How Will I Still Be Able to Interact After Dissolving Body-Knowledge?
How Will I Still Be Able to Interact After Dissolving Body-Knowledge? Download Link
Q – How is it after dissolving all body knowledge, I will still be able to interact with human beings who believe themselves to be a body?
M – After dissolving the body knowledge, no identity remains, but since you are holding body, you are doing activities without any ego. At the final stage, though you are holding the body, and after realization, body-based concepts dissolve because you are not body, it is fact. When the fact is confirmed that I am not body at all, thereafter all your activities are just like a dream activity, as if you are acting in a drama.
So, there is no any ego, there is no any type of illusionary concept. You remain formless, all actions after realization are spontaneous. Where there is no ego, no intellect, no mind, because it is confirmed, it is convinced that “I am not body, I was not body”– so all activities are not having so much importance, egoistic importance, ok.
Q – Is true meditation the total negation or denial of any of all phenomena, including the Self? Will that lead to supreme wisdom? If yes, then its seems nothing needs to be done except deny everything.
M – After realization, no need of any meditation is required. Till you’ve got Conviction that – “I am not body”– till that time you have to undergo the meditation, number one. Second thing, as a matter of fact, human form is not your identity at all, that Conviction is supposed to appear.
So, all questions are related to the body-based questions. Basically, prior to Beingness, there were no questions, after leaving body, there won’t be questions, all our questions are guessing, guess questions, imaginary questions, illusory questions, so no questions remain after realization.
Realization means Conviction that I am not body at all, basically you are formless, human form is not your identity at all. So, all these questions: “what will happen after this human form after Realization?” nothing is going to happen because nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen. So, your birth and death this is also concept, illusionary concept, so not to accept this.
We are acting within the circle of the body knowledge, that is supposed to be broken-up. You are not body at all, that’s a fact, you have to accept it.
So, the basic principle of Spirituality, I repeatedly told you: that body form is not your identity at all, that Conviction is supposed to appear. This is Ultimate Truth: you were not body, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. So many questions are there, they are body related question.
So, after knowing the Reality, your actions or reactions, remain no value. Your actions are just like a spontaneous act because you are knowing that this is not, say, Ultimate Truth. Present body form is not Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Truth is beyond that where there is no experience, no experiencer, that is your Identity and for which you have to undergo meditation. Because if you don’t go under the meditation, illusionary concepts will not dissolve and then again and again the mind will play with you. It will create some problems, it will create some questions, it will create confusion within you.
So very simple thing: even if you think intellectually, body is not your identity at all. After leaving body what remains? Just think intellectually, forget about Spirituality. After leaving this body what remains? Any question remains? Any requirement is there? Any need of God is there? Any need of Master is there? You are not disciple, you are not Master, you are not God, you are not devotee, nothing is there. Nothing is there, prior to Beingness, what is there? Nothing is there.
So in between, that Spirit has taken form, human form and a number of questions, and through mind, ego, intellect, we are acting all the ways. All routine activities are going through the mind, ego, intellect, they are the functional organs during human form, so human form is not your identity at all, you are formless and since you are formless, there is no birth and death, it is very simple principle of Spirituality. You need not go to God and Master, Master is within you. External Master is inviting attention of the Invisible Master within you that except your Self nothing is there, it is fact.
But you are not accepting because of a long association with the body, you are acquainted with this body knowledge, so body knowledge is supposed to be dissolved, it is very simple thing. Spirituality is not complication, there is no complication. Because we have a lot of attachment to this body, we are thinking, considering body is our base and body is not your base at all. Some or other day you have to leave the body, prior to Beingness, prior to body knowledge, nothing was there. After leaving body what remains? No knowledge is there. Knowledge, Enlightenment, Realization, Conviction, God, Master, disciple, devotee, all this came along with the body.
Where are the Master and God prior to Beingness? Nothing was there, just simple, imagine it, prior to hundred years what is your status? Nothing. After leaving body, what is your status? Nothing is there. So everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing.
So, all questions are body related questions, intellectual questions, guess questions, logical questions. Where were all the questions prior to Beingness? Nothing is there.
And for which, again I am repeating, to know this Reality, to identify this Reality, you have to undergo meditation. Meditation will open all cards and you will yourself Self–Realize.
You will come to know, you are not to go anywhere, knowledge already within you, Reality already within you, Ultimate Truth is not separate from you, Master is not separate from you, God is not separate from you.
Since you are measuring yourself, counting yourself in body form, therefore you forgot all these memories. Master is reminding it, through meditation, through these words – “Aham Brahmasi, I am brahman”, reminding, hammering, “You Are Brahman, you are Brahman” – “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. After having Conviction “Brahman I am”, then all body-based knowledge dissolves, nothing will remain.
What is there. Just you see, what is there? Blood is there, flesh is there, bones are there, what is there? And for which you say, “I am somebody else”. What is identification? Is body your identity? Not at all. Why there should be ego, why to struggle with the mind, why to struggle with the people? Okay, you can hold body, you can act from body, but have some Conviction, because everything is within you, everything starts from and everything end within you, you are central point of the world. Even Masters and everybody says, “Except your Selfless Self, nothing is there”. No God, no Master is there. Have some spontaneous Conviction. What is the purpose of Spirituality? Just to identify your Self in real sense. Ok.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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