The body is not your identity at all. Unless you accept the Reality that “the body is not your identity”, the experience of a body-form will continue to appear upon your Presence. These concepts create so much confusion, and then, the mind raises all sorts of questions. So many questions keep arising, and they are all body-based questions! I receive so many questions from seekers, and they are always body-based concepts. Melt, dissolve, demolish all your body-based concepts. This is the primary task at hand. Your problems are all body-related, arising from this human life that is only a dream: depression, worry, sadness, loneliness, feeling unloved, fearfulness, stress, dispeace, unhappiness, misery, etc, etc. We have become fearful of everything. We behave like sheep, instead of lions! We have a lot of tension. There is no peacefulness, or blissfulness. And, we are always fearful of death. All these illusory concepts are to be demolished. Demolish all your concepts! This is the main goal of spirituality.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Ultimate Truth
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 17, 2012.
This is very simple, prior to this consciousness or this awareness of ‘I am’ nothing was there. The moment that spirit clicked with the body we are seeing the gods, goddesses and all this world. So, all these gods, goddesses, everything entire world is your spontaneous reflection, spontaneous projection. Concentrate on your Selfless Self. There is no concentration without meditation.
He says he has no questions only answers.
This is commando training. So, wherever you go, you will be able to answer any questions, which are basically for you. For which the knowledge is to be perfection. Perfect foundation. So, if any question, anybody puts any question before you, you will not shake with that question. You can easily reply to that question. When one foreigner woman asked questions of Nisargadatta Maharaj very heavy questions intellectually, but he is giving that reply very easily without thinking. He has not taken any of the credit, he says “Because of my Master Siddharameshwar Maharaj I am giving the answers.”
He says now the communication between him and you is more important for him than his own meditation.
This is direct approach. Without body, without body.
And for the meditation he needs a body. He describes he has a lot of different states and they change don’t last for long, but for the last five days he is in a state where he is free to accept or reject any thought that comes to him. He doesn’t want to analyze a lot, to apply his mind for this. But he says there is him and there is everything else.
This is a sign of spiritual conviction. Good sign.
He cannot say that he has convinced himself, but it is experienced by itself somewhere inside.
It is nice. So many miraculous experiences you will get from inside. Then you say to yourself ‘Oh what is this?’
He tries to forget his experiences as soon as possible because he is afraid of his own ego, that his ego will try to possess these experiences. To own this experience.
This experience will be dissolved, along with experience and ego will be dissolved automatically. When there is establishment of conviction all these experience, ego, intellect, mind will be dissolved, vanish. Their existence will remain casually.
As a chain as causality conceptual chancing.
As you are going closer and closer inside your Selfless Self all these experiences will be dissolved. Because all experiences, experience, witness of mind, ego, intellect, temptations, feelings, all these are body-based feelings. The moment body knowledge disappears or dissolves, all your experience, temptations or feelings dissolve. Then you become very calm, and calm, and calm inside.
Maharaj, some more tea?
Nighttime I am taking very, very light. One doctor has said stomach is cause of all disease. Similarly, mind is cause of spiritual disease. If you feed properly it is ok, if you give excessive diet, it will give you trouble. Similarly, excessive use of mind, ego and intellect will give you trouble. In our lineage they have simplified this knowledge, very, very thorough. It is practical knowledge, there are no inferences, there is not any logic, there are not any intellectual thoughts, it very practical, it is your knowledge. It is your Reality placed before you. Which you forgot. Have perfection. By various discussions we have conveyed a lot of information. Just to indicate, you are the Supreme of this world. Only thing, you don’t measure yourself in body form.
So, I think there won’t be any questions. Still there are questions? Questions, answers, reply’s, temptations, feelings all are body-based knowledge. It is Reality, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. Some or other day we have to willingly or unwillingly leave this body. Establish this Reality that you are not body. Whatever is happening inside feelings, temptations, ego, intellect pressure of all these elements will be dissolved totally. Conviction of Reality is most important. All books, all information, spiritual information, are indicating, that except yourself nothing is there. Don’t take any literal meaning of this information or this spirituality, what they wanted to convey, that is most important. Because we are having this habit, ‘What is the meaning of this word, what is the meaning of this word, what is the meaning of that word? Why this master says like this? Why that master says like that? All this inquiry is totally illusory inquiry. Because everybody’s experience is a different experience. One’s experience may not be another’s experience. So, don’t tally with why this experience is happening for this person, why this experience is, don’t tally. Don’t compare it. Therefore, meditation is good medicine to establish a conviction of your Reality. Just like I told, to remove thorn from your leg, you have to use another thorn. After removing that thorn, then you are throwing away both the thorns. Spiritual knowledge is like that. After your conviction you get rid of all these things. Therefore, the story of Eklavya is a very unique story. He cut his thumb and gave it, ‘I don’t want it.’ When you are going you deposit your ego, intellect, mind in Nashik Ashram.
You should have a special premises for ego.
Very good bank with us. You will give money but not these three things (ego, Intellect, mind). After having control of mind, ego and intellect, spontaneous control, then your entire life will be so that you won’t find any tension, any temptation, any unhappy incidents. Don’t come across any persons, perhaps he may impress his thoughts, the establishment of Reality may shake. He may create some doubts in your mind and then again you will come down with this original state. Try to avoid association of such people, those that are having illusory concepts.
If my foundation is firm enough, I should not be afraid of someone else’s concepts.
Correct, correct. Perfection, perfect foundation. Where there is not any body- knowledge. There is no body knowledge, so mind, ego, intellect, temptation and so many concepts are related to the body only. You want the experience of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God also is illusion. Because to say Atman, Paramatman, you have to take ego of the body. Spirit does not have any name. Just we have given the name just to understand the spirit.
