The Holder of The Body Does Not Have Any Duality
The Holder of The Body Does Not Have Any Duality Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 9, 2017.
Body is not your Identity at all. Prior to body knowledge we are holding, where is the duality? Prior to body knowledge there is no duality. After leaving the body, what duality remains? Because we have accepted body-essence as “I am,” that supposed to be dissolved. You are holding body. You are Holder of The Body, not body. When you are experiencing duality, some subtle ego, mind is there, intellect is there. As a matter of fact, there is no duality at all. Since we are measuring ourself in body-form therefore we feel there is duality, ‘I am somebody else’, that duality. But the Holder of The Body does not have any duality. Just like there’s houses and sky, house and sky. So, this is mandir (temple) sky, ashram sky, yes. Bangalore sky, whatever sky. Sky is not different. Name of the given premise is different. So, these body names are given some different names. Male body, female body. But the existence, Spontaneous Existence within that body is one and the same. If you feel some duality that means that body sense is there, ‘I am somebody.’ That body-sense supposed to be dissolved. When I am measuring myself as body I appear as the duality, there is no duality at all. Of course, when you are doing something else you can use your body. But the Holder of the Body – that Reality supposed to be absorbed. It’s concept. Yes?
Q: So, what is the best way to go beyond this …?
Maharaj: Not to go beyond not to go early. Be As It Is. Not to go anywhere. The sky is going anywhere? Oh, Indian sky wants to go to Germany, German sky want to go America? It’s everywhere. Likewise, your Invisible Presence is everywhere, the bodies are different. We are having different body-form. But after 100 years how your presence is there? These bodies are not going to remain after 100 years. What is that Presence? dissolve vast. Just like if you put a drop of water or some bucket of water in sea, it becomes sea. There isn’t any duality. So, we are measuring ourself in body-form therefore we are experiencing illusion. It’s ok. But within that illusion, within that duality, some Reality is there. Exceptional Presence is there, which cannot be defined. No experience is there, no experiencer is there, no witness, no witnesser, no awakening is there. Presence does not know ‘I am Presence’. So, that Status, that Stage, that Ultimate supposed to be absorbed, for which you are to undergo the meditation. It’s the only source.
Q: So, to absorb this truth totally?
Maharaj: It will absorb spontaneously, automatically. Just you follow meditation for some time. Not to think, what are the consequences after meditation. Consequences will be, you are turning Reality. You are Reality. Listener is Reality. But what happens that mind pricking from backside. Ego is there. Yes?
Q: So, what I must do is just meditate and….
Maharaj: Just meditate on what you were told, just remember it. We are having so on discussion since long. We are recording something, just remember it. After remembering it will change something, dramatic changes will take place.
Q: I would just like to first explain what my concept is. Basically, what I understood is the consciousness is the quality of the food. What I understand it, basically. And because of the consciousness, Absolute is able to understand its presence. That’s what I understand. So, what is, the Absolute to have consciousness the food is essential. But when we are saying Absolute and the food then there is a duality. So, what is first, the Absolute is first, or food is first?
Maharaj: Nothing is first. When you came across the food? Prior to beingness was the Absolute was there? Any food was there?
Q: No
Maharaj: After leaving body what food remains?
Q: No
Maharaj: Any Absolute is there?
Q: Absolute is…
Maharaj: Now you are thinking intellectually, Absolute and then something else. You are Absolute. You are Ultimate Truth. Ultimate Truth not separate from you. This a food-body. The moment that Spirit clicked with body you say ‘I’. To say ‘I’ your Presence is required. If there is no Presence who will talk about the I? You say ‘Absolute is there or food is there?’ It’s an intellectual game, you are playing with the words. There is no Absolute, no any intellect, there is no food also. All these concepts came along with the body. When do you know Absolute? What is Absolute? You are Absolute. Because we are thinking from body- base basis. So, this will be Absolute, this will be Ultimate Truth, this will be food-body. There is no discrimination. Therefore, for understanding the words are mentioned. Absolute not separate from you. Because Absolute is there, therefore food-body is there. Food-body contacted independently. Absolute is Invisible, it cannot be guessed, it cannot be imagined, it’s Spontaneous Existence. Because you are holding body, through intellect, mind, ego you are trying to guess how that Spirit Absolute is there. Prior to beingness you will not know what Absolute is. Not knowing ‘I am’ also. There is no he, she, it, nothing was there. After leaving body what remains? These are the words just to identify yourself.
