Don’t Become a Victim of Blind Faith
In Honor, devotion and celebration for Sri Ramakant Maharaj Jayanti July 8, 2021. Jai Sadguru!
Sri Ramakant Maharaj from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik December 21, 2013.
Know yourself in a real sense. The moment you know yourself in a real sense, you will find nothing is there.
So, don’t become a victim of blind faith. Let’s say “This is last karma, future karma, this prarabdha, rebirth, death, birth, past sin, future sin.” These are all illusionary concepts. The result it appears very easy. But, bringing into practice it is a little bit difficult.
Unless your body-based knowledge dissolves totally, you are not able to see yourself in a real sense. Then you ask, ‘What do you mean by “real sense”?’ We are knowing our self in body form, through mentally, or intellectually.
All of our activities are through the body form only. But we are not trying to know our self, who is acting within the body? That is unidentified identity. It is anonymous identity. It is invisible identity. It is beyond imagination. Intellect and that mind, ego, are not coming in that picture. It is just a spontaneous existence. Total involvement is required. Nothing is impossible. Yes, I want to know, ‘Who am I?’. I am measuring myself in the body form, this is not my identity. Some day or another, willing, or unwillingly, you have to leave this body. What is next? For that you have to make Self inquiry. So, therefore in the initial stage you have to undergo meditation. Systematic meditation. Then it is possible, that entire field will be cleared. In computer language, after dissolving all of these unwanted files, you’re getting clear result. Instead of you trying to find out somewhere else. Always you are supposed to be alert, for any virus that may try to enter. The virus is illusionary thoughts. You should not become a victim of somebody else’s thoughts. This is the weak point. This is the weak point when someone is talking about something, and you think maybe this is correct. You must be firm. The conviction I am that. I am not a woman; I am not a man. No body, no intellect, no ego.
Who is experiencing your inner feeling? Some thoughts are flowing inside. Struggle of thoughts. Sometimes you are remembering your past life from childhood. The circumstance has gone away. But when you remember any thoughts, you get confused. Some kind of sadness, some kind of depression. Things have already happened. But when you remember this, you get depressed or something, uncomfortable. Here you need spiritual knowledge. What you are feeling, past is gone. Why should I think about the past dream? It is something, good or bad dreams. I am living present time. Present and future is within me only. I can make my own decision. If somebody says, ‘No you do this thing’, no, no, no. If your inner Master disagrees, don’t accept anything. Because your inner Master is most important. Having a lot of, tremendous power. But all the ways you are considering in body form. So, you are not giving so much importance to your inner Master. You have strong strain, spontaneous strain within you, always ‘Oh, what do I do?’. Nisargadatta Maharaj says ‘I am making you a master, not a disciple’. Such a great personality. I am considering myself very fortunate because I came across him at the age of 22. What he taught me from that age until today, I am sharing that knowledge with you. Who is accepting all of this reality? Very, very, few people. They are coming ‘Ok, ok, ok, very good, very good.’ then leave. Casual devotion will not give you happiness. I am not doing any miracles. I am not claiming myself a great person. I am showing greatness already within you. Which you are unaware.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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