The Principal of Spirituality
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 16, 2017.
So in short and sweet, the Principle Of Spirituality, try to Identify YourSelf Real Sense.
You are identifying everybody in the world except your Selfless Self, it’s most important.
Because body is not your identity, body was not your identity, body not going to remain
your identity. What you are accepting, what you are doing through the media of body it is
illusion. So try to know yourSelf, try to identify yourSelf, so that’s the basic. And for which
you are to undergo strictly meditation in the beginning. After having Conviction no need of
meditation also. Meditation required in initial stage, just like learning some language.
(inaudible) reading alphabet and all, mhhh? After hearing master repeating alphabet, now
he need not to go to (inaudible) the alphabet. So likewise meditation is the media through
which you can identify yourSelf. After having Conviction, after having Realization no need
of meditation also. All these requirements, meditation is required, Master is required,
Spiritual Knowledge is required. Why? To know your Selfless Self. We are knowing ourself
in body-form, that is illusion. Basically you are Formless. What you see it is illusion. So you
concentrate Concentrator, Invisible Seer within you. When there is no seer how can you
see the world? To say “this world” to say “God” to say “Brahman” your Presence is
required. That means Entire World Projected Out Of Your Invisible Presence, that you are
unknown to yourself. Try to know yourSelf and for which in the beginning you have to
strictly undergo meditation. So if I go on talking hours together, it is meaningless.
Q: Can I have a question?
Maharaj: Yes, yes.
Q: Ok. When I read the book Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharishi,
sometimes they say, sometimes somebody ask the question, “I want to just go somewhere
in the nature and be alone and quit everything and just meditate.” And they say, “Ok, it’s
good.” And sometimes somebody ask the same question and they say “You can work, you
can keep your family and ….
Maharaj: Yes!
Questioner: … you can just meditate – half an hour everyday. So my understanding is : for
everybody it’s different, everybody has different situation, different path, and I’m
interested what is my, what is good for me. I am now in the situation I can look myself for
unlimited time and just sit and do this finding the Invisible Listener. I can do it, I have the
money, I have the time, I have no responsibilities.
Maharaj: No question of, no question of money (inaudible)
Q: And I want to do it but, …
Maharaj: You must have a strong desire, strong willpower, “Yes I am To Do it!
Q: Yes
Maharaj: Money is not necessary, but “I have to do is, I have to know mySelf in a Real
Sense”. Strong willpower is a must, number one. Second thing, you must have read so
many books, Ramana Maharishi, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Not to analyze their words. It is
(inaudible) nature of the mind, why Nisargadatta says like this, why Ramana Maharishi
say like this? We are analyzing their words, statement. What they want to convey that is
most important. All Masters are right, they want to say for Perfection. But what we are
doing, Nisargadatta Maharaj say like this, what is the meaning of these words? Or the
statements contradictory to the statement of Ramana Maharishi or somebody. But that
analyzation not be there. All the Masters wanted to convey One Principle, That Except
Your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman. That conclusion you have to accept. It’s a
practice of the mind to analyze their words, statement, why Ramana Maharshi, there is no
comparative study. We are not here to debate on somebody’s statement. What they wanted
to convey out of that all statements, that is most important. And the Principle of
Spirituality, Except Your Selfless Self There is no God, No Brahman, No Atman, No
Paramatman, No Master. You are the Principle of this world. If your Presence is not there,
who will talk about the world? So what you see it is illusion, Through Which You See is the
Ultimate Truth. That Conviction supposed to be appear spontaneously within you, until
that time you are to undergo the meditation.
Q: So would your recommendation to me, when you see me, would you say it’s
appropriate or suitable or best for me to do that? That I just drop everything and just focus
Maharaj: You do your duties, do all your responsibilities.
Q: I don’t have any.
Maharaj: What I say, only meditation no I recommended? You do your normal job, your
duties. If you are a family member take care of your family members. While doing all these
things you can Concentrate Concentrator. “Oh I am spiritual man, how can I see my wife,
my father, parent?” Our spirituality is practical. Do your duties, whatever duties is there.
Even if you are alone (inaudible) something will be there. Whatever duties, body-based duties
you are to do it. Suppose you take go to eat something. You are hungry you are
getting hungry or doing something body-based. You can’t avoid it, “oh I am spiritual man I
cannot do”. That is theoretical. Be practical. What I want exactly? I want to Identify
MySelf. It’s fact, even if you are thinking intellectually, body is not your identity at all.
