Illusionary World
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj November 17, 2017.
Q – Maharaj my question is that all spiritual discourse seems to take a slightly negative view of this material reality. The invisible listener came into this material reality and he put all the effort in this life so that we can be out of this and not come back again, and so my question is that: why is it such? Why do we take such a negative view of material reality? Is there an error somewhere, did the invisible listener make a mistake by coming into this reality or is there something wrong with this reality?
M – There is no reality as such. Your Spontaneous Presence is Reality. No material cause is there. No negative is there, no positive, nothing is there. In brief, it is an illusionary world. In dream you see so many realities, is that true?
In dream you see so many things, you see yourself, you see sun, moon, you see so many persons, good persons, bad persons, what is reality of the dream? After awakening, you say it was bad dream or good dream. So negative, positive, all these concepts are there. Do you know anything about you prior to Beingness? Nothing. After leaving body, anything knows you? So, what is the discussions, knowledge, theoretical knowledge, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, negative positive, good energy, bad energy, past life future life. All these concepts came into existence along with your Spontaneous Existence. The moment that Spirit clicked with the body, all these questions and theories started. All these theories, even spiritual theories, even say “I am Brahman “– also is a concept, so what is true? Nothing is there. Questions and questioner also illusion. You and me also illusion. So far, we are holding the body, therefore all this struggle is there. After leaving the body, what knowledge is there? Knowledge also illusion. So, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. The moment the Spirit clicked with the body, you say “I” and ego started, mind started, intellect started, and body started functioning, within the circle of this mind, ego, intellect and three guna’s.
So ok, in the beginning theory is ok, just to understand, just to identify. But theory also, any theory, spiritual theory also, is illusion. Even spirituality also illusion. Forget about everything. Knowledge also illusion because there is no experience, no experiencer. When you say “I”, there is no experience at all. To say “I”, you have to take help of the body. If there is no body, who will talk about the “I“? Who talk about material knowledge? Who talk about spiritual knowledge? Who talk about the God? Who talk about the Brahman? Who talk about the Master? Master, disciple, God, everything is illusion. It is an open fact. After leaving body what remains? What is negative, what is positive? Do you know what is negative, what is positive, you can’t define. The thing which is negative for you, it may be positive for others. The thing which is positive for others, may be negative for you, it is vice versa.
So, all these talks are within the circle of human form and you are formless. It is fact. Just to understand yourself, just to concentrate on speaker within you. The invisible speaker, without any name, anonymous speaker is Ultimate Truth. Through which you have to concentrate, therefore to absorb this reality, you have to undergo the meditation, without meditation you can’t identify yourself. So, knowledge is there, you have got good knowledge, you have got good foundation, but confusion is there because ego, intellect and mind are confusing. So, do not listen to the mind, ego and intellect. Where was that mind, ego, intellect prior to Beingness? Nothing was there.
After leaving body, where is the mind? Who’s mind? Because you remain unexperienced, you can’t experience also. Where all experience and experiencer dissolve, disappears, there you are.
It is nothingness, entire world is nothingness. To know nothingness, you are considering yourself something, that is illusion. So therefore, everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves in nothing. Because we have subtle ego “I am somebody else”, that body ego is there, body ego is supposed to be dissolved. You are not body at all, you are not body at all, and you are not going to remain body. What is life of this body? Fifty years, sixty years, hundred years, what-have-you, after what? Just question yourself, where were you prior to hundred years? You say – “I don’t know “. After leaving body? – “I don’t know”. Then what is the negative and positive, what is the God & Goddesses, what is the Master and disciples? All these relations, all these concepts, are within the circle of the body knowledge only. Just to identify. And for which, theoretical you are knowing everything, but don’t confuse yourself. Apply your intellect, forget about spirituality: How you were prior to Beingness? Any negative there, any positive there? Nothing is there? Because you are not knowing yourself. Your unknown to yourself, the unknown comes to the known through body only. If the body is not there, can you utter a single word? No words are there.
