The Importance of Spirituality
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A powerful talk given by Sadguru Sri Ramakant Maharaj during the Guru Purnima celebration at Nashik Ashram July 7, 2018.
Maharaj: So, we are talking about spirituality. The importance of spirituality in human life. We are holding human life, human body. What is the importance of the spirituality in human life or human body? The basic concept is clear that body is not your identity at all. We are holding this body. What is there? Just glimpses of “I”, glimpses of “I”. Formless. There is no awareness, no unawareness. There is no experience, no experiencer. There is no witness, no witnesser. There is no seer, no seen. I am placing before you fact, your fact. What happened? When you are studying, listening spirituality, at that time we are having strong concept “I am somebody else”, form. The importance of spirituality is to dissolve this form. How to dissolve this form? For which basic thing, in our Lineage, we are giving Naam Mantra, called “Soham Sadhana”. What is the meaning of “Soham Sadhana”? Through that words indicates your Invisible Identity. It’s totally invisible, there is not any awareness, no witness, nothing is there. But, directly, indirectly, we are having some base “I am somebody else”, that should be melted. That is to be dissolved. It rarely happens, therefore first lesson in spirituality: follow Master, what He says. When Master says, “You are formless”, you are formless. It’s fact! How are you prior to beingness? No form is there. After leaving body no form is there. But you are not accepting this fact. This is the tragedy of human life. Master’s shouting, “You are formless! You are Ultimate Truth! You are Final Truth!”, but you are not accepting it. People says, “When will I realize? When will I get enlightenment?”, these are the words. As such there is no enlightenment, no realization. You are not single person, you are not individual. “Is X,Y,Z, realized?”, means what? That the form realized? Just like the Indian sky realized and American sky not realized? It’s not like that. What is the purpose behind that?
Through this meditation we are hammering our Self, we are hammering the Invisible Concentrator within you, “I am Brahman, Brahman I am. I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. Non-stop concentrating concentrator, then the entire thing will be melted. No layers of the illusory concepts remains. That’s what we want. Directly, indirectly we are counting our self in body form and that is illusion. It’s a fact! So just look at You! How you were prior to beingness? How you are after leaving the body? “I don’t know.” Your answer will be, “I don’t know”. “I don’t know” means that in a negative answer a positive reply is there. “I don’t know” means my Presence is there but I am not in any form. In that negative reply what it says, “I don’t know” means, I am there, invisible. So I am completely formless, the reply meaning, but it is very easy to understand literally. I am insisting practice. Do some practice. People having wrong impressions, “Oh I am realized, I know I am Brahman”. It is not so easy. You have to study it till that so called “I” dissolves, melts. Till that time you have to undergo meditation. I already told all of you meditation, bhajan also illusion, but to remove one illusion you have to take the help of another illusion. Just like I give the example, to remove one thorn you have to take the help of another thorn and throw it out.
But, our knowledge is having body-based concept, directly, indirectly we say, “I am somebody else”, either male or female. Male or female are external covers, it’s not your identity at all. So just try to identify yourself. The principle of spirituality in human life is try to identify yourself. How you were prior to beingness? How you are after leaving the body? No form is there, no concepts is there, no thoughts is there, no identity is there. That means everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing. Your Presence is Invisible, Unidentified, Anonymous, which cannot be guessed. You can use your body. Have your own responsibilities, take care of body, take care of your body, take care of your family, no harm. Spirituality is not a hindrance in the way of your family life, but at the same time try to identify yourself. “Who am I?” is the main question of everybody. “Who am I?” That question will be solved within you. Have the question, “Who am I?”, the reply is “I am That”, “So that I, I am”. That is “Soham Sadhana”. So it means, “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. Brahman is also word, but it indicates Ultimate Truth that you are. How that Ultimate Truth is? No form, just like a space or sky. Space or sky does not have its own identity. Who says this is space, this is sky? Sky does not know “I am sky”. This reality is supposed to be absorbed totally within you. For which spirituality [help you]. Spirituality means not chanting Mantra, not saying “Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram”. Try to identify, “Who am I?”. Then the identifier itself will dissolve. No identity remains. No witness remains, no experience is there. That means where everything ends there you are. That reality is supposed to be absorbed. Therefore, I am insisting first lesson of spirituality is you have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation is the most important. Without meditation theoretical knowledge will not help you. A lot of theoretical knowledge, I read this book.