Spiritual language there are so many words. Brahman is there, Atman is there, Paramatman, God is there, consciousness, awareness is there, thousands of words are there. Instead of defining the words, instead of playing with the words, try to identify What they wanted to convey. Or after reading so many books, this Ultimate Truth, ‘Selfless Self’, ‘I Am That’, Ramana Maharshi, so many. Instead of defining their words, analyzing the words, sentence, what they wanted to convey that is most important. They want to convey that Except Your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. Except Your Selfless Self there is no Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. All these names given to your Spontaneous Existence, Presence. That You Are. Absolute Not Separate from You. Ultimate Truth not separate from You. Because you are measuring yourself in body-from, and through intellect and ego you feel something, ‘this is Absolute, this is food body, this is something’ . There is not any discrimination. That Reality supposed to be absorbed. To absorb this Reality, you must undergo strictly meditation. It’s the first lesson, the foundation. Dry knowledge will not help you. We go on talking on dry knowledge, spiritual knowledge, meaningless. These are just a spiritual entertainment, spiritual massage. Spiritual massage, or spiritual steam bath. Beyond that nothing is there. You are getting relief from that steam bath for some time. This is Permanent. Your Existence, Spontaneous Existence, is Permanent. There is not any limitation.
What the requirement of the human body? What do you want? Why are you approaching so many masters? Why are you reading so many books? Because you are depressed, no happiness is there, no peacefulness is there. Always in fear of death. So, to overcome all these difficulties, concepts, we are trying to find out what is my status in this world? Who Am I? Spiritual science says you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, how can I identify myself? That is a big question before us. And because all the time we are having body-based knowledge, we have confused ourself. Our own concept confusing ourself. Our own mind rebelling against us. That confusion supposed to vanish, dissolve. How it will be dissolved? All this confusion is body based confusion. Because I am posing myself somebody else, either male or female, and trying to know the Reality.
Not possible. Because basically, You are not body, You were not body, You are not going to remain body, it’s a fact. But despite knowing all these things, we are having some subtle ego, intellectual ego, mind-based ego. We are accepting literally. We are accepting intellectually, we are accepting egoistically. But not accepting Ultimately. “Yes, my Master says I Am Brahman, I Am Brahman!” But the ego is there, “how can I be Brahman? Brahman is something else. God is something else, God is something high-power administering all this world like that.”
Since childhood till today we have developed so many concepts, spiritual concepts, so many concepts are there. You are to vanish, dissolve all the concepts. Because basically, Your Presence is Ultimate Truth. Prior to beingness nothing was there. After leaving body, what remains? No relation is there. My mother, my sister, my father, my brother, my master, my God. Where are all these concepts prior to beingness? All these concepts came along with the body, dissolve with the body. All desires are there, material desires are there, requirements are there, needs are there. We want happiness, we want peacefulness. Who wants happiness? What is peacefulness? Prior to beingness have you any peacefulness? After leaving body what peacefulness you get? Because body-knowledge is not tolerable.
Directly or indirectly we are posing ourself in body-form, my body-form is permanent, that concept engraved upon us all the time. Therefore, the only source spiritual science says, you are to undergo the meditation. And what do you mean by mediation? Meditation means hammering yourself. Some ancient words are given to you. It came to lineage to lineage from Dattatreya. Sanskrit words are given. Through those words, you are to hammer yourself all the time. That meaning of the words, I Am Brahman, Brahman I Am. So, hammering “yes, You Are Brahman, You are Brahman”, just like that. Just like that police officer to a criminal “yes, you are guilty” “no, I am not”, “yes, you are, this is the evidence against you!”, “Ah Yes, So That I!”
