Nothing Has Happened, Nothing Is Going To Happen
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Nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, the entire world is an illusory world, even God is an illusory God, so do not trace – because the moment the Spirit touched with the body, the world is projected, and the moment the Spirit leaves the body the world will disappear.” So, any knowledge is also illusion. Spiritual knowledge is also illusion. The Naam Mantra is also illusion, but to discard all illusions, you have to take the help of the Naam Mantra.
The Naam Mantra is having good value, as I told you, because that Spirit is very sensitive. The moment the Spirit touched with the body, you started saying “I am somebody else, I am man, or I am a woman… something… something” You got some position and along with that moment, instantly, you have seen the entire world and so many concepts engraved upon you – through parents, through society members, through so many sources. And within that circle, you are posing as something and then you’re trying to live within that illusory concept and then life is painful and not tolerable.
So, in that case somebody told you God is there, and that He is taking care of all human beings etc. But that identification is not true identification because the body is not your identity at all, as I told you several times. The holder of the body is Ultimate Truth that is called Brahman, Atman Paramatman, God, Master. That You Are! But you are neglecting your Self, you are measuring, you are counting yourself in body form. This is a dead body. Body does not have any identity. You were a small child, then you become a young man and now an old man. These are the stages of the body. Similarly mind, ego, and intellect are functioning organs of this body – subtle organs. So to come out of all this vicious circle you have to undergo the meditation and Naam Mantra. Naam Mantra is the words given to the meaning “I am Brahman – Brahman I am.” And that is why the Naam Mantra is required, because your Spirit is very sensitive and what you impress it reflects. Considering that fact, considering that point, the Naam Mantra is given, because your original identity is Brahman, you – your Self is Brahman. Brahman is not separate from you. Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. So, though you are holding the body and acting according to body, your existence is totally separate from the body. And God is also a concept developed in human life just to have some trust. “God is great – oh! God bless me!” OK – it’s OK – it’s just temporary relief. But God is not separate from you! If there is no Presence who can identify your God? To say God your Presence is required.
So, your Spontaneous Invisible Presence is most important, to have this conviction you have to undergo strictly meditation and reciting the Mantra is most important. Through reciting the Mantra and meditation you’re impressing yourself “I am Brahman! I am Brahman! I am Brahman!” Non-stop – concentrating or hammering yourself, once, one time, so that “I am That!” – that spontaneous experience will appear within you and then there will be peacefulness. Why are these worries there? Why a painful life is? Because directly or indirectly we are considering ourselves as body form and body form is not your identity at all! You are basically formless; no form is there! It’s an open fact: prior to beingness or prior to one hundred years ago you were not having any form – you were totally unknown to you. Now you are known to you because of this body, the moment the body disappears, the unknown dissolves in unknown, so no identity remains! Where will be painfulness be? Who, then, wants peacefulness who, then, wants a tension-free life? Who, then, wants a fearless life? Because body knowledge is not tolerable, therefore, all these requirements are there. Why the Master is required? Because you forgot your identity and to have this conviction you have to undergo strictly meditation. Simply reading books and listening to and approaching various Masters – so many Masters! – will just be dry spirituality.
Be practical! Don’t leave your job, do your duties, take care of your family members, live like a good human, but at the same time try to identify! This human body is an opportunity, a golden opportunity, to identify yourself in a real sense, so don’t neglect it. Do your job, do your duties, don’t neglect your family members, but at the same time, don’t lose this as an opportunity, and have firm courage to accept this reality. This open fact that is being placed before you, because the body identity is not going to remain constant, so be brave and have courage! Yes! So That I!
