Question Yourself in Calm and Quiet
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Q: Thank you so much for these broadcasts. When doing Mantra meditation should the concentration be on the words, the sound, the breath, the Master, or just Selfless Self?
Ramakant Maharaj: Just Selfless Self. Master is also with form, basically Master is formless but, in the beginning, mind does not allow you to concentrate Selfless Self directly. So, in that case you have to see the Master in body form, you can concentrate on Master and some vibrations, some waves will come inside. As matter of fact there is no difference between Master and yourself, but in spite of this mind is not accepting the reality. To make the mind accept this reality in the beginning you have to concentrate on Master or Selfless Self, Master though it is with form it is easy for concentration.
There is no difference between Master and disciple. Because we are holding human form, different human forms are there. In all bodies Spirit is one just like with all buildings all sky is one. Similarly, lakhs of beings are there so every being is having same Spirit called Brahman, Atman, Paramatmam, God, Master. Because Directly or indirectly we are considering our self as body form, so there is lot of attachment to that body form. Therefore, we are having an egoistic ‘I’. That egoistic ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved, it is to be a humble ‘I’, not egoistic ‘I’. Try to identify, it is a very simple thing, this ‘I’ does not know it’s independent identity. It is vast, it is everywhere omnipresent, in the sense how to some people Gods or goddesses are. Master is not separate from you, so instead of playing with words – Master, God, Ultimate Truth, Maya, Brahman – through explaining or narrating, try to convince the invisible listener within you. So, one principle is that there is Selfless Self which is the ultimate truth you are. So why is Naam Mantra, or Master required? Because you forgot your identity, you treat this dream as true dream. Everyday there is a different dream, but dreams are not true. Similarly, this is a long dream. As we are treating this dream as true therefore to discard all these illusionary concepts you have to undergo meditation.
So many questions are asked, for those unable to come to India or Nasik whether mantra is compulsory. So, my reply is that Mantra is a word, came from lineage to lineage, holding some importance in Sanskrit and creating some vibrations. It is not compulsory if you have strong devotion with words of Master’s that except myself there is no Brahman, Atman, Paramatmam. Myself not in egoistic sense but formless ‘myself’. But these are words, if there is such full faith within you of a Master who is teaching you then mantra is not necessary. Mantra is only media, creating atmosphere, and through mantra you are reminding yourself. ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ is also mantra, and spontaneous awakening is required that ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. Then originality will come out with the result that at time of leaving the body there should not be any dream. Why is spirituality required, why is a Master required, why are books required? Because there is no peacefulness, no happiness. Since we are holding body always tension is there, fear of death is there, so to come out of these illusionary concepts spirituality is required. Spirituality is a concept. To say ‘I am Brahman’ is also a concept, an illusionary concept. But It is a concept based on sattva guna, a good concept, through which you can identify yourself. After identification, after conviction you don’t need this exercise – not even meditation, bhajan or help of Master. Till you stand on your own feet Master is required because you consider yourself as handicapped depending upon blessings of Master or God. Master is not separate from you, but you are not having such conviction. To have this strong faith that you are Master, this process is required. Meditation is required as form of hammering. How to breathe or concentration on tip of nose, all these aids are not compulsory. If you have full confidence that I am Brahman, then nothing is required. But mind does not accept this reality easily, so all this process is necessary -so many sources, reading books, Masters words, meditation – for the principle and just to get back that original memory that I am Ultimate Truth. Brahman means ultimate truth, that you are.
