Making You a Master
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Visitor : Maharaj?
Maharaj : Yes?
V: If progress one does is not enough in one lifetime to realize, what…
M: Not necessary. Not necessary. Discard this concept. What progress? The sky is walking, any progress is there? Don’t count yourself in body-form. Progress means you are counting yourself in body-form. I am shouting that you are not body at all. You were not body at all. Now you learn something, you are a mature devotee. See one thing is there: you are to discard body concept. Because, directly, indirectly, we are counting ourself body-form, that is illusion. It is open fact, forget about spirituality. Body is not your identity at all. Whose progress? You are not body. For progress something is required, some element is required. You are formless! You are shapeless. No form is there. This form is not going to remain constant. Who wants progress? Who is the beneficiary of progress? No progress is there. Basic concept is, basic knowledge is you are not body at all, you are formless, no birth, no death. And for which, I am repeating to everybody, you must have to undergo strictly meditation, because that ego, intellect, mind creating problem for you. For small incidents you are getting irritated.
I told you the six symptoms of this realization: Forgive and forget, tolerance, then anxiety to know the reality, no attraction of the world, strong faith in the Masters and strong faith, trust. See, it’s very simple method. Now if you examine yourself, If something insult you, if somebody insult you, you are getting irritated,“Oh he has insulted me”, that means that Reality is not absorbed within you. I told so many examples. I have given the example of Eknath Maharaj, who was the great Saint of the Maharashtra. One person accepted challenge that I will make him irritated. Eknath Maharaj used to go to for bath in one lake. And this [crupido?], go to the stream and spit on him, dirty spit. He’s not irritated. He went there taken bath and came again. Again he spit. Again he taken bath, again he spit. Like that, forty times he spit on him. It is reality, I’m not talking about some story. Then he got irritated, in spite of my forty times spitting, he is not irritated. He bow down to him, “I’m sorry, forgive me.” He said, “No, you have not done anything, because of you I have got forty times bath, holy bath. Because of you I have got forty times holy bath.” He is not irritated, no anger is there. Why anger is there? Why irritation is there? There is some essence of body ego is there. Nobody is insulting anybody else, because you are not body at all. The Holder of the body is formless. Nobody can insult me. Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “If anybody says, ‘He is a foolish Saint, if anybody says he is a foolish Saint’ I am not having any deprecation. If anybody says, ‘He’s a wise Saint’, no appreciation. Because what he says I am not that. Because body is not my identity at all.” Who is insulting to whom? Body? If there is no Presence in the body, who can insult you? Because you are having subtle ego. So examine yourself. These are the tests of your spiritual knowledge. Some incidents happen. Incidents happened in Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, and myself also. There are some incidents of irritation.
I’m giving one example of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Nisargadatta Maharaj came after one or two years, then some people used to come to him. So one of his senior Guru-brother came to know, he got irritated. He send message to him, Nisargadatta Maharaj, “Who has given authority to make disciples? Who has given you authority to disciple. Stop this!” And he instructed to some other devotees, “Stop this”. Not to have devotion with the Siddharameshwar Maharaj, it is not your, say authority, not your, for that. What Nisargadatta Maharaj says? “Tell them sorry, if you want take these photographs of Siddharameshwar Maharaj to him, I will put big mirror. I will make puja of that big mirror.” Number one. See what his greatness, he is not irritated. He’s not insulted. Second thing he says, “People are coming to me, I can’t say ‘Don’t come to me’”. Then what happens? The senior Guru-brother feels sorry for him. That is the greatness of the Saint. There are so many incidents, I don’t want to quote each and every one. In my also, life. When I came here, I’ll tell you, when I came here somebody had some chair, his chair, decorated chair, and I don’t know. Then one of the trustees says, “Don’t sit at that chair, you do not deserve for that.” I just ignore him, “You do not deserve to sit in that chair”. I’m not irritated. Okay, I sit down, not sit on the chair. Program was completed. Nobody knows what has happened. Then one of the other devotees make him realize, “What are doing? To whom are you insulting?” And at that time I decided that if people do not like, I will go back to Bombay. But what do I want to tell? Insult, irritation, should not be there. That is the quality, second quality. Forgive and forget and tolerance. Only dry spiritual knowledge will not help you. For petty, petty matters we are getting irritated. XYZ insulted me. XYZ scolded me. You are not so cheap! Who can insult you? Because you are not knowing your importance. You are not knowing your greatness! You have become small. See greatness is within you. There should not be any type of irritation. It’s an experience. You can tolerate it, “Okay”.
Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “If I am fortunate enough all calamities will come to me.” So spiritual devotees are supposed to be very strong, inside and outside. Only dry discussion on Brahman, Paramatman… anything happens in your practical life you must have tolerance. This is a dream! This is a dream. We are giving so much importance to the dream. In dream so many people appears before you, some people are good people, some people are bad people. Are you taking any ego? After awakening what happened to those people, good and bad? They disappear. This is a long dream. So, tolerance is most important. You must become strong and strong, spiritually strong. If something happens, then some weakness is there. You all people are mature people. Since last so many month, or so many years you are listening, reading books, it’s not enough. How you live practically? How are you enjoying spiritual knowledge in practical life? Such type of incidents are bound to be happen in your life also. Be strong, be strong! “Okay, I will overcome it!” Let them insult me, what to do?
I will give the example of Gautam Buddha also. One lady taking charges and getting irritated, and Gautam Buddha was walking near. That lady abuse him in very, very vile language, very, very vile language, but he was not irritated. Then out of irritation she says, “I abuse you in very bad language, you are not getting irritation”. What he says, “Oh mother, you are going to offer me so many things, I have not accepted it. You are going to offer me so many things, I am not accepting it. With whom it remains?” That is the quality of spiritual knowledge. When you become spiritualist, when you say whether I am realized or not, if such incidents happen in your life, you are to be firm. We are calculating, spiritual life and human life; we say you are formless, no life is there. We are counting, since that spirit click with the body we are counting, one day, two day, one year, two years, three years.
So be strong, I am requesting you! These type of incidents are bound to be happen in your life. It’s a practical spirituality. See nothing has happened in the world. Entire world itself is illusion. No knowledge, what is knowledge? Realization, enlightenment, whom? You are already formless, just like a space or sky. Can you say Indian sky is realized and American sky is not realized? So try to absorb that knowledge within you. Only dry discussion, don’t expect anything. Even if you’ve got a lot of experience, all experience appear upon your Invisible Presence. It may be good progressive steps. Everybody have different, different experiences. In spiritual science these are three type of experience that appears. If your devotion is very strong, then three type of experiences happen. Darshana means to see the Masters or some gods also, some Lineage Masters also. This is darshana. Very, very strong experience, but it is not knowledge. It is a good sign. You are becoming nearer and nearer about the Reality. Then sparshana means touch. Sometimes you are getting touch. Then sambhashana means talk. I’ll tell you a great story that I already told you. That during the Bhausaheb Maharaj, Bhausaheb Maharaj left his body in 1914, at that time, at Bagevadi, you know Bagevadi? There’s a plague. You know plague?
V: Mmhhmm.
