Simple Knowledge
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 24, 2012.
It’s a simple knowledge. Knowledge of your Selfless Self. Without this body. Just glance what is here with this body bones, flesh and blood. Who is talking from this body? Who is listening from this body? This does not have any body form. That spirit which is listening or talking does not have any body form. The spirit which is talking and listening silently, these are the media for the speaker. Glance within yourself. The moment you have Enlightenment or Realization, Self-Realization. At that time, you don’t need anything or any worldly happiness. Those days Nisargadatta Maharaj refused a visit to this Prime Minister of India, because he was not after any publicity. Some people offered money also, he rejected, no. After Realization worldly happiness will have no meaning. Internal happiness is such that all external happiness becomes, nothing. After this, we are teaching to invite your attention that, when you are searching for happiness in publicity, money, sex, and other objective things, search within yourself. Who is enjoying this happiness? In brief, body is not Ultimate, but the spirit which is holding this body is Ultimate. That Ultimate state, is a totally thoughtless state. Though language is flowing, thoughts are flowing, you remain totally unconcerned with those thoughts. Though you are holding this body, but you are remaining totally unconcerned with the body. Just like you are wearing these clothes. It is not difficult, one thing you should have strong faith within yourself. Don’t do any deliberate effort. But with this strong faith within yourself and with your Master, that internal atmosphere will be totally changed. At that moment entire self will totally disappear. You can see all these changes within yourself. This is not an intellectual knowledge it is an exceptional story of your Selfless Self. How many devotees serious enough to know this Reality? How many devotees are there to know this Reality? People want happiness externally. Running after money, publicity, sex, and so many objectives. Then there is, as the process of life old age came. Old age. At that old age there is fear of the clouds of death, oh. That moment is a very, very, painful moment. Because; you don’t want to leave this body, at the same time you want to leave the body, very, very serious thing. Therefore, you should know what is the secret of death and birth. Nobody’s having experience of death and birth. Death and birth belong to the body only, not to me. This conviction is supposed to be there. You may live your life, your routine life as you like. But; the conviction should be there ‘I am not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain as a body.’ ‘My spontaneous existence is the source of this world. If my Presence is not there, who will see the world?’ All this philosophy, all this spirituality is within yourself only. All these spiritual books, all this listening, are indicating that you are the Supreme of this world. Don’t measure yourself in body form.
What do you say? Though you are living in this world, you remain untouched with the world. What is useful to live this body, to nourish this body, accept it, otherwise reject it. Like this tea. I don’t like to have coffee, so I want this tea, I don’t want coffee. Similarly, what is required for this body’s purposes, you use it, otherwise, reject it. Because; ego, mind, intellect is demanding so many things from the world. Different types of feelings are bound to be there in the body. Something says, ‘Some bad thoughts are coming in the mind, some good thoughts are coming in the mind, some depression is coming in the mind’ Who says all these things? I am trying to invite attention of that experiencer, or witness, of all this atmosphere. Try to concentrate within yourself. While concentrating, that concentration and concentrator disappears. That is Ultimate stage. At that stage there is no Master, there is no disciple, there are no gods or goddesses. All worldly experience dissolves within yourself. This world came into existence when you, experienced spontaneously within you. The moment the spirit clicked with the body, you started seeing the world. Trying to search ‘Who am I?’ After sitting with the Master, he says ‘You are Ultimate.’ Because of long association with the body, we are not having faith of the words of the Master. Therefore, some sadhana, some discipline is given to have some concentration through these spiritual words, this Guru Mantra. After having concentration continuously, continuously, continuously, the spirit will be totally changed. Enlightened stage. At that time, you will say ‘Oh, So That I.’ These are the first steps. We know the knowledge intellectually but not knowing practically, that is a drawback. That is a drawback. We know knowledge, intellectually, mentally, egoistic. But not Reality, really. That is the drawback of our spiritual life. Drawback. Drawback means, what you say? That is the hindrance, kind of hindrance. Through this body you can know yourself in a real sense only. You can easily overcome all types of ignorance. What is the principle ignorance? You are Ultimate, but you started considering you are somebody, a man or woman. Don’t measure yourself, though you are holding the body of a man or woman, don’t measure yourself in body form. This is an external thing. External clothes. Concentrate the spirit which is spontaneous Presence within you. Ultimate when you are concentrating the entire thing will disappear. When you came here you are supposed to be very serious to know yourself. I am repeatedly saying that you must have strong faith within yourself. Any doubts you are having get it cleared from the Master. When you are going from here, you completely remain doubtless. When you are going anywhere you are supposed to be doubtless. You are going to come across with some illusory elements. I told the story about the blind and the elephant. When you have seen the entire elephant why to come across with the blind that say how that elephant is.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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