Try to learn to simplify all this Reality. I am placing before you your Ultimate Truth.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj February 16, 2012.
So, what are today’s questions?
Q: He has a question, one question. He doesn’t understand whether his spirit has taken his body consciously or unconsciously.
Spirit is not separate from you.
You are separating spirit and yourself.
OK. He himself has he taken this body consciously or unconsciously?
You don’t make any deliberate effort. It is happening inside.
No differences in body consciousness. Because see prior to consciousness no questions where there.
So, all questions are in awakening stages. Awakening stages. Prior to consciousness there were no questions, no experience of body, no experience of spirit.
So, now you are having this body. Those questions are coming out.
Q: He says he tries to figure out with the experiences of his body.
Don’t make any effort. It is spontaneous.
When you are making some efforts than you are taking some ego. ‘I am somebody else, spirit is somebody else, experience is somebody else, experiencer is somebody else, you are creating confusion.
So, entire, this world is your spontaneous projections.
So, you are not separate from all this. This is just like electricity. Different say, fan is there, light is there, these are projections.
Behind that, your invisible Presence is there.
Not to struggle.
Be as it is. Don’t try to make some deliberate effort. It will happen automatically.
I have given the example of that Eklavya. It is very, very, nice example.
Eklavya, Mahabharat. Disciple of Dronacharya.
Q: I cannot remember his name.
Eklavya, his name is Eklavya.
So, with the help of this Eklavya Master.
His internal Master say, started giving him instructions on how to aim the target.
So, without any efforts, he used to ask the question to the statue whether the aim of the target is correct or not. Out of that inspiration, inner inspiration replies are coming out automatically, ‘Yes, my child. Target it.’
So, here you a Master and you are a disciple also.
Therefore, I am reminding you of this identity.
So, you forgot your essence of Master.
Because impression of body association is very strong. So, it is not convincing you that you are beyond this body knowledge.
Just wait and watch.
When, I told you this. When somebody takes a drop of poison, it acts automatically in the body. You do not have to think what will happen.
Similarly, that Naam Mantra itself is affecting inside without your knowledge.
Q: Maharaj, what is effort? Sometimes I don’t know whether I make effort, or it happens by itself. What is effort?
Effort means seem deliberate act. Taking this tea, I am lifting this, it is effort.
Q: But you do it deliberately.
To enjoy this tea, you have to make some effort.
Without effort you can’t enjoy this tea.
Similarly, meditation is effort. Reciting of the Mantra is effort. After that you enjoy the effect of the effort.
Q: But you say it is not necessary to make effort, and now you say it is necessary to make effort?
It is automatic. It is not a deliberate act.
Q: So, I need not be afraid of efforts.
It happens automatically.
Q: If I want to make effort, I can.
When you are making deliberate effort at that time you are taking ego of body.
Q: If I know that I am taking the ego of body I can make deliberate effort?
I told you. I have given you example. I want to take this tea, enjoy tea. So, I have to pick up this tea, using this, after that I am leaving it. So, that work is over. I am not, whatever is happening or not happening, I am not concerned, just a casual thing. I want to enjoy tea, I have taken tea, I lift it, drink it, then forget it. It is a natural act.
Q: Aspect of volition, will? Personal will.
Will. This is also some concepts. Will, effort, all these words are concepts. They are indicating some meaning. ‘I have got will.’ means desire, strong desire.
But don’t get involved in these various words. Words are just indicating meaning, denote meaning.
Because all words, all spiritual science, indicate that you are ultimate.
Because without your Presence you can’t see the world.
So, see word ‘will’ or say ‘effort’, ‘strong will’ these are the various words indicating all this came out of your spontaneous Presence.
So, maintain silence, be peaceful. Whatever you are doing ok. Take some tea, then I forgot I have taken tea and then doing something breakfast. Then put in effort for breakfast, then taking lunch. So this is all part of the body.
So, what happened yesterday, what lunch I have taken yesterday, what activity, I am not memorizing all this activity, it is spontaneous activity.
So, behind all these activities your spontaneous Presence is there.
Are you counting how many times you have taken a breath, how many times you have to breathe out. Regular activity, how many times you have taken food, how many times you are smoking? These are activities, these are normal activities of the body.
Since you are holding body that mind, ego, intellect is acting regularly.
Because these are body-based elements.
So sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you feel nervous, sometimes you may feel desperate. These are all the actions, reactions, of the body form.
For all these situations you observe it. This time is very sad, some depression time is there. You feel some liberation, so I am very happy. So, all these symptoms you witness.
These are body-based symptoms. These are body-based symptoms.
Because, as you know this body is made by the five elements, plus three gunas. So, ups and downs are bound to be there.
Spiritual science says there is Sattva guna, Rajas guna and Tamas guna. Sattva guna is having devotions and prayers and all of this, these are symptoms. You like to go to masters and pray to God, etc. etc. You have helpful nature to others these are the signs of Sattva guna.
Maharaj. Nisargadatta Maharaj I remember exactly determines Sattva guna as existence itself.
Ya. It is useful for spirituality.
So, Sattva guna you like to have devotion, you like to have prayers to God or Master. Your total involvement, totally peaceful life. So, you are enjoying Sattva guna.
You are getting exceptional peace from inside.
So, disturbance of mind and ego and intellect it will be reduced.
So, you become totally humble and quiet and calm.
You are not hurting anybody else. If anybody abuses you, you are forgiving him, like that.
