I Am That, Means, Inner Reply, Spirits Reply
I Am That, Means, Inner Reply, Spirits Reply Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 15, 2012.
So, after listening to all these discussions you are supposed to have conviction. Simple conviction. I was not body, I am not body, I am not going to remain body. This body is only media, instrument, so it is not Ultimate Truth.
Because, so many temptations, questions and doubts, these are only body-based knowledge.
So, discussion is also just for convincing your identity.
Because with the use of these various spiritual words, use of this language, we are trying to convince the concentrator or the Invisible Listener already within you that ‘You are not body, You are not going to remain body, you are something else above sky, great personality.’
After having a lot of discussions, you will have conviction that ‘I was not body, I am not going to remain as this body, at present though I am holding this body, I have no relation with this body.’
Because, body is having death and birth.
I am not having death and birth.
But, this is not an intellectual concept.
This is Reality.
You have to convince yourself. That you have to accept the Reality that ‘I am beyond, beyond, everything.’
And this entire world is my spontaneous projections.
So, after knowing all this secret, after knowing the truth, you need not nor required to make a deliberate effort to find out yourself.
So, after knowing this secret you can live happily.
Enjoy life. Because you know this is a dream.
From where the dream came, it is dissolved in the same thing.
Just like you see the dream in sleep, its projected and dissolved within you only.
The sun, moon, god and goddesses, masters these are your reflections.
So, this mysterious knowledge will be open when you investigate your Selfless Self.
At that moment investigator disappears.
No identity will remain.
So, try to know your invisible identity. Take the ego of this body and mind, through which you try to investigate, ‘Who am I?’
Then the reply from inside ‘I Am That.’
Nisargadatta Maharaj, name given I Am That, means, inner reply, spirits reply.
So, when you start to question yourself, ‘Who am I?’ That reply will be ‘I Am That.’
That is inner reply, not external reply from this mouth.
This is totally spontaneous.
Then you will become totally tension free, fearless, oh, happy.
Because at that moment, there is no bondage of your body.
So, any questions?
It’s very, very simple thing. So, outcome of the discussion to know our self, or myself in a real sense. Because I see the world. I see the entire world, I see same moon, same sun, same people. So, Maharaj says ‘First you see yourself, then you see the world.’
To see the world, to utter some words also, to talk etc. Your Presence is required.
If at any moment that Presence disappears who will see the world?
This is a dead body.
Because that Presence is there, spontaneous Presence is there, therefore it has value.
Q: So, it is useful to investigate the process of dying? If somebody dies you see his dead body, and that moment you can understand what happens.
You see I am going to die like this.
Because you do not have any experience of your death or birth.
So, repeating, in your dream you see so many persons are dying. Where have they gone?
So, like that with the help of all this various knowledge you convince yourself.
That is a sign of Enlightenment.
Because I have no more relation with this world or this body.
Because I assume I am this body, I started considering ‘I am a man’, or ‘I am a woman.’
This is only a cover.
Siddharameshwar used to say, ‘This is a dagla’. Dagla means, coat or suit, like this.
In brief, the various discussion, using the various words. We have to convince our self that ‘I am not body’ so if any type of concepts are there, wrapped upon us, we are not to be a victim of these concepts.
Therefore, by these words or by these speeches or discussions you can understand. But, to establish this knowledge, or for perfection, or for conviction, strong conviction; one shall have to undergo certain disciplines such as meditation.
Because already we know ‘I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, I am beyond this world, beyond this sky, etc. etc. But, if any single doubt is raised inside, your entire building will collapse.
You are supposed to have a strong foundation of spirituality.
So, no single concept will damage your Reality.
Therefore, taking into consideration the nature of spirit, Nama Mantra is given.
See, that Nama Mantra is at basic stage.
Because, ultimate stage, Nama Mantra also is illusion.
For example, I am giving something. Your name is Elias.
So, when you were a small child your parents have given the name Elias.
You accepted this name Elias.
And you started living with this name only.
So, you are not repeating ‘I am Elias, I am Elias, I am Elias.’
So, in thousands of people anybody says ‘Elias’ you say ‘Oh, I am Elias.’
So, the spirit within you accepted this name, that ‘I am Elias.’
So, considering that sensitiveness, or nature of the spirit, that Nama Mantra is given. The meaning of that Nama Mantra is ‘I Am That, So That I, I Am That’ ‘I Am Brahman, Brahman I Am. After repeating the same thing, it totally changes inside.
Initial stages you have to make effort, deliberate efforts.
Using mind, ego and intellect.
After having conviction, your use of mind, ego intellect, you throw away everything.
You will become one with that Nama Mantra.
That means you can see yourself, my Presence is everywhere.
I am not limited with this body only.
I am just holding the body.
I am nothing to do with the body.
At the same time, I have nothing to do with any concepts.
Ultimate you see that some name, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Masters, this is my name.
These are the names given to identify.
I am beyond that, without saying.
So no concept of death and birth, prarabdha, karma, religions will touch me.
Free bird.
Though I am using this body, I am totally free from this body.
I am using some language just to have say, for living in this world.
So, that type of conviction or Enlightenment established totally, permanently.
They will not become victim of concepts, or anybody’s concepts.
So, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master, these are all the concepts.
This is just for convince your Selfless Self.
Just like the one lion convincing the other lion that, ‘You are not a goat, you are a lion.’
So, live like a lion.
Don’t be a coward.
Why to fear death and birth?
So, no death, there is no death, no birth.
All this fear and tension, you are feeling this because of this body only.
Whatever you are doing that spirituality, whatever actions are there, are body only.
Because your identity is beyond body.
What did he say?
Q: I have got nothing to say.
This is the secret of philosophy, spirituality.
So, if we go on talking hours together, years together, no conclusion will be there.
Come to that point.
Simple thing that the moment spirit clicked with the body, you came across with the world.
When the spirit, prior to click with the body, nothing was there.
So, after that click, that body disappears, no experience will remain.
So, some person is coming ‘I read, this book, I read that book, I call this Master, this Master says like this, that Master says like this, this book says, etc.’ My simple question. All this knowledge you are having, will that knowledge at last end, will that knowledge help you at time of leaving the body?
If that knowledge is not helpful when leaving the body, what is the use of that knowledge?
That means it was dry concepts, or dry discussion of philosophy or spirituality.
Your positioning that ego that ‘I am knowledgeable, I have got a lot of knowledge of spirituality.’
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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