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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 4, 2017.
So far you’ve read so many books, you know better, and understand what is Ultimate Truth.
Now, what happens? Everybody knows about spirituality, everybody knows spirituality, after
readings so many books and approaching so many Masters. But some change in here, after knowing
the Reality, there should be something change inside.
It happens, after continuous meditation, after having Conviction you will feel some changes
inside. What changes are there? Suppose you are getting irritations from some small matter,
anything goes against your mind, getting irritated, though you’ve got spiritual knowledge, though
you know the reality, in spite of that if anything happen in society or family, if anything happen
against your mind, after having Conviction, that irritation dissolves. After having Conviction
irritation dissolves. Why? Because at that time you are knowing that I Am Not Body. Suppose
somebody allegate something to you, but you are not taking touch of that. Nisargadatta Maharaj
once said “If anyone say me is a very good saint, I’m not any appreciating for me. If they say you
are a bad saint, worst saint, no depression for me, because I am not good not bad.” That reality will
be absorbed within you. So if anybody appreciate you, or any depreciate you, nothing to do. How
that change is, is because you will remain untouched with the body knowledge. Until today, though
you are knowing that “I am somebody else, I am Brahman, Atman, Parmatmam, God, Master” it’s
literal knowledge.
But there is no practical knowledge because of the impression of the five elements,
impression of ego is there, intellect is there, mind is there. So, central point is body-based so all
those concepts are attracted to body-based knowledge. Whereas after having Conviction, after
having Ultimate Truth, after having, say, Ultimate Stage, all these concepts dissolve.
Because I am not body at all. After beingness I am formless. Suppose after death, after
leaving the body anybody abuse you or anybody praise you, all the same. You will not know if they
are praising or they are appreciating. So likewise, though your Presence is within this body, it
remains unconcerned with the body-knowledge. With the result, if anybody appreciate you, if
anybody praise you, if anybody insult you, no concern.
It’s the first thing. That is called Shama, means forgive and forget. It happens spontaneously.
People ask me “Suppose I am listening from so many Masters, I am reading so many books, how
can I understand if I am realized or not?” the main question, “I know everything. I know better than
Brahman Atman Paramatman God. (inaudible). I listened from various sources but whether that
knowledge absorbed within me or not, how can I understand?” For that the answer is given by
spiritual knowledge.
Six things are there. Most important. After having Conviction, after knowing the Reality,
spontaneous changes you will feel inside. Previously, for some matter, some words, you are getting
irritation. The same person abuse you, there is not any irritation. First thing.
Then second thing, tolerance. So much tolerance is there. Because if anything happens,
against, you are not getting irritations, you’re forgiving and forgetting everything. Tolerance is
there. Say, Exceptional Tolerance is there. Patience is there. So now if there’s unpleasant
atmosphere or unpleasant thing you listen from somebody else, something happen in your family,
something happen again, that patience is there, no enemy, nothing is there. Okay, suppose someone
is in pain, somebody died, momentary some grief or sadness is there. But you say “Okay this is
going to happen to me also. Today this man die, tomorrow this body is going to go, there is no
(inaudible).” So that Conviction appears, you’re not getting irritated, there’s no sadness. You can
convince yourself. Thats the second thing.
Third thing is, if anyone is taking something so, there is anxiety to know the Reality.
Suppose somebody is talking something of reality of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master,
but something is there. You are having to discern, capacity to discern calmly and quietly. It is called
And then, Uparati means you discard all concern. No attraction. No sex attraction, no money
attraction, no publicity attraction. Your view of the world totally changes. There is no material
attraction, for happiness, for peacefulness, because peacefulness appears spontaneously within you,
without any material cause. That attribute will be absorbed, absorbed within you. Then with the
result you are getting strong Devotion, “Oh!” Then you’ll not be tempted to go anywhere to have
peacefulness. “The Master says I am Brahman, all these qualities are within me , I am peaceful
without any material cause, why to go here and there for peacefulness.” In that case there won’t be
temptation to go anywhere, to any Master, or anywhere. That happens spontaneously because
whatever is required is already within you, so then there won’t be temptation. And then Devotion.
