Who says, ‘I am’?
Who says, ‘I am’? Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj August 2, 2017.
“Who says “I am”? How that “I am” is? You can’t guess. There is No Logic. There no any inferences. You can’t define also. I Am Beyond Definition, because It is not having specific identity. See what is in the body? Just Glimpses of ‘I’ only. I Am, Just I So there’s no need of any – have of gods and goddesses. God and goddesses are imaginary. Saint Tukaram said “All gods and goddesses are imaginary gods and goddesses.” They’ve taken birth along with this body. This Body Is Not Your Identity At All. So identification of gods and goddesses came along with the body only. As a matter of fact, existence of god, or creation of god, came across along with the body and you are not body at all.
So what is the Purpose of Spirituality? You are holding so many bodies, male body, female body. Who is listening from this body? Who is talking through the body? Who is making activity from the body? That Invisible Unidentified Energy called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master That You Are!
But since childhood until today, and so because of long association with the body, we are having strong faith, belief, in this food-body. Food-body having some time-limit. Not to the Holder of the food-body. So now, we can understand intellectually. I Am Not Body, It Is Fact, it is Open Fact. Body is having some time-limit, 60, 70, 80 years, what-have-me. After, willingly or unwillingly you are to leave the body. So, we are to Identify Our Self In Real-Sense. We are identifying our self in body-form, that is illusion. So, we are to discriminate what is illusion, what is The Reality. What You See It is Illusion, Through Which You See It Is Reality. Through Which You See It is Called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master That You Are. But all the time we are measuring our self in body-form and that is illusion. So, Try to Identify. Because so many concepts engraved upon you since childhood until today. You are man or a woman, you are dying, death is there, birth is there, past life, future life. No Life Is There!
Why to count beads? Some people think you count beads, what is the use of counting beads? Take so many “ram, hanuman, jai hanuman, jai ram jai ram” why what is the use? Nothing is there, it is meaningless. Prior to beingness do you think that “jai ram jai ram jai ram”? No jai ram jai ram jai ram. So, though the Spirit tempted to count the beads “Ram Ram, Ram”, I Am Inviting Attention of That Spirit That Yourself Is Ram! Ram is not separate. They mention that, it is said that in the – religious science says, Brahma is giving birth. Then Vishnu is protecting or supplying food or something, taking care of the bodies. And third thing is Shiva. He is vanishing the bodies like that. The god of death, the Shiva-God. The caretaker, Vishnu. And birth-giving by Brahma. Here is the question, ok, who has given birth to Brahma? Who is Brahma’s Father? ‘Brahma is your father’, who is the father of Brahma. Vishnu taking care of you, who is taking care of the Vishnu? Then, god of death is Shiva. So, what happened to Shiva? Who is taking his soul from, when his time is end, after his death? So, these are the concepts developed, religious science, it is imaginary. And we’re again, we’re developing the same concept, under the pressure of the same concept. So, you are to discard all these concepts, no reasoning is there. “Ram, Ram, Vishnu, Vishnu “all these concept, a waste of time. You are to come to some conclusion.
Yes, you want to ask something?
Q: Maharaj, even for discussion, exactly for discussion can we say like, Ultimate Truth used body for to know Itself?
Maharaj: Ultimate truth is Not….
Q: Only for discussion
Maharaj: Ultimate Truth is Not Separate from You.
Q: For discussion, to separate it.
Maharaj: It is Ultimate Truth because around Ultimate Truth so many concepts are there. So, one should not become the victim of all these illusionary concepts. What I am referring, all this background, because there are so many things are there. And people asking “yes is this last birth is there, future birth is there? If I take “Ram, Ram” Naam is it ok? (inaudible) Naam is there, so many – Hanuman Chalisi is there, so many concepts. These are the concept. Not bad. In the beginning it’s necessary. But it is not useful at the time of leaving your body. If you say “Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram” at the time of leaving the body, it will not help you. This is just a name given to some body-based-concept. To say ‘Ram, Ram’ also to say some ‘Shivaya, Shivaya’, energy is required. I Am Inviting Attention Of That, That Energy Through Which You Are Talking, through which you are watching the world, through which you are watching your dreams and all. That energy called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master That You are. After Spontaneous Conviction, your all actions or reactions will be illusionary. Because after Conviction appears Spontaneously there is no birth, no death. Why should I afraid of the death? No death is there. What is the body? Nothing is there, just Glimpses of ‘I’ is there.
Therefore, to have Spontaneous Conviction, you are to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation just hammering, as I have told, hammering. Because you have forgot your Identity. Though you have got direct knowledge, I am Brahman, it is not confirmed, it is not convinced, it is not, there is no conviction. To have Spontaneous Conviction you are to undergo strictly meditation. Through meditation you are hammering yourself ‘I am Brahman – Brahman I am – I am Brahman – I Am Brahman. It is Called Soham Sadhana. So that is the base of this spiritual knowledge. With the result all concept, of religious concept, or any concept will be discarded. In the Bhagavad Gita it is said that – I give some reference for your knowledge – what he says, “discard all religion (speaking Marathi) discard all religion, and through Which the real form came into existence that Invisible I, You Bow Down to That.” Through which you are identifying all religions, forget about it, it is meant just for a happiness or for peacefulness of the society. So, discard all this, it is illusionary religion. So, Presence appear in you, Invisible Presence appear in you since you are Ultimate Truth. So, the purpose behind that, Except Your Selfless Self there is No God, No Brahman, No Atman, No Paramatman. Ram, Krishna – so many names are given to that Ultimate Truth, but it is not that, it is for the identification. It is not ram, Krishna, or something, something. Therefore Tukaram, Saint Tukaram said “All these are imaginary god, and will dissolve with the imaginations. You Are Separate from That. So be stick up with the Real, with Reality. It is the Reality, called Ultimate Truth That You Are. That’s the Principal of Spirituality.”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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