Message from Sri Ramakant Maharaj

Sri Ramakant Maharaj during the Ramakant Maharaj USA Talks September – October 2016.
Jaiguru As you know I dont want to give dry speech or dry discussions on spirituality I strongly expect all the devotees should have practicle spiritual conviction And as you are aware meditation is a strong base which leads to spontenious realisation of devotees Without any expectation I would like to share realistic truth amongst all devotees Also I strongly feel all devotees should have complete spiritual happines peasfulness Tention free life and Fearless life To have spontenious spiritual conviction devotees sincere deep involvement is necessary Mere approaching so many masters or reading so many spiritual books or dry spiritual discussion will not help to have spontenious conviction And in the light of above I would like to inplant ultimate truth amongst all devotees spiritual heart So for this your devotional participations is strongly expected.With regards and blessings to all If possible please convey my affetionate spiritual feelings towards all devotees Jaisadguru
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Jaisadguru!!! Thank You, Master!