We Are Teaching Practical Spirituality
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 5, 2017.
We are holding the body, measuring our self in body-form, and that is not Reality. The principle behind spirituality is that, different bodies are there, we are measuring our self in body-form, “I am somebody, I am somebody.” Actually, within the body there is Invisible Presence. There is not any shape. No special identity. It is called Unidentified Identity, it’s called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. That You Are. But despite this knowledge you are not accepting the reality, therefore you are wandering here and there to find out Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. Visiting so many masters, meaningless. Visit your own Master.
What Jnaneshwar, and all the saintly people say, “You are the center of the world. If there is no Presence who will talk about the world?” That means entire world projected out of your Presence. Presence is not different with this body, it’s everywhere in every being. Lord Krishna said in the Gita “My Presence is Everywhere.” That Conviction is supposed to appear for which you are struggling. Why you not getting any happiness, no peacefulness, happiness. Always tension is there, fear is there, because we are not identifying our self in a real sense. We are identifying, since childhood till today as a man or woman, and trying to know our self with the body form, that is illusion. That illusion is supposed to be dissolved.
Then though you are knowing literally I am Brahman, how can that reality be absorbed within us? For which spiritual science says, only you are to undergo the meditation. And what is the meditation? Sitting like this? Reciting the mantra? Not that. Your Total Involvement is there. Total Touch with Selfless Self. “Yes, my Master says you are Brahman!” Then slowly, silently, and permanently all body-effect will be dissolved.
At present, we were posing ourselves as forms, human form, so all concepts related to the body-form will be dissolved through meditation, and that meditation will be spontaneous from you. Naam Mantra that is given by Master, that will recite automatically without your knowledge. And at that time, at the Ultimate Stage you forget all this identity. Though you are holding body, doing all these jobs, you remain unconcerned with all these activities. Exceptional Happiness, Peacefulness is there.
Don’t have to go to any material cause to cause happiness. For which you are doing all this spirituality, and so on. Its indicating, inviting the attention of the Listener, that except your Selfless Self there is no God, No Brahman, no Atman.
But we are taking very casually, “oh okay, okay”. You are to be serious about knowing yourself. Because human body is an opportunity. Though we are holding the body we are to Identify Yourself in a Real Sense. If you take casually then again you may see such type of dream. So, this is the last dream. There should not be another dream. Because we become victim of our own concepts, so all body-based concepts supposed to be dissolved. That is the purpose behind spirituality.
Everybody coming here, taking Mantra, listening, then no good. Because of lack of faith, lack of confidence again going here and there. You should be stopped somewhere. Because everything is within you. I repeatedly say except you Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman. Why to go here and there? Why is there pressure to go here and there? Because you are posing yourself in body-form. It’s a Fact. Even if you think intellectually. Body is not your identity prior to beingness. After leaving body, what happened to body? So, your Presence is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. That will be accepted, that Conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously.
And for which, again you are to repeat, recite mantra, devote some time for you. Only discussion, dry discussion on spirituality, meaningless. Be practical, do your job, do your duties. Not to neglect your responsibilities. I’m asking everybody, I told everybody, don’t neglect, spirituality is not separate from you. Some people want to become sanyasi What is sanyasi? Wearing all these necklaces, neglecting all these responsibilities, not sanyasi. You are to throw out all concepts, body-based concepts. Try to find your Real Self. It is not difficult at all. But we are not paying so much attention for our self. Still we’re having some mind is working inside. Intellect is working inside. Ego is working inside. Directly or indirectly we have become the victim of our own mind, ego, intellect. Mind is very tricky. Manufacturing so many thoughts. You are accepting that thoughts and going along with the thoughts. It should be stopped. Okay, having of thoughts is nature of the body because the body belongs to 5 elements. But your identity is Exceptional Identity which is not limited to the body, through which the entire world is projected. If there is no awakening in the morning who will talk about the world and God? Try to identify yourself in a Real Sense. It’s the principle of spirituality.
There are so many words, so many languages, so many things are there. But within all this knowledge where do I stand? That is the question. Who am I? That is the question. After trying to find out Who Am I? That I-am also disappear. So, this is the purpose of spirituality. Jnaneshwar says “I’m going down, earlier to earlier, where there nothing was.” Through which, speech, through which you’re talking, language, words, through which words are appearing. It’s called- 4 languages are there. So, it comes from this body. “Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari”)—Para means the thoughts, subtle thoughts are there. Pashyanti you can experience the thoughts. Madhyama coming from here (heart). Vaikhari come from mouth, instantly. First thoughts are appearing, you don’t know and then second stage, you experience the thoughts, then it comes to the neck, then it comes out. This is spiritual process, not to pay so much attention. That means, through which you are talking, through which you are listening, that Invisible Presence is called Brahman.
