You Are Taking This Drop of Nectar and You Become Immortal
You Are Taking This Drop of Nectar and You Become Immortal Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj.
Maharaj: So, any question for you?
Visitor: Some days I feel there is something happening, but I just continue with the japa Mantra.
M: Continue with the Mantra … after reciting Mantra, original consciousness will create atmosphere of how you are prior to beingness. At that time you forget your body identity. Though you are holding your body identity you remain unconcerned with the body identity. See one Principle is there whatever experiences appear upon your Presence. When the spirit clicked with the body, you feel ‘I’. That consciousness appears. Pure consciousness. Instantly that Consciousness came across with the mind, ego, intellect. And then body started functioning. See the process: prior to beingness there is no experience no experiencer. Nothing is there. When the beingness takes form, body form and consciousness appears, form appears. When the consciousness touches with the ego, intellect, mind, body and started functioning and you say ‘I’. Instantly that ‘I’ is taking pose as a human being, any being. And that form is ‘my identity’ it is accepted by that consciousness. Because prior to consciousness, no form is there, you are basically formless. The moment consciousness takes shape and takes form, it accepts that form is ‘my identity’ which it is not! And then within that form, what you feel ‘I’. That ‘I’ is instantly covered with all this ego, intellect, mind. ‘I’ accepts the body as ‘my identity’. ‘I’ contains all body concepts. ‘I am somebody else’, ‘I’ concept, all illusionary concepts. That is ‘I am somebody else’ ,’last birth’, ‘future birth’, ‘god’, ‘goddesses’ so many concepts. Thousands of concepts imposed or impressed upon us by various sources.
Here in human body it’s an open fact, that the human body is not your identity at all. It is open fact. Human body is having age limit, time limit, which you are not. In pure consciousness there is no time limit. There is no form. The moment that consciousness touches with the body, the Presence touches with the body, you say ‘I’ instantly the ego, intellect, and mind came across. Mind is manufacturing thousands of thoughts per minute and we have accepted thoughts, because we are unknown to our self. Through spirituality you will get spiritual awareness. What is spiritual awareness? ‘I’ was not body prior to beingness, ‘I’ was not body, ‘I’ was not having any form. The moment the Presence touched with the body immediately consciousness came across. And immediately along with the consciousness, mind and intellect takes birth. This is the process. Among all this your Presence is completely separate. Pure Presence, Pure Consciousness, where there is no touch of the body, no touch of the form, nothing is there. In spirituality you ought to identify yourself amongst all this illusionary world. “Where do I stand?”
‘I’ am not body, ‘I’ was not body’ Mind, ego, intellect are also illusionary concepts. They are functioning elements, functioning organs, subtle organs. So, why do we need the state of spirituality? Why visit all the masters? Through masters, as I have told you, there is no difference between master and disciples,it is one part. The Presence, the pure Consciousness is the same within the master and the same within the disciple, there is no separation. So, through language, any language, we are trying to convince our self ‘I am separate from this illusionary world!’ Why? Because there is the pressure of death, fear of death. No peacefulness, no happiness, always tensions. Always there is fear of the death. To come out from this, you have to identify yourself that I am not body identity. ‘I am not body. I was not body. I am not going to remain body’, It’s a fact. And with the result that you will get spontaneous happiness. Prior to consciousness, how you were? At that time, you have got exceptional peacefulness, where there is no experience, no experiencer. Now because of this body form, we are having a lot of experience. What you see ‘I’ am getting this experience. That experience, spiritual experience, something happens. It’s happening and non-happening. Appearing upon your consciousness. If there is no consciousness, there is no happening, no non-happening, no knowledge, no knowledge and no-knowledge are in that Consciousness. If it is not touched with the body all these concepts will disappear.
So, when all body-based concepts disappear, happiness and peacefulness will be spontaneous. So, why are we having Naam Mantra meditation? Through Naam Mantra and reciting Mantra meditation, you are impressing that invisible Consciousness, that you are Brahman, you are Atman, you are Paramatman, you are God you are Master. This act is a deliberate act. With the deliberate act it will convert spontaneously. Then you will forget doing anything deliberately. All actions will be spontaneous. Because at that time, it is called samadhi trance and that time you will totally forget body identity. You totally feel consciousness. No consciousness is there. Though your Presence is there, but there is no consciousness in any form. That Presence or consciousness is within form. But at that time consciousness will be there, but it is an unknown consciousness, invisible Consciousness, invisible Presence. Where there is no fear of death. Where there is no need of happiness. Where there is no need of peacefulness. Nothing is required. And that is your original place of original things.
