There is No Witness At All
Sri Ramakant Maharaj from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik March 5, 2018.
Q: The process that I see is as follows: Personality – I am not the Body (nor emotions, desires, thoughts since everything belongs to the body) – Sensation “I Am” – “I Am” is attested. By whom? – Without “I Am” there can be no witnessing. – finally, the Witness, the witnessed and the witness are Unity.
M: There is no witness at all. Prior to beingness, any witness was there? Prior to beingness, no ‘I am’ was there. After leaving this body, any I am is there? Nothing is there. So far you are holding the body, considering “I am somebody else”, till that time, all these questions are arising. Prior to beingness, no “I am”, no “you are”, “he, she, it” nothing is there. No Master, no god, no disciple. No experience, no experiencer. No witness, no witnesser. Nothing was there. After leaving the body, what remains? Nothing is there. Throughout this, still what are we doing “my mind, my ego, my intellect”. Not to do this thing because you are not doer at all. Your identity is unidentified, invisible identity. Where there is no experience, all experience disappears there you are. Everything came out of nothing. Everything dissolves within nothing. What is there in the body? Just glimpses of ‘I’. So far you are holding the body, you are experiencing ‘I’. Who is that invisible experiencer, which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master? That you are.
But still we are not having Conviction. That spontaneous Conviction is required. Till that time, you have to undergo meditation. Otherwise mind is very crazy, playing tricks, raising so many questions and trying to distract you from the Reality. Be alert. What Master says you follow strictly. We are not expecting any single penny from you. No garland is required. Even not bow down to me. But what I told, just accept it, I am placing before you your Truth. Not truth of any Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. This is listener’s Truth. You accept the listener’s Truth. And listener is Ultimate Truth, Final Truth. There is nothing else beyond that. So… Be Firm… Because body is a dead body. If no Presence is there, what is the value of the body? So whatever knowledge you are acquiring, accumulating through body knowledge, it will be illusion. Why follow illusion? You know what illusion is, what is Reality. So, accept the Reality. And what is Reality? except your Selfless Self, there is no God, that is the Reality. God is the name given to the Ultimate Truth, supreme power, supernatural power within you. So, all time you are counting yourself in body form and asking so many questions. Where are all these questions prior to beingness? After leaving the body, any questions are there? So far, we are considering “I am somebody else”, so many questions are there. No question is there. Does sky have any questions? “Oh, how I am sky, I am called this sky that sky”. So, in the beginning you have to undergo some meditation. After, that too is not necessary. Ok. So be spiritually strong, for which in the beginning, sadhana is required, meditation is required. Through meditation you are hammering yourself “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. So that hammering, result is Ultimate Truth. And afterwards, you will forget body identity. Nothing remains.
Why do so many exercises? Reading this book, that book, that book. You are reading books, reading books. But you are not reading, the reader’s biography. The invisible reader is the Ultimate Truth. So, it depends upon reading. Because while reading, you are posing yourself “I am somebody else”. That somebody else is supposed to be dissolved. You are everybody, you are everywhere. Your invisible identity is just like space or sky. Sky is everywhere. Is American sky different and Indian sky different? Why give a name like American sky, or England or London sky… something, something, something. So, sky is everywhere…Like that. Presence within the body is everywhere. It’s not having any colors, no specific identity. No experience, no experiencer, like that. And therefore, you have to follow strictly Master.
Don’t confuse, don’t create any doubts. As I told, your mind rebels against you. Mind is a subtle part of your body, function of body, a flow of thoughts. It’s the nature of the mind, flow of thoughts is there. When the body disappears, mind disappears. No mind, no ego, no intellect is there. Where everything ends, there you are. Where everything ends, there you are. Your identity is unknown identity, invisible identity, anonymous identity. You can’t define in any words. Language is there, words are there. Trying to indicate, giving signal. Ok.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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