Process of Naam Mantra
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Therefore importance of Naam Mantra is there. People say ‘I have got knowledge, so why should I undergo Naam Mantra?’ Apparently it’s OK. But, if you want to know yourself perfectly, if you want to identify perfectly, the process of Naam Mantra is most, most important. Because you might be having a lot of knowledge about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, etc. But, it is not practical, it is just what you say dry, dry knowledge.
Q: Some people claim that they have practical knowledge without Naam Mantra. Some people claim it is enough to read Nisargadatta Maharaj books, to follow his instructions, and without Naam Mantra they claim they have found Absolute knowledge, Absolute State.
It is not, it’s a question of foundation, finding out or attaining that Ultimate State. Because certain discipline you have to observe. Because on the background that body based knowledge is there, hidden, body based knowledge is hidden inside. Unless this dissolves, whatever you are building on that, the building will collapse. That is the basic. So therefore without Naam Mantra, ‘I attain spirituality, or I have got knowledge.’ It’s OK. But it is giving only temporary relief. One should undergo this process, then only. I will tell you one instance of Mr. Pagay a great philosopher and a great politician. He was at that time say 65 or 70 years in age. He used to discuss with Maharaj philosophy, everyday, for about six months. He read so many philosophy books including Veda’s, Janeshwar, Tukarum, etc. One day he told Maharaj ‘I know your knowledge very well, but it is not impressed inside.’ Then Maharaj gave an example that you know tree is there. Tree is there hangs on the side of building, tree is hanging on some walls, tree, seed plants the tree. How it is coming through some close, crevice. So it is rooted through that closed crevice. So like that spiritual knowledge should be rooted through Master’s only. If you put the seeds of the tree, it is not planted anywhere. Like that Guru Mantra process is a must for initial stage. It makes a perfect foundation of your spiritual knowledge. Everybody is having different opinion. Nisargadatta Maharaj never insisted anyone, he may be foreigner or anything, taking Naam Mantra and be my disciple, never, never. Then that man told Maharaj ‘I want to have Guru Mantra.’ Therefore the importance of Guru Mantra is most, see, is very, very essential. It’s not all the time. If you have got devotion just like Ekalavya, it is not impossible also. So, casual reading,casual enlightenment it is not so easy. But, if you have total involvement, ‘Yes, I want to know!’ If you totally surrender to the Master, whosoever is Master. It is not to say, his presence may not be there, he may not be in existence. But, if your involvement is strong, it is also possible. That type of devotion rarely happens. There should not be any type of wavering mind. Therefore, I am not insisting anybody, so many persons are coming to me, I am not insisting ‘Take my Guru Mantra, be my disciple.’ Nothing. I am discussing with them all spiritual secrets, I am not keeping aside any secret, I am putting out all secrets. How it is impressed to him, that is up to him.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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