M: Plague disease, incurable disease in those days. Known plague. It is uh say, some racks; racks, racks. Plague, plague. It was very dangerous in those days. That one lady, her name is Hemabai. Maharaj, Bhausaheb Maharaj had left the body, thereafter she caught with this plague, and their practice is that when anybody contracted with such type of disease, instead of say spreading of the disease, they’re putting that lady, or whosoever, in the forest. And according to all the people who taken her to the forest and left her, at that time, she prayed Bhausaheb Maharaj, he was her Master. It is a rare story. And then, Bhausaheb Maharaj physically appeared before her and totally cured from all the disease, and then he said, “Go to the ashram at Bagevadi.” She says, “If I go to Bagevadi, people will say ‘It’s a ghost’, they’ll beat me”. He said, “Don’t worry, I will give darshana for you only. If there is a problem I will be there.” She went there, to appear, people says ‘It’s a ghost’, she says… See this is rare story of Reality. Nobody believe. Then there was some rooms are there, Bhausaheb Maharaj photograph was there. So she went inside, and people started, one person brought one prasada, “Give to Bhausaheb Maharaj”. Within no time that plate become completely cleared. Then somebody given some scent to give bath. So all these [inaudible]. So they realize. And at that time used to take and give bath to the Bhausaheb Maharaj, then Gurulingajangam Maharaj, and then Kadsiddheshwar Maharaj. The three stands are still there, if you go to Bagevadi, three stands are still there.
It can be happen, but this is not knowledge. Like that so many incidents are there. I am not insisting miracles. It is progressive steps, because your Presence taken form, what you feel. Therefore I say the Invisible Presence within you having strong power, but unfortunately we are counting ourself in body-form. Any unpleasant incidents happen in your life you are getting irritated, and insulted. It should not be there. It is a test of your spiritual knowledge. So, therefore, if the six symptoms appear within you, that means a sign of realization. And, for which, I am again repeating, you have to undergo strictly meditation.
I’m not here to solve your family problems. Some people says, “I don’t have any employment. I’ll get some service somewhere, service, please do something. My parents are sick, my daughter is not studying.” I am not here to solve all these problems. I’m talking strictly about the spirituality. Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman.” Why don’t you accept this? Live like a Paramatman, Brahman, Ultimate Truth. You can use your body, but excessive use of our body, ego, intellect, mind, can create problem for you. Particularly ego is very dangerous. Everybody having subtle ego. They say well I am unable… anything goes wrong against you, you are getting irritated.
You have to take care. This is high time. This is a golden opportunity for you! What do we want in human life? Human life is uncertain, a lot of problems are there, but all this appear upon your Presence. If there’s no Presence, no problems are there; no ego, no intellects, no mind is there. And therefore, everything within you. Everything start from you, everything end within you. I am placing before you open secret. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are the words. The name is given to the Invisible Listener within you! It’s not separate from you. You can use your body, body is not ultimate truth. Along with body, ego, intellects, mind is there. They are not bad, but we are using excessively. Directly, indirectly, we are counting ourselves in body-form, and instantly that mind playing tricks against you, creating some doubts. Ego also there and intellects are there. They are good and they’re worst. Mind, ego, intellects they are very good and also very worst. Some or other day they will distract you from the Reality. There should not be any doubts. When Master says, “I am Brahman”, I am Brahman, there’s not any alternate. Master says, “You are Brahman, you are Ultimate Truth. You were not body, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. The Holder of the body is Ultimate Truth, Brahman.” These are not concepts, it is Reality, I am placing before you.
So if at all some ego is there, surrender it. Don’t be foreigner to that ego, intellect, mind. We have become victim of our own mind, ego, intellects. How to take other people, it’s up to you. Avoid struggle, there are different type of people are there. You are mature enough, you are not ordinary, you know better where you stand. And therefore, strong faith is most important! Strong faith within you and strong faith within the Masters. It’s open secret, nothing wrong with you. Only your confidence, trust most important. Complete faith is most important. You need not, not required to read any books. Not go anywhere, there should not be temptation to go anywhere. Not to search any masters. Master is within you, you are ignoring your own Master within you. So you are the cause and the consequence of this… concept. Entire world is an illusory world. I told you sometimes Shankaracharya says, “To say ‘I’ it is illusion, to say ‘You’ is also illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ also illusion, entire world is illusion.” What is true? Whose progress is required? Who wants progress? Who is the beneficiary of progress? Slow progress, no progress, ant ways, bird ways. What is ways? No ways is there. All this concept.
