thoughts are coming in the mind, some good thoughts are coming in the mind, some depression is coming in the mind’ Who says all these things? I am trying to invite attention of that experiencer, or witness, of all this atmosphere. Try to concentrate within yourself. While concentrating, that concentration and concentrator disappears. That is Ultimate stage. At that stage there is no Master, there is no disciple, there are no gods or goddesses. All worldly experience dissolves within yourself. This world came into existence when you, experienced spontaneously within you. The moment the spirit clicked with the body, you started seeing the world. Trying to search ‘Who am I?’ After sitting with the Master, he says ‘You are Ultimate.’ Because of long association with the body, we are not having faith of the words of the Master. Therefore, some sadhana, some discipline is given to have some concentration through these spiritual words, this Guru Mantra. After having concentration continuously, continuously, continuously, the spirit will be totally changed. Enlightened stage. At that time, you will say ‘Oh, So That I.’ These are the first steps. We know the knowledge intellectually but not knowing practically, that is a drawback. That is a drawback. We know knowledge, intellectually, mentally, egoistic. But not Reality, really. That is the drawback of our spiritual life. Drawback. Drawback means, what you say? That is the hindrance, kind of hindrance. Through this body you can know yourself in a real sense only. You can easily overcome all types of ignorance. What is the principle ignorance? You are Ultimate, but you started considering you are somebody, a man or woman. Don’t measure yourself, though you are holding the body of a man or woman, don’t measure yourself in body form. This is an external thing. External clothes. Concentrate the spirit which is spontaneous Presence within you. Ultimate when you are concentrating the entire thing will disappear. When you came here you are supposed to be very serious to know yourself. I am repeatedly saying that you must have strong faith within yourself. Any doubts you are having get it cleared from the Master. When you are going from here, you completely remain doubtless. When you are going anywhere you are supposed to be doubtless. You are going to come across with some illusory elements. I told the story about the blind and the elephant. When you have seen the entire elephant why to come across with the blind that say how that elephant is.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 24, 2012.
Today’s questions?
Q: I have a powerful experience today. That vibration we have been talking about, lately it somehow it changed frequency and became more intense. This morning suddenly, it personified into Ranjit Maharaj image and I felt 100% trust there. With this experience. I used to have with Ramesh Balsekar and with you, but never with a person who had passed away. This morning that experience was with Ranjit Maharaj. During morning Bhajans also I felt his presence.
Very nice. Everything opens.
Q: Yes, it feels like something inside opens by itself without my efforts.
It comes out of you only. This is the reflection of your spirit. Nisargadatta Maharaj rightly says that except yourself there is no god, nothing is there. Spontaneous reflections appear before you and you assume the seen. The seen is a reflection of seer. Whatever you see, Ranjit Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar, myself, and so on, it is the seen of seer. It is a good sign. It means that, see, human life we are looking for happiness, everybody.
In human life, everybody wants happiness, peace, tension free life, fearless life. For which in human life everybody is struggling. Spiritual science says there are three types of happiness known to the people. Publicity, some people want publicity, they want to be known to get happiness. Some people are after money, they want to extract money for a source of happiness. Some people are after sex. Spiritual science says these three types. Your happiness is beyond that. Here in these three types of happiness, some object is required. Some material cause is required. But in the case of that spiritual happiness, there is no material cause. There is no object, there is no man, no woman, no money, no publicity, it is spontaneous happiness which cannot be defined cannot be explained in words. I am trying to establish that happiness.
At that moment you are totally fearless, no tension is there. Even some clouds, black clouds are coming, but you are not taking any touch of the black clouds or any circumstances. You are keeping yourself totally aloof, aloof, because you are in your own spiritual life. The life cannot be described but you feel it, there is feeling, spontaneous feeling should be there.
Q: Yes. His image sometime melts down and I felt only myself and he came back again and anyway the same vibration I felt it was very strong.
This is a sign that ego is melting. Intellect, ego and mind is melting, a melting process. You are getting open and open.
Q: Yes, I could see my ego, mind like energy, energy moving.
Ultimately you are coming close with you. Ego, intellect and all that mind will be totally dissolved. Even though you are having experience with the mind, ego, intellect, but you are not giving any importance to all these. You are not taking any qualities from these. These are stages. So, therefore you see everybody bowing down, that means I am giving the ego to you, Master. So, I am totally egoless, no mind, intellect.
Q: Yes, that happened to me when I bowed down to Ramesh Balsekar the first time. And it happened spontaneously, I was shocked, my ego disappeared suddenly.
Yes. That is the basic. But, since ego did not disappear, ego does not dissolve. If you are trying to pray to gods or master’s with ego, that purpose is not severd. Because ego is there ‘I am somebody else, why should I bow down?’ That ego is there, that is a hinderance in life, spiritual life. So, purpose behind it, to give respect to you and to give respect to your Master. Unique example Eklavya. Very, very, unique example. Though Master rejected him “I will not give this knowledge because of certain circumstances.’ But he had full faith in Master. Out of that faith, he got such a knowledge that even Master is surprised. ‘How did he do this?’ Just to encourage, internal Master, external Master is a must.
To be stable in spiritual life your ego is supposed to be dissolved totally. Ego is the cause of your loss of mental happiness. After knowing this spiritual life, this ego, intellect, mind. The moment it dissolves totally you will have such a feeling that cannot be explained in any words. Prior to having this spiritual knowledge, you lived life with the help of ego, intellect, mind. The moment you realize that behind all this ego, mind, intellect my presence is there. At that time the forces or the impressions of the ego, intellect, mind, totally dissolve. One thing to keep in mind for everybody, what we need is happiness, not with the help of any material object or causes but that internal happiness. Instead of searching here and there, if at all you want to search, you search within yourself. So many people, so many masters, so many temples you will get some temporary happiness. One thing is that we need a fearless life. Everybody is having the fear of death. And that moment is very, very, painful. If you are to overcome this fear of death, you have to undergo this spirituality. Find out who is dying and who is taking birth. Death and birth are related to the body only. Spiritual science says that you are not body. Don’t count yourself in body form. It is easy to understand at an intellectual level. But not an internal level. Therefore, in our lineage, sadhana is given. That means you have to recite that Mantra repeatedly. After reciting continuously that Mantra, some dramatic, some miraculous changes are taking place within you internally, internal part of the body.
Because we are a slave of our mind, ego and intellect. We are trying to live under the force of these three things. If it all you want to remove the force of this mind, ego, intellect you have to undergo this discipline. In that case you must have strong faith within you as well as your Master. It is not a blind faith, keep in mind. Because through the media of the Master, you are inviting attention of the listener that you are the source of all this world. So far you are considering yourself as a man or woman and you wanted to extract happiness through this body. Body is having some limitations. Child, young man, old man, all this are body having some limitations. But, spirit is not a child, or young man or old man. This type of concentration is required. Therefore, you must have total humbleness and politeness. Then your ego, intellect, mind will be dissolved. Casual devotion will not work. You must have total devotion.
Because in our lineage we are not expecting any money, or anything commercially. Since you are here, you must know yourself in a real sense. There should not be a dual mind. Be firm. Your foundation, your foundation of spirituality is supposed to be very, very strong. All questions arising within you will be totally, automatically solved. Then thereafter, ultimate stage you will be totally fearless. The main fear, that fear of death, you will overcome that death fear. The main fear within the being of death. When you come to know the secret of death, automatically, you won’t have the fear of death. Because, you realize that birth and death are connected with the body only. I am not body. Simple, after leaving the body whether they are burning or burying, I am not concerned with that. That conviction is most important. Unless you have conviction, doing something, external spirituality will not help you.
One should be very serious to know oneself. In this way I am not discouraging you to live your routine life. You live your routine life very happily. But you know yourself in a real sense. One thing the source of happiness is not the body. It is a temporary relief you are getting through body. You are getting temporary relief, whatever enjoyment you are getting through the body, it is temporary relief. Just like cookie and tea, it is a temporary relief. You must develop your own taste without any object or without any material cause. So, beyond that happiness, nothing is there in the world. I am inviting the attention of the silent, invisible listener within you. Don’t measure yourself in body form. In the world, hundreds of thousands of attractions are there. That is called Maya. You just know what is Maya. These are illusions. As a matter of fact, there is not any existence. The thing that is not real, you see it as real. Just like a mirage. You know mirage?
Q: Yes.
Therefore, basic thing. You must have strong faith within yourself, strong faith with your Master. You are supposed to be totally surrendered with the Master. To your internal Master.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj