Ramakant Maharaj Nashik Ashram March 25 2017
Ramakant Maharaj Nashik Ashram March 25 2017 Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 25, 2017.
That Spirit or Presence acting through body is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is not limited to the body, it is beyond the body. And knowledge means That Identification. So, theoretically we know that I am Brahman, Paramatman, God, Master. To implement the practice, you have to undergo the meditation. What is the result of meditation? You will not get results immediately. It has happened in my case also. I have taken Mantra, October 31st of 1962. In the beginning, not possible to understand what Maharaj used to say. Every day, in the evening, I used to go to Maharaj, there was lecture, before there are some foreigners used to be at the house, there are discussions, so I’m attending discussion also, attending lectures also. But uh beyond my capacity, no idea. But Maharaj used to say, “Listen to me, Listen to me”. What he wants to say that “Listen to Me”, that Invisible Listener is Listening to his speech and engraving it indirectly. Though intellectually you are not able to understand, but some Invisible Presence engraving that Reality Permanently. At that particular moment, you will not get results, you say “I can’t understand, it’s beyond my capacity.” But it is absorbing within you indirectly, Master’s Word. He used to say, “Listen to me, Listen to me”. Sometimes he used to give some tips. So, he said “What is there in body? Nothing, Only Glimpses Of I”. So, he told long ago this, then after some years back, afterwards, everything opened. How that open? Because after strong meditation, Involvement, Faith in Masters, your Inner Master Open the Secret of the Spirituality. Because Inner Master is not separate from the External Master, these are only concepts. But whatever is in you, that Power, it opens Behind. And I slowly, slowly I form That. Listen, You’re Presence is Everywhere. Every being has Presence, it happens Spontaneously inside, inside, it is surprise. Second thing, sometimes I think very, very bad thoughts. I feel sometimes guilty, some hatred, jealousy, bad dreams, it happens, but I am getting confused. But thereafter after some time, it’s open, “why should I guilty?” Its nature of the mind to know the thoughts. I’m not accepting any thought that flow in the mind. I’m not guilty for that. That is Reality Opened. Some Inner Voice explaining the Reality before you. At that time, you will not have any separate from That. You become One with That.
That Spontaneous Instructions, some answer of your special question, or some difficult question, is flowing inside. And there was some dialog within me. See it is very funny miracles, directly within you. When you are asking some question, when some question is raised inside, immediately those questions are answered. There Is No Master physically, but your Inner Master – this is also concept – your Inner Power replying that questions and you accept that “Oh how it is!” So whenever, if anybody asking any difficult question the instant answer is there because your Inner Master is pleased with you, you have not become separate from Inner Master. Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj say, “I’m not making you disciple I’m making you Master.” Because Masterly Essence already within you. It happens, you are unaware of that power. Always you are measuring yourself, counting yourself in body form. That body-concept supposed to be dissolved for which meditation is having powerful effect. It happens, and then slowly, silently, permanently, you feel that “Oh, body is not my identity at all, why should I fear?”. Because prior to beingness I am not body, after leaving body nothing remains.
So, knowledge, purpose of knowledge, value of knowledge, till that, till that knowledge that Reality absorb within you. What is knowledge? Spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge, what spiritual knowledge? Spiritual Knowledge, through Master, place before you the Reality of the Listener. And You Are Listener, To Whom There Is No Shape. That Conviction supposed to be appear. Then everything will be clear within you. You need not to go to anywhere in the world, no need of any Masters. But you are to enter your Master, your Spiritual Master external master. If external Master say “You Are Brahman” you are to accept it. Therefore, those illiterate people they have accepted it, plainly, no doubts. We’re having some intellect, we are creating some “why this? how this? how this?” No why, no how. My Master is Master. My Master says, ‘You are Brahman’, You are Brahman. No other thoughts. Like that you are to accept the Reality. What happens?
We develop intellect, spiritual intellect. We’re having subtle ego. We’re having pressure of mind. And therefore, always, though we are Knowing the Reality, we are confused. We confuse ourself. Our thoughts creating problems. When alert these thoughts are illusory thoughts, not to struggle with thought, it is natural, that mind is manufacturing something that I told you. So, whatever thoughts are useful for your routine you can accept it, else throw it. What happens is the nature of the body is that whatever person accepts “yes, my thought my thoughts”, and then some depression is there. So, in that case, how to act or how to react under the various circumstances, that Reality will come out of you. There’ll be inner voice, no doubt will be there. If mind says no no-oh I don’t want it. So, you are to have commanding nature. Your mind has become slave, now we have become slave of mind.
Mind instructing your power. So, in that case we are powering power to the mind, ego, intellect. What is mind, ego, intellect? They are subtle organs. Subtle functioning bodies. Where are those prior to beingness? Nothing. We came across with the body only, needs, requirement, desires, good desire, bad desire, all concept, all concepts, came along with body. And now only you are afraid of all these concepts, but we are trying, we have accepted the concept, my thoughts.
