Self-Inquiry Is Connected With The Body-Knowledge Only
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Self-Inquiry Is Connected With The Body-Knowledge Only
He was a 13 or 14 year old boy. Exceptional intellect, intellectual. His father was fed up with him asking so many questions. The father asked the god of death Yama, take him away, I’m fed up with him. In those days, that god of death came there. His father said, ‘take him with you, I don’t want.’ Yama takes him. He (the boy) asks the question ‘You are taking the soul of all the people, who is going to take your soul?”You are taking the soul, you are god of death, after your death who will take your soul?’ Yama said, ‘Don’t ask this question, I will give you whatever you want, but don’t ask such question.’ What I am to tell you. We are making self-inquiry, self- inquiry, Master will come with the truth. For which all the process is there. Your inner Master is very strong. I gave so many examples before of Eklava etc. Why? The listener is very sharp, very intellect, exceptional intellect is there. You have tremendous power, which is unknown. Because you are posing all the time in this body form, therefore you are unaware of the reality. All questions are related to the body knowledge only. If there is no body, who will talk and ask questions? No questions, no answer. Because your existence is not in any form. We accepted this form, body-form as my identity. Through which you are asking so many questions. Trying to analyze the words. It’s not bad. There should be self-inquiry. ‘I am reading so many books, I am approaching so many master’s, I am approaching so many temples, so many things I am doing, for what or to whom am I doing?’ Who is the beneficiary out of that? Body is not a beneficiary. Some or other day you are going to have to leave the body. Then who is beneficiary? Who wants happiness? Who wants peace?
After pressing, after inquiry. For whom are you making inquiry, that disappears. That reality will come forth to you.
Not to do anything. Whatever process of your thinking, the process, layers are there, veils are there, flow of thoughts are there. Just observe it. Because, no doubt body based thoughts are there. Intellectual base is flowing there, mental base is flowing there, egoistic base is flowing there. Behind that, body is the base. Without body you can’t experience thoughts. No feeling will be there. But, through this, the intellectual understanding will absorb in spontaneous conviction. Intellectual understanding will absorb in spontaneous conviction. Then no doubt will be there.
You’re on the right path. After these progressive steps, nothing remains. There
shouldn’t be any type of confusion.
It’s obvious. Not to confuse. Everything, behind your Presence is there. Thoughts are there, good thoughts are there, bad thoughts are there, spiritual thoughts are there. When you feel ‘I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Almighty God’ these are progressive steps.
Hidden power is there. Door is open for you. Your power. I am telling you I am not
doing any special thing, I am showing your importance. With various words I am trying to convince you. Not to measure yourself in body form. You have tremendous power.
It’s very easy in those days, meditation, Bhausaheb Maharaj use to go to meditation 10 hours, twelve hours, you know. One position, Bhausaheb Maharaj 10 hours 12 hours, same position. He’s not coming up, he is doing meditation in a well, a dry well, he is standing in the circle where the water was lifted. Rigorous effort they made. That made it very easy for you people. It’s fast food for you. They made a lot of preparation from that. Siddharameshwar Maharaj was sitting 6 – 9 months for meditation, in Jaipur.
Jaipur, I don’t know exactly where that is, there is a fort, a fort is there. Yes,
you can go there. Starting from say early in the morning, you can be driven there, no problem. You have to reach there, say by 7PM.
Now it’s very easy. They found out the process with great difficulty. Devotee’s at
that time they had to go for meditation 12 years, twenty years sometime. Also read
books, along with Naama Mantra, then they had a lot of power, tremendous power. That is to say, forget that, Presence is having tremendous power.
It happens, don’t worry about it. See some people came here, some people are having spiritual life 20 years, 30 years, 40 years. They are wandering, wandering, visiting, visiting so many places. If they were to make some self-inquiry, then they are not required to go here and there. After self-inquiry, leads to self-knowledge. Just like some saintly person came from Rishikesh, he’s a monk, a chief priest in an Ashram. He is going here and there, he went to Bombay, he went to city, he came here, I don’t blame him. Because he has not come across with the Reality. He was not guided by somebody else who says, ‘You are Ultimate Truth.’ If he knows that Ultimate Truth, then he is not going here and there, visiting so many places. I am not distracting with this exercise, you want to have peace or happiness or knowledge you are not required to go anywhere.
Of course. You see, people are coming they say, ‘I have 10 years in Ramana Ashram’. They approach so many master’s. You should ask yourself, ‘after doing all these things whether I have got happiness or not’. Simple, nothing required. ‘I have made so many inquiries for the last 10 years 20 years, whether I am free from fear? At the time of leaving the body whether I am fearless’? That’s inquiry. Inner master say’s ‘no’. Then it’s not inside. Then self-inquiry leads to self-knowledge. Then ‘what do I have to do’? After doing, let’s say, rigorous involvement in spirituality, if I am not getting happiness, no peace is there, then what to do? You have to alert. Then that leads to self-knowledge. Something sees that ‘what I am doing it is not correct’. It means something else is there, which I am missing. Efforts I have put in, meaningless. Then coincidentally you are coming across some Master’s. Master says, ‘You go through this way’.
Self-inquiry is connected to the body knowledge only. ‘How that body knowledge will be dissolved’? that question remains. To solve this question, you are pressing further and further the knowledge. Knowledge means what? That you are knowing yourself in a real sense. Because I am doing all these things considering body is my form. Self-inquiry leads to self-knowledge means, whatever I have done so far 10 years or 20 years through body, considering my body is my base. Then when you come to know body is not my base, whatever efforts are there, is in vain, is meaningless. Then you get alertness, ‘I want something else, I have to go the right step, my track is the wrong track’. Knowledge means just to know oneself ‘yes, I am nothing to do with the body knowledge’. Body is not my identity, body was not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity. That intellectual knowledge you will get. And then, try and let that intellectual knowledge about your Selfless Self absorb in Reality. That is called Realization.
Self-inquiry, leads to self-knowledge, and self-knowledge leads to Self-Realization. The knowledge, literal knowledge, intellectual knowledge, absorbs spontaneously, that is the sign of Realization. Then you are not required to go anywhere. No temptation is there. I am unborn, where is the question of death and birth? I am totally free. Why should I feel guilty? I am not a doer. That conviction appears within you spontaneously. That is the sign of Realization. Realized. There are no needs.
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