What Is The Best Way?
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 14, 2017.
Q – In your own words, what is the best way to incorporate self-inquiry with reciting the Mantra?
M – There is no specific best way. You can recite Mantra all the time. You forgot your identity, for which Mantra is there. Prior to Beingness there is no Mantra, therefore which you choose best way, that is the best way, there is no specific best way. So according to your convenience you can recite the Mantra. Reciting Mantra is most important. Because by that way, you are hammering, you are trying to get your original memory that you are Ultimate Truth, ok?
Q – What is the best way to increase faith and devotion?
M – As I told, there is no best way, the way which is you choose, that is the best way. Try to identify, the principle behind that: you have to identify your Self in real sense. There is no specific best way or not best way. The way which you choose is most important. It is all illusionary concepts: “this is the best way, this non-best way”, it is not like that. What you choose is best because you are Master, you can choose the way that is best.
Q – What is the best way to practice Self–Enquiry during the day?
M – See day and night is not … you are told to recite Mantra all the time, ALL THE WAY…. Reciting Mantra is most important than finding out the best way. The ways through which you are reciting Mantra, that is the best way, so there is not any specific best way or non-best way.
Q – I usually listen to the Bhajans all day long. Does it have the same effect to just listen to them or is it necessary or recommended to sing them instead?
M – You just listen to the Bhajans, that is most important, singing is optional. If you can sing, very good. If it is not possible, just listen to Bhajans. That will serve your purpose, because by listening the Bhajans, you are impressing your Ultimate Truth you are Brahman or Atman.
So there is no any discrimination: “best way, good way or bad way, bad energy, good energy”, these are all illusionary concept. Basically, you are Unborn, you are Formless, so “best way, non-best way”, it is no discrimination. What way you choose, that is most important. There is now way at all. As a matter of fact, there is no way at all, so why to consider best way, good way or bad way? There is no way. It is Ultimate Truth that you are Ultimate Truth. For Conviction of Ultimate Truth, which way you find easy, that you can follow it, there is no discrimination. So don’t expect some best way, this is not astrology: “this good time or bad time”, no good time, bad time, so it is all illusionary concepts.
Basically, you are Unborn. Because you forgot your identity. Therefore Mantra is there, meditation is there, necessity of the Master is there, Bhajans is there, meditation is there, so many things are there. To gain your memory, you forgot your identity because prior to Beingness, there is no best way, good way or bad way, after leaving body which best way is there? So, all these concept appear during the body form. And as a matter of fact, you are not body form. That is most important. You have to convince your Self that- “I am not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain body. I am Formless, therefore I am Unborn. There is no birth and death to me”– That Conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously. For which, first we are advising meditation. Through meditation recite the Mantra, till you get Conviction. You’ve got to do all these things, exercises. No exercise is required. Because prior to Beingness, there is no exercise. So, good way, best way, bad way, no bad way, nothing is there. Nothing good, nothing bad, nothing best way, nothing bad way, nothing is there. So, this is illusionary world, nothing was there. Entire world is projected out of your Presence. This is illusionary world, it is a dream world, in dream world, which is the good way, which is the bad way, nothing is there. In dream, which is good time or bad time? Nothing, good time, bad time, all concepts. So not to think in that way, just to try to convince your Self that you are Ultimate Truth. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, are names given to you, not to body form, that Conviction is there. “Singing Bhajans is necessary or listening Bhajans is necessary?”. Mostly listening Bhajans is most important. Because by listening Bhajans, you are impressing, the sound is impressing all the way on the Presence. So it will be good result. Creating some vibrations, so listening Bhajans is most important, if you can sing, no problem. But you can listen. You may be not understanding the meaning of the words, but the sound is giving some effect, it is creating some vibration within you.
Q – If you create this vibration yourself by your voice, is it better?
M – It is better but if it is not possible, I don’t insist for singing, you can listen it no problem. Language may be different, for spirituality language is not…English language, French language, language is created by us. Once, Gurudev Ranade, a close disciple of Bhausaheb Maharaj -Bhausaheb Maharaj was not knowing English and then there are some lectures translated by Guru-Ranade and he was reading it in English. And Bhausaheb Maharaj said “this is wrong”. Bhausaheb was not knowing any English. But then Guru-Ranade found out that what Bhausaheb Maharaj said was perfectly right. When Guru-Ranade was reading this English translated literature of Bhausaheb lecture, Bhausaheb at a certain point says, “this is wrong you, have to correct it”. So, Guru- Ranade said, “if you are not knowing English, how can you point out all these corrections? The corrections are perfectly right”. So, who has created language? Divine language, everybody knows Atman, Paramatman, is not your language. So like that, language does not matter.
So, emphasis for that, your Identity Conviction is most important, ok.
Q – Once Baba told us, you are very lucky you are a foreigner: you don’t understand, you don’t need to understand it, you just accept it…
M- Yes, you have to accept it, just accept it, instead of creating any, asking question, just what your Masters, accept it, that’s enough.
Q – And then because of this, if somebody read Dasbodh in Marathi, it’s much more feeling because this is natural vibration coming.
M – Because Presence within the body is one and the same. See, just like sky does not have any special identity, Nashik sky is different? Bombay sky is different? Russian sky is different? American sky is different? Sky is the sky everywhere. Similarly, Invisible Presence within all the bodies is one and the same. So it may be Marathi, it maybe English, it maybe French, it makes no difference, because we are identifying with the body, body is not your identity at all, Ok.
Q – Maharaj tomorrow so and so is leaving.
M – What you have been told just follow it that’s enough. What you listen……
Q – Now I have a way to become what I am really.
M – Recite the Mantra, meditate it that is enough for you. And Mixlr App is there, you can listen Bhajans and all program. That’s enough, nothing is required. Not to do anything. Not to go anywhere. Just follow what I told you.
Q – Avoid complexity, be simple …
M – Be silent, be patient, be humble, be normal, not to struggle with the mind, not to struggle with the people, that’s enough. What you’ve been told is more than sufficient. Because Brahman is not separate from you, that is the main principle of Spirituality. “Mind, ego, intellect”, so many concepts are there, where are those mind, ego, intellect prior to Beingness? Nothing was there. No birth, no death, nothing is there. Is sky having birth or death? No. Does sky have any awakening? Nothing is there. So now you have to do some exercise in the beginning, till you get Conviction, that’s enough. Be bold! Nothing wrong with you, Ultimate Truth is not separate from you.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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