So many persons are coming to me, “Last 50 years I’m doing some spirituality”, what are you doing spiritual? That means reading so many books and saying, “Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram” and doing some karma, some chakra is there, [another] chakra, this chakra, dharma, yoga… what is the use of all this, what is the use of this? Not to sit and torture your body. For identifying yourself not to sit and torture your body, because body is not your identity at all. Body is having death and birth, not you. The Holder of the body is totally free from all concepts. But our knowledge is within the circle of the concepts. You are to break that circle; and for which, after mediation you will get spontaneous courage to accept the Reality. We are having lack of confidence, no faith; no faith in yourself and no faith in Master. Whosoever your Master, have strong faith. My Master is Ultimate Truth and what my Master says is Ultimate Truth. Master says you are Ultimate Truth, I am Ultimate Truth. Master says you are Brahman, I am Brahman, no other thoughts. When this reality absorbs, this strong faith, nothing will remain.
So, therefore, try to identify yourself. I know that identifier and identifier, these are concepts, but we are talking something about spirituality we have to use of language. We have created language. We have given meaning to some words: this is “donkey”, this is “Brahman”, this is “Atman”. We have created words, given meaning, but through language we are trying to impress the Invisible Listener within you, that you are Ultimate Truth. So therefore, till you get Spontaneous Conviction, you have to undergo strictly meditation. Then meditation not sitting like this (Maharaj gestures “Jnana mudra”), meditation’s total involvement. When you are leaving this human body, when the Holder of the human body is leaving body, human body, Ultimate Truth for which is no specific identity. That reality. … are there, all relations, all desires, all concepts came along with the body and dissolve along with the body. Prior to beingness, no desire
is there, no karma is there; karma, dharma, all these concepts came afterwards; even mind, ego, intellect. My mind, my ego, my intellects, where are those prior to beingness? After leaving body mind is there, ego is there, intellect is there? Nothing is there. It’s not bad, but we are using excessively. Not to use excessive mind, ego, intellects. So far we are slave of our own mind, “Oh I don’t want to go against my own mind”. What is mind? Flow of thoughts. We are victim of our own thoughts. Try to go against, go against your mind. Intellects is not bad, ego also not bad, but we are using excessively; therefore, be alert.
Through human body you can identify, and you have got good capacity because of all the Lineage Masters. Focus: Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master”. That reality is supposed to be absorbed. So, after knowing this reality why to go here and there to find out some Masters? Master is not separate from you. Not to count Master in any form, Master is formless. That reality is supposed to be absorbed; and therefore, spirituality is required.
Okay, any questions for anybody? I don’t think there will be any questions because it’s clear. So, don’t confuse it, “I want to realize, then I want enlightenment”, these are all concepts. No words are there, because entire world is illusionary world. [Inaudible] Shankaracharya, what he says, “To say ‘I’ it is an illusion, to say ‘You’ it is an illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ it is illusion; entire world is an illusion”. What more do you want? In an illusionary world God and Master also, illusion. It’s not bad, I am not blaming you, but except your Selfless Self nothing is there. Suppose, example is that in spirituality it is mentioned that if at all you want to compare, compare just like a space or sky. Space or sky does not have any specific identity. Which sky is realized, which sky is not realized? Sky does not know I am sky, space does not know I am space. Like that, your Invisible Anonymous Identity is beyond sky. Since we are counting our self in body form therefore we are separating our self.
So be with You all the time. You’ve got knowledge, but it should be implemented, it should be dissolved, it should be absorbed . [Unlayers?] supposed to be dissolved, [layers?] supposed to be absorbed. And to
absorb the reality you have to undergo strictly, in the beginning, meditation. You devote some half an hour, one hour, and all the time recite the Mantra. Then it is not necessary. Just like this body is called man, I am not saying, “I am man, I am man, I am man”. Like that the Holder of the body called “Brahman”. So you have to meditate “I am Brahman”, till you get Conviction. Then it is not necessary. You are living like a Brahman. Whatever happening, whatever not happening you are unconcerned, because all deeds and everything came along with the body. There is no deed, there is no doer. What karma is there? What is dharma? Dharma is nothing, it is also concept. In Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, “Discard all religions, religions imaginary. Through which you are identifying entire world, that Invisible Presence, bow down to Me”.
Various books, spiritual books it’s mentioned clearly, but only not to become bookish or literal knowledge, have practical knowledge. And human body is an golden opportunity for you. And then this Direct Knowledge I prepared for you, you have to accept it. Nothing in between, it’s not a theory. This is Listeners knowledge, Listeners reality. Invisible Listener is formless, that’s enough. After accepting this, nothing to do. There should not be any temptation to go anywhere to find out reality, because you are reality. But not to take the help of ego, human beings having ego, “I am somebody else”. That “somebody else” supposed to be dissolved. That’s enough for us. What more do you want?
Any questions for anybody else? Oh, Oh, good.
It is very simple. No complication, not to stress your mind, not to stress your brain. No intellects required, simple thing, but simple thing we make it complicated, because directly, indirectly we are counting ourself in body form. This concept supposed to be dissolved totally. And for which “Soham Sadhana”, meditation is the base to dissolve everything. Therefore in another language I say, “Soham Sadhana” , meditation is “anti-virus software”. Meditation means “anti-virus software”, you have to install it in your computer. All bugs will be dissolved.
Visitor : Maharaj.
M: Yes.
V: How is it possible to recite the Mantra while engaged in uh, activities that require attention, like studying or reading or speaking?
M: It happens spontaneously. So, this body called “Man”, are you saying “I am man, I am man, I am man”?
V: No
M: You are living as a man. The meaning of Mantra, “I am Brahman”. Till you get conviction, till that time you have to recite the Mantra. It become spontaneous. This body is given some name, we have accepted it, are you counting my name is “Jordan, Jordan”? No. So, some or other way you are counting yourself in body-form, therefore this question is there. You are not body, you were not body, you are not going to remain body. You do your job, do your duties, but when doing any duties, doing job are you repeating “I am man, woman”? That reality is there. Like that you are neither woman nor man, you are Brahman, Ultimate Truth. Why to remember it? In the beginning it is required. After having conviction nothing is required. So don’t separate yourself from the Ultimate Truth. You are Ultimate Truth. Now you are considering “I am somebody else, I am doing specific job, while doing this job how can I recite the Mantra”, it’s not like that.
V: But at the time when I, for example, when I am reading something I can not put my attention on the Mantra at the same time I am putting attention on the…
M: That “I am” is supposed to be dissolved! Your so called “I am” is the problem for you. There is no “I am”, “You are”, “He”, “She”, nothing is there. Just like you are not forgetting “I am a man”. While doing so are you forgetting “I am a man”?
V: No
M: Correct, then Master says, Master place Reality before you, that you are Brahman, why to forget it? I am doing something [what] so I will not have time, I find it difficult to accept this uh Mantra, meaning of the Mantra. It’s not like that. And Master says, “Except your Selfless Self nothing is there”. No Brahman is there. And therefore in the beginning I am insisting, no problem is there. So do your job, do your duties, but at the same time you can recite the Mantra inside, while traveling, the Mantra is going on inside spontaneously. In the beginning you will find it difficult, because long association with the body we are having so much attachment, so much close with our body identity. To dissolve body identity you have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation means you are always hammering. You are hammering the Invisible Concentrator that “You are the Brahman, you are the Brahman”. Then I don’t need. It’s a fact. Because you forgot your identity this exercise is required in the beginning, not thereafter.
