This World Is Full of Presence, Brahman
This World Is Full of Presence, Brahman Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 30, 2017.
Maharaj: If you want to ask any question, you can ask question, be clear. Because, we have here today some J. Krishnamurti foundation, Mooji and all.
Q: I have no real question in that sense because the message is clear. It is the same message everywhere that I hear. But the question that I have… It seems we can only know what we are not, you know? In a sense that, is it possible to identify positively what I am?
Maharaj: The is no positive, no negative. Why to find out “who am I?” I-am also is illusion, to know I-am you have to take ego, “I am somebody else”. Nothing is there. If the body is not there, your body, this is illusion, so why to find out ‘who am I’?
To find out ‘who am I’ you have to take some ego, subtle ego that I am somebody else and finding out ‘who am I?’ There is no I, there is no you, no he, she, it. These are the concept, these are the words, just for discussion purpose, understanding purpose. Therefore, I am insisting not to play with the spiritual words, literal words. ‘I’ supposed to be dissolved totally. There is no ‘I’, there is no ‘it’, these are the concepts – ok, for conversation for daily purpose you can use I, you, he, she, it. But I have told there is no Brahman like that, nothing Brahman, what Brahman is there? It’s a concept. What God is there? Do you know anything God? Have you seen God? Have you seen Brahman? How can you see? Because You are! Without the help of the mirror you can’t see yourself. So, because we have read so many books therefore we have become the victim of this literal knowledge. Knowledge is not separate from you, Brahman is not separate from you. You Are Final Destination. Where everything ends, there You Are. Where everything ends, there You Are. Prior to beingness do you know anything about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, I, you, he, she, it, God – nothing was known to you. After leaving body what remains? Nothing. After leaving body do you know any Brahman is there? Atman is there? Paramatman, God is there, what?
Q: I don’t know.
Maharaj: Correct. Because You are formless. Your existence in the world is just like space, space or sky. Does sky know I am sky? Has it taken birth? Is it going to die? Nothing. Spiritual science if at all you want to compare, compare yourself just like space or sky. So not to measure yourself in body form. Because You were not body, You are not body, You are not going to remain body. It’s an external cover. Prior to beingness you were unknown to you. After leaving body what knowledge you have got? Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are the terms that came along with the body only. All these requirements came along with the body. Who else wants it? Prior to beingness any peacefulness is there? Any fear is there? Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who is under tension? Because body is not tolerable.
Q: Is that also a thought, that which one speaks?
Maharaj: No thought, no thought is thoughtless state, no thought is there. Thoughts, concepts, came along with the body only. Where are thoughts prior to beingness? After leaving, after leaving this body any thought is there? Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who is fearing? And for what are you fearing? Basically, stop measuring yourself in body-form. Because body is not your identity, body was not your identity, body is not going to remain your identity. Where are thoughts come? You are experiencing thought and, “it’s a good thought, this is bad thoughts”. Thoughts which are tolerable you say it is good thoughts. Thoughts not tolerable you say bad thoughts. The thing which is good for you, it may be bad for others. Thing which is bad for may be good to others. Be Plain. Remove all the concepts. Complete blank. You are to surrender your Selfless Self. There should no be subtle ego that ‘I’ also.”
So, in that case, try to find out within yourself Who Am I? Then the conclusion is you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. Why this is necessary? Because we are under the pressure of so many concepts. What is the principal of spirituality? To remove all concepts, even the I-Am. You say Brahman also is a concept. I Am Brahman also concept. Where all concepts dissolve There You Are without any identity. Listen to me. When all concepts including Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master, disciple dissolve There You Are. That Spontaneous Conviction supposed to appear. Then you need not to go anywhere. At that stage there won’t be any temptation to go anywhere to find out the Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is not separate from you.
