You Are Running After a Mirage
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 3, 2017.
You are running after a mirage. You know mirage? Nothing is there. But we are running from here, spirituality, spirituality… Why? Because we are deceiving our Self. Everything within you but you are not identifying yourself. You are not knowing yourself. So, this is basic idea, not concept. This is basic Realization, basic Knowledge. To identify, we are placing before you the Reality, your Reality. Not reality of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. These are good words, because you are playing with all these words. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, I-Am, it’s okay. Concept, not bad concept. What do they indicate? Out of this concept, what do they indicate? They indicate that except your Selfless Self nothing is there. That conviction is supposed to appear and for that conviction everybody is struggling. Everybody, every being is struggling. Because though we know literally, after reading so many books. If you ask the question, there is no peacefulness inside, no happiness inside. Something needs are there, to know something. No peacefulness there. What is there fear? Tension is there. Why this? Because we are not knowing our Self. We know so, so, many things, but we are not knowing our Self. Spirituality is teaching you, try to Identify Yourself. Know yourself in a Real Sense. It is Knowledge. Knowledge means just to Identify, know yourself in Real Sense. We are knowing our self in body-form and that is illusion. Very simple thing. That means not to neglect your body. Not to neglect your responsibilities. Whatever responsibilities you are to carry out. You are employed, you are businessman, family member, take care of them, what is there? And during the process of this life you are to identify yourself. Thoughts are flowing, not to struggle with the thoughts. “Why these bad thoughts are coming? good thoughts are coming?” They are there, it’s the nature of the body. Mind is factory manufacturing thoughts. But because we are struggling, therefore getting irritations. Not to struggle thoughts. It’s okay, thoughts which is useful for your routine you can accept it, otherwise throw it out. Very simple thing. There is total lifestyle will be changed. For which you have got to have some Courage to dissolve all these illusionary concepts.
Is it clear?
Q: Somehow yeah.
Maharaj: Why somehow?
Q: Yeah, it’s clear.
Maharaj: Why somehow? It’s a plain Knowledge, plain Truth. Why somehow?
Q: It’s clear because I can say nothing, so….
Maharaj: It’s very simple language. Very simple. Even if you think logically, even you are thinking intellectually, the Reality is there. This is not your identity at all. Body is not your identity at all. Some or other day willingly or unwillingly we are to leave this. You are not to become a spiritual master. Try to Identify, then next there won’t be any dream like this.
Q: Sorry, “next…”?
Maharaj: So, if you discard all the concepts there won’t be any dream like this. You are to discard all the concepts, including “I Am Brahman”. Brahman also concept. Because you are not knowing prior to beingness whether ‘I am Brahman’ or Atman, Paramatman. These words came after living – after touching the body only. We came across all these words, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. So many words when that Spirit clicked with the body. Prior to beingness you are not knowing any single word because we are not knowing our Self. Because you are Totally Formless. As of today, You Are Formless. This form is not your identity at all.
Q: (inaudible) But I think there is something else. umm?
Maharaj: Don’t, don’t think! Why to think it? This is the Reality. When you are thinking you are taking position ‘I am man or woman, or I am male or female.’
Q: No something inside the form, there is a sense of beingness. It’s just a sense of being.
Maharaj: Who is experiencing sense of beingness?
Q: This is just a sense.
Maharaj: What is that sense? Where is that sense prior to beingness? After leaving body any sense remains?
Q: Somehow there is an experience of living (inaudible). A sense that.
Maharaj: This is imagination.
Q: It’s imagination?
Maharaj: Do you know anything, any memories prior to beingness?
Q: No
Maharaj: Because you are Formless. After leaving body any memory remains?
Q: In formlessness.
Maharaj: You are Formless. All answers are within you. Prior to beingness you are formless, at present you are formless, after leaving body you’ll be formless. There is no any “How I Am?” It is called just like a space or sky. Sky does not know ‘I am sky or space.’ Similarly, Presence within you is not knowing itself as ‘I am Presence.’ It’s Invisible, Anonymous, Unidentified, cannot be defined. You should take from this Ashram something. To discard all the concepts. That’s the purpose behind this, because we are not want any expectation from you. Expecting You should learn something, you should earn something. Be Something, Which You Are Already That.
Because this is an opportunity. Human body is an opportunity to know your Selfless Self, to Identify yourself. Nothing is required for that. No garland is required, no money is required, but you try to Identify. Body is an, say, instrument through which you can Identify Yourself. What is it? Bones are there, blood is there, flesh is there. I was small child now I am old man – is it my identity? Not at all. Some or other day we are to leave this. It’s firewood. But you are having strong faiht with this. Everybody wants to survive longer time. It’s born with a time limit. So, not to waste your time, do your job, do your duties. But during the process of this lifetime, try to identify. What to accept what not to accept, up to you. You rely on yourself. Rely on your Inner Voice. Which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, which is not separate from you. You need not to go to anywhere to find out the Reality. The Reality starts from you, the Reality ends within you.
You must have strong faith within yourself, which you are lacking. We know everything, but we are not knowing our Self.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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