Present Life Is Not Ultimate Truth
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Ramakant Maharaj: Present life is not Ultimate Truth, it is not stable life, so likewise you have to think over it, who am I? That is the main question, that you have to concentrate. After knowing the reality, though you are living this body form, you are unconcerned. Sometimes bliss is there, sometimes pain is there, sometimes depression is there, nervousness is there, sometimes happiness is there. It happens because you are holding the body, today you are happy, tomorrow depression may be there. Sometimes some devotees say “oh, I am doing spirituality, I am doing meditation, I am doing Bhajan, why is there nervousness, why is there depression?”. It is body knowledge, it is going to happen, depression, unhappiness, all these concepts are not there prior to Beingness. After leaving the body, have you got any depression? “OH I am depressed”, there, nobody is there! The Presence merges with all the entire Presence, like a bucket of water you put in sea, you can’t remove the bucket of water from sea, it becomes sea. Likewise, your Presence, after leaving the body, will merge within, vast, Brahman.
So that type of conviction is required, then only, there will be spiritual survival “yes, I have nothing to do with the world”. At present we survive with the body form, that is not survival at all. So be with you, always, do your job, do your duties. “OH Master, I am having so many problems”, some people ask whether not to continue service or not, why? What is the harm? Spirituality is not asking you to leave your service, leave your responsibilities and go to the forest. Do your routine life, nothing is wrong with you, that means you got ego, “I am somebody else, I am a spiritual man”, and that ego is supposed to be dissolved.
“I am spiritual man, I am Brahman” is also ego, you are neither Brahman nor Atman, you are every thing. Atman, Brahman, Master, names are given to that Ultimate Truth that you are. So, desires are there, concepts are there, because you are holding the body, a body made by five elements. And there is imbalance in the five elements, it happens, up and down is there, today you will be so much happy and peaceful, tomorrow some incident will happen, just like clouds are going and coming. So not to give so much importance, just be steady.
So the first thing: that body attachments are supposed to be dissolved with spiritual knowledge. And take positive views, not negative “oh something happened”, “ok, body is there, some or other day, I will have to leave the body”. That is reality. You can’t postpone. At the most you can postpone 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. You are not going to survive more than 100 years, so that is not your identity at all!
So whatever job, duties you have, observe your duties and for which again I am repeating, meditation is the most part, because after meditation, Conviction will appear. Entire knowledge will be open within you, because you are Master of Masters. You are neglecting that, you are discarding yourself, you are not knowing your importance, you’ve got tremendous importance.
But again you are depending upon somebody, “oh do something, bless me”, why do you want blessings? Ok. Blessings are there. Have your own blessing, please yourself, your inner Master is almighty God. Master key is given to you in Naam Mantra, recite Naam Mantra continuously, there is no harm. Not to pay a single penny, you are not required to bring any garlands or anything, not to bow down to me also, bow down to yourself.
But what I have told you, just accept it, that is my humble request to everybody. I am addressing the invisible Listener, because human form is a golden opportunity for you. This is the last terminal, don’t neglect it, do your job, your duties, your responsibilities, at the same time, try to identify, that is the most important thing. If you neglect it, if you take it lightly, with a wavering mind, you go here and there, approach this Master, that Master, you are wasting your time.
Approach your own Master, it is very simple, but be humble, not to have any ego, not to struggle with mind, not to struggle with people. There should not be any hatred, some conditions are there, not to make comparisons “oh my Master is great and your Master is not great”. Like that.
Not to allow silly questions inside, sometimes mind is playing, mind is very crazy, playing with you, creating so many questions, trying to distract you from the Reality. So, you control the mind, sometimes you have to go against mind. Mind, ego, intellect, do not have any specific identity. They are functional organs of the body, through which you are talking or listening, so use them, but not to become a slave of mind, ego, intellect!
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
A recording from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Sri Ramakant Maharaj in December of 2017.
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