Miraculous Box
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You must have courage to accept the Reality, that is most important. Because a lack of courage is there, a lack of confidence is there, we’re under the influence of so many concepts. Fear is there, tension is there, no peace, no happiness. Why? Because we’re measuring ourself in body form. Literally we’re knowing ‘I am somebody’, ‘I am Atman, Paramatman, God, Master’, like that. But practically, the mind, ego, and intellect are pricking from the backside, rebelling against you.
So in the beginning you have to concentrate on the meditation, that is the basic thing. When you’re learning some language, we’re learning some alphabets, you know? A-b-c-d and all this. Now you’re not learning alphabets, you’re a master of that language. Similarly meditation is the basic foundation. Meditation is the base, meditation is the anti-virus software. So you have to absorb that in the beginning. Beyond that, nothing is there. The same thing I’m repeating again and again.
So after having this Conviction, you’ll be totally fearless. Problems will be there, but problems will be reduced, dissolved, taken lightly. You’ve got tremendous power, but you’re not aware of that. In-built tremendous power. You can overcome all difficulties. But all the time we’re ignoring ourself, we’re expecting some miracles to happen.
This is a miraculous box (Maharaj indicates his body). The human body is a miraculous box. This is not your identity at all.
The Invisible Speaker and the Invisible Listener is your identity.
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