And for which I am trying to convince you. It’s okay, what people says. Ants way means devotion, bhatki, ect, ect. Birds way means direct knowledge. It’s okay. I say there is no ways at all. You are there and there only. Whose ways? What is the ways? You are at terminal. What is required? Therefore, be strong, spiritually; physically okay, but spiritually. This is high time. If some such type of concepts, irritated concepts appears that means something wrong with you. Don’t be insulted. Nobody can insult you. Don’t underestimate you. Do your job, do your duties. Forget it, forget the entire world. Different type of people are there. They may say, “He’s a good person, he’s a bad person, he’s a worse person.” This quality supposed to be appear within you.
So realization, enlightenment, it’s okay. The symptoms are there. If the symptoms appear within you it means you are not required to go anywhere. You’ll be fearless. There will be spontaneous peacefulness, happiness. No material cause is required for happiness and peacefulness. There are three types of material causes are there: publicity, money, and sex; publicity, money, and sex or desire. After knowing the reality, no need of all these things. You will have spontaneous happiness and peacefulness. Because your view will be totally changed about yourself. Your knowledge is not limited with the body. Just see, what is in body? Just glimpses of “I”. Just you see, sit alone. Who is in the body? Just glimpses of “I”. The moment that Presence disappear what is the value of this body? Nothing. But, that ego, intellects create problem for you, and you have to overcome all these things. From today onwards, no ego. Don’t feel insulted. If anybody insult you, if anybody try to divert you for some illusory concept, forget it. Nisargadatta Maharaj specifically says, “Not to come across with such people which will distract you from the Reality.” What he says? “Not to come across with such elements which will distract you from the Reality.” Everybody in time, walk of life. So many incidents happens. You may be anywhere in the world, some people appreciate you, some people depreciate you, insult you. Okay, because you are not counting yourself in body-form. So be firm. Human body is an opportunity for you, to identify yourself in real sense. We are identifying ourself in body-form and this is illusion.
So I think this is enough for you. So be practical, not theoretical. You may be having a lot of theoretical knowledge, that is meaningless. And for which I am insisting your base is supposed to be really strong, for which you are to undergo strictly meditation, involvement. Because all cards will be open, all Reality will be open within you. Because you are the source of all this knowledge. After knowing this, after realizing this, there won’t be any doubt. Complete silence is there. If anything happen around you, okay. You are very, very good. If such thing happens you will be feeling that you are the greatest and greatest, thee great. That greatness within you. And therefore Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master.” What he says, “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master”, because Masterly essence within you. But in spite of listening all these things some doubts are there. What knowledge more do you want? What is knowledge? Just to identify yourself in real sense. What we are identifying ourself as is illusion. Through which you are identifying is Reality. Just listen to me. Be calm and quiet. Enjoy. Enjoy silence. Nothing has happened. In dream somebody has insulted you, after awakening do you say “I will take revenge”?
You have to convince yourself. Ego, intellects, and mind is very, very crazy. They are pricking you from backside, trying to distract you from the Reality. Be alert. And for which all these things are required: ask for Bhajan, meditation, because always your keeping touch with your Selfless Self. I know it is illusion. Meditation also illusion, but a kind of alertness is there, because you are holding human body. Directly, indirectly, some concepts are there that may attack you at any moment. Through this meditation, through bhajan and all these things, you’ll get alertness. It always reminds: “I am Brahman, Brahman I am. I am Brahman, Brahman I am.” It creates some strong circle, so no thought will try to enter inside. Be aware. Nothing wrong with you. Don’t underestimate you. Don’t be any foreigner to your ego, intellects, mind. World is not bad, and not good also. Just try to understand. Be with you all the time. Nothing wrong. Peoples are coming and going, thoughts are coming and going, you are there and there only. Don’t disturb your stability. It happens, it’s test of your spiritual knowledge. It happens. Let come that happening, you’ll become strong and strong!
I think this is enough for today. So what I have told just remember it, try to absorb it, then you will see the results.
Sri Ramakant Mahaaraj
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