There is No Duality
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Maharaj: What you have listened to, what you have read so far, you have to absorb it, you have to digest it, number one. Second thing, you must have the Conviction, ‘I was not the body, I am not the body, I’m not going to remain the body’. That Conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously. And how will it appear? After having continuous meditation.
Meditation is not only chanting the Mantra. The meaning of the Mantra – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’ – that is the meaning of the Mantra. But through the Mantra you are hammering yourself. The Mantra is only the cause, you are the consequence. These are the words. It is having some tremendous power. These are not simple words, they have tremendous power. It is creating some vibrations. You’ll feel some changes within you. With full faith, with strong faith, you recite that Mantra, spontaneously you’ll feel something else. Slowly, silently, all this illusion and desire will be dissolved. There will be the spontaneous feeling that my Presence is everywhere and in everyone. In every being my Presence is there. Just like Lord Krishna says, (Maharaj quotes a scripture in hindi), my Presence is everywhere, in every being.
Have you read Gita? The Bhagavad-Gita? My Spontaneous, Invisible Presence is within every being. It is formless, it is shapeless. There is no specific identity, there is no individuality, therefore there is no duality. If at all you want to compare (yourself), compare just like sky or space. You’re beyond that.
Though you are holding this body, you remain separate from the body, untouched with the body, untouched with all these activities.
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