Likewise, you are to torture yourself spiritually, You Are Brahman, You Are Brahman. Then That Reality will be Open Explode within you. Yes, So That I! And at that time, you forget the body-knowledge. Even though You are using body You remain separate Individuality. You don’t feel individuality or anything. So, The Exceptional Experience cannot be count in any words. Yes?
Q: When we are saying, like as you say, we are doing all this Naama Mantra, or sadhana, all these things, and a person becomes realized or he gains the knowledge, or he comes to know what his true nature is…
Maharaj: See he is already Realized but we are unaware of the Realization.
Q: Correct. So, what I mean to say, if we compare a realized person and a non-realized person…
Maharaj: There is no such difference of a realized person, not realized person. Indian sky is realized, and American sky is not realized? Because again we are using our intellect, “this is realized person this is not realized person” because you are having the body concept that “I am somebody else, this world is true”. In dream, you see two people, one realized, one not realized. What happens after your awakening? In dream, you see one God, one beggar. After awakening what happened to that God and beggar, beggar gone to hell, God is gone to heaven? So, all these concepts considering body is my identity. That body-identity is supposed to be dissolved, for which you are to undergo again meditation. Mediation is not Ultimate Truth, mind well. It is a process. Through process you are trying to invite attention of Invisible Meditator that You Are Ultimate Truth. It’s hammering.
After having Conviction, after having Spontaneous Conviction, you don’t have to say a mantra also. After, now you reach this Ranjit Ashram. In the beginning, you started, “where is the Ranjit ashram?” You are finding, you are asking any everybody. Now you are here at that address, you know Ranjit ashram, where is this ashram. Likewise, after having Conviction you don’t have to go read even any single book. Not to go to anywhere. No temptation is there. Because you are Ultimate Truth. You are Final Terminal. You can use your body. Not to neglect responsibilities. Do your job, do your duties, there is no restriction. In human body, you are to Identify Yourself. I’m not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain body, I’m not going to remain this body. I Am Formless.
There is No Birth, No Death. I Am Unborn. These are allegations, “you were born, you’re going to die, because of past some bad words or bad deed you take this birth that birth”, all the concepts. Future birth, present life, what is future present life? Some people say you must say the kundalini is there. What kundalini is there? You are to come out from all these illusory concepts. For which meditation, most important, in the beginning.
Just like when you are learning language. You are to undergo the grammar and efforts. Now you don’t have to go to any grammar and efforts. But you must be strong in the beginning to come out of that language. For which you are doing ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’. So, after Conviction you need not to go to any ‘abcd’. Meditation also, after strong Conviction that I am not body at all, the meditation is not required. Prior to beingness any meditation was there? After leaving the body, what meditation, what to do? Because we have lost our memories we’re missing our Self. To Identify Ourself, that’s why this process is there. Why to read books? Why to obey Masters? Because you forgot your Identity. To identify ourself in a real sense we have to go through these sources. Now after having Conviction, no need is there. You may be acting just like acting in a drama. In dream, you are acting as a man. There are all sorts of things. You create something wrong thing, bad dream, good dream. You are not planning ‘today I will see this dream, tomorrow I will see that dream’. No. This is body, this is dream. We feel that dream is true dream and measuring ourself ‘oh I did this is bad thing, this good thing.’ We are playing with the words, we are trying to define the words, we are trying to analyze the words. ‘Where is master? He’s realized? He’s not realized? Why this question is there? How you’re concerned whether somebody is realized or not realized. Try to Identify Yourself, whether you are realized or not. Ask question whether I’m realized or not. I’m not considering this or that or anybody. Presence does not have any duality of Presence. Presence is Everywhere. Indian sky, American sky, names are given India, America, China, all the things. Sky is the sky. So, like that you are to teach yourself, you are to become Master of your own. You are architect of your own life. How to act, how to react is up to You. Not to struggle. You are struggling with the mind, struggling with the thoughts ‘oh I am depressed’. What depressed? Because you have become slave of your mind. No depression is there. Was there depression prior to beingness? Prior to beingness any depression is there? Any anger is there? Any peacefulness is there? Nothing. After leaving body what remains? Because body-knowledge is not tolerable because of this we require so many things. So, the gist of the spirituality: Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman. You Are Atman – You Are ParamAtman – You Are God, but You are not getting it!
