How To Meditate ‘I Am’
How To Meditate ‘I Am’ Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj January 30, 2016.
See, one thing is there. This is a human body, in the form of a man or woman. The Presence is in the form of a man or woman. And because of this body we don’t have happiness or peacefulness, even though we’re approaching the Masters, concentrating on ‘I Am’. Even though we know the Reality, there’s no peacefulness. It happens, because attachment with the body is not reducing.
We’re advising meditation, read books, concentrate with bhajans, and to some extent we’re getting happiness. But not totally, because strong attachment with the body is not reducing. That strong concept engraved inside is not erasing. That is the problem. It is not your fault—it happens. But, we need some full concentration, full conviction. Though we know this body is not our identity, we’re not accepting it spontaneously. Though we know ‘this body is not my identity, this body is not going to remain constant’, in spite of that, you’re not accepting the Reality. Because the body impact, the body impressions, are so deep, it is not easily possible to erase them. So, for which you have to undergo the meditation, concentrate, you have to hammer all the time. Though it is illusion, you have to hammer it. And thereafter, I’ll tell you, after having full Conviction, after erasing all memories, your happiness will have no limit. Your peacefulness will have no limit. You’ll remain unconcerned with the thoughts. It’s the thoughtless stage.
Many times, many devotees are asking, “How to concentrate on ‘I am’? I’m concentrating on ‘I am’” What do you mean by, “I’m concentrating on ‘I am’”? — “What is the nature of concentrating on ‘I am’?”—that is a normal question from all devotees. You need not concentrate on ‘I am’. Because, you’re considering, “I’m somebody else, and I’m concentrating on somebody else”. That’s duality, follow? People say, “How to concentrate on ‘I Am’?” Some people say, “I’m concentrating on ‘I Am’ all the time.” Here they’re discriminating, “I am somebody else, and the Concentrator is somebody else.”
That spontaneous feeling of ‘I am’ it itself Reality. There’s no shape, no mind, no ego, no intellects. But the impact of the body is not erasing, and therefore we feel uncomfortable. To be comfortable, we give the Naam Mantra. Why is the Naam Mantra there? So, at the time of reciting the Naam Mantra, that mind is diverted to concentrating on the Naam Mantra. Listen carefully. Why is the Naam Mantra there? Why ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ or Soham Sadhana? Because when you’re concentrating on the Soham Sadhana, at that time, the mind becomes thoughtless. Ego becomes egoless, intellects become intellect less. So, there is no disturbance of the mind, ego, intellects at the time of reciting the Mantra. And for which we are asking you to concentrate on the top of the nose, recite the Mantra, so that it will create a thoughtless atmosphere. Thoughtless atmosphere. There should not be any entry of the intellects. No entry of the mind. No entry of ego. To create this atmosphere, then only can you concentrate on the Concentrator. Therefore, we are asking you to concentrate on the top of the nose, recite the Mantra, so you’re keeping the mind busy.
I’ll give you a small example. There’s a mother who has two or three children. She wants to cook, but she has to take care of the children. She wants to cook something for them, but she can’t do all this together. So, what is she doing? She gives some toys to the children. Separate toys, “You do this thing, you do this thing, you do this thing”. She wants to make those children busy with the toys, and then she can concentrate on the food. So, she’s happy and the children are happy. Similarly, three children are there: mind, ego, intellect. In the presence of the mind, ego, intellect, you can’t concentrate. You can’t devote the time. So, in that case, through the Mantra, we’re giving some toys to them. They’re doing their own work. Likewise, you have to concentrate fully. Then there won’t be any disturbance, just like the children will be busy playing with the toys so they will not disturb you. Similarly, when you’re concentrating on Soham Sadhana or Aham Brahmasmi, at that time your mind remains busy. There won’t be any disturbance of the mind, ego, intellect.
So, in that case, you need not make a deliberate effort. You’re sitting like this (in the jnana mudra posture) and looking at this (at the top of the nose), so your mind will be busy, your ego will be busy, intellect will be busy, and you are also busy. Meditation is there. If you can do this successfully, then the force of mind, ego, and intellects will be reduced. This is exceptional, what I’m talking with you. And thereafter, the forces of mind, ego, intellect will be reduced. Only you alone remain, without any duality. That is the secret of this Mantra. Why is the Mantra there? To keep the mind, ego, intellect busy, to remain thoughtless, to erase all the memories, body-based memories, the Mantra is required.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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