Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 16, 2012.
So, what are today’s questions?
Q: He has a question, one question. He doesn’t understand whether his spirit has taken his body consciously or unconsciously.
Spirit is not separate from you.
You are separating spirit and yourself.
OK. He himself has he taken this body consciously or unconsciously?
You don’t make any deliberate effort. It is happening inside.
No differences in body consciousness. Because see prior to consciousness no questions where there.
So, all questions are in awakening stages. Awakening stages. Prior to consciousness there were no questions, no experience of body, no experience of spirit.
So, now you are having this body. Those questions are coming out.
Q: He says he tries to figure out with the experiences of his body.
Don’t make any effort. It is spontaneous.
When you are making some efforts than you are taking some ego. ‘I am somebody else, spirit is somebody else, experience is somebody else, experiencer is somebody else, you are creating confusion.
So, entire, this world is your spontaneous projections.
So, you are not separate from all this. This is just like electricity. Different say, fan is there, light is there, these are projections.
Behind that, your invisible Presence is there.
Not to struggle.
Be as it is. Don’t try to make some deliberate effort. It will happen automatically.
I have given the example of that Eklavya. It is very, very, nice example.
Eklavya, Mahabharat. Disciple of Dronacharya.
Q: I cannot remember his name.
Eklavya, his name is Eklavya.
So, with the help of this Eklavya Master.
His internal Master say, started giving him instructions on how to aim the target.
So, without any efforts, he used to ask the question to the statue whether the aim of the target is correct or not. Out of that inspiration, inner inspiration replies are coming out automatically, ‘Yes, my child. Target it.’
So, here you a Master and you are a disciple also.
Therefore, I am reminding you of this identity.
So, you forgot your essence of Master.
Because impression of body association is very strong. So, it is not convincing you that you are beyond this body knowledge.
Just wait and watch.
When, I told you this. When somebody takes a drop of poison, it acts automatically in the body. You do not have to think what will happen.
Similarly, that Naam Mantra itself is affecting inside without your knowledge.
Q: Maharaj, what is effort? Sometimes I don’t know whether I make effort, or it happens by itself. What is effort?
Effort means seem deliberate act. Taking this tea, I am lifting this, it is effort.
Q: But you do it deliberately.
To enjoy this tea, you have to make some effort.
Without effort you can’t enjoy this tea.
Similarly, meditation is effort. Reciting of the Mantra is effort. After that you enjoy the effect of the effort.
Q: But you say it is not necessary to make effort, and now you say it is necessary to make effort?
It is automatic. It is not a deliberate act.
Q: So, I need not be afraid of efforts.
It happens automatically.
Q: If I want to make effort, I can.
When you are making deliberate effort at that time you are taking ego of body.
Q: If I know that I am taking the ego of body I can make deliberate effort?
I told you. I have given you example. I want to take this tea, enjoy tea. So, I have to pick up this tea, using this, after that I am leaving it. So, that work is over. I am not, whatever is happening or not happening, I am not concerned, just a casual thing. I want to enjoy tea, I have taken tea, I lift it, drink it, then forget it. It is a natural act.
Q: Aspect of volition, will? Personal will.
Will. This is also some concepts. Will, effort, all these words are concepts. They are indicating some meaning. ‘I have got will.’ means desire, strong desire.
But don’t get involved in these various words. Words are just indicating meaning, denote meaning.
Because all words, all spiritual science, indicate that you are ultimate.
Because without your Presence you can’t see the world.
So, see word ‘will’ or say ‘effort’, ‘strong will’ these are the various words indicating all this came out of your spontaneous Presence.
So, maintain silence, be peaceful. Whatever you are doing ok. Take some tea, then I forgot I have taken tea and then doing something breakfast. Then put in effort for breakfast, then taking lunch. So this is all part of the body.
So, what happened yesterday, what lunch I have taken yesterday, what activity, I am not memorizing all this activity, it is spontaneous activity.
So, behind all these activities your spontaneous Presence is there.
Are you counting how many times you have taken a breath, how many times you have to breathe out. Regular activity, how many times you have taken food, how many times you are smoking? These are activities, these are normal activities of the body.
Since you are holding body that mind, ego, intellect is acting regularly.
Because these are body-based elements.
So sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you feel nervous, sometimes you may feel desperate. These are all the actions, reactions, of the body form.
For all these situations you observe it. This time is very sad, some depression time is there. You feel some liberation, so I am very happy. So, all these symptoms you witness.
These are body-based symptoms. These are body-based symptoms.
Because, as you know this body is made by the five elements, plus three gunas. So, ups and downs are bound to be there.
Spiritual science says there is Sattva guna, Rajas guna and Tamas guna. Sattva guna is having devotions and prayers and all of this, these are symptoms. You like to go to masters and pray to God, etc. etc. You have helpful nature to others these are the signs of Sattva guna.
Maharaj. Nisargadatta Maharaj I remember exactly determines Sattva guna as existence itself.
Ya. It is useful for spirituality.
So, Sattva guna you like to have devotion, you like to have prayers to God or Master. Your total involvement, totally peaceful life. So, you are enjoying Sattva guna.
You are getting exceptional peace from inside.
So, disturbance of mind and ego and intellect it will be reduced.
So, you become totally humble and quiet and calm.
You are not hurting anybody else. If anybody abuses you, you are forgiving him, like that.
So, you are not taking any qualities of the worldly things.
Because you have become one with your Master.
Rajas guna it is kind of commercial approach.
Commercial is you like to enjoy, some good foods, entertainment.
You like to have sex, so many attractions are there.
All types and sorts of concepts are coming through and flowing in your mind.
This is Rajas guna.
Tamas guna is fighting nature.
Fight, you have to do something. You have to attack something.
Jealousy is there. So many things. Hatred, jealousy, fighting.
So, out of these three gunas Sattva guna is good for spiritual life.
Ultimate state all these gunas are also illusion.
So, three gunas in Ultimate state, these are illusory concepts.
Because it is body connected.
And as you know you are not body.
When you came across with the body all three gunas, mind, ego, intellect so many things started.
Prior to body experience nothing was there.
After disappearing body experience nothing will be there.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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