Godly Essence Is Within The Seer
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded Skype Session of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj May 1, 2013.
Don’t make any deliberate effort, it will be spontaneous. Your appearance in the world is spontaneous. You did not decide to come into this world as a man or a woman. How are you prior to beingness are you a man or woman, or any person, nothing, nothing was there. The moment spirit clicked with the body you started knowing yourself as a man or woman. Without your spontaneous presence you can’t see the world. You see yourself first, then you see the world. Since we are measuring our self in the body form, therefore we are not able to know reality. Reality means just to know yourself in a real sense. Basically, you are unborn. Because you are considering yourself in body form, therefore you say, ‘I am born,’ and ‘I am going to die’. Since you are not born, the question of death should not arise. Don’t measure yourself in body form. Measuring yourself in body form, you are underestimating your presence. Remember the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj he said: “Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Master, no Paramatman, no Atman, no Brahman.” Experiences are a kind of veils or layers. Experiences are a kind of veils or layers appearing upon your spontaneous presence. If presence is not there, who’s experience. Therefore, all experiences are illusions. Even experience I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God it is illusion. To say ‘God’ your spontaneous presence is required. Entire world is spontaneous projection of your spontaneous presence. Behind everything your spontaneous presence is there. Unless body knowledge dissolves, you are not able to know yourself. Body is just like media. What does he say?
I am telling Ultimate Truth, you may like, you may not like. There is no hide and seek. I am placing before you your truth, not the truth of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, or any god. Because you are basically formless. Ego, mind and intellect is creating problems for us. But we are providing energy to ego, mind and intellect. To say ‘my ego’ to say ‘my intellect’ something is required, your spontaneous presence. Any question?
Silence is already within you. Happiness is already within you, not knowing happiness. We are running after mirage. You know mirage? We are running after imaginary God. Nobody’s seeing God. Because Godly essence is within the seer. After knowing the reality, you can do all your job, no problem. You can live like a common man, or woman. Because spirituality is not rocking your routine life.
Any further questions?
Q: How much time does it take to dissolve body related knowledge?
Say there is a darkness for 500 years. I am putting you in the place where there has been darkness for 500 years. If you will take a light, how many years will it take to get rid of the dark of 500 years? The moment you light it, darkness goes away. Dark will not say ‘I am here for 500 years; how can I go?’ It is up to you. This is a kind of Self Realization. There is not any span or period. Concentrate on the concentrator. Because all Godly essence is already within you. Any steps you have to undergo the discipline of meditation. It is complete concentration. Because the spirit through which you are talking, through which you are doing activities, is very, very sensitive. What you are impressing upon it, it is coming out with that impression. Therefore, Naam Mantra is given which is the meaning ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. After continuous reciting with complete faith that Brahman essentially will automatically appear. Because, already it is within you.
Q: His question is about trouble, troubles. When body related knowledge dissolves completely are any troubles still existing? Or are they just temporary reduced for a short time? Or are they gone completely?
Body belongs to the five elements. Including mind, ego, intellect. There is bound to be some imbalance in these elements. Trouble with the body can be tolerable, when you know yourself. Pressure or trouble will be reduced. If you see the biographies of almost all saints, they are having a lot of trouble. But they tolerated it because of their Self Realization. Ranjit Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, even Vivekananda, all those saintly people were having a lot of problems, but they are tolerating because they are Self Realized. Because you are holding body, there are bound to be troubles. Prior to body knowledge or prior to beingness there was no trouble at all.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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