Trust Your Selfless Self
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You can’t guess. ‘How I am’. ‘After death of body, what happens to me?’ Are you giving any thought when coming in this world? When Presence came into existence in body form, prior to that are you thinking what will happen? Just like a dream world. Seer’s reflection. Without your Presence you can’t see the world. This is ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’. Entire world is projected out of your spontaneous Presence. No death is there, no birth is there. To have this spontaneous conviction, again I am repeating, meditation is most important. Literally you are knowing, intellectually you’re knowing. Intellectual knowledge, literal knowledge. Knowledge is supposed to be spontaneous conviction. You are Reality, You are Reality. There is no knowledge, no knower. Unless body knowledge dissolves, we are not able to know ourself in a real sense. To dissolve the body knowledge, you have to undergo strict meditation. Not sitting like this. Know the Reality. Simple example, somebody abuses you, ‘I take revenge.’
Q: You can recite Mantra all the time?
Yes, Yes, you can recite the Mantra all the time. No restriction is there. Then it will be spontaneous. Example, you are Max. You are Max, no. Are you saying ‘I am Max, I am Max, I am Max.’ Thousand people call Max, ‘Oh, I am Max.’ That means that particular word, becomes close and close, there is no difference between Max and yourself. This body is called ‘Max’. You have got spontaneous conviction. Master says ‘You are Brahman.’ But you are not accepting that. You accept body knowledge, body name. This is called ‘hand’, this is called ‘fingers.’ Someone said this is fingers, same, they are something here. In your childhood, you are taught fingers. If taught different ‘Oh, no these are eyes, look at my eyes.’ So what you impress to the spirit, it accepted it. We have created the words, we have given the name to all of the words. Go deep and deep in your Selfless Self.
Q: Maharaj it appears the main problem is whom to trust? If oneself trusts his Guru, no problem at all. If oneself trusts somebody else, problem appears.
Trust your Selfless Self. Trust your Selfless Self. Because when you say Guru, to say Guru your Presence is required.
Q: My Guru is my Selfless Self.
Of course. If Selfless Self is not there, if Presence is not there, who will talk about the Guru and Master and God? Because you are unknown to you the form of the Guru is inviting attention that you are Ultimate Truth. Just like Lion and Lamb story. You are already Lion. You were brought up with some sheep and goats, therefore you say I am a goat and sheep. I leave you with the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj, very important words. Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master.
Q: But I do not except it literally.
It’s open fact. It’s open fact. To absorb this knowledge you have to undergo meditation. Concentration. You are not separate from Reality. You are Reality. Impression of the body is there ‘I am somebody else.’ Directly or indirectly you have strong impression of body. Therefore I am coming again and again to the same point. You were not body, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. It’s open fact. Prior to beingness you are formless, after leaving body you are formless. There won’t be any hell or heaven. You are master of your own. You are unknown to that Reality. Therefore you are shown, ‘You are Ultimate Truth’.
Q: So once you have established that ‘You Are That’ then the job is over.
It’s, not to say, it’s open truth. Only you are not accepting it because of the use of the body. It is Reality. Not to infer, not to intellectualize. Your Presence is Ultimate Truth, is Reality.
Q: So to reach this Reality.
Not to reach. You are Reality.
Q: You talked about that change inside Maharaj.
These are only sources.
Q: What I am asking is that without these things…..
But at that time you are posing yourself in body form.
Q: I am not posing….
When you have to think, you are making deliberate effort. ‘I am concentrating on myself very strongly.’ That means that myself is there in egoistic form. There is no ‘my self’ their is no ‘your self’, nothing is there.
Q: So Mantra is?
You say Aham Brahmasmi, these are only sources.
Q: I am Brahman.
I am Brahman like that, so it is like, I told you spirit is very sensitive. You are inviting attention of spirit ‘You are Ultimate Truth.’ Through Mantra, you are inviting meditator, that You are Ultimate Truth.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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