Therefore, we feel guilty or feeling tension, anything happens against our mind you are getting tension, depressed, “oh that man is not”, there is jealousy. Nisargadatta Maharaj used to say not to be jealous of anybody.
There should not be attract, not to hurt anybody’s feelings, that is basic. That means directly or indirectly you are assaulting family members, your friends, anybody else, you feel that he is not doing well, or say something bad or some…. ok. Don’t insist, don’t force somebody to act according to your wishes. Suppose your wife is there, brother is there, sister is there, son is there, mother is there, so many. They are expecting that they should behave like this, this, this and that, it become again to accept that, some concept, a spiritual exhibition. You feel something irritating. I told that “You not follow me.” So, like that force, create problems for you. Forget it. forget it, why to insist? You are Master of Your Own. The world itself is illusory world, it’s a dream. Because prior to 100 years you were not there. After 100, how you will be there? So, nothing dissolves into nothing. Nothing came out of nothing. And we are fighting because ‘this is something’. That fighting is supposed to be stopped. That confusion is supposed to be stopped. You can stop it. Not difficult.
Why Master is required? Because we are not knowing Reality, even though we are knowing the Reality it is not implemented. We’re having body pressure, we’re having mind pressure, we’re having ego pressure, intellect pressure. Some thoughts are there. So many thoughts racing all the time. So, that to say, not to come across with such element which will distract you from the Reality. You know better, your aware mind. When you know the identity perfectly, why to go to enquiry, ‘how that I Brahman is” hmm? Brahman does not have any shape. It’s the nature of, ‘oh after this going Master, how that Brahman is.” And he’s trying to impress concepts. This master says like this, this master says like this. You follow your inner Master, and through meditation you are giving some strength, power to inner Master to open the Truth to you. Then your external identity will be dissolved. No identity remains. You become one with your Selfless Self. Though you are living as a man or woman, you are not taking any touch, you remain unconcerned with the world, as if you are acting in a drama. So, That Reality is supposed to be absorbed, digested, for which meditation….
Q: So not to struggle? I mean you want to put in effort but not to struggle with it….
Maharaj: What, why to struggle? Why to struggle with, we are struggling with our own thoughts. It is the nature of the body to manufacture so many thoughts. 24-hour thoughts. In dream, also the thoughts are there. After meditation, after Conviction, after absorbing the Knowledge, Reality, you are not giving so much importance to thoughts. Why become victim of your thoughts? Ok the thoughts are flowing. Some dog is barking. Are you paying attention to why that dog is barking? No. Similarly, mind is flowing with thoughts, then you can forget it. Listen to me. Then you become thoughtless. If you give importance to the thought, then again and again it’s trying to confuse you. So be alert. Be cautious. All the time. Because Bhajan is there, prayers are there. It is a systematic Devotion. All the time you are alert. Alertness is there. Through Bhajan and through prayers, through meditation, knowledge. You are getting alertness. You are not becoming a victim of anybody’s thoughts, anybody’s concepts, or your own concepts. Very simple thing. You are not forgetting, from that dedication. Knowledge is there, but dedication is there. It’s the only thing, beyond that nothing is there. You don’t have to think how to maintain it, that you have to do. You may be anywhere, you can do your job, do your duties. You can recite the Mantra, reciting Mantra.
Sit for meditation, if you got sufficient time to, one hour, half an hour, sit for half an hour for meditation. time. Remember all this Atmosphere so your mind will not play tricks against you.
The mind always tries to distract you from it. Even some other people, some different concepts are there. Everybody says, “I know Brahman, I know Brahman, I know Brahman.’ The story of that blind boy going to see the elephant. Whatever part he got he says, “this is the elephant”. But when you see the entire elephant, you don’t argue with that. That is correct. You are Knowing. Like that, there are so many Masters, so many things are there. Everybody says, “Brahman is like that, Brahman is like this, Brahman…….” Ok. Not to struggle with it. When you know the Reality, why to struggle?
So be Strong, Spiritually Strong. Now you know the Reality, you are to maintain that Reality. Do your duties, do your jobs, your responsibilities. Earn something if you are earning something, what is there? Nisargadatta Maharaj was working, not to depend on anybody else, stand on your own feet. Spirituality is not restricting any of your activities. Whatever is required for this body, you can have it. “Oh, I am spiritual man, how can I do this?” Nothing. If you are having any time you may come to master. If not, I can talk with you on telephone, mobile is there. Nowadays lots of facilities are there. But stand on your own feet. Spiritually lets you stand on your own feet. Master is there, but even if Master is not with you physically Master is Master. Master is not there so I find other live masters, disciple of, so many persons “oh I have to go find live master”. What do you mean live Master? You are live Master.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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