So, you are not taking any qualities of the worldly things.
Because you have become one with your Master.
Rajas guna it is kind of commercial approach.
Commercial is you like to enjoy, some good foods, entertainment.
You like to have sex, so many attractions are there.
All types and sorts of concepts are coming through and flowing in your mind.
This is Rajas guna.
Tamas guna is fighting nature.
Fight, you have to do something. You have to attack something.
Jealousy is there. So many things. Hatred, jealousy, fighting.
So, out of these three gunas Sattva guna is good for spiritual life.
Ultimate state all these gunas are also illusion.
So, three gunas in Ultimate state, these are illusory concepts.
Because it is body connected.
And as you know you are not body.
When you came across with the body all three gunas, mind, ego, intellect so many things started.
Prior to body experience nothing was there.
After disappearing body experience nothing will be there.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 3, 2017.
You are running after a mirage. You know mirage? Nothing is there. But we are running from here, spirituality, spirituality… Why? Because we are deceiving our Self. Everything within you but you are not identifying yourself. You are not knowing yourself. So, this is basic idea, not concept. This is basic Realization, basic Knowledge. To identify, we are placing before you the Reality, your Reality. Not reality of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. These are good words, because you are playing with all these words. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, I-Am, it’s okay. Concept, not bad concept. What do they indicate? Out of this concept, what do they indicate? They indicate that except your Selfless Self nothing is there. That conviction is supposed to appear and for that conviction everybody is struggling. Everybody, every being is struggling. Because though we know literally, after reading so many books. If you ask the question, there is no peacefulness inside, no happiness inside. Something needs are there, to know something. No peacefulness there. What is there fear? Tension is there. Why this? Because we are not knowing our Self. We know so, so, many things, but we are not knowing our Self. Spirituality is teaching you, try to Identify Yourself. Know yourself in a Real Sense. It is Knowledge. Knowledge means just to Identify, know yourself in Real Sense. We are knowing our self in body-form and that is illusion. Very simple thing. That means not to neglect your body. Not to neglect your responsibilities. Whatever responsibilities you are to carry out. You are employed, you are businessman, family member, take care of them, what is there? And during the process of this life you are to identify yourself. Thoughts are flowing, not to struggle with the thoughts. “Why these bad thoughts are coming? good thoughts are coming?” They are there, it’s the nature of the body. Mind is factory manufacturing thoughts. But because we are struggling, therefore getting irritations. Not to struggle thoughts. It’s okay, thoughts which is useful for your routine you can accept it, otherwise throw it out. Very simple thing. There is total lifestyle will be changed. For which you have got to have some Courage to dissolve all these illusionary concepts.
Is it clear?
Q: Somehow yeah.
Maharaj: Why somehow?
Q: Yeah, it’s clear.
Maharaj: Why somehow? It’s a plain Knowledge, plain Truth. Why somehow?
Q: It’s clear because I can say nothing, so….
Maharaj: It’s very simple language. Very simple. Even if you think logically, even you are thinking intellectually, the Reality is there. This is not your identity at all. Body is not your identity at all. Some or other day willingly or unwillingly we are to leave this. You are not to become a spiritual master. Try to Identify, then next there won’t be any dream like this.
Q: Sorry, “next…”?
Maharaj: So, if you discard all the concepts there won’t be any dream like this. You are to discard all the concepts, including “I Am Brahman”. Brahman also concept. Because you are not knowing prior to beingness whether ‘I am Brahman’ or Atman, Paramatman. These words came after living – after touching the body only. We came across all these words, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. So many words when that Spirit clicked with the body. Prior to beingness you are not knowing any single word because we are not knowing our Self. Because you are Totally Formless. As of today, You Are Formless. This form is not your identity at all.
Q: (inaudible) But I think there is something else. umm?
Maharaj: Don’t, don’t think! Why to think it? This is the Reality. When you are thinking you are taking position ‘I am man or woman, or I am male or female.’
Q: No something inside the form, there is a sense of beingness. It’s just a sense of being.
Maharaj: Who is experiencing sense of beingness?
Q: This is just a sense.
Maharaj: What is that sense? Where is that sense prior to beingness? After leaving body any sense remains?
Q: Somehow there is an experience of living (inaudible). A sense that.
Maharaj: This is imagination.
Q: It’s imagination?
Maharaj: Do you know anything, any memories prior to beingness?
Q: No
Maharaj: Because you are Formless. After leaving body any memory remains?
Q: In formlessness.
Maharaj: You are Formless. All answers are within you. Prior to beingness you are formless, at present you are formless, after leaving body you’ll be formless. There is no any “How I Am?” It is called just like a space or sky. Sky does not know ‘I am sky or space.’ Similarly, Presence within you is not knowing itself as ‘I am Presence.’ It’s Invisible, Anonymous, Unidentified, cannot be defined. You should take from this Ashram something. To discard all the concepts. That’s the purpose behind this, because we are not want any expectation from you. Expecting You should learn something, you should earn something. Be Something, Which You Are Already That.
Because this is an opportunity. Human body is an opportunity to know your Selfless Self, to Identify yourself. Nothing is required for that. No garland is required, no money is required, but you try to Identify. Body is an, say, instrument through which you can Identify Yourself. What is it? Bones are there, blood is there, flesh is there. I was small child now I am old man – is it my identity? Not at all. Some or other day we are to leave this. It’s firewood. But you are having strong faiht with this. Everybody wants to survive longer time. It’s born with a time limit. So, not to waste your time, do your job, do your duties. But during the process of this lifetime, try to identify. What to accept what not to accept, up to you. You rely on yourself. Rely on your Inner Voice. Which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, which is not separate from you. You need not to go to anywhere to find out the Reality. The Reality starts from you, the Reality ends within you.