Some or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you are to leave this body. What is the use of
this knowledge? Suppose you read thousands of books, you’ll be a master of words,
spiritual words, not Master Of Your Selfless Self. You are to be Master of your Selfless Self.
“You know God? Yes, I know. I am not man or woman, I am totally formless. Since I am
formless there is no death and birth, no future, no past, no destiny.” It’s Fact. Your
Presence Is Just Like A Space Or Sky. Does sky know anything? Sky does not know
anything. Likewise Your Invisible Presence Is Just Like Sky or Space. That conviction
supposed to be appear spontaneously, then only, Yes So That I…… Everybody want
happiness, fearless life, peaceful life. How it will be? Unless you identify yourSelf you not
have some that peacefulness. So money is not matter. You need not to go to spend a single
penny for spirituality, but this is an opportunity for you. Human body is an opportunity for
you to Identify YourSelf. So there should not be any birth, there are so many concepts, last
birth, future birth, no What Birth? Who knows what (inaudible)? Last past birth or destiny,
future destiny, all these concepts, illusory concepts developed (inaudible). What you see is
heaven and hell, all these concepts. You are to come out from all these concepts. All
concepts supposed to be dissolved. That is the Principle Of Spirituality. (Questioner:Yes)
So be firm. Visit YourSelf. Not today here, tomorrow here, tomorrow here, why? why? You
may visit, but not with expectation “Oh I go some place I will get happiness, if I go this
place, Himalaya is happiness.” You not get happiness. Because so far you are measuring
yourself in body-form. You may go anywhere in the world, you may change thousands of
masters, not helpful to you. Happiness is already within you, which you are ignoring.
Peacefulness already within you, you are ignoring it. Because directly or indirectly you are
having so much attraction of the body, so much faith and trust with the body. So that
concept supposed to be dissolved. Not to kill body. Try to identify. There will be no ego, no
intellects, no mind. Mind, ego, intellects appear upon your Presence. They are veils, they
are veils. We have become victim of our mind, ego, intellects. You can use them, but not to
become victim of these mind, ego, intellects. They are not bad, but they should you not
take excessively. Whatever excess is poison. So Be With You All The Time.
Q: The thing…..can I ask?
Maharaj: Yes, you can ask any question.
Q: The thing which most distract me from looking for the one who is looking, is
women. All the other things like, work, or some, I don’ know, fame, or power, I think I
don’t. But women is difficult for me to pull the attention, when there is beautiful girl the
attention goes there it’s difficult to do the attention inside.
Maharaj: These are the bodies. Presence is neither woman nor male or female. These are
human bodies. What happiness is there? If there is no Presence does this body have any
appearance? If (inaudible) suppose beautiful girl is there, lady is there. If there is no
Presence, dead body. What happiness is there? Because so far we are measuring ourself in
body form therefore we have got attraction of the woman or man, male or female. That,
dissolve. What is woman these are only dead bodies, male and female is the body. But
different parts are there, some parts are different. Who is holding the body? The Holder of
the body is not male or female. So far you are considering ‘I am man’, therefore there is
attraction. You are neither man nor woman, You Are Brahman. That conviction supposed
to be appear then there won’t be any attraction. Attraction is there because all the time we
accepted body as my identity. That body-identity, unless dissolved, you are not able to
know yourself, you will not get happiness. There are source of happiness, what is
happiness? Sex is happiness. Money is happiness, publicity is happiness. These are
temporary things. That supposed to be known. What is there? What happiness is there in
sex? It’s momentary. What money give happiness? At time of leaving the body, all these
sources will be (inaudible) to you? Not at all. Know Your Greatness. Why (inaudible) here
and there? What happiness is there, it’s temporary. You know Castro? Prime Minister
Castro of Cuba. He used to (inaudible number) ladies. You know? (inaudible) very sexual
attraction. (inaudible number of ladies) what happiness he got? After he died. (inaudible).
We’re not thinking. There is instant attraction. Money, okay there is some people with a lot
of money. Are they getting happiness? No. Publicity – there are so many popular people,
are they getting happiness? No. These are not the causes of happiness. Who want
happiness? Body want happiness? If there is no Presence, the dead body can enjoy? Will
the dead body enjoy the lady, or money, or publicity? Think it, you are not thinking. All
replies There. All questions are there and the reply is Within You Only. So think what I
have told just now, read the books, read Selfless Self of course if you want, I’ve got one
copy. (inaudible) If at all you want to read you can read it. After reading all these books you
get some idea, some conclusion, the Principle of Spirituality. Okay today is enough, mmh?
so memorize your memory what I have told you listen. Remember. You’ll get reply from
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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