Be strong. To get spiritual strength, to accept reality that you are not man, woman or any being, but you are formless. There is no past or future birth, nothing is there, no deed, no doer, only this reality needs to be absorbed in you. To absorb this reality this process is there. So, gist of all this is that except for Selfless Self nothing is there. Master is only cause, mantra is only cause. Master and disciple are same, God and devotee are one and same, just bodies are different. Mind is not accepting and always playing always with words, debates, arguments, why this, why not this. Try to convince yourself, even if you try to understand intellectually, you are not the body. It comes with a time limit. Who is acting from this body, think about it. Who is watching this dream, who is watching this world? If there is no presence in the body who will talk about the world? This body is just a dream, entire world is projected out of your Presence. If you accept this principle there is no need of anything, even mediation or bhajan are not necessary, as everything came out of nothing. Prior to beingness you were not aware of anything, not knowing anything. After leaving body what remains? What is knowledge? Just to identify yourself in real sense is knowledge. You are unknown to yourself, because of mind, ego, intellect there is confusion. No peacefulness or happiness is there, always tension, always fear. To come out of all this bad patch you have to undergo meditation, read books which give direct information. Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharishi, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, J Krishnamurti, as all these saints were placing before people the ultimate truth. They were living the Ultimate Truth, that you are. Ultimate Truth is not separate from you, God is not separate from you, Master is not separate from you. All this process, this theory is just to convince yourself in real sense you are Brahman, you are Atman, you are Paramatman, you are God, you are Master.
This is short and sweet spiritual knowledge. If you go on talking and narrating it is meaningless you are wasting your time. Except for Selfless Self nothing is there. Why this, why that, if a child is not born why talk about its fate? If you work with mind, ego, intellect they create problems for you. I am somebody else has to be dissolved. ‘I am jnani’ is ego. ‘I am Brahman’ is ego. Brahman does not have specific identity, it is like the sky. It does not have any identity, ‘I am Indian sky, American sky or Russian sky. Sky is sky everywhere, so Brahman is Brahman everywhere.
Q: Please is it possible to clarify. Master says this is the last terminus, and Selfless Self not separate from us. It is inner Master. So we stay with Mantra till leaving last breath or till spontaneous conviction is reached? There is no wish to leave Ranjit Ashram, so we keep with sadhana always? Thank you.
M: Make sadhana anywhere in the world. Sometimes it’s not possible due to physical, age, financial, mental or other problems not come to India. You don’t have to come to Ranjit Ashram all the time, wherever you are make yourself believe that except for Selfless Self nothing is there. You are reading and listening to us, so you have to accept it make in mind. Sadhana is just required to convince yourself. Suppose someone has lost their memory, and so invites the attention of that principle of their original, old memory. You are considering yourself in human form, that is not your identity at all. Sadhana is necessary till you get conviction, to remind yourself, to hammer yourself that you are not man or woman. You are Ultimate Truth, I am Brahman, Brahman I am. These are words to forget body identity, because even if you understand intellectually the body is not your identity at all. Some day you have to leave the body so there should not be another dream. Therefore, this is last terminus. Human body is a golden opportunity to identify yourself. God, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman is not separate from you. Again, and again I am placing before you the same thing. But to accept it is difficult, therefore sadhana is required, Master is required, Mantra is required. But if you have full confidence, strong confidence, nothing is required. Just like Eklavya.
In this story from Mahabharata, Eklavya’s Master refuses to give him the art of archery but he does not get depressed. The boy creates a statue of his Master, worships it and invites inner Master thus gaining exceptional knowledge of archery in absence of external Master achieved in such a way, that a Master would not teach anyone else. That can happen. Your inner Master is a very strong Master. Don’t neglect your inner Master, external Master tries to invite attention of your inner Master. As matter of fact there is no difference between external Master and inner Master except for purpose of conversation, so concentrate on invisible concentrator that you are Brahman. Through mantra you are hammering yourself, and body form consciousness will be turned to Ultimate Truth. You are changeless, you are formless, what you see as changes, or in body form is all illusion. But you have to mold yourself, in the beginning you have to make a deliberate effort. Dry discussion is not sufficient. The questioner is within you, so question yourself in calm and quiet. You will get answers inside, make your inner Master talk with you. Apparently, it seems like duality, but duality will be turned into individuality. There is no duality. But in the beginning, you have to undergo some discipline and deliberate efforts. And you have not to go anywhere in search of Master. Master is not separate from you. You are wasting your time approaching so many Masters. You are neglecting your own Master. You are underestimating and not giving any value to You.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
A recording from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Sri Ramakant Maharaj in October of 2017.
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