You must have strong faith within yourself, which you are lacking. We know everything, but we are not knowing our Self.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj January 30, 2016.
See, one thing is there. This is a human body, in the form of a man or woman. The Presence is in the form of a man or woman. And because of this body we don’t have happiness or peacefulness, even though we’re approaching the Masters, concentrating on ‘I Am’. Even though we know the Reality, there’s no peacefulness. It happens, because attachment with the body is not reducing.
We’re advising meditation, read books, concentrate with bhajans, and to some extent we’re getting happiness. But not totally, because strong attachment with the body is not reducing. That strong concept engraved inside is not erasing. That is the problem. It is not your fault—it happens. But, we need some full concentration, full conviction. Though we know this body is not our identity, we’re not accepting it spontaneously. Though we know ‘this body is not my identity, this body is not going to remain constant’, in spite of that, you’re not accepting the Reality. Because the body impact, the body impressions, are so deep, it is not easily possible to erase them. So, for which you have to undergo the meditation, concentrate, you have to hammer all the time. Though it is illusion, you have to hammer it. And thereafter, I’ll tell you, after having full Conviction, after erasing all memories, your happiness will have no limit. Your peacefulness will have no limit. You’ll remain unconcerned with the thoughts. It’s the thoughtless stage.
Many times, many devotees are asking, “How to concentrate on ‘I am’? I’m concentrating on ‘I am’” What do you mean by, “I’m concentrating on ‘I am’”? — “What is the nature of concentrating on ‘I am’?”—that is a normal question from all devotees. You need not concentrate on ‘I am’. Because, you’re considering, “I’m somebody else, and I’m concentrating on somebody else”. That’s duality, follow? People say, “How to concentrate on ‘I Am’?” Some people say, “I’m concentrating on ‘I Am’ all the time.” Here they’re discriminating, “I am somebody else, and the Concentrator is somebody else.”
That spontaneous feeling of ‘I am’ it itself Reality. There’s no shape, no mind, no ego, no intellects. But the impact of the body is not erasing, and therefore we feel uncomfortable. To be comfortable, we give the Naam Mantra. Why is the Naam Mantra there? So, at the time of reciting the Naam Mantra, that mind is diverted to concentrating on the Naam Mantra. Listen carefully. Why is the Naam Mantra there? Why ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ or Soham Sadhana? Because when you’re concentrating on the Soham Sadhana, at that time, the mind becomes thoughtless. Ego becomes egoless, intellects become intellect less. So, there is no disturbance of the mind, ego, intellects at the time of reciting the Mantra. And for which we are asking you to concentrate on the top of the nose, recite the Mantra, so that it will create a thoughtless atmosphere. Thoughtless atmosphere. There should not be any entry of the intellects. No entry of the mind. No entry of ego. To create this atmosphere, then only can you concentrate on the Concentrator. Therefore, we are asking you to concentrate on the top of the nose, recite the Mantra, so you’re keeping the mind busy.
I’ll give you a small example. There’s a mother who has two or three children. She wants to cook, but she has to take care of the children. She wants to cook something for them, but she can’t do all this together. So, what is she doing? She gives some toys to the children. Separate toys, “You do this thing, you do this thing, you do this thing”. She wants to make those children busy with the toys, and then she can concentrate on the food. So, she’s happy and the children are happy. Similarly, three children are there: mind, ego, intellect. In the presence of the mind, ego, intellect, you can’t concentrate. You can’t devote the time. So, in that case, through the Mantra, we’re giving some toys to them. They’re doing their own work. Likewise, you have to concentrate fully. Then there won’t be any disturbance, just like the children will be busy playing with the toys so they will not disturb you. Similarly, when you’re concentrating on Soham Sadhana or Aham Brahmasmi, at that time your mind remains busy. There won’t be any disturbance of the mind, ego, intellect.
So, in that case, you need not make a deliberate effort. You’re sitting like this (in the jnana mudra posture) and looking at this (at the top of the nose), so your mind will be busy, your ego will be busy, intellect will be busy, and you are also busy. Meditation is there. If you can do this successfully, then the force of mind, ego, and intellects will be reduced. This is exceptional, what I’m talking with you. And thereafter, the forces of mind, ego, intellect will be reduced. Only you alone remain, without any duality. That is the secret of this Mantra. Why is the Mantra there? To keep the mind, ego, intellect busy, to remain thoughtless, to erase all the memories, body-based memories, the Mantra is required.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 30, 2017.
Maharaj: If you want to ask any question, you can ask question, be clear. Because, we have here today some J. Krishnamurti foundation, Mooji and all.
Q: I have no real question in that sense because the message is clear. It is the same message everywhere that I hear. But the question that I have… It seems we can only know what we are not, you know? In a sense that, is it possible to identify positively what I am?
Maharaj: The is no positive, no negative. Why to find out “who am I?” I-am also is illusion, to know I-am you have to take ego, “I am somebody else”. Nothing is there. If the body is not there, your body, this is illusion, so why to find out ‘who am I’?