Correct. Don’t worry about it, Master will take care of all actions. Once Nisargadatta Maharaj said, “If you take drop of poison what are the consequences? You need not be thinking about the consequences.” Like that you have taken a drop of nectar: “You are Brahman”, it acts automatically inside. Don’t worry about it. All worries are because “I am somebody else”. You are not somebody, you are everybody. Because you are counting as individual therefore all this problem is there. I told you that body is not your identity at all. Prior to beinginess have you got any disturbance of thoughts? Just remember they’re thoughts. What are thoughts? They are flowing, it’s the nature of the mind. Let thoughts flow, don’t pay attention. In the beginning you’ll find it little bit difficult, I understand, but continue with the reciting Mantra.
V: So recite as much as, as I can remember?
M: Remember all the time. When the colored concept dissolves, at that time it will be spontaneous. So far some concept, body based concepts are there, some layers of body based concepts are there, this question will be arise. The moment that all layers dissolves, disappears, erased out of that Nama Mantra, no question will be there.
Nothing is there. I told you, everything came out of nothing everything dissolve within nothing. You are unknown to yourself. Prior to beingness you are not known to yourself. The unknown came into existence as known, then you say “I am”. Unknown came into existence as known, through body, then you say “I am”. Where was that “I am” prior to beingness? No “I am” is there, no “you are” is there. After leaving body any “I am” is there? Nothing. “I am”, “You are”, “He is”, “She is”, all these concepts came along with the body only. Prior to beingness there is any desire? Who want happiness? Who want peacefulness? Who want tension free life? Who want fearless life? So far you are considering body-form therefore all these concepts required. Prior to beingness nothing is required. You do not know what is happiness. After leaving body any happiness is there? All these are body-based concepts. This is a dead body. If there is no Spirit within the body what is the value of the body? Nothing. So have courage. To get courage meditation most important. I’m insisting, only dry discussions on spirituality are meaningless, be practical. In the beginning you have to do something; thereafter there is nothing to do. Because you are not doer, there is no deed.
In the beginning when you are learning any language, you are learning A, B, C, D, something, something, something, on purpose. Now it’s not required, purpose is known, because you are the master of that language, but start with the base for learning the language. Brahman is the base for learning language, after it is not necessary. So with various ways try to convince the Invisible Listener within you. Invisible Listener does not have any specific identity. It is vast just like a space or sky. Invisible Listener is not limited to the body, because it is formless. For which Spontaneous Conviction is most important. To get the Spontaneous Conviction you have to undergo strictly meditation. Don’t worry, all problems will be solved.
Okay yes, enough of it.
V: Thank you Master.
M: Take care, be happy, be realized, and make other realize. Siddharameshwar Maharaj says, “If you are realized make others realize. Place your carpet or mat and start teaching that you are Brahman yourself”. Accepting only Master is not so easy. When you are to become Master there is a lot responsibility. When anybody, devotees are coming to you having high expectations. No irritation is required. You know better about spirituality, how to place before this reality because the Invisible Listener is “I”, ask any question, you must have patience to convince them. For which you must have strong conviction. Any question maybe asked, you are able to reply that question, you are supposed to be able to convince to his satisfaction. Nothing difficult, and for which you need strong confidence with the Master and yourself. All these Lineage Masters, they’re not highly qualified. Nisargadatta Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, they’re not highly qualified, but whatever Master says they absorbed totally within them. They are not compromise with the devotion. Exceptional devotion they are having, “My Master is Ultimate Truth, my Master is Final Truth”. No other thoughts. People are saying, “I am to go to this master, to that master, to that master”. Why? This is adding confusion, confusion. When the Master says you are Ultimate Truth what more do you want? Number of people giving so many quotations, “This master says it like that, like that, like that. This master like…”, try to implement within you instead of giving quotations of the various Masters. Not to teach others, teach yourself. When you are giving some quotation of some other spiritual master it is not bad, it is also ego. I am giving lectures of this master, that master. Try to be Master with yourself. This very easy, giving quotations very easy.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
A powerful talk given by Sadguru Sri Ramakant Maharaj during the Guru Purnima celebration at Nashik Ashram July 7, 2018.
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