Calamities will be there, depression maybe be there, but it will be temporary, not permanent. Don’t become a victim of your own psychology. “Oh, what will happen?” Nothing will be happening! Nothing has been happening, and nothing is going to happen because you are not the doer there is no deed! Your Presence is just like a space or sky, sky does not know that “I am the sky,” the sky is not having any family members, the sky is having any wife, father and mother. No! So, you’re subtler than sky because you can identify the sky! Today you may not believe it, but it is a fact – a naked fact – an open fact – so don’t neglect yourself! You do not know your importance, you have got high importance, your presence is Invaluable Presence. All greatness is there but you are neglecting it! You are underestimating yourself! “Oh, how will this happen?” You are not to depend, because you are totally independent, not dependent! “Oh God bless me!” Not even the Master is required; the Master is required only because you forgot your identity. Your Spontaneous Presence is itself the Master! Your Spontaneous Invisible Presence within this body is itself is the Master! I am placing before you this open fact, so don’t torture yourself. Be brave. Things are coming and going. It may be a bad thing it may be a good thing; forget it! Do not give it so much importance. Find out the way how to come out from all these illusionary circumstances. To make your life bearable! To make the human life bearable you have to identify yourself. You do need not to go anywhere or you will yourself be misguided. To find yourself why would you need to go here or there? No need of any Master is required! Try to please your own Master within you! The Finder Itself is the Master. For which you read some books of course, “Selfless Self,” “I am That,” some books from Ramana Maharshi and other really good books helpful for spiritual information, spiritual identity, for conviction. Because lack of confidence is causing you spiritual illness, so be brave, try to stabilize – within your Selfless Self – any lack of confidence, lack of will power, underestimating yourself. These are discrepancies. Instead, create some confidence: “I can do it!” Confidence is most important. In human life you are not to achieve anything. You are to discard everything. “I am not body – I was not body – I am not going to be body.” So, whatever problems are there are related to the body only, whatever allegations are there relate to the body only, and not to You.
With the result you will find forgive and forget-ness – anything happens in your life you forgive and forget. Tolerance will be there. It’s most important. Why your peacefulness is disturbed? Because directly or indirectly, you’re posing yourself: “I am somebody else,” the ego says, “and, oh, he is disturbing me, he is attacking me by words.” But whatever Presence is within this body is the Presence everywhere; from the Speaker from this body to the Listener there is no difference! Accept this reality! You must have courage to accept the Reality. No past life. No future life. No hell. No heaven. Because you are not doer, there is no deed! Some people say because of past bad deeds, you have taken the birth – they say these things, but nothing is there! The child is not born – yet you’re talking about the fate of the child! This is the challenge to accept the reality – not to be a coward! “Oh, what will happen?” “Oh, they will do something.” You’re not helpless! Yes! I can do it! Have some courage! Age is no factor. “Oh, I am an old man – what will happen to me?”
Spirit does not have any age factor, is the sky a hundred years old or two hundred years old? Sky does not have any age factor. So, your Presence does not have any age, any age factor is connected to the body only – a very simple thing and for which again I am repeating your involvement is most important. You have to undergo strictly meditation, devote some time for your Self, at least one hour … two hours … three hours.
Those days, all these saints were devoting about ten hours, but nowadays it is not possible, but at least for one or two hours devote for some time.
For You only it is needed. Then it is not necessary. But in the beginning, it is needed. Your mind will rebel against you not allowing you peacefulness. But be confidant! “Yes, I have to do it!”
Mind, ego, intellect is in existence because of this body only! There is no mind, no ego, no intellect. Prior to beingness, where are they? Nothing. After leaving body, what about the mind, ego, intellect? MY mind? MY ego? MY intellect? Why?
Everything comes out of nothingness and everything dissolves within nothingness. So courage is most important, spiritual courage not egoistic courage. “I can do it,” the master says, “I am Brahman; I am Brahman!” When somebody says you are a donkey you’re immediately slapping him, correct? Because you accepted the donkey. But the master says, “You are not a donkey or monkey… you are Brahman!” Why don’t you accept it? As if you are accepting donkey and slapping somebody else, assaulting somebody else, like that, my Master says Yes, I Am Brahman, I have to take revenge, yes I am Brahman.
Nothing is impossible. Napoleon said “Impossible is a word in dictionary of a fool” you know? “Impossible” is a word in dictionary of a fool.” You are not a fool. Nothing is impossible. Be brave! It’s a very simple thing, not do anything that you are to do it. Because you are not doer there is no deed.
You are unnecessary carrying the burden of your human life. But beyond human life is peaceful, tension-free, the only source, you have to identify your Self “Who am I?” You are neither man nor woman you are Brahman, Ultimate Truth, and the Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. So be realized! Make others realized! Yes – why not?
V: Maharaj, there are challenges, so how can I stay with the sense that my real identity is Selfless Self?
M: Yes, correct.
V: That’s with the sense I stay, that whatever comes, comes.
M: OK, forget it! Winter is coming; Autumn is coming, these are seasons, Summer is there. Autumn is there. Winter is there. They are coming and going, you are there and there only. Be firm. So, nobody dares to attack you. I tell you: no calamities, no unpleasant atmosphere will attack you if you will be strong enough inside. If you are mentally weak, physically weak, spiritually weak, then everything will take possession of your body. Not to allow mind, ego, intellect, which previously you were slave of, now you are holder of your mind! I can dictate terms. Mind is nothing; its a flow of thoughts! So lack of courage – spiritual courage -is creating problem for you. Doubts are there, but why doubts are there? What is doubts? Where are the doubts prior to beingness? After leaving the body, any doubts are there?