To find out ‘who am I’ you have to take some ego, subtle ego that I am somebody else and finding out ‘who am I?’ There is no I, there is no you, no he, she, it. These are the concept, these are the words, just for discussion purpose, understanding purpose. Therefore, I am insisting not to play with the spiritual words, literal words. ‘I’ supposed to be dissolved totally. There is no ‘I’, there is no ‘it’, these are the concepts – ok, for conversation for daily purpose you can use I, you, he, she, it. But I have told there is no Brahman like that, nothing Brahman, what Brahman is there? It’s a concept. What God is there? Do you know anything God? Have you seen God? Have you seen Brahman? How can you see? Because You are! Without the help of the mirror you can’t see yourself. So, because we have read so many books therefore we have become the victim of this literal knowledge. Knowledge is not separate from you, Brahman is not separate from you. You Are Final Destination. Where everything ends, there You Are. Where everything ends, there You Are. Prior to beingness do you know anything about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, I, you, he, she, it, God – nothing was known to you. After leaving body what remains? Nothing. After leaving body do you know any Brahman is there? Atman is there? Paramatman, God is there, what?
Q: I don’t know.
Maharaj: Correct. Because You are formless. Your existence in the world is just like space, space or sky. Does sky know I am sky? Has it taken birth? Is it going to die? Nothing. Spiritual science if at all you want to compare, compare yourself just like space or sky. So not to measure yourself in body form. Because You were not body, You are not body, You are not going to remain body. It’s an external cover. Prior to beingness you were unknown to you. After leaving body what knowledge you have got? Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are the terms that came along with the body only. All these requirements came along with the body. Who else wants it? Prior to beingness any peacefulness is there? Any fear is there? Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who is under tension? Because body is not tolerable.
Q: Is that also a thought, that which one speaks?
Maharaj: No thought, no thought is thoughtless state, no thought is there. Thoughts, concepts, came along with the body only. Where are thoughts prior to beingness? After leaving, after leaving this body any thought is there? Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who is fearing? And for what are you fearing? Basically, stop measuring yourself in body-form. Because body is not your identity, body was not your identity, body is not going to remain your identity. Where are thoughts come? You are experiencing thought and, “it’s a good thought, this is bad thoughts”. Thoughts which are tolerable you say it is good thoughts. Thoughts not tolerable you say bad thoughts. The thing which is good for you, it may be bad for others. Thing which is bad for may be good to others. Be Plain. Remove all the concepts. Complete blank. You are to surrender your Selfless Self. There should no be subtle ego that ‘I’ also.”
So, in that case, try to find out within yourself Who Am I? Then the conclusion is you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. Why this is necessary? Because we are under the pressure of so many concepts. What is the principal of spirituality? To remove all concepts, even the I-Am. You say Brahman also is a concept. I Am Brahman also concept. Where all concepts dissolve There You Are without any identity. Listen to me. When all concepts including Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master, disciple dissolve There You Are. That Spontaneous Conviction supposed to appear. Then you need not to go anywhere. At that stage there won’t be any temptation to go anywhere to find out the Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is not separate from you.
Only you must have Courage to accept the Reality. That we are lacking. To have that Courage, to have that Power, to have that Energy, you have to undergo the meditation, it is the only source. Mediation means hammering all the time your Selfless Self that You Are Brahman, You Are Atman, You Are Paramatman. It appears in duality. And out of duality that individuality also disappears. In the beginning you say, “when I am sitting in meditation, I’m somebody doing meditation”, its duality, it’s correct. But we are taking the help of the illusion to remove another illusion. To say ‘I’ is illusion. To say ‘you’ also illusion. To say Brahman also illusion. Entire world is illusion. It’s Fact. Today you may not believe it. It’s fact. Because its beyond one’s belief. Even if you think intellectually, how you were prior to beingness? Your answer is “I don’t know.” After leaving this body, how you will be? “I don’t know.” That “I don’t know” is a perfect answer because you were formless, you are formless, and you are going to remain formless. But there is no concept. Dissolve all concept, you are to remove all this illusory complication. It’s the feeling that the fire is there which is covered with the ash. Through meditation you are removing ash, removing concepts, body-based-concepts. It’s the purpose of spirituality.
Not difficult. Not impossible. No to stress, not to struggle with anything. Go deep and deep and deeper within Your Selfless Self. Then forget this world. Therefore, the purpose is, there should not be any other concept like this. This is last concept. No, I-Am, No You-Are. Nothing is there. No Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, these are the concepts. God also concept. It’s Fact. Because we are giving birth to God and Brahman. This is not intellectual thing. So, for having some Conviction, you must undergo strictly meditation. (inaudible). In the beginning, “Oh what?”. But there is no other source. Yes, I know it. You have to devote some time for You. Because you are traveling from this imbalanced illusionary world. So, we don’t expect there will be another illusionary world hereafter. This is Last Ultimate Truth and Ultimate Truth not separate from You. So only playing with the spiritual words and literal knowledge is meaningless. And dry discussion on spirituality, also meaningless.
You are to go, go deep within You. Go deep and deeper within You. And then, your so-called existence will disappear. There won’t be any experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser, completely complete aloof from the world. And then attachment with the body will be reduced. Though you are using the body for some work or for some performing some duties, but you will remain untouched with the body-based knowledge. Mind, ego, intellect may be there, but you are using sparingly. And then when they require, ok forget it. So then in that case there won’t be any confusion. No temptation. After knowing the Reality, no temptation to go anywhere. If there is temptation to go anywhere that means, something wrong. But you are not knowing yourself. Not knowing your importance.
You’ve got Tremendous Power. You’ve got a lot of importance. Not to underestimate You. Not to measure in body-base. You are beyond that. You Are Final Terminal. Why to go here and there? I’m not restricting your visit, but not with the intention if I go to that master and that place I will get some realization. Nothing. You will be misguided, misguided, misguided. Because there is no separate, Brahman is not there, except Yourself. So why to go for unnecessary distracting from Reality? Because You Are Reality. So be with You all the time. It’s very simple knowledge. Not to come across with any illusionary elements. So many shops are there. Commercial shops. Philosophical shops. Spiritual shops. Why? Now spirituality becomes business. Unfortunately. Not to attract with that spiritual business. I’m not criticizing, its fact.
