So That I, I Am That
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Maharaj: It’s not necessary to meditate for one or two hours. One minute is sufficient for you.
Q: That’s the Spontaneous Conviction which is still missing..
Maharaj: Yes! Pleasure and pain are connected with the body. Because we’re measuring ourself in body form. Where was that pleasure and pain prior to beingness? After leaving the body, what pleasure and what pain? After leaving the body, who knows what is pleasure and what is pain? So far we’re holding this human body, we’re connected with the painfulness and pleasure. No pleasure is there, no painfulness.
Because body knowledge is not tolerable. Directly or indirectly we’re posing ourself in body-form. We’re having a lot of spiritual knowledge; we talk about ‘Atman’, ‘Paramatman’, ‘Brahman’, ‘God’, and everything. No sadhana is required. Why is sadhana required? Prior to beingness are you doing any sadhana? What do you mean by sadhana? I’m advising meditation. What is the purpose of meditation? You’re inviting the attention of the Invisible Meditator within you that you are Ultimate Truth. Except your Selfless Self, nothing is there. That Conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously. No special sadhana is required. Sitting one hour, two hours, ten hours, has no meaning. One moment is sufficient. That ‘I am’ is supposed to be dissolved! What you are doing, that deed, some base of ‘I am’ is there. ‘I am somebody else’, ‘I’m doing sadhaka’, ‘I’m a devotee’.
Q: Maharaj, I call it sadhana, but it’s really…
Maharaj: Okay, I can understand. I’m not blaming you, it happens in every case, in our case also. But I say sadhana is not necessary. What you have learned, what you have listened to through various sources, try to absorb it totally. It’s open fact that except your Selfless Self there is no God. Why to find the Gods and Goddesses? What is the purpose of Sadhana? What is the purpose of devotion? What is the purpose of meditation? What do you want to achieve? What is the goal? What is Ultimate Truth, what is Final Truth? You are Final Truth, you are Ultimate Truth.
You have to please yourself. The Saint is not separate from you. The Master is not separate from you, this is not Master (Maharaj indicates his body). The bodies are different. The Invisible Listener within you is the Master, formless, shapeless. That sadhana is required: “Yes, so That I, I am That!” without any ego. How are you prior to beingness? You say, “I don’t know”. After leaving the body? “I don’t know”. In the negative answer, a positive meaning is there. ‘I don’t know’ means you’re not in any shape, you’re not in any form. There’s no experience, no experiencer! There’s no witness, there’s no witnesser! There’s no ‘I’, there’s no ‘you’, no language is there! No knowledge is there! It’s open fact.
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