And then Trust, strong trust within you, “Yes! this is Ultimate Truth!” So these changes will
happen, that is a sign of Realization, or Enlightenment. If something lacking then you have to do
something for meditation all these things. So in that case meditation will be spontaneous. You need
not go to sit and meditate the words, it happens spontaneously, in your deep sleep also.
So, though you are holding the body, though you are using the body, you remain
unconcerned with the body. After having these changes, how to live, how to live your life will be
will completely changed. So even though you remain in the society, you live in the society, you
remain unconcerned with the world, unconcerned with all these activities. That’s suppose to happen.
Only listening, meaningless. Approaching masters, meaningless. You’ll feel some changes. Until
that changes, you have to undergo the, strictly meditation procedure.
(?inaudible) some miracle experience happening, “Oh I got Knowledge I am Realized!
Don’t have to go for meditation.” So, this is a kind of pricking of your mind, to distract you from
Reality. Mind, ego, intellect always making effort to distract you from the Reality. External forces
are there, half-knowledge, trying to impress their old concepts.
So not to come across with such element that will distract you from Reality. After knowing
the Reality. Why to go to others to know Brahman, to know spiritual knowledge? Not necessary.
You are to identify yourself. Not to identify Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. You have
to identify Invisible Identifier within you. And It’s Formless.
There is no birth and death, there is no shape, It’s just like a space or sky. That conviction is
supposed to appear. Therefore you have to make those changes inside. Even anything happen
against your mind, against you, anything, you are to keep quiet. Not to pay so much attention to
that. That is first stage. Because of that small small matter we are paying so much attention because
our ego is not allowing us to stay completely. (inaudible?) changes is there. So by meditation you
can control your mind, ego, intellect. They will act according to you. Until today we acting
according to ego, mind, and intellect. That will be stopped. That is the effect of meditation.
Therefore, prime lesson of the spirituality is to undergo the strictly meditation. It will take
some time. In some cases within one month, two month, or six years, or ten years. It depends how
your involvement is there, how your strong faith is there. Here strong faith is most important
because there should not be any dull mind, there should not be any say, change of mind there should
not be wavering mind because, “oh so I get something from this master something from this
Approach your own Master. Master has shown, nothing except your Selfless Self. Changing
Master is meaningless. You Be Loyal With You, because Your inner Master is a very strong Master.
After knowing this reality you should be loyal with your own Master, through which you are
listening, through which you are identifying this world, through which you are watching this world,
through which you are watching your dreams and all. That’s Ultimate Truth. But because of lack of
confidence, lack of courage, we have some dual mind, to go here and there. How long you go here
and there? Why to go changing so many Masters? Nothing you get. So everything start from you
and everything ends within you. That’s the Ultimate Truth, the Final Truth.
One thing is clear, this is not going to remain constant. This has a time-limit. So what you
are doing for this, it is meaningless, because this is uncertain, body is uncertainty. So who is acting
from this? Because of Presence body is having value. I’m talking about that Presence, therefore you
must have strong conviction to accept the Reality. Without which, not possible. So we are trying to
change yourself, not to go along with the mind, ego, intellect. You can use your mind, ego intellect,
as it is required, but not to depend totally upon mind, ego, intellect, because you are separate from
it, because prior to beingness there is no mind, no ego, no intellect, no master, no spiritual
Why spiritual knowledge is required? What is spiritual knowledge? It’s just information, the
identification, of the searcher, of the listener, of the reader. Beyond that nothing is there. Where is
spiritual knowledge prior to beingness? Nothing was there. After leaving body, what spiritual
knowledge is there? Will that so-called spiritual knowledge help you at the time of leaving the
body? No! It’s Fact. Spiritual knowledge means just to identify yourself, its the words. All these
confusions are there, wavering mind is there. So to discard all concepts, to discard all concerns, to
discard all desires, you have to undergo the strictly meditation. After meditation it will be cleaning
I call it AntiVirus Software. Meditation is the antivirus software. All the viruses will be
dissolved. Entire thing will be completely changed, clean, totally washed out. All the desires and
concepts will be washed out. And then that Spontaneous Happiness will be there. Peacefulness is
there. It is not through material points. It’s the most important thing. So according to the spiritual
lesson, just start that meditation first. With meditation you can identify yourself in a real sense.
So start from today!
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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