But this habit of mind creates some confusion and so many problems are there. We are trying to analyze the words of the masters: “why this, why this?” This is contradictory. Don’t do those things because you are wasting your time. Nothing is contradictory. Master says finally: Except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. Because due to consciousness you’re considering yourself a man or woman or human being. In human form, that Consciousness is working, acting, all activities through Consciousness.
So, Consciousness accepted ‘I am the body’. To vanish all this body knowledge, you have to undergo the meditation, it’s a process. So, ultimately what is this body? Just you glance within yourself. Sit calm and quietly and see what is this body. Just glimpses of ‘I’ is there. Just glimpses of ‘I’. Because that ‘I’ has taken form, therefore you say, “I am somebody else.” That concept is supposed to be dissolved. That means not to neglect your body but at the same time you have to have spontaneous conviction that I am not the body, I was not the body, I am not going to remain body. It’s a fact!
So, it is a play of Consciousness. If there is no Consciousness, no knowledge is there, no Presence is there, no experience is there, no experiencer is there, no witness is there, no witnesser is there. So, try to convince yourself. Have some spontaneous conviction. At present think intellectually also, if you think intellectually, forget about spirituality for a moment. If you think intellectually, you are basically formless. This form is not going to survive for a longer time, it is having time limit. Who is acting from this form? Who is making activities from this form? It is pure Consciousness and prior to Consciousness your Presence is there. Prior to your pure Consciousness, Your Presence is there, which is invisible Presence, unidentified Presence, anonymous Presence. Which cannot be defined, it cannot be guessed. And which cannot be explained in any words. There won’t be words. Words are there, language is there; just to communicate thoughts just to communicate the knowledge. Beyond that there is not any importance of the words. So, language is created. Therefore I am requesting all the devotees not to analyze the words of masters. This statement is correct! This master says like this, this master says like this, don’t compare all these statements. What they want to convey is most important. They convey what. Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj and so many masters are there. They convey: ‘You are not a disciple – you are not devotee – you are master – you are the deity’.
Prior to beingness prior to Consciousness how you were? They are talking about that. To convince all these things they are taking some words: consciousness, beingness, conviction, god, master, disciple, these are the words we are using just to convince the invisible listener within you. Just to have spontaneous conviction you have nothing to do with this illusionary world.
Why is it an illusionary world? Because someday after leaving the body the illusionary world will disappear. And what is there after leaving body? What experience is there? Are you a devotee? Are you a deity? Are you a master? Nothing remains! Prior to beingness, prior to a hundred years how you were? You are unknown to yourself. At present even though you are holding the body, you are having form with the body, you are unknown to you. You become unknown through the consciousness, consciousness which is taking the form of human body, you say ‘I am somebody else’ OK, while living in this human body, you can use the human body, but at the same time, there should be spontaneous conviction that: ‘I am nothing to do with the human body, because the human body is not my identity. Basically I am totally formless’ so therefore it is said pure consciousness. Pure consciousness where there is no experience, no experiencer, just Presence within the body. OK!
So, that conviction is supposed to happen for which all these exercises are there. Naam Mantra is there, meditation is there, reciting Mantra is there, reading books are there, because you forgot your basic identity. That ‘I am somebody else’. Basically you are Ultimate Truth, Final Truth. So, stop measuring stop counting yourself in body form. If you continue with the body form and not to accept the Reality, then again there will be possible to have another dream.
So at the time of leaving the body there should not be any fear ‘I am dying’. Because there is no death and no birth for the consciousness. Consciousness though it is in form, it is basically formless. You are formless. So, try to identify ‘Who am I?’ While trying to identify ‘Who am I?’ the identifier will disappear, nothing will remain. Even consciousness will not remain. Just listen to me. But for explaining, some words, I am trying to convince the invisible listener within you. I am placing before you your Ultimate Truth. I am talking about the Invisible Listener not to the body. Because I know that you are formless. Basically, the Speaker from this body and the Listener for this body, there is no difference. Master and disciple: these are the external appearance, but prior to that there is no master, no disciple, no deity, and no devotee.
