Ghostly Concept
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It is very easy, but very difficult also. To come out from all illusory circles, the Mantrra is inviting attention. In the begiining stage, at that level. Beginning stage. After knowing the Reality, you are not required to chant, it will be spontaneous. Example, this body is called man. You are not saying ‘I am man, I am man, I am man.’ Your living, day to day living just like a man. Parents said ‘This body is called man.’ and you accepted it totally, spontaneous conviction. ‘I am man’ is spontaneous conviction. I am not repeating ‘I am man’ mantra chanting ‘I am man, I am man.’ Your all actions are indicated by ‘I am a man’ only. Likewise, Master says ‘You are Brahman, this is Reality.’ In the beginning to have conviction, you have to undergo this process. Thereafter it is ‘oh, I am Brahman.’ No individuality is there. No concept is there. No knowledge is there. No experience is there, no experiencer is there.
Q: So we just remain alert?
M: Conviction. Your inviting attention of your Selfless Self. Those external force is there. Reminding when your weak, negative. Yes. It’s process. Why bhajan is required? Why meditation is required? Why knowledge is required?
Q: Is it possible to forget completely?
M: Yes, it happens completely. Definately.
Q: I cannot fear that I forget this power completely?
M: No, No. Therefore Nisargadatta Maharaj says “If you take a drop of poison, it happens automatically, you need not required to say ‘What the consequence is?’ If you take a drop of posion, it acts automatically. Like that, Master implanted exceptional plant, it will grow up. Without your knowledge, then like this ‘Oh’. Fear is there because so far as posing ourself in body form. Not to do anything, not to expect, not to think it. Be as it is, be normal. Be normal, be simple, be humble. Slowly, silently, permanantly, it will go away. Knowledge is not wasted. Suppose that plant is there, there is some channel, formed channel is there, when putting water here, it is not flowing immediately, absorb, absorb, absorb than it starts to flow. Like this, knowledge, Reality is absorbing, absorbing, then you see the flow. You have to be involved. After knowing the Reality, you have full involvement. Because, we are living in some different environment. Karma, Dharma, so many concepts are there. Last birth, future birth, destiny. Good deeds, bad deeds. So, to come out of all these illusory influences, you have to be alert. Even though you are knowing that is a wrong thing. I’ll give example. Child says there is a ghost in the tree. Small child says ‘There is a ghost in that particular tree.’ After that child grows into a man, the impression is there ‘Oh, there is a ghost in that tree.’ Fear will be there. Because that ghostly concept is implanted by his parents in his heart. When he is grown up, he will be going the other way, to avoid ghost. It’s not true, but that particular concept is implated by his parents ‘In that tree, a ghost is there.’ Reality, nothing is there. Therefore to come out from all these illusory concepts, meditation is there, bhajan is there, knowledge is there. Ultimate stage it is not neccasary. Bhajan is illusion, meditation is also illusion. Nothing is required. Only in the beginning you have to do it. Yesterday, I told like alphabets. Not to think so much. Intellect or mind is very crazy, no. Mind all the time, biting all the time.
Q: I know you even recommend to take photos of Saints, yes?
M: Why, because when you take photos, you see all these masters, you get some remembrance. Inspiration. Power. In that is a lot of power. Vibrations come inside. Because, forms are different, but your Presence is there. There is no difference between, that Presence and your Presence. One person asked the question to Nisargadatta Maharaj ‘What is the difference between you and me?’ No difference is there. Bodies are different. Presence is one.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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