So, we are pointing out the Invisible Listener within You that You are Ultimate Truth. No miracles. Nothing is there. Have some Strength. Power already within you. Encourage your Power. Entice your Power. Use your Power. So not to develop somebody stepping in “Oh this Brahman, I will show you”. Nobody can show you Brahman. It can’t be showed. How shows this sky? Or American sky? Can it be showed, American sky? Or show Indian sky. Nobody can. This is misleading, misrepresenting. Sky is Everywhere. Likewise, the name of Brahman is given, that is the Individual Principle everywhere in every being. Not only human, every being. This world is full of, Presence, Brahman. But we are unknown to that Reality. Therefore, to know the Reality you are to undergo the meditation, it’s the only source.
The People say “I spent so many years in this place so many…” Why you are unnecessarily wasting your life? Do you job, do your duties. Not to go around like this. Not to leave your family life. People are coming to me, I am saying “go, if you want to get married, get married, no problem”. “Oh, I am spiritual man, how can I can’t get married?” You can get married what is there? It is body requirement, it is body food. If you want to get married. But not “oh, how can I get married?” Thoughts are coming but you are trying to restrict it. And again, they are blowing it. Expose it. So likewise, not to accept unnecessary impressions, concept from. You become judge of your own. Think it. Which is good which is bad for your body, for your spiritual body.
You want to ask any questions for that? So in brief, except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, No Paramatman, No Master. It is very simple. Reality is placed before you. You may accept it, you may not accept it, it’s up to you. Yes. Because This Is Final Truth. Final Ultimate Truth.”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 9, 2017.
Body is not your Identity at all. Prior to body knowledge we are holding, where is the duality? Prior to body knowledge there is no duality. After leaving the body, what duality remains? Because we have accepted body-essence as “I am,” that supposed to be dissolved. You are holding body. You are Holder of The Body, not body. When you are experiencing duality, some subtle ego, mind is there, intellect is there. As a matter of fact, there is no duality at all. Since we are measuring ourself in body-form therefore we feel there is duality, ‘I am somebody else’, that duality. But the Holder of The Body does not have any duality. Just like there’s houses and sky, house and sky. So, this is mandir (temple) sky, ashram sky, yes. Bangalore sky, whatever sky. Sky is not different. Name of the given premise is different. So, these body names are given some different names. Male body, female body. But the existence, Spontaneous Existence within that body is one and the same. If you feel some duality that means that body sense is there, ‘I am somebody.’ That body-sense supposed to be dissolved. When I am measuring myself as body I appear as the duality, there is no duality at all. Of course, when you are doing something else you can use your body. But the Holder of the Body – that Reality supposed to be absorbed. It’s concept. Yes?
Q: So, what is the best way to go beyond this …?
Maharaj: Not to go beyond not to go early. Be As It Is. Not to go anywhere. The sky is going anywhere? Oh, Indian sky wants to go to Germany, German sky want to go America? It’s everywhere. Likewise, your Invisible Presence is everywhere, the bodies are different. We are having different body-form. But after 100 years how your presence is there? These bodies are not going to remain after 100 years. What is that Presence? dissolve vast. Just like if you put a drop of water or some bucket of water in sea, it becomes sea. There isn’t any duality. So, we are measuring ourself in body-form therefore we are experiencing illusion. It’s ok. But within that illusion, within that duality, some Reality is there. Exceptional Presence is there, which cannot be defined. No experience is there, no experiencer is there, no witness, no witnesser, no awakening is there. Presence does not know ‘I am Presence’. So, that Status, that Stage, that Ultimate supposed to be absorbed, for which you are to undergo the meditation. It’s the only source.
Q: So, to absorb this truth totally?
Maharaj: It will absorb spontaneously, automatically. Just you follow meditation for some time. Not to think, what are the consequences after meditation. Consequences will be, you are turning Reality. You are Reality. Listener is Reality. But what happens that mind pricking from backside. Ego is there. Yes?
Q: So, what I must do is just meditate and….
Maharaj: Just meditate on what you were told, just remember it. We are having so on discussion since long. We are recording something, just remember it. After remembering it will change something, dramatic changes will take place.
Q: I would just like to first explain what my concept is. Basically, what I understood is the consciousness is the quality of the food. What I understand it, basically. And because of the consciousness, Absolute is able to understand its presence. That’s what I understand. So, what is, the Absolute to have consciousness the food is essential. But when we are saying Absolute and the food then there is a duality. So, what is first, the Absolute is first, or food is first?
Maharaj: Nothing is first. When you came across the food? Prior to beingness was the Absolute was there? Any food was there?
Q: No
Maharaj: After leaving body what food remains?
Q: No
Maharaj: Any Absolute is there?