If body disappears, dissolves or death, after leaving body, any world is there? Any language is there? Concept of God is there? Brahman is there? Master, nothing is there. Prior to Beingness, any concepts were there? Nothing. So to say “I“ is a concept, illusionary concept, to say “you” is illusionary concept, Brahman also illusionary concept. All these concepts develop and within the circle of those concepts, we are trying to identify our self, that is illusion. Entire world is illusionary world, which is projected out of your Spontaneous Invisible Presence. So, to have this Conviction, you have to undergo meditation. Otherwise only bookish knowledge, or literal knowledge, will confuse you again and again. So not to go anywhere, Master is not separate from you. My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj says – “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master because, Masterly essence already within you “. You are not separate from the Master, only thing, you have forgot your identity. To regain your memories – “I am Brahman, I am Ultimate Truth”, all this process is there. Even meditation is also illusion. So, therefore you undergo the meditation in the beginning. After having meditation, your mind may rebel against it. Confusion will start, negative, positive concept will be there, good energy, bad energy, past life, future life, because since childhood till today, we read so many books and the impressions are there. You have to be totally blank, how you were prior to Beingness. You read so many books, confusion is there, so not to have confusion.
There is only one thing: except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman. You are Master, you are Final Truth. That you have to accept. Do your job, do your duties, not to neglect your family life, not to neglect your routine life, take care of your body. At the same time there should be Conviction, not understanding, there should be Spontaneous Conviction, I am nothing to do with this world. The world itself is projected out of your Presence, and that Ultimate Presence, Invisible Presence, Invisible Existence, within you is Ultimate Truth. And there, there is no any observer, there is no experiencer. So that you have to accept it; it is a fact, we are not accepting fact. We are roaming within the circle of the body knowledge, body based spiritual knowledge, that should be avoided, don’t roam within the circle of the body knowledge.
There is some habit of the mind to make the comparison “Oh, Ramana Maharshi says like this, why?” These are the words, you are playing with the words, we are dancing with the words, avoid that, because mind is crazy. Mind is creating confusion, and trying to distract you from the Reality.
So be aware from mind. Mind is not bad, mind means manufacturing of thoughts. There are three types of thoughts, spiritual thoughts, then commercial thoughts, and criminal thoughts. Which thought to be accepted, not to be accepted, it is up to you. So, you become Master of the mind, ego and intellect, not to become slave of the mind, ego and intellect. You can control it, and see that the entire world is illusion, what is true? You are not true, I am not true, the Presence within the body is Ultimate Truth.
So, these houses are there, thousands of houses are there, thousands of countries, after demolishing the houses, what is the true and false? Sky is there and there only, we have blocked the sky within the four walls. We say, this is temple, this is a house, this is a toilet, this room, that room. We have given the name, it is not having some independent name. So we have given the name to sky: this is China, this is India, this is America. Sky is same, can you bring China sky something? China sky is there, American sky is there, is it separate? No. So, Presence within you and Presence within this body is not different. We are identifying our Self in body form, your name is something else, my name is something else. Names are different, but the Existence, Holder of the body is not different, follow?
Any question came for me?
Q – Maharaj what relationship do you have with your body?
M- No relationship with the body. I am not, I am not body at all. When the Reality is there “I am not body, I was not body” -what relation is there? I am Holder of the body, so far holding the body it is ok, no relation is there. This is casual relations; the moment body disappears what is the relationship with the body? Body is not certain, body is not permanent, what relation remains? So far as you are holding body, relation is there, the moment body dissolves, no relation is there.
Because body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity, and body is not going to remain identity, so what relation remains? Temporary relation, you are tenant, you are remaining for some time. So far you are feeding the body, water, food, it is growing. The moment you stop feeding the body, water, food, it will go away. This is a burning wood, you can burn or burry.
So, who is holding the body? Who is talking from the body? Who is listening from the body? Who is watching dream from the body? Who is experiencing from the body? I am indicating, I am trying to indicate THAT- THAT you are. Which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master.
Theory… No theory will be there. Be practical, accept the Reality practically. How long will you say “ABCD”, “ABCD”? How long will be a student? You are Master. Ok, so far you are not knowing yourself, therefore you are a student, but after knowing the Reality, you are Master. Master Essence is already within you. Therefore my Master says – “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master” – live like a Master. Ok. This is a rare knowledge, not to do anything for this. This is a really rare knowledge, because you do this thing, you do, no exercise. To know the spirituality, no exercise is required. To read this book, this parayan, there are so many all-around India. Parayan means: read books continuous, read this book. Instead of that parayan, try to identify within that, what is written in that book.
So, this is undue exercise, you are wasting your time, not to waste your time. Your Spontaneous Invisible Presence is central point of the world. The world is projected out of you, the moment the body disappears, world disappears. What is negative, what is positive, what is true, what is false? Nothing is there. No consciousness, no unconsciousness, no knowledge. No knowledge is Knowledge. What is Knowledge? Nothing is there. To know nothing, you are doing everything. What is material? No material is there, ok.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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