So, when you are trying to identify the Brahman, the identifier disappears. Nothing remains. That You Are. Where Everything Ends There, You Are. That Conviction is supposed to appear, for which you are to undergo strictly meditation. It’s the only source. Meditation is not sitting all the time, 2 or 3 hours, but you are to – complete involvement is there. Complete Devotion is there. After being here, you may be anywhere in the world, Complete Devotion, “Yes, my master says I am Brahman, I am Brahman”. No other thoughts. Like that, Conviction is required. So, nothing doing here. Not to do anything. Because there are not any expenses, not any restrictions, not any exercise, just to identify yourself then you will stay firm with the Perfection of the Identity. It’s the purpose of spirituality.
So, if I go on talking hours together, it will be meaningless. It’s a very simple principle.
Entire world is projected out of your Invisible Presence. That You Are. It’s called Brahman. But, you can use this body. You are holder of the body. Body is not your identity at all. That Conviction is supposed to be appear. So Be with You All the Time, recite mantra, what is given to you by Master. It’s one and the same thing. Meditation means you may utter any words which is given by Master, but meditation is most important. Through which you can be very, very close with You. Listener within.
In that lecture, he says – Amrut means nectar – after taking nectar, how it reflects, in our body, spiritual body. Nectar means after having the Knowledge through Spiritual Master, and it absorbs, how it reflects? Through Masters you have got Knowledge that means you are Ultimate Truth. That is called Nectar. After taking, after consuming the Nectar, how that spiritual body reflects? It’s a question. And I have given the symptoms of the Sadhu, Sannyasi, Saint. You become one with the Ultimate. There is no separation. Though you are holding body you are, he is one with himself. Himself, those are the words. But there is no special identity. Swarup, it is called Swarup, that means Selfless Self, there is nothing separation. Just like sky. Sky is everywhere. Sky does not have any parts. Indian sky, Chinese sky, Sky is Sky, Everywhere, like that, Presence is Everywhere. But it does not depend upon the body. That Conviction is supposed to appear, for which you are to undergo meditation, it’s the only source to identify yourself.
And that through Master, what the Master has told you, you must accept it. Master has told you that except your Selfless Self there is no God. It’s your Reality. So why to go here and there to find out God and Brahman. It’s not difficult to find out Brahman and God. Brahman is not some material matter. Brahman is formless Ultimate Truth which you are holding, you are having. Except your Self there is no Ultimate Truth. That Conviction is supposed to appear it’s the purpose of spirituality. So, be strictly with meditation in the beginning and then after having meditation that Knowledge will be absorbed spontaneously within you. Then you need not make any special efforts. Your purpose of spirituality is just to identify yourself in a Real Sense. We identify our self as this body-form, but it is not true. It is illusion. It’s the only thing.
Yes? Okay! So Be with You. This is the purpose, this is direct knowledge. Not to do, nothing you have to do. Because you’re not doer, there’s no deed. How you were prior to beingness, do you know anything about past birth, future birth? Nothing. In between? Any seen? No, nothing is there. No present, no past, no future, nothing is there. To know nothing, you are to do something. That’s the Meditation. That will clear from you only, because Source of the spirituality is within you. We are finding here and there.
Any question for you? Very simple thing. Very simple thing. Became complicated by so many sources. Very simple thing. Entire source of this world starts from you only. The moment Spirit clicked with the body you see the world. Prior to awakening we are not knowing what the world is. We’re not knowing any Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Lord Krishna, Lord Something. Nothing Knowing. Prior to beingness do you know any Shiva, Shankara, or some Krishna or Brahma, nothing was there. All this information appeared when the Spirit clicked with the body. We are unknown to our self. After leaving body what happens? What happened to your Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and Lord Shiva. I am not criticizing it, but all these detailed devotees of Brahman came along with your awakening. If awakening disappear, if Presence disappear, who knows what is Brahman, what is Atman, what is Paramatman? So, all answers are within you. So, after going deep and deep in your Selfless Self, reality will be merged. Then knowledge, difficult knowledge complicated knowledge will come out. All questions will be solved within you.
So now the ball is in your court. How to act, how to live, up to you. Despite that if you have temptation to go here and there, what to do? It’s direct knowledge. OK. Keep in mind: be practical we are teaching practical spirituality.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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