Q: Absolute is…
Maharaj: Now you are thinking intellectually, Absolute and then something else. You are Absolute. You are Ultimate Truth. Ultimate Truth not separate from you. This a food-body. The moment that Spirit clicked with body you say ‘I’. To say ‘I’ your Presence is required. If there is no Presence who will talk about the I? You say ‘Absolute is there or food is there?’ It’s an intellectual game, you are playing with the words. There is no Absolute, no any intellect, there is no food also. All these concepts came along with the body. When do you know Absolute? What is Absolute? You are Absolute. Because we are thinking from body- base basis. So, this will be Absolute, this will be Ultimate Truth, this will be food-body. There is no discrimination. Therefore, for understanding the words are mentioned. Absolute not separate from you. Because Absolute is there, therefore food-body is there. Food-body contacted independently. Absolute is Invisible, it cannot be guessed, it cannot be imagined, it’s Spontaneous Existence. Because you are holding body, through intellect, mind, ego you are trying to guess how that Spirit Absolute is there. Prior to beingness you will not know what Absolute is. Not knowing ‘I am’ also. There is no he, she, it, nothing was there. After leaving body what remains? These are the words just to identify yourself.
Spiritual language there are so many words. Brahman is there, Atman is there, Paramatman, God is there, consciousness, awareness is there, thousands of words are there. Instead of defining the words, instead of playing with the words, try to identify What they wanted to convey. Or after reading so many books, this Ultimate Truth, ‘Selfless Self’, ‘I Am That’, Ramana Maharshi, so many. Instead of defining their words, analyzing the words, sentence, what they wanted to convey that is most important. They want to convey that Except Your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. Except Your Selfless Self there is no Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. All these names given to your Spontaneous Existence, Presence. That You Are. Absolute Not Separate from You. Ultimate Truth not separate from You. Because you are measuring yourself in body-from, and through intellect and ego you feel something, ‘this is Absolute, this is food body, this is something’ . There is not any discrimination. That Reality supposed to be absorbed. To absorb this Reality, you must undergo strictly meditation. It’s the first lesson, the foundation. Dry knowledge will not help you. We go on talking on dry knowledge, spiritual knowledge, meaningless. These are just a spiritual entertainment, spiritual massage. Spiritual massage, or spiritual steam bath. Beyond that nothing is there. You are getting relief from that steam bath for some time. This is Permanent. Your Existence, Spontaneous Existence, is Permanent. There is not any limitation.
What the requirement of the human body? What do you want? Why are you approaching so many masters? Why are you reading so many books? Because you are depressed, no happiness is there, no peacefulness is there. Always in fear of death. So, to overcome all these difficulties, concepts, we are trying to find out what is my status in this world? Who Am I? Spiritual science says you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, how can I identify myself? That is a big question before us. And because all the time we are having body-based knowledge, we have confused ourself. Our own concept confusing ourself. Our own mind rebelling against us. That confusion supposed to vanish, dissolve. How it will be dissolved? All this confusion is body based confusion. Because I am posing myself somebody else, either male or female, and trying to know the Reality.
Not possible. Because basically, You are not body, You were not body, You are not going to remain body, it’s a fact. But despite knowing all these things, we are having some subtle ego, intellectual ego, mind-based ego. We are accepting literally. We are accepting intellectually, we are accepting egoistically. But not accepting Ultimately. “Yes, my Master says I Am Brahman, I Am Brahman!” But the ego is there, “how can I be Brahman? Brahman is something else. God is something else, God is something high-power administering all this world like that.”
Since childhood till today we have developed so many concepts, spiritual concepts, so many concepts are there. You are to vanish, dissolve all the concepts. Because basically, Your Presence is Ultimate Truth. Prior to beingness nothing was there. After leaving body, what remains? No relation is there. My mother, my sister, my father, my brother, my master, my God. Where are all these concepts prior to beingness? All these concepts came along with the body, dissolve with the body. All desires are there, material desires are there, requirements are there, needs are there. We want happiness, we want peacefulness. Who wants happiness? What is peacefulness? Prior to beingness have you any peacefulness? After leaving body what peacefulness you get? Because body-knowledge is not tolerable.
Directly or indirectly we are posing ourself in body-form, my body-form is permanent, that concept engraved upon us all the time. Therefore, the only source spiritual science says, you are to undergo the meditation. And what do you mean by mediation? Meditation means hammering yourself. Some ancient words are given to you. It came to lineage to lineage from Dattatreya. Sanskrit words are given. Through those words, you are to hammer yourself all the time. That meaning of the words, I Am Brahman, Brahman I Am. So, hammering “yes, You Are Brahman, You are Brahman”, just like that. Just like that police officer to a criminal “yes, you are guilty” “no, I am not”, “yes, you are, this is the evidence against you!”, “Ah Yes, So That I!”
Likewise, you are to torture yourself spiritually, You Are Brahman, You Are Brahman. Then That Reality will be Open Explode within you. Yes, So That I! And at that time, you forget the body-knowledge. Even though You are using body You remain separate Individuality. You don’t feel individuality or anything. So, The Exceptional Experience cannot be count in any words. Yes?
Q: When we are saying, like as you say, we are doing all this Naama Mantra, or sadhana, all these things, and a person becomes realized or he gains the knowledge, or he comes to know what his true nature is…
Maharaj: See he is already Realized but we are unaware of the Realization.
Q: Correct. So, what I mean to say, if we compare a realized person and a non-realized person…
Maharaj: There is no such difference of a realized person, not realized person. Indian sky is realized, and American sky is not realized? Because again we are using our intellect, “this is realized person this is not realized person” because you are having the body concept that “I am somebody else, this world is true”. In dream, you see two people, one realized, one not realized. What happens after your awakening? In dream, you see one God, one beggar. After awakening what happened to that God and beggar, beggar gone to hell, God is gone to heaven? So, all these concepts considering body is my identity. That body-identity is supposed to be dissolved, for which you are to undergo again meditation. Mediation is not Ultimate Truth, mind well. It is a process. Through process you are trying to invite attention of Invisible Meditator that You Are Ultimate Truth. It’s hammering.
