Body Is An External Cloth
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj August 7, 2017.
Regarding spirituality, we insist on continuous meditation. continuous meditation does not mean sitting in one place, we remember all-the-ways. Meditation means concentration. Through concentration, all layers of the illusory concepts will dissolve.
There are so many concepts are there. Yesterday there was a lecture in Marathi regarding Dasbodh. It said “Reality, so many layers are there…concept of bodies, that is food-body, and subtle-body, and this body and that body.” So, these are the concepts or layers upon your Ultimate Truth or Presence. So, through meditation, there’s a direct hammering. Through meditation You are hammering the Selfless Self with the result that the Reality will open. The purpose behind that meditation, and that concentration, and that listening from the various Masters, the reading from various books, is that the Spirit is very sensitive, what You impress, it reflects. So, in other words, you could say it is psychological. What you impress on that Spirit, it reflects like that. So similarly, meditation is recommended. That Soham Sadhana, or ‘I Am Brahman, Brahman I Am’, like that. With this process, you will forget your food-body identity and the Reality will be open. What is Reality? You are nothing to do with the body-knowledge. Body- knowledge is illusion. And the body is not going to continue for long time. The body is having some time-limit. So, until body touch dissolves, you are to undergo the meditation. What do we mean by “body touch dissolves”? Just like when you are using clothes. You are using clothes, but you are not feeling that you are wearing clothes. Though you are using the clothes, you remain untouched with the clothes. Similarly, even if you are within the body, you remain unconcerned with the body. You feel totally light, their is no weight, nothing is there. So, there won’t be any type of burden. You remain completely free, weightless. So, like that, to have such things you are to undergo the meditation. And the meditation leads to Ultimate Truth, to Realization or Enlightenment.
Because we are nothing to do, just we are to know that the body is not our identity at all, just a very simple thing. Because if, with the strength of the body-knowledge, you try to extract the spiritual knowledge, that will get the duality. Any devotee of any age, if he at all likes to identify oneself, he has to undergo strictly meditation. Now I told that for meditation, the words are given, Soham, or Shivoham, so many words are given through Masters. That words are hammering the Meditator. And then what hammering? “I am Brahman, Brahman I am; I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. So continuously reciting the Mantra, the Reality that You are Ultimate Truth will be open. And then there will be spontaneous conviction that I am not body at all. And the result is that you won’t face any, another body-based dream. This is a body-based dream, “I am somebody else, my name is something, I have family members, I am male or female, and my family is there, my Master is there, God is there, so many relations are there”. So, all relations, all needs, all requirements came along with the body. Prior to beingness we are unknown to everything: no God, no disciple, no devotee, no master, no brother, no sister, no father, no relations were there. Because there is no body at all. So how you were prior to beingness is just like space or sky. Sky does not have any relations. So, like that, after leaving the body, or prior to beingness, no touch of the anything. So, you remain untouched.
So therefore, I am insisting – almost all that you know, you have got good background, you have got good foundation, spiritual foundation – now you are to just hammer Yourself. You are to be totally free from the body-bondages. Because even if you’ve got spiritual knowledge, these body bondages appear, having spirituality behind this curtain of this body-bondage, body-knowledge, it will not serve your purpose. So, after that you will be totally free. Whatever concept will be there you will have some exceptional internal happiness, peacefulness. Though you are living in the society, or with your friends, and all relations, exceptional happiness, exceptional peacefulness will be there. Though you are holding the body, you remain untouched with body. Just like we are wearing all these clothes. So, we are not feeling that ‘I am wearing clothes, it is there, but you don’t feel that ‘I am wearing clothes.’ Similarly, body is an external cloth. Though you are holding the body, external cloth, you remain unconcerned with that, just like suppose subtle, subtle, subtle light. You can’t describe in any words but that is something – exceptional experience, beyond imaginations. Because Bhausaheb Maharaj while planning all this Inchegeri Sampradaya, he had foresight that everybody should remain with this atmosphere, spiritual atmosphere all the time. Because early morning Bhajan, meditation, afternoon Bhajan, evening Bhajan, and all this, because you want to keep yourself busy with the spirituality.
And at the same time, it’s a practical knowledge. You do your job, do your duties, have your responsibilities, don’t neglect your body, but at the same time you, should be totally concerned with the Selfless Self. That is the idea behind it. No doubt that he is knowing that this Bhajan, meditation, are also illusion. But it is necessary to have conviction, spontaneous conviction of Your Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Identity.
In the beginning Master is necessary. He may be in any form. See I told, I am giving example; that Master is refusing to give the teaching of archery to Eklavya. But even so, he prepared some statue, and he under the statue of that Master he learned archery. So, in that case also, if the physical master is not available, suppose he suppose refuses or anything, you can have the idol of this Master, and you will get instruction from that out of the Master. Because Master is not separate from You. You are a Master, but you’re posing yourself as some body-form, therefore that body-form is supposed to be dissolved.
It is very simple, but very difficult also because you must have strong faith within your Master. Yesterday I told that, there are so many layers upon your Presence. So, remove all these layers, to burn all these layers, you are to undergo strictly the meditation, and you are to follow the instruction of the Master in the beginning very strictly. At the same time, you have your own responsibilities, do your job, do your duties, not to neglect your duties. But at the same time, You must concentrate concentrator.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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