Q: And then you play, you architect, you play, you create in a sense…
Maharaj: You are architect of your own life, Spiritual life. So, what to accept, what not to accept, is up to you. Suppose somebody is giving something bad thing, ‘no I don’t want this’. Suppose a dish, good dish is there, delicious dish is there, you feel I don’t want this, whatever is required, it’s up to you. Similarly, there are so many thoughts flowing in the mind. The thoughts which are useful for your routine You can use accept it. Therefore, I say that You are architect of your own life. What to accept, what not to accept is up to You. Everybody trying to impress their own concepts.
Q: But there is something inside that tell you what the right thing to do is, no?
Maharaj: For which you are to undergo the meditation.
Q: There is always instruction.
Maharaj: You will get instruction inside under which circumstance how to act, how to react. Because You are Mastermind. You are Central Point of the world. You are not this illusion. Body is not your identity. We are giving more importance to mind, ego, intellect, ‘I am somebody else’. So, that ‘I am somebody’ supposed to be dissolved. It’s very simple. You are nobody, You are everybody, Your Presence is everywhere. Just like sky is everywhere. What sky you see here is the same sky that is everywhere. You are beyond sky. That conviction supposed to be appear within You spontaneously. Literally you are knowing, about which knowledge? Dry knowledge. We are discussing long time and having so many words. Try to absorb this Knowledge. Try to digest this Knowledge. Knowledge which is Reality, your Reality, Listener’s Reality. is not separate from the Identity. Therefore, I define, It as Unidentified, Invisible, Anonymous Identity. It is Unidentified Identity, it cannot be Identified in words. Invisible Identity. Anonymous Identity. It cannot be seen. And for which to absorb this Reality you must undergo strictly meditation, in the beginning! Without meditation, you are not able to Identify Yourself. It’s a process, it’s a beginning. In the beginning, you are to undergo deliberate efforts. Then, not necessary. Everything starts from You, everything end within You. You are not separate from Ultimate Truth, You are Final Truth. But directly or indirectly we are having impressions of the body-knowledge, since childhood until today. And you are not having courage to dissolve it. ‘Yes, yes, yes’. You sign everywhere. Though you are not guilty you set aside and living with a guilty conscience. You are not, nothing. You are not doer, there is no deed.
Q: When we are doing the meditation, we should not read any books or anything?
Maharaj: You can read books, but not to analyze the words. You can read so many books, you can approach Master, but what they want to convey that is most important. Not to depend words. Not to analyze the words or sentence of these Masters. “Why Ramana Maharishi says like this? Why is this like this?”. No. What they want to convey out of various words and various sentence? What is gist or central point of your Reality? Except your selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman. And to accept this Reality you are to undergo meditation. Through meditation all these illusory concepts dissolve. The strong force of your mind, ego, intellect is upon you. Directly or indirectly we have become victim of our own mind and concepts. Ego is there. Subtle ego is against your mind. Ego starts ‘yes!’. You undergo your 10,000? “You have not offered tea?”. Subtle ego is there. When you go to some friend’s house, subtle ego is there expectation ‘oh she should put water or offer something’. Not given, depressed. So, all these expectations supposed to be dissolved. Body-ego supposed to be dissolved. You are having expectation from childhood, you are some boy, father, parent, even Masters also. You are after miracles, ‘oh if I go to that master I will get some miracles’. Nothing, I’m not doing any miracles. Miracles happen from You. This a Box, Miracle Box, Magic Box. Everything is There. But you are unaware of That. You are unaware of that Magical Box. The Spontaneous Existence in your body is Ultimate Truth, Final Truth.
Q: Normally a person expects something, doing all these sadhana’s, I personally feel and that’s why at the end these depressions occur, “if I would do this then I should go there, or I should have this much progress”. But if that does not occur then normally he changes the Master.