Only you must have Courage to accept the Reality. That we are lacking. To have that Courage, to have that Power, to have that Energy, you have to undergo the meditation, it is the only source. Mediation means hammering all the time your Selfless Self that You Are Brahman, You Are Atman, You Are Paramatman. It appears in duality. And out of duality that individuality also disappears. In the beginning you say, “when I am sitting in meditation, I’m somebody doing meditation”, its duality, it’s correct. But we are taking the help of the illusion to remove another illusion. To say ‘I’ is illusion. To say ‘you’ also illusion. To say Brahman also illusion. Entire world is illusion. It’s Fact. Today you may not believe it. It’s fact. Because its beyond one’s belief. Even if you think intellectually, how you were prior to beingness? Your answer is “I don’t know.” After leaving this body, how you will be? “I don’t know.” That “I don’t know” is a perfect answer because you were formless, you are formless, and you are going to remain formless. But there is no concept. Dissolve all concept, you are to remove all this illusory complication. It’s the feeling that the fire is there which is covered with the ash. Through meditation you are removing ash, removing concepts, body-based-concepts. It’s the purpose of spirituality.
Not difficult. Not impossible. No to stress, not to struggle with anything. Go deep and deep and deeper within Your Selfless Self. Then forget this world. Therefore, the purpose is, there should not be any other concept like this. This is last concept. No, I-Am, No You-Are. Nothing is there. No Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, these are the concepts. God also concept. It’s Fact. Because we are giving birth to God and Brahman. This is not intellectual thing. So, for having some Conviction, you must undergo strictly meditation. (inaudible). In the beginning, “Oh what?”. But there is no other source. Yes, I know it. You have to devote some time for You. Because you are traveling from this imbalanced illusionary world. So, we don’t expect there will be another illusionary world hereafter. This is Last Ultimate Truth and Ultimate Truth not separate from You. So only playing with the spiritual words and literal knowledge is meaningless. And dry discussion on spirituality, also meaningless.
You are to go, go deep within You. Go deep and deeper within You. And then, your so-called existence will disappear. There won’t be any experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser, completely complete aloof from the world. And then attachment with the body will be reduced. Though you are using the body for some work or for some performing some duties, but you will remain untouched with the body-based knowledge. Mind, ego, intellect may be there, but you are using sparingly. And then when they require, ok forget it. So then in that case there won’t be any confusion. No temptation. After knowing the Reality, no temptation to go anywhere. If there is temptation to go anywhere that means, something wrong. But you are not knowing yourself. Not knowing your importance.
You’ve got Tremendous Power. You’ve got a lot of importance. Not to underestimate You. Not to measure in body-base. You are beyond that. You Are Final Terminal. Why to go here and there? I’m not restricting your visit, but not with the intention if I go to that master and that place I will get some realization. Nothing. You will be misguided, misguided, misguided. Because there is no separate, Brahman is not there, except Yourself. So why to go for unnecessary distracting from Reality? Because You Are Reality. So be with You all the time. It’s very simple knowledge. Not to come across with any illusionary elements. So many shops are there. Commercial shops. Philosophical shops. Spiritual shops. Why? Now spirituality becomes business. Unfortunately. Not to attract with that spiritual business. I’m not criticizing, its fact.
So, we are pointing out the Invisible Listener within You that You are Ultimate Truth. No miracles. Nothing is there. Have some Strength. Power already within you. Encourage your Power. Entice your Power. Use your Power. So not to develop somebody stepping in “Oh this Brahman, I will show you”. Nobody can show you Brahman. It can’t be showed. How shows this sky? Or American sky? Can it be showed, American sky? Or show Indian sky. Nobody can. This is misleading, misrepresenting. Sky is Everywhere. Likewise, the name of Brahman is given, that is the Individual Principle everywhere in every being. Not only human, every being. This world is full of, Presence, Brahman. But we are unknown to that Reality. Therefore, to know the Reality you are to undergo the meditation, it’s the only source.
The People say “I spent so many years in this place so many…” Why you are unnecessarily wasting your life? Do you job, do your duties. Not to go around like this. Not to leave your family life. People are coming to me, I am saying “go, if you want to get married, get married, no problem”. “Oh, I am spiritual man, how can I can’t get married?” You can get married what is there? It is body requirement, it is body food. If you want to get married. But not “oh, how can I get married?” Thoughts are coming but you are trying to restrict it. And again, they are blowing it. Expose it. So likewise, not to accept unnecessary impressions, concept from. You become judge of your own. Think it. Which is good which is bad for your body, for your spiritual body.
You want to ask any questions for that? So in brief, except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, No Paramatman, No Master. It is very simple. Reality is placed before you. You may accept it, you may not accept it, it’s up to you. Yes. Because This Is Final Truth. Final Ultimate Truth.”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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