Not Aware Prior To Body Consciousness
Not Aware Prior To Body Consciousness Download Link
As long as we are having association with the body, different types of feelings, questions, temptations are bound to be there. At the same time you are witnessing different climate, different feelings inside. When we are getting trouble is when we accept that feeling or thoughts as my thought, then it reflects something good thing or bad thing. If you remain yourself aloof from the thoughts, letting thoughts come and go, then these thoughts or feelings will not trouble you. Which thoughts or feelings are useful or to accept it and which thought not to be accepted, that you have to decide. Because we are holding body different types of thoughts, feelings, so many things are going to be happening, flowing all the time. Because these feelings, thoughts, temptations, various types of feelings we are not aware prior to body consciousness. The moment spirit touched or clicked with the body, all these feelings and mind, ego, intellect, impressions, so many things, happiness, unhappiness started. And because we are not knowing ourself perfectly we are thrown into that feeling and suffering bad thing, good thing, happiness, unhappiness, like that. Self knowledge, inviting attention of your invisible spirit that you are totally different from all this body based knowledge. I’ll repeat it. See, spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge is inviting attention of invisible identity that you are totally different from all this thoughts, feelings, temptations, mind, ego, intellect. Because they came across with you when there was a touch of that spirit with the body only. When there is no body experience you are not knowing what is mind, what is ego, what is intellect, what is good thing, what is bad thing, what is happiness, what is unhappiness, what is peace, nothing you’re knowing. Principle behind the Self knowledge is you are totally separate, totally independent from all these feelings. To establish this reality, you are given to undergo certain process, like meditation. After practicing meditation, after reciting that Mantra, Guru Mantra, some dramatic, miraculous changes will take place inside. Then you will go closer and closer to your Selfless Self, unidentified identity. Though you are feeling your existence, but at the same time that existence is not related to any body knowledge. Similarly your unidentified identity is not connected with any body based knowledge. With this available spiritual knowledge you try to convince yourself that ‘I am totally separate from all this body knowledge.’ The moment that there is conviction then, there will be no attachment with the body based knowledge, no happiness, no unhappiness, no temptations, no experience though there’s mind, ego, intellect, you are totally untouched by them. You are only using this (body) for temporary purpose, just as I am consuming this tea. I am forgetting after having tea. Similarly whatever thoughts are flowing inside good thoughts or bad thoughts, any type of feelings, are having temporary aspects, they are coming and going. But you are there just like standing on the bank of a river and so many things are flowing from the river, you are not concerned what is happening, what is flowing from the river. Whatever water you want you are taking the water and then going away. Similarly with the mind, ego, intellect, whatever thoughts are flowing inside accepting that thought, after using that thought, throw it, forget it. With the result that you will not become a victim of your mind, ego, intellect.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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