I Fall Back Into Worrying
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj November 17, 2017.
Q: How is it that I am not the doer. During meditation, I sometimes get glimpses of this truth, but then again in critical situations, I fall back into worrying as if I was the doer. I understand that after dissolving all body knowledge this will not happen, but is there possibility of avoiding this pitfall?
M: It will be spontaneously avoided, after having Conviction, everything will disappear. See all these experiences appear during the Presence within the body. You are separate from the body. Prior to Beingness or prior to consciousness, no experience was there. After leaving the body, no experience remains. So that is your Reality. What you are feeling, what you are experiencing at present, it is through body. Body belongs to five elements, where there is imbalance. Everything is imbalance. Even mind, ego, intellect also are the functioning of the body. So far, our Identity is not clear, all these experiences will appear. What you are doing is correct. But don’t encourage your mind, ego, intellect, because confusion will start.
Even if you think intellectually, what was prior to Beingness? When there was no Presence in the body, no experience was there. After leaving body, what experience remains? So whatever experience appears, good or bad, it is appearing upon your Presence. Experience of Presence is so far body is there. So, you have to convince yourself: body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity at all. Why mediation is required? Because through meditation, you get Spontaneous Conviction that I am not the body. And the thing that was not tolerable earlier, will be tolerable at present. All questions are appearing because “I am somebody else”. That subtle ego is there. So okay, it happens, but not to give importance to this egoistic ‘I am’.
Subtle ego is there, so thoughts are appearing. Not to struggle with the thoughts. Where experience is appearing? Experience is appearing upon your Presence. If there is no Presence, what will you experience? No, I, no you, no he, no she, nothing is there. Good things, bad things appear upon your Presence. Prior to Beingness, prior to Presence, there was no experience. Because you are unknown to yourself. After leaving body, you are unknown to yourself. That is Reality. For which you are doing meditation, and in the beginning, you have to take ego, you have to do deliberately. As matter of fact, there is no doer, there is no deed. Because you are not in any form. Where there is form, only there the question of doer and deed appears. You are formless. Sky can’t do anything. Sky or space can’t do anything. There is no doer, there is no deed. So, like that, you are beyond the sky, because you are experiencing sky. So therefore, there is no doer, there is no deed. Nothing is there. No knowledge, no knower.
Knowledge means just to identify yourself in real sense. But you have to take deliberate efforts in the beginning only. Then knowledge is also illusion, you are also illusion, I am also illusion, everything is illusion. Illusionary world, everything is illusion. So, knowledge is also illusion.
Q: So, in that case Maharaj, some worrying is appearing, we just notice worrying is appearing and that’s it.
M: It happens. Just to watch and wait. Just ignore it. Whatever is appearing is upon your Presence. If there is no Presence, nothing is appearing.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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