After having Conviction, after having Spontaneous Conviction, you don’t have to say a mantra also. After, now you reach this Ranjit Ashram. In the beginning, you started, “where is the Ranjit ashram?” You are finding, you are asking any everybody. Now you are here at that address, you know Ranjit ashram, where is this ashram. Likewise, after having Conviction you don’t have to go read even any single book. Not to go to anywhere. No temptation is there. Because you are Ultimate Truth. You are Final Terminal. You can use your body. Not to neglect responsibilities. Do your job, do your duties, there is no restriction. In human body, you are to Identify Yourself. I’m not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain body, I’m not going to remain this body. I Am Formless.
There is No Birth, No Death. I Am Unborn. These are allegations, “you were born, you’re going to die, because of past some bad words or bad deed you take this birth that birth”, all the concepts. Future birth, present life, what is future present life? Some people say you must say the kundalini is there. What kundalini is there? You are to come out from all these illusory concepts. For which meditation, most important, in the beginning.
Just like when you are learning language. You are to undergo the grammar and efforts. Now you don’t have to go to any grammar and efforts. But you must be strong in the beginning to come out of that language. For which you are doing ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’. So, after Conviction you need not to go to any ‘abcd’. Meditation also, after strong Conviction that I am not body at all, the meditation is not required. Prior to beingness any meditation was there? After leaving the body, what meditation, what to do? Because we have lost our memories we’re missing our Self. To Identify Ourself, that’s why this process is there. Why to read books? Why to obey Masters? Because you forgot your Identity. To identify ourself in a real sense we have to go through these sources. Now after having Conviction, no need is there. You may be acting just like acting in a drama. In dream, you are acting as a man. There are all sorts of things. You create something wrong thing, bad dream, good dream. You are not planning ‘today I will see this dream, tomorrow I will see that dream’. No. This is body, this is dream. We feel that dream is true dream and measuring ourself ‘oh I did this is bad thing, this good thing.’ We are playing with the words, we are trying to define the words, we are trying to analyze the words. ‘Where is master? He’s realized? He’s not realized? Why this question is there? How you’re concerned whether somebody is realized or not realized. Try to Identify Yourself, whether you are realized or not. Ask question whether I’m realized or not. I’m not considering this or that or anybody. Presence does not have any duality of Presence. Presence is Everywhere. Indian sky, American sky, names are given India, America, China, all the things. Sky is the sky. So, like that you are to teach yourself, you are to become Master of your own. You are architect of your own life. How to act, how to react is up to You. Not to struggle. You are struggling with the mind, struggling with the thoughts ‘oh I am depressed’. What depressed? Because you have become slave of your mind. No depression is there. Was there depression prior to beingness? Prior to beingness any depression is there? Any anger is there? Any peacefulness is there? Nothing. After leaving body what remains? Because body-knowledge is not tolerable because of this we require so many things. So, the gist of the spirituality: Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman. You Are Atman – You Are ParamAtman – You Are God, but You are not getting it!
Q: And then you play, you architect, you play, you create in a sense…
Maharaj: You are architect of your own life, Spiritual life. So, what to accept, what not to accept, is up to you. Suppose somebody is giving something bad thing, ‘no I don’t want this’. Suppose a dish, good dish is there, delicious dish is there, you feel I don’t want this, whatever is required, it’s up to you. Similarly, there are so many thoughts flowing in the mind. The thoughts which are useful for your routine You can use accept it. Therefore, I say that You are architect of your own life. What to accept, what not to accept is up to You. Everybody trying to impress their own concepts.
Q: But there is something inside that tell you what the right thing to do is, no?
Maharaj: For which you are to undergo the meditation.
Q: There is always instruction.
Maharaj: You will get instruction inside under which circumstance how to act, how to react. Because You are Mastermind. You are Central Point of the world. You are not this illusion. Body is not your identity. We are giving more importance to mind, ego, intellect, ‘I am somebody else’. So, that ‘I am somebody’ supposed to be dissolved. It’s very simple. You are nobody, You are everybody, Your Presence is everywhere. Just like sky is everywhere. What sky you see here is the same sky that is everywhere. You are beyond sky. That conviction supposed to be appear within You spontaneously. Literally you are knowing, about which knowledge? Dry knowledge. We are discussing long time and having so many words. Try to absorb this Knowledge. Try to digest this Knowledge. Knowledge which is Reality, your Reality, Listener’s Reality. is not separate from the Identity. Therefore, I define, It as Unidentified, Invisible, Anonymous Identity. It is Unidentified Identity, it cannot be Identified in words. Invisible Identity. Anonymous Identity. It cannot be seen. And for which to absorb this Reality you must undergo strictly meditation, in the beginning! Without meditation, you are not able to Identify Yourself. It’s a process, it’s a beginning. In the beginning, you are to undergo deliberate efforts. Then, not necessary. Everything starts from You, everything end within You. You are not separate from Ultimate Truth, You are Final Truth. But directly or indirectly we are having impressions of the body-knowledge, since childhood until today. And you are not having courage to dissolve it. ‘Yes, yes, yes’. You sign everywhere. Though you are not guilty you set aside and living with a guilty conscience. You are not, nothing. You are not doer, there is no deed.
Q: When we are doing the meditation, we should not read any books or anything?
Maharaj: You can read books, but not to analyze the words. You can read so many books, you can approach Master, but what they want to convey that is most important. Not to depend words. Not to analyze the words or sentence of these Masters. “Why Ramana Maharishi says like this? Why is this like this?”. No. What they want to convey out of various words and various sentence? What is gist or central point of your Reality? