The Real Master
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 15, 2012.
Spirituality means just to know yourself in a real sense. It is very simple. Because, one thing that is a fact, we are not body. The moment spirit touched with the body, we started living along with the body.
The moment spirit touched with the body, immediately you came across with the mind, ego, intellect, and then all these concepts of the world.
So, what one of those concepts is, that you have taken birth. Because of last karma, you have taken birth. Then you are going to die. Then after death you are going to heaven of hell. Then so many karmas, so many religions, so many principles, thousands of concepts.
And with the effect, we lost our happiness and started living with the flow of thoughts, with the help of mind.
Through mind, ego, intellect and so many concepts, as a result of those concepts, we lose our peace. We are having some tensions and we are totally unhappy, unpleasant atmosphere.
And to have happiness, to have peace, we are trying to find out: Where we will get peace? or Where do we get happiness? Where do we get a tension free life?
To have this tension free life, fearless life, we are trying to find out some concept of God. Somebody tells us there is some god or goddesses, they will help you.
Some persons are trying to go to the various masters and astrological things, so many things they are trying to approach. The intention behind that, the principle behind that. That person needs happiness and peace.
But with some great fortune, or say something, if the person comes across with the real Master. What is a real Master? The Master who knows his identity perfectly, that is called real Master.
There are thousands of masters which are having commercial based, and body-based knowledge.
Therefore, I told you that real Master means the Master who knows himself, the secret of his worth, the secret of his unidentified identity. He only can explain the secret of spirituality.
When such people, or such person, or such devotee, approach to the Master. Master says, “You are not a body, you were not a body, you are not going to remain as a body.”
Because; body is having various stages. You were a child, then you are grown up young man, then you become old man. These are the various stages of the body.
He invites the attention of the Invisible Listener already within the devotee, that the spirit holding your body does not have any type of death or birth.
At the same time there is no past karma, there is no future karma, there is no prarabdha, there is no religion, nothing is there.
So, all this karma, dharma, that prarabdha, last birth, future birth, this is all body related knowledge.
Basically, you were not body, you are not going to remain body. At present you are also not a body. Therefore, no bondage, no, any kind of concept will trouble you.
So, in that case, you are not required to search here and there for happiness. That happiness, peace, tension free life, fearless life within you only.
Because, you forgot your identity. With the association of the body, you started living with the body knowledge and along with ego, intellect, mind, so you are facing all these problems.
Prior to body knowledge, prior to consciousness, you do not know how you were, how you are. You do not know about happiness. What is mind, what is fear, nothing you are knowing.
Therefore, the Master is inviting attention of the Invisible Listener, or you say unidentified, anonymous identity, already existing within you.
So, this unidentified, anonymous, invisible, identity is called: God, Masters, or say some greatness is there.
And the Master convinces that unidentified spirit that except yourself nothing is there.
So, everything behind any type of experience, everything behind any type of experience, your spontaneous Presence is there.
For example, if you feel ‘I am a God, I am Brahman, I am Atman or Paramatman’ to say all these words your spontaneous, anonymous, invisible Presence is needed.
Without which you can’t say a single word.
These are the various words given, we do not know what is God, what is Master, these are the names given. When there is a touch of the spirit with the body all these concepts come into existence.
So, after all these discussions what do we want to achieve?
To think that entire world, all the concepts, including concepts coming through the mind, ego and intellect, all these are illusions.
They are kind of layers, veils, upon you.
So, after having these convictions you will become totally fearless.
All the concepts, that ‘I am man, woman, belong to this religion entire concepts, body related concepts, any concept, dissolves, vanishes.
Therefore, you know yourself in a real sense.
At present, you are knowing with the help of this body, mind, ego and intellect.
Because you are beyond mind, beyond ego, beyond intellect, not even that you are beyond sky.
Then you will ask the question ‘How am I beyond sky?’
Take the example of your dream. In dream you see the sky, you see the sun, moon, river, the seas. From where they came?
You see the entire world in a dream scene.
Not even that, you are acting in that dream as somebody else.
And that dream world, and your acting in that dream, somewhere it is witnessed or photographed.
After awakening you say, ‘I have seen some good dreams or bad dreams.’
So, what has happened to that dream world where you have seen the various gods, you have seen the temples, you have seen the sky, rivers, so many people. Where have they gone?
At that time, you are having deep sleep.
So, who has created this world?
Where does that world disappear?
The world came out of your spontaneous existence, and the world disappears within your existence only.
Therefore, you are not a body. If at all you want to give a name, you are beyond Brahman, beyond Atman, beyond Paramatman, beyond the masters.
Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj rightly says, in brief all philosophy, all philosophy, indicating your identity.
All philosophy, the principle of philosophy, the books all the various statements indicate your unidentified identity.
So, he said, Maharaj said ‘Except your Selfless Self, there is no God, there is no Brahman, there is no Atman, there is no Paramatman, there is no Master.’
So, know yourself in a real sense and be calm and quiet.
So, if you go and prolong discussion, hours together years together. You have to find out what is the purpose to have some discussion, after reading the books.
The principle behind it. Everybody needs happiness, everybody needs peace, everybody wants fearless life or tension free life.
Because we are not knowing our self in a real sense, therefore we are trying to find out, investigating everywhere.
So, after investigations you will come to know the source of all this world starts from yourself only.
So, just click ‘I am’ entire world is projected.
Siddharameshwar rightly says ‘Investigate within yourself, then you will come to know that investigator itself is the base of this world’.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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