It is one and the same. Suppose the sky is one when you say ‘this China, this Pakistan, this Russia, America’ or sky is one and one. We have given the name likewise this name is given. This Gopal or something, something, like that. It is the name of the body, but who is the holder of the body? It doesn’t have any name. Name is only Ultimate Truth, Final Truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God or Master, that you are. You have to accept this Reality for which you have to make deliberate effort in the beginning. Which is why we are insisting on meditation. Meditation is always hammering yourself. Hammering that consciousness that you are formless. You are Ultimate Truth, you are Brahman, you are Atman, you are Paramatman. Soham. Soham Sadhana. In our lineage we are giving some Mantra. So that the Mantra is most important, it is acting perfectly. It creates a vibration and out of that vibration originality will be exposed, ‘Oh, so I am That!’. Therefore, the words I am That, so that I, like that. Meaning that I am Brahman, Brahman I am. So, as per the discipline we are not to disclose the Mantra to anybody else. But you have to recite it very seriously not to neglect it because this is a golden opportunity. Being the human body is a golden opportunity. Within this human body, within this human form, you have to try to identify deliberately. Then it will be spontaneous!
So, whatever happens around you, you’ll neglect it. It may be peaceful atmosphere, it may be painful atmosphere. Even though there are a lot of atmospheres, there you remain unconcerned. Because you are knowing that ‘I am nothing to do with all this’. Just like when you see dream it may be good dreams, bad dreams, some bad elements maybe there. So, awakening it is a dream, even if you are awakening in that dream, it is a dream. ‘I am not doing anything because I am not doer!’ ‘My consciousness has taken birth and projected a dream world and I am acting in that dream!’ And when you are knowing in the dream that it is a dream, how can you act? Similarly, in this illusionary world when you know it is an illusionary world all actions are illusionary actions. So, you don’t give any importance to what you are doing, because you are totally not the doer! Because there is no deed at all! So, you are not taking any ego that I am doing something! To have this spontaneous conviction is the reason for which all these exercises are here.
So, not, again I am repeating, not to try to analyze or define masters words. What they want to convey is most important. Your question is supposed to be a practical question, not theoretical question. Not to make some analyzation. Not to make some undue comments. Not to test knowledge. Analysis is not the ground to test knowledge. In each and everybody try to know the practical question and it is the fact that: Except for your Selfless Self there is no God. Prior to consciousness, prior to beingness, your Presence is totally unconcerned with the body knowledge, unconcerned with the world. The moment that Presence touches with the body, consciousness started. That consciousness has taken possession of the body and you started living with this body. So, that illusion is supposed to be dissolved for which all these exercises are there. OK.
Any questions?
V: It is said that there is no difference between waking life and dreams yet in waking life things are very solid. For example, if i leave something on the table it stays there until I or someone moves it. They are the laws of physics, mathematics, biology, etc. There is no such continuity in dreams all is chaos and it is rare to find any sort of continuity from one dream to the next. When I awaken from a dream I return to the same life and situations of my present life. How can it be said that waking life is no different than a dream?
M: How are you prior to beingness? Any dream was there? After leaving body, what dream was there? Any physical life is there? Chemical life was there, or any life is there? How are you prior to beingness? The moment that consciousness touched with the body you started all this logical questioning.
There is no logic. There is no knowledge prior to beingness. There is no knowledge. You are unknown to yourself. In dreams, you are watching dreams you’re in deep sleep so, you see so many things. Who has manufactured all these things? So, in dreams, your Presence is there. In present life your Presence is there. Presence is common in dream and this one. The Experiencer within the dream, the experiencer within the illusionary world is one and the same. So, therefore there is no difference between experiencer. It is invisible Experiencer which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. The entire world is projected out of Presence. The dream world and this world is projected out of your invisible Presence, so you are the Principle behind all these things. In dreams your Presence is there; in this world also, your Presence is there. If there is no Presence, can you see yourself? Nothing is there.
So, in dreams, you are acting as if somebody else. In this illusionary world, you’re acting as somebody else. When you come to know all these physical problems? Science, science came into existence along with the Consciousness. If there is no consciousness, if you leave your body tomorrow early morning what experiences are you having? Prior to a hundred years what experiences are you having, nothing. So, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. Because you are posing yourself in body form, therefore you are having all these concepts. So, for which meditation, reciting the Mantra, spirituality is required to identify yourself. How you are prior to beingness? That identification. Spontaneous identification must be there. Then all these questions will be totally dissolved.
V: When I am reciting the Mantra, do I have to pay attention to the meaning of the Mantra?
M: Not necessary. You do it. These are the words you know the meaning, so you need not be required to concentrate on the meaning of the Mantra. Mantra is acting spontaneously. When you take a drop of poison are you thinking what will happen the result will be same, death. So, similarly, you take this drop of nectar, the result will be immortality. So, not to concentrate on this meaning of the Mantra. Mantra will act spontaneously within you and then you will be the vibration and you will identify yourself in real sense.
