Q: You say it’s not difficult to achieve this ultimate truth?
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Q: Maharaj?
Maharaj: Yes?
Q: You say it’s not difficult to achieve this ultimate truth…
Maharaj: Of course.
Q: But yet it takes time for most people…
Maharaj: Why? Suppose in a cave it is dark for five hundred years. If you take a light, will you say “I’m here and after five hundred years it has gone away”? If it is dark in a cave for five hundred years, and you take a torch, will you say “Oh, I’m here after five hundred years, where did it go”? So like that, after having Conviction, nothing is impossible. It is open fact, even if you think intellectually, body is not your identity at all. What is the value of this body? If there is no Presence, what is the value of this body? The body is having value because of your invisible Presence. Why ego is required, why mind? When did you come across mind, ego, intellect? “My mind, my mind” what mind? Mind is the flow of thoughts. They are functions, mind, ego, intellect, through which you are functioning through the body. Where was mind, ego, intellect prior to beingness? After leaving the body, any mind remains? You are giving so much importance: “my mind, my ego”. They are basic concepts, this is basic Reality. After accepting the Reality, as I told you, you’ll be Master of the mind. We’ve become slaves through mind, ego, intellect. Thoughts are entering, then directed to the intellect, and are implemented through the ego. You are beyond that.
Your Presence does not know ‘I am Presence’. It is beyond imagination. We are trying to guess at how we are Brahman – not to guess. It’s fact, it’s open fact. And therefore, it is not difficult at all. You can hold your body, no problem, do all activities. Not to take the touch of any concepts. Suppose in a dream you have done something wrong, “Oh, it is a bad dream”. Are you taking ego? Are you repenting for that act? There is no deed, there’s no doer! Because we are measuring ourselves in body form therefore we say “I’ve done something”. Basically you are formless, there’s no shape, it’s fact. Birth and death are related to the body only.
So you are subtler than sky, subtler than space. Be spiritually strong, have some courage! What happens is we’ve got lack of courage. Everybody knows ‘I am Brahman’. Everybody has knowledge, spiritual knowledge, but a lack of Conviction. You have to absorb it, implement the knowledge within you. What is knowledge, spiritual knowledge? Just to identify oneself in a real sense. Then all concepts will dissolve. No fear of death. Because of long association with the body, you’ve accepted body as your identity, that is the problem. So respect yourself!
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