V: How do we make our mind still like that?
M: Mind is a flow of thoughts, you’re recognizing what is going on! During the mind, bad thoughts are coming, and good thoughts are coming; you are identifying bad thoughts and good thoughts. You are discriminating bad thoughts and good thoughts. Let bad thoughts come. Let good thoughts come. The thoughts which are useful for your routine life you can accept it.
Q: But it is projected as if, you know, a lot of times now I’ve come here, right? And long before I found you and Nisargadatta’s book, I went to Tiruvannamalai. But since I met you I do not go there at all. Still, some people are still saying “Oh …”
M: Forget about others you have to make your own decision! You are a master of your own! Forget about others, forget about mind.
V: I am not concerned with them.
M: Of course, you remain unconcerned with the world. Not concerned with human beings, not concerned with the world, because the world itself is illusion. The world is projected out of your Invisible Presence, if the Presence is not there who will talk about the world and who will talk about the man or woman? Who will talk about the human life and beingness? The moment the spirit clicked with the body you see the world: “Oh I am that” and from that moment you started measuring yourself by body form, but body form is not your identity at all. Be brave…. nothing is impossible…. start doing meditation! It’s most important! It will give you a lot of courage – a lot of energy, meditation is not only simply words; it’s creating a vibration inside, creating energy within you, spiritual energy, to accept the Reality, and then thereafter it will be spontaneous. You will need not to go to sit for special meditation. It will be spontaneous meditation! Wherever you go it will be there! In the beginning we are advising that you sit for meditation like this like this etc. But thereafter it will not be necessary. Just like when you are learning some language – any language – you do “A – B- C- D…” like that, but now you are master of this language. You need not need to go say “A – B- C- D.” Similarly, we are asking you to sit for meditation in the beginning only, thereafter there are no rules and regulations.OK! Enough for you; short and sweet!
V: Strong!
M: Yes! Have you broadcasted this?
V: Yes.
M: Good good! So be enlightened and make others enlightened! Be realized, make others realized! Siddharameshwar Maharaj says if you realized share the knowledge, make others realized! Any question for you?
V: Self enquiry is different?
M: Forget about enquiry! No enquiry is there! It is for in the beginning “Who am I?” You’re not the body, you were not body, you’re not going to remain body. Self-enquiry: “Who am i? If I am not body who am I?” It’s called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master that you are! It’s an open fact that the body is not your identity at all! The body was not your identity! The body is not going to remain your identity. After self-enquiry you will find out the reality!
Why is self-enquiry required? To find out the reality “Who am I?” The main question is: “If I am not body then who am I?” You say “Brahman, Atman, Paramatman.” So, what is that Brahman? How that Brahman is? It cannot be imagined. It is beyond imagination, beyond any inferences, because it is Spontaneous Existence, where there is no experience and no experiencer, no witness and no witnesser. In Spontaneous Existence there is no experience and no experiencer, no witness no witnesser! No identity is there. It is called nothingness. So, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. What is enquiry? The child which is not born, we are talking about the fate of that child. It’s ok in the beginning. You have to self-enquiry. It is required. Self-enquiry – self-knowledge – self-realization – these are three stages. In spiritual life there are three stages: self-enquiry – because we forgot our identity, we are not knowing our self; we are not knowing anything about spirituality – we are not knowing anything about anything… we are told God is there and God is great is there. Find out, because all knowledge is within you only. Knowledge is not separate from you. Your Spontaneous Invisible Existence is itself a sign of knowledge: Reality – Ultimate Truth final truth. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master – all these names are given. You are almighty God, God is not separate from you. So, stop measuring yourself in body form, it’s an open fact that you were not the body – you are not the body – you are not going to remain the body. All concepts came along with the body, all requirements, all needs came along with the body. Who needs peacefulness? Who needs happiness? Who wants a tension-free life? Who wants a fearless life? Because body is not tolerable.
V: When I meditate like this a lot of thoughts coming up in my mind.
M: Don’t stress your mind, not to give so much importance to your mind.
V: So, should I wait for these thoughts to stop?
M: In the beginning…You Listen to me! I will take care of you! Do not worry about it. Since you came here I will make you Perfect! Nisargadatta Maharaj says I am not making you a disciple, I am making you a Master. You came here as a devotee, but you will go afterwards as a Master! “Yes, I am Master!” My Master says I am a Master! Live like a Master! The Owner Of This World!
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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