The Form You are Holding is not Reality
Sri Ramakant Maharaj from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik March 26, 2018.
The Invisible Presence is acting through the body that is Ultimate Truth. If at all you have to compare, compare like space or sky, sky does not know ‘I am sky’, sun does not know ‘I am sun’. Your identity is beyond that. How? Because you can see the sun, if there is no seer within the body, who can see the sun, who can see the moon, who can see the god, who can see the master? That means prior to everything your Invisible Unidentified Presence was there. Therefore, not to count yourself in body-form, you have got tremendous power. In the Kakad Arati it is mentioned “Koti Ravi-shashi Mavala-le. Taya Teja-majari.”, crores of suns and moons. What it says: you have got such power, such light, that crores of suns and moons cannot be compared, your power is beyond that.
Q: “I got tremendous power”, I have been hearing that I got tremendous power many years. But what I find is lack of power, a lot of obstacles.
M: Because you are not tempted to leave the existing position. You want knowledge considering “I am body”. Because you prepared some circle, square. It may be spiritual circle or square. You do not want to cross it. The moment you cross it, all identification will dissolve, disappear. Till that time, you have to undergo the meditation. What is meditation? Just you are hammering yourself “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”, just like the police person tortures “you are the criminal, you are the criminal, see, this is the evidence against you, you are a criminal”; it says “I am not” – “Yes, you are the criminal”, then he says “Oh, I am criminal”. Similarly, you are hammering “You are Brahman, You are Brahman, You are a liar? You are Brahman”, so with that, the Reality will accept the Reality, “That I am That”. Though you are holding your body you are remained unconcerned, untouched. If anybody says you are a good lawyer, you say “Okay”, you are a bad lawyer, it’s okay. Nisargadatta Maharaj says “If anybody says ‘You are a good saint’, I have no appreciation, if anybody says “you are a bad saint”, no depression/depreciation. Good and bad are connected with body only and I am not body at all, I am formless”.
Q: One has no desires and then final Conviction is coming or final Conviction is coming and after than final Conviction, there are no desires? You understand what I am saying?
M: Desire, Conviction, these are the words related to body only. As such there is no conviction, see this body is called female body, correct?
Q: Yes
M: You have got conviction that I am female body. You are female, you are female, it’s fact. This body’s name is “Saraswati”, you got the conviction that “I am Saraswati, I am realized”
Q: No, no, no
M: “Saraswati”, that means conviction is there, but you are unaware of that. You are Ultimate Truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, that conviction is there, but you are unaware of that Reality. And Master places before you that Reality to accept it totally. Conviction is there, who says that there is no conviction, you know this body form is not yours, it is fact.
Q: Well, sometimes I am…
M: Why “sometimes”? All the time. Do you say sometimes “I am Saraswati”, sometimes “I am somebody else”? No, all the time you are Saraswati, so all the time you are Brahman, who say’s “Sometimes I am Brahman, sometimes I am not Brahman?” Brahman means Ultimate Truth, Final Truth that you are, you were, you are. So, that Spontaneous Conviction is supposed to be accepted, we are not accepting because we are having some impressions of the body-knowledge. Everybody knows, in spite of that, we are accepting flow of thoughts. Mind is there, ego is there, intellect is there, somebody trying to impress their own thoughts in the name of spirituality. Nisargadatta Maharaj warned everybody, devotee, disciple, not supposed to come across such elements which will distract you from the Reality. Understand? After conviction, after knowing the Reality, you should not come across such elements, such thoughts, that will distract you from Reality. Suppose…
Q: Some people
M: Suppose tomorrow, you come across with some Baba, he says something oh! “Brahman is like that”, “Atman is like that”, and directly or indirectly you are becoming victim of his thoughts, you forget the past. Master says you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Ultimate Truth, that particular moment the other element try to impress their thoughts.
Q: Yeah, absolutely.
M: You should be alert. Because you better know about the Reality. Just like famous example, story, of the blind going to see the elephant, it’s a very famous spiritual story. The blind wants to see the elephant, some blind got the feet of the elephant, oh blind says it’s like pillar, he starts saying elephant is like, so whatever part they got they describe in that way, but if you see the entire elephant will you struggle with that? No, you are not coming with their thoughts. They are right, because they are blind. Master is giving spectacles, see yourself. After seeing the entire elephant no contradiction is there, because you know better, no argument is there, likewise, not to come across such elements which will distract you from the Reality. It should be, supposed to be firm. I am not restricting your activity. But anyone trying to impress his thoughts, be alert. Because these thoughts are body-based thoughts. I am not criticizing anybody else, there are so many elements in the world, some people coming to me also, today decorated in the body, today body is decorated with bald, with malas, they are coming. So, to have spirituality these things are not required, you want to prove you are spirituality or somebody spiritualist? Typical clothes wearing? No, not necessary.
Be simple, be normal, and be humble. After knowing the Reality be humble. Not to have ego like “I am Brahman”, “I am Master”, this is also ego. Suppose tomorrow you become Master; some knowledge is having. There should not be the subtle ego that ” I am Master”, “I am teaching spirituality” The spirituality should not be used for commercial purpose, I am insisting everybody. There are some people after going from here opening some shops. That temptation should not be there. If you are really realized, if you really understood, if you got real conviction, fact is there. So, dry spirituality will not help. Be strong, spiritually strong. Nothing is wrong with you. Because you are not the doer, there is no deed. Nothing has happened. Because your invisible Presence is Ultimate Truth, nothing is there. You are Reality. You are Reality, Ultimate Truth. Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. The form you are holding is not Reality. Because basically you are formless. Prior to beingness there is no form. After leaving the body this form will disappear, burned or buried.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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