Any more questions? This is direct knowledge. There is no hide and seek. Because everything is behind you. You are Principle. You are Central Point. Your spontaneous identity is central point of this world. So, what you think, what you consider, what you see, it is the seer’s reflection. Because this is a food body and a food body, as I have told you the mometn awareness is there, the moment that consciousness is there, you started thinking. Immediately that ego, intellect, mind started touching with you and created so many thoughts. And you consider this world as a true world. This is not a true world. Just like the dream world is not a true world. Because in dream world your Presence is there; in this world also, your Presence is there. So, this world is just like a dream world, but this is long dream.
Prior to beingness nothing was there. No dream world is there. No illusionary world is there. Existence of the world came along with your Consciousness. If there is no Consciousness, no Presence in the body, who talk about all these things. Therefore, I repeatedly say not to analyze each and every word. Not to compare present world with dream world. Behind everything your Presence is there. You are Central Point. If there is no seer in this body who thinks about all these things? And to vanish all these illusory concepts, you have to undergo strictly meditation. Have some practical knowledge. Do some practice. It is most important. Desperately required for this practice. If there is no practice only dry discussion and dry knowledge, it will be meaningless. So, don’t waste your time in comparing the words and these things. Try to identify yourself. Read some books. “I Am That”, “Selfless Self” and some Ramana Maharshi, and so many good authors are there. If you read it thoroughly, not casually. Read it thoroughly and then try to identify what they want to convey. My Master, Nisargadatta Maharaj, says except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman. What more do you want?
Because you are measuring and counting yourself in body form, therefore, all these questions arise. No question is there. Because questioner itself ends questioner. Questioner does not know that I am the questioner. But to questioner you have given some form as a man or woman or somebody else. If there is no Presence, suppose for a moment, there is no Presence? Where is the question? Is the dream there? Is this illusionary world there? If you leave your body-form and there is no Presence there, for a moment, they throw away the body! Burning or bury!
‘I am’ is doing this thing. ‘I am’ is doing that thing. ‘I am’ is seeing this thing. Where is that ‘I’? ‘I’ disappears along with the body. Try to identify that ‘I’. If there is no Consciousness who says ‘I’? If there is no Presence who says ‘I’? The moment the ‘I’ was projected, the body was projected along with the world. It maybe a dream or it maybe this present dream. Stop measuring yourself in body form. How are you prior to body form? You do not know anything. After leaving body how you will be? Any activities are there? After leaving body after your Presence disappears from the body any activities are there? Nothing is there. So, everything comes out of nothing and dissolves within nothing. Can you see a dream after leaving the body? Can you see the present thing? When that Presence disappears from the body can a dead body act? Can a dead body tell you anything is there? Nothing is there. So, basic concept you have to forget that ‘I am somebody else’. You’re not somebody else. You’re everybody. All forms are projected out of you. Yes.
V: This is not an attempt to analyze words but for clarification, Nisargadatta Maharaj said:” the purpose of Mantra is to surrender the seen to Brahma.” How is this done?
M: Yes. He correctly said. Because the moment that spirit touched with the body the concept ‘I am somebody else’ it came out. The Consciousness accepted ‘I am somebody else’. And for this Nisargadatta Maharaj says the Mantra is acting. The Mantra is meant as the final truth. The Mantra is hammering yourself ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. That meaning. So, it acts spontaneously. Because you forgot your identity. Suppose somebody lost his memory. At that time you are showing some articles that is known to him. The purpose behind that until he gets his original memory back. The same thing. The Spirit is very sensitive. It forgot its identity. For which the Mantra, the words are there. Through which the meditator is concentrating. Invisible meditator within that says ‘I am Brahman’. Brahman is Ultimate Truth, you’re Final Truth. So, all the saintly people say the same thing: “try to identify”. You are identifying yourself in body form, it is illusion. Therefore, concentrate on concentrator within you then concentrator will disappear!
V: That means the surrendering of the seen.
M: Yeah, yeah, yeah. In the initial stage you have to make it a deliberate act. Then it is not necessary. You surrender body knowledge ‘I am not body’. Any question is there?
V: No. No more questions are there.
M: OK, I think this is sufficient for today. If we go on talking, talking the same thing. We are talking in different words. Same thing we are talking in different words. Simple! Try to identify your Selfless Self. Prior to consciousness how you were? After leaving Consciousness how will you be? And through Consciousness you are observing this world, watching this world. How existence is true or false? That you ought to identify! OK. Short and sweet!
V: Very sweet.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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