Q: What is Strong Meditation?
Q: What is Strong Meditation? Download Link
Q: Maharaj what is strong meditation?
M: Strong meditation is, where you forget your total body identity. There is no individuality. There is not any experience, no experiencer, you have become one with the Selfless Self. There is no any awareness, absence of consciousness, so you forget all the world when you are having strong meditation. Because the words given to you, you become with the same with words, what is the meaning of that word – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’– so Brahman means Ultimate Truth. That means: body is not your identity at all, all these efforts we are doing to forget our body identity.
We are holding human form and human form is not our identity, that you know. We are having some time limit, age limit, after certain time we have to leave this body. So who is speaking from this body? Who is listening from this body? It is separate from this body identity. It is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. But still, we have got attachment with the body, we are having body-based questions, concepts, and because of that strong attachment with the body, we are not able to accept the Reality.
What is Reality? You are separate from the body. Human form is not your identity at all. But, the Presence holding, the Presence I call Ultimate Truth, the Presence or Spirit holding the human body. In human body we are having a lot of suffering, unpleasant atmosphere, but that Spirit, that Presence, does not know what is good thing, bad thing, does not know blissfulness or peacefulness or any unpleasant atmosphere. The Spirit is just like space or sky. So, you must have Conviction, body form, body identity is not my identity at all, then only, you will be fearless, there is no death, no birth, there is no form.
Prior to Beingness we are formless, at present we are formless though we are holding body form. I am talking about the Invisible Presence within the body, that to have Conviction, or Realization, you have to undergo meditation. Through meditation you are hammering all the time – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’ – because it is the nature of the Spirit: what you impress, it reflects, it accepts. For example, when so-called birth is there, our parents say, “you are male or female”, we accepted “I am male or female”. At that time, we are not knowing what is male or female, but our parents said this body called male, this body called female, we accepted that. Along with that, so many concepts were impressed upon us by our parents, by society members and by other family members. We accepted each and every concept and our life style is according to that concept.
So, so many concepts we have engraved, we have protected, we have accepted, those concepts are supposed to be dissolved, that is the main purpose. Because unless that, dry talking, dry reading of the books, approaching so many Masters, it is meaningless. Because everything starts from you, everything ends within you. Stop measuring yourself in body form, stop measuring yourself with illusionary concepts.
So not to count yourself in body form, because you are not body at all, that Reality is supposed to be accepted. Because you are not accepting, since childhood till today, we have accepted so many illusionary concepts and we are not ready to go out of these concepts. We are under the pressure of that vicious circle of various concepts.
So it is clear even if you think logically or intellectually, it is fact: this body is not your identity at all. Who is talking from this body, who is listening from this body? It is separate from the body identity, there is no form, just like space or sky, but we are not accepting it.
When you accept that Reality, then at certain stage, you will be thoughtless. Body identity will not remain, that is called strong meditation, where everything is forgotten, including yourself, entire world. Because entire world is projected out of your Presence, if there is no Presence within the body, who will talk about the world.
So, entire world, this illusionary world has taken birth because of your Presence only. So, main focus is your invisible Presence, unidentified Presence within the body. That Conviction is supposed to appear, you can read books, you can listen, but at the same time, try to digest that speech or digest what you have learned and listened. Try to accept it, try to have Conviction. Then only what you read, what you listened will materialize. Otherwise only listening is not sufficient, along with the listening, you have to continue the meditation.
Meditation means not only sitting idle, it is continuous reciting of the Mantra, Soham sadhana is given. According to breathing. When you’re sitting for meditation, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, half hour, one hour, sit with full concentration. If you are not getting time, it is not bad, okay, you can recite the Mantra wherever you are, while walking, while eating, every time, you can recite the Mantra. Only reciting Mantra is not technical reciting, try to accept the Reality.
What is the meaning of Mantra? ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. That meaning is supposed to be absorbed within you, without which only reciting Mantra will not materialize. So be serious, it is very simple, you need not to go read so many books, you are not to go to so many Masters. Your own Master, Spiritual Master within you is Ultimate Truth.
So, after meditation entire Truth will be open within you because you are central point of this world. World does not have any existence. World’s existence came along with your Presence. So, this world does not have its own aspects. Therefore, we are talking about the world, we are talking about relations: my father, my sister, my Master, my God- so many relations are there. All relations, all requirements, all needs came along with the body only and then they will be dissolved along with the body, disappear along with the body.
So therefore, body identity is having some time, limit age limit, it is not your identity at all, you are beyond that, beyond that, because you are totally formless and since you are formless, no birth, no death, you are UNBORN.
So, accept the Reality that is the most important thing, otherwise only listening, only reading books is not serving your purpose, Ok?
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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