Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj Nashik Ashram, March 3, 2017
Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj Nashik Ashram, March 3, 2017 Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 3, 2017.
Maharaj: So as we are discussing the same thing. Same tape we are repeating again and
Devotee A: Just push play…
Devotee B: Raga…
Maharaj: Same Raga. (Laughter) Words are different. The principle behind that you get
some Spontaneous Happiness. Then, so many (inaudible) are there. They’re reading books,
listening, but some or other way they’re coming on the body-based-knowledge. Yesterday
some lady made a lot of arguments, in a message, and “Why is my family like this? Why my
son-in-law is acting like this?” So many (inaudible) But we are not concerned with family
matters. Spirituality not concerned with the family matters, why your son is not studying?
How can I help that? Why your husband (inaudible). I can’t help you! The main thing
(inaudible) family life, I can’t help you. Because base of the Spirituality, You are not body
at all. You live Happily. You are getting some Courage to live Happily, Peacefully, because
since You are holding your body you have started to believe in the body and you are acting
according to that, therefore we are having some depression, and some sadness,
unpleasantness, painful life. How to be painful life (inaudible) pleasure (inaudible).
Devotee C: But still it can be that Spirit feels it just by chance helps you in life. So that, I
don’t expect so much from my family members anymore, then they are free.
Maharaj: Yes, it happens. Because not you, but some other people say that, particularly
ladies, a problem, “My husband is not going like me. I am spiritual, doing bhajan,
meditation, why my husband is like this? My son is like this? Why he’s not learning?
Why…” What you? How to do? What to do? (Laughter) I can’t take care of your family life.
So it happens. So after teaching, after listening, after reading, again that body-based
concept pricking. It should not (inaudible), because our concept of the reality is not real
point. (Inaudible) devotees are reading, but that Conviction is not there. Some or other
body-based-concept is there. That’s supposed to be dissolved, melted – without it, it is not
possible. Even if told that, even intellectuals say that “this is not your Identity at all”.
Where are all these bodies prior to beingness? Nothing was there. My husband, my father,
my sister, my guru. All these concepts came along with the body. After leaving the body
what concept remain? Nothing remain. It’s open, even forget of spirituality, you think
intellectually also, “this is not going to remain.” And further, if there is no Presence, what is
the value of this body? It’s a dead body. So after knowing this, you will be have Conviction
that (inaudible) that I am not birth and death, no birth, there’s no death. Inside this body,
what is there? Just glimpses of I. It’s space, just like a veil, subtle veil, through which we
feel ‘I’. If there is no veil, how can you feel ‘I’? And that ‘I’ we are directly experiencing. And
it’s nature of the Spirit to continue this life for long. It’s not possible. But the importance of
spirituality, it give you Courage. Whatever happened, happened on the body. It may be
words, but it give courage to, how to live happily. (Inaudible) Nisargadatta Maharaj,
number of problems, number of problems. Since he was a – there was so many – he was
there, even he become disciple of Siddharameshwar Maharaj. He left all his things. He
wanted to experience these words, etc, etc. Now his family life and his business are totally
disturbed. Then his mother died, daughter died. Father, what why he die? So many
calamities! His business gone. Now out of ten shop, one shop remains. So many things are
there. He also (inaudible). In spite of that he not left spirituality. Because you are getting
Courage how to live in all these circumstances. So this spiritual teaching show how to live
successfully, peacefully in spite of there are so many difficulties and depressions. It’s the
purpose behind it. But you are trying to relate, ‘my family life’ to spirituality. So this
Understanding, this Conviction (inaudible) reading book. So try to overcome all these
difficulties. Because you have got Power how to overcome all these difficulties. You can use
your Power. And as it, it is fact that this is illusory world. There is no I, you, he, she, it,
nothing is there. There is no master, there is no disciple, there is no god, there is no
devotee. It’s Fact, but so far we are holding body so all concept are there. The moment
body disappears what concept? Nothing remains. Who is God? What is God? What is
Brahman? What is Atman, Paramatman, Master (inaudible)? So everything came out of
nothing, everything dissolve within nothing, It’s fact. (inaudible) the ego. So not struggle,
not struggle with the mind. No fighting with the mind. We are fighting with the mind,
fighting with the thoughts, yes why not? We behave like this. We are preparing some
frames and within that framework (inaudible).
Devotee A: My only depression is not repeating the Mantra enough. Otherwise I feel very
good, but I feel like I’m not repeating the Mantra enough. But I guess as depression goes,
it’s a good depression to have.
Maharaj: So now to accept that thing within you. Mantra is saying that ‘You Are Brahman,
Atman, Paramatman, God, Master’. Master does not have any death and birth. No
depression, nothing is there. No peacefulness is required, no happiness is required because
happiness, peacefulness, they connected to the body only. Because body-knowledge is not
tolerable. So Spirituality teaching you to stand on your own feet. Not to depend upon
anybody, including masters also. Encourage you own Master, approach your Own Master.
It’s Powerful Master. But we have our habit, “give something, be something, give me
blessing. (Inaudible).
Devotee D: Who needs to be courageous? When you say that we need courage. I don’t feel
that I am very courageous person…
Maharaj: Courage is required because you are considering yourself in body-form.
Devotee D: Yes, but where I get that courage I……
Maharaj: It’s Spontaneous Courage. Even difficulty appear before you, you not disturbed,
you’re not depressed. Some incidents, some unpleasant incidents happen in your life, at
that time you are getting some Courage, Firmness, to remain unconcerned with that
incident. Previously if such thing happens we are getting afraid, disturbed, depressed. That
depression will not come after having this Conviction. You are getting courage
spontaneously, it happen. Let it happen, even it happen I am not concerned with it. Like
that black clouds will go away. Clouds are coming, going. You are There and There Only. So
you will feel spontaneous within you, continuous meditation. Because slowly, silently, and
permanently all body-based-concepts supposed to be dissolved. Then only You remain
untouched with the world. Whatever happening in the world, forget it. Because You are not
body at all, I was not body at all. So stop measuring in body-form because You are
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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