Instant Realization, Instant Enlightenment
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 10, 2017.
Q: But Maharaj, if the person is meditating for one hour, if he is only able to repeat the Mantra for ten minutes, and if for the remaining fifty minutes, the mind keeps wandering…
M: Ok, let the mind go wandering. What you are told… recite, recite Mantra! You can recite Mantra no? Say I have given, “Aham Brahmasmi”, or “Soham”, whatsoever the words may be which have been given, you can recite the Mantra, what is the harm? Why are you concentrating on the mind? Why aren’t you concentrating on your Self? All the time, you have become the slave of your mind. Why are you going along with the mind? Let mind go along with You. “Oh, my mind is not cooperating”, you have to control your mind! For which Mantra is there. Mind is always playing with you. Mind is very crazy. It creates confusion. Mind doesn’t have its own importance. Mind is nothing because previously there is no mind. Mind, ego, intellect, came along with the body. They are foreigners. Prior to that You were there. Why to follow these foreign culprits, mind, ego, intellect. Prior to the holding of the body, where are these foreigners? Nothing. Mind, ego, intellect, came afterwards. They are visitors. Prior to them, there is total purity. No mind is there, no ego is there, no intellect is there, no concept is there, nothing is there! After leaving the body, what remains? After leaving the body, mind is there? No. Ego is there? Intellect is there? Experience is there? Nothing is there! Prior to Beingness, is anything there? Nothing is there. But ‘nothing’ came along with the form and started saying “I am”. You’re formless. No birth, no death. No destiny, no deed, no doer. No experience, no experiencer. Open fact! I am placing before you your open fact. Prior to Beingness, you are Brahman, and now you are Brahman, and after leaving the body, you are also Brahman! Brahman means Ultimate Truth. It is just like space or sky. And meditation is giving you courage to accept the Reality. Why are you following the mind? So far, we are slave of mind. Now you have become Master of mind. Try to go against your mind: “I can do it!”. It is simple reciting Mantra. What is there? Just recite the Mantra. Mind is wandering, with your permission; you are giving it permission to wander. You are not controlling it. And so “my mind is wandering”, ok, why? You’re allowing it to; you’re giving it all freedom. “My child is not under control”. You are to make them disciplined. When a son or daughter is not under control, “Oh my son or daughter…”. In the beginning, you are to correct it. Similarly, mind, ego, and intellect are your children. Now you just have to convince. Nothing is wrong or impossible for you. It is open secret I have placed before you. Except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, mind, what is mind? What is ego, what is intellect? Nothing. These are functioning organs. You are supplying power to them. Prior to Beingness, you are Brahman, now you are Brahman. After leaving body you are also Brahman. Brahman means vast, beyond space or sky. When Master says you are God, why are you not living like a God? My Master says, “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master” and yet you are saying “Oh…” and living like a disciple. Previously you were a servant, now, you have become owner. Previously you were a servant. But fortunately, you have got mastership, you have become owner of the factory. When you are servant, you are serving everybody. After having ownership, are you serving anybody? No. Live like owner, live like a Master. Respect everybody, no doubt. Respect everybody. But live like owner. Similarly, live like Brahman, Brahman, Atman. You are Brahman, Brahman is not separate from you, this is not an egoistic concept, it is Reality. I’m placing before you your Reality. Why to fear? It is your property… It is very simple; I am trying to explain a very simple thing. You are Master, you are Brahman, you are Ultimate Truth, what more do you want? Mind is separate from you. It came along with the body and body is not your identity at all. To discard body- knowledge you have to undergo strictly meditation. Sit for fifteen minutes. Spend fifteen minutes of your life for meditation. So much freedom is given; in those days they were doing ten hours, fifteen hours, twelve hours of meditation. Now fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour. Spend some time for you. It is high time. If you take it casually, it will be difficult for you. Again, so many concepts will create confusion. Now there should not be any other dream! This form is last form! No form, because you are formless. Be firm! But at the same time, be humble be normal. Not to hurt anybody’s feelings. No arrogance. Humbleness is most important, forgive and forget is most important for a spiritual person. These are the qualities. Ego always creates problems. Why is there ego? Everybody is equal. These bodies are different, the Speaker and Listener are one and the same. I am not claiming “I am a great Master”. Because you are not knowing yourself, therefore you say “I am a disciple”. Master is there! Don’t be a coward. Have some courage to accept the Reality. This is your property. Okay? Any problem? Any question? I don’t want anything. Therefore, I am asking you: be sincere in concentrating on meditation. This is first step. If your foundation is not correct, my talking is meaningless. It is dry talking, dry Spirituality. I am asking you to have practical Spirituality. Realization is not separate from you. It is instant Realization, instant Enlightenment. Only thing: you have to follow the instruction given by your Master. Strictly. There is no harm, you are not to pay a single penny. No garland, no Prasad, nothing is required. No expectation. My expectation is that you follow the instruction. It will be of benefit for you. Because you are Master of this world, the entire world is projected out of you. Why you are counting all the time “I am man or woman”? “I’m with form”, “My mind is troubling me, oh, what to do?”, “My ego is troubling me”. Why are you being a coward? You can control it. “I can control my mind, what is there?” Have some courage! If you control your mind, it will not dare to touch you.
Q: Is by saying “I can control my mind” not a subtle form of ego which is taking control?
M: Forget it, recite Mantra! Don’t concentrate on mind, ego and intellect. Recite Mantra, that is most important. Ignore your mind, ego, intellect. You’re concentrating so much on mind, ego, intellect. Why? Why don’t you concentrate on what Master says? That you are Master, you are Brahman, why don’t you concentrate on that? “My Master says I am Brahman, I am Brahman!” But we are not accepting it. Directly or indirectly, we are posing ourselves in form. What is human body? It is a dead body. If there is no Presence, what is the value of this world? Nothing. Where is the mind ego intellect prior to Beingness? Nothing. After leaving body, your mind will be there? Nothing. Nothing will remain. “My mind, my mind” What is “my mind”? No mind is mine!
Q: Can I ask a question? (M: Yes) So when the mind is settled, everything’s quiet and settled in meditation, there’s no inclination to think, then I don’t worry about it, I just be. No Mantra, no nothing, I just enjoy it.
M: Ok, that is a good idea, good. After a certain stage, there won’t be any mind. There won’t be any experience. No Mantra either there. As I have told, Mantra is given in the initial stage. I have also told Mantra is also illusion. I am not hiding anything from you. But to remove one illusion, you have to take another illusion. Mantra is antivirus software. After removing wrong files, it is useless. No meaning. But you have to recite Mantra, because so many bugs are there crowding around you. If there is any weak point, they will enter your computer. Therefore, reciting Mantra is most important. Mantra is playing a very good part. It is protecting your Spiritual body. All the time you have to recite Mantra. You may be sick, you may be in good position, you may be in bad position. Recite Mantra all the time, it will be spontaneous. When I am coughing nonstop, Mantra is going on inside. It happens spontaneously. It has become part and parcel. You can’t stop it. It can happen. Your body can be in any condition. Sickness, illness is there, any condition. You have to engrave the Mantra, the meaning of Mantra.
Be calm and quiet. Ok?
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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