Maharaj: What progress is required? There is no I, no you, no he, she, it. Prior to beingness you expect progress will be there? After leaving body what progress is required? You are not in need of the spiritual knowledge after leaving the body. You have read so many masters of spiritual knowledge. Will that knowledge help you at the time of leaving your body? You have met spiritual master, you have read so many books, you are a master of all this spiritual knowledge. Just inquire yourself, question yourself. ‘All this knowledge will help me at the time of leaving the body?’. Answer is there: No! Spiritual knowledge, whatever knowledge you are having is not useful at the time of leaving the body, what is the use of that knowledge? Has this knowledge given courage, spiritual courage to face each and every problem? Because basically You are Unborn. You are posing: I-am-born, my energy is like this, I am going to die, future life, present life, past life, so many concepts are there. With courage, you are to dissolve all concepts. Spiritually is giving courage to accept the Reality. Because you are the Reality, Reality is not separate from You.
Q: So, when we are saying that after the death we are not having any use of this spiritual knowledge…
Maharaj: See death and birth are also concepts. Nobody is having experience of death and birth. Until you see the death, someone die.
Q: The people who follow the spiritual practice…
Maharaj: Why to think about the about the people? You think about yourself! What you see is the Seer’s reflection, Seer’s projection. If there is no Seer how can you see the people?
Q: You Cannot.
Maharaj: If there is no Presence in your body how can you see the people? That means entire world is projected out of Your Presence. If there is no Presence there for a moment, who will talk about the people? Who will talk about the God, master, and everything? That concept is supposed to be dissolved. You are thinking of this people, that people, that people, the realized people or not so, why? You think of yourself. It’s the habit of mind to take the touch of each and everything in the world. The world itself is illusion. Shankara say, “to say ‘I’ it is illusion, to say ‘you’ it is illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ is illusion, entire world is illusion”. Where are the people? Where is the God? Where are the Masters? Hmm? It’s a plain knowledge. Again, I am repeating, for absorbing this Reality you are to undergo the meditation, only thing. Meditation is the only source. Dry discussion will be not helpful for you. Reading thousands of books is meaningless. You are getting some sort of intoxication temporary, painkillers. Everything starts from You, everything ends within You.
Q: Normally we face a certain situation. When we read the book, or when we hear these talks, at that time we feel very good, but after some time then this is vanished.
Maharaj: Because illusion is pricking You, mind is pricking you from backside. What do I mean? See this body is called man, are you forgetting that I am man, or I am woman? You accept this body as a man and you live as man. In dream, also you appear as a man. Likewise, Master says “You are neither man nor woman, You are Brahman.” Why not accept that?
Q: Is the Naama Mantra essential or…?
Maharaj: Of course, Naama Mantra is given to Lineage to Lineage, Sanskrit words through which you are hammering yourself, for which Master is required. Why Master required? Because you forgot your Identity. To regain Your original memories, Master is required.
Q: Meditation means to repeat that Naama mantra or to sit at one place and do meditation?
Maharaj: Mediation you are to repeat, recite the Naama mantra all the time and when you are sitting for meditation. It will give you more effects. But we are insisting to take that Naama Mantra according to breathing, inhaling, it give more effects. But you are to do it. Do it sincerely. In the beginning. Then it is not required. Until you get memories, regain your memory, you are to go through with the meditation. People say, ‘oh I am realized, I’ve got knowledge!’ not sufficient. Literal knowledge, bookish knowledge, it gives temporary relief, not permanent.
Q: Sometimes when I’m sitting to the meditation, I feel that I have lost my body knowledge.
Maharaj: Good.
Q: So, does it mean that…
Maharaj: All these, even that experience supposed to be dissolved. Whatever experience is there, spiritual experience – appeared upon your Presence. At the Ultimate stage, there is no experience, no experiencer. How you were prior to beingness any experience was there?
Q: No
Maharaj: After leaving body any experience is there? That is Ultimate Stage. Even you experience something, even you are experiencing ‘I Am Brahman’, it is still also illusion.
Q: Yes”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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