Digest the Knowledge
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Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj October 23, 2017.
Q: How can we churn this knowledge in our daily practice?
M: Digest. That knowledge in respect of your Selfless Self. You have to digest it. What is mentioned in the Kakad Arati, bhajans and poems, it indicates your identity. Identity without any attachment with the body. All questions are related with the body, unless attachment with the body dissolves, you are not able to identify yourself. Why this identification is required? Because we are not having any peacefulness, happiness, always there is fear of death or problems. So, try to identify, try to understand that you are holding the body, you are not the body. Whatever is mentioned in all these poems or by various masters indicates that you are completely independent. Which is called Brahman, God, Atman, Paramatman, Master, for which there is no death, no birth, no past or future life. So, to have this Conviction, this confidence, you have to accept all this reality. Because unless you accept this reality, whatever we are discussing is meaningless. In this human body or human life, what we have to identify – though we are holding the body, it is not our identity. The moment the attachment with body dissolves everything will become clear and therefore we insist on meditation and bhajan. Because Selfless Self always engages with spirituality, it is always alert. Through body attachment, this mind, ego, intellect may create some unpleasant atmosphere within you. You are totally separate, even if you think intellectually. Prior to Beingness nothing was there. After leaving the body nothing remains.
Churning and digesting only so far as you are holding the human body. The moment the body concept or body attachment disappears at that time this churning and digesting will become spontaneous. You will not have to make specific or deliberate effort. But, till that spontaneous Conviction appears within you have to undergo meditation, you have to digest whatever is mentioned, refer to various masters, saints, through poems, read books. This is just an indication, a signal, the listener signals to the reader that you are completely separate from this illusionary world. Human body is temporary, it is having time and age limit. You are not this human body, its requirement and knowledge is not tolerable. So, to make it tolerable and completely separate from body attachment, you have undergo the mediation, you have to know the reality. Reality is not separate from you, Brahman is not separate from you. The invisible listener within you is Brahman, but due to body attachment, body knowledge, mind, ego, intellect, you are again and again distracted from reality. Use your mind, ego, intellect for body functions but it is not Ultimate Truth.
Even if you think intellectually. Prior to beingness. No needs are there, no requirements, there is no fear. No requirement of peacefulness, happiness. Their is no fear. After leaving body, nothing will be there. No requirements, no fear is there. As far as we are holding body therefore fear is there. So many things. We need some happiness, peacefulness, blissfulness. Body knowledge is not tolerable, so all these concepts are required. After having Conviction that body is not my identity, then attachment with the body will be dissolved slowly, silently and permanently. At the moment attachment dissolves. Though you are holding body you remain unconcerned with the world. World is a long dream, everyday a different dream in which you are acting and doing so many different things. After awakening, you remain unconcerned whether it is a good or bad dream. Similarly, at present, we are living within a long dream. Because of long association with the body, we are having so much attachment with it. Don’t neglect your body. Don’t neglect your human responsibilities. At the same time there should be conviction ‘I am nothing to do with my body knowledge’.
Even when there is pain or unpleasant atmosphere, after knowing the reality, its force will be reduced. Because, there will be Conviction that I am not the body at all. So therefore, spontaneous Conviction is most important. And to reduce the attachment to the body and illusionary world, all this process is required. Churning and digesting knowledge means to try to identify perfectly. Okay?
Q: Have you any advice regarding meditation, how to breathe, how to sit?
M: This is just a method giving in the beginning stage. Say, when you are learning any language, you are taught how to write A, B, C. After having command of this language, you don’t need to follow any discipline. This discipline is given in the beginning. To sit cross-legged with half-closed eyes, in position with concentration on tip of nose, reciting Mantra in mind, it is to be observed in the beginning.
After having conviction, after having regular practice, meditation will be spontaneous. In the beginning you have to do it. Then it will not be necessary. There are not any hard and fast rules. But you have to follow in the beginning only. Until you have got, complete, perfect practice. Okay. But beyond that nothing is there. Not to have any wavering mind. When you have got the knowledge, there should not be any diversion. There should not be any wavering mind ‘I will go this way, no that way.’ Don’t become a victim of your mind. Mind is playing all the time. Mind is a function, flowing of thoughts. Different thoughts are flowing. You can observe thoughts, you can experience thoughts, not to become a victim of your thoughts. Thoughts which are useful to you for daily practice you can use those thoughts. Use your mind. But, not to become victim or slave of your mind. Mind, ego, intellect are functioning organs of the body, which apply to all beings. But with human body, there is a difference from other beings, in that it can identify and know itself. So, you have to follow and accept reality. Whose main purpose is that attachment to the human body is to be dissolved. It is very simple thing, your strong faith and will power is very important. All spirituality is for escaping from illusory world – because we are part and parcel of this world, accepting this life, this body, as my body. Therefore, attachment to this body has to be dissolved. It is a fact. Every body has its time and age limit to disappear some or other day. At the time of death there should be no fear of ‘I am going’. You are going nowhere, you are everywhere. That Conviction should appear spontaneously. For which we recommend meditation, bhajan, to remain in that atmosphere. Like looking at a photograph, to remind and regain original memory that you are Ultimate Truth, you are Final Truth.
That continuity is most important. It is required, and you have to remember all these things to be alert at all times. Today you are in ashram, tomorrow you may be anywhere in the world, because some or other day attachment with the body may distract you from reality. So whatever you have been told so far, it has to be followed strictly, this is very serious. If it is ignored, then again, the wavering mind will create many problems for you. Not to follow the mind. Mind should follow you. Mind, ego, intellect are functioning organs, their existence came along with the body. Prior to body knowledge, prior to beingness or prior to consciousness there was no mind, ego, intellect, no gender, no being. Nothing was there. After leaving the body what remains? World disappears along with the body, nothing remains. What you see as the world and its relations – all these concepts of birth, death, past, future, gods, goddesses are in the circle of human body. You have given birth to God, he does not have separate identity. Entire world is itself illusion where there is no birth or death, as you are formless. Prior to Beingness or prior to consciousness there is no form. After leaving body, there is no form – you will be formless nor go to any hell or heaven. Hell, and heaven are concepts. There is nothing bad, nothing good. Because you are not doer, there is no deed. Conviction, strong faith, will power and courage to accept reality is most important. Therefore, we are insisting to go through reality. Meditation is the only source to have spontaneous Conviction. There is no other source, no other way – by simply reading books and doing bhajan, no. Unless you identify yourself it is not possible. Mind will always try to distract you, it is always creating problems. Don’t give so much importance to your mind, it is just a subtle part of your body. After leaving body, no mind, ego or intellect will be there. There was no body mind prior to Beingness or prior to consciousness. Thoughts will be flowing always, what are useful to you keep, the rest – throw out.
Except for your Selfless Self there is no Atman, no Paramatman, no God, no Master that reality should be accepted. Do your duties, don’t neglect responsibilities, physical or food body. But during this time, you should identify and convince yourself that I am nothing to do with this body. Then whatever happens to the body will be bearable.
Same thing is repeated again and again. Only through meditation can you have that conviction. Because you are really Master, Brahman. Brahman is not separate from you. Atman is not separate from you. But because of body attachment and body-based knowledge you have forgotten your identity. So, I am repeatedly trying to invite attention of listener within you that You are Ultimate Truth. It is Final Truth. You may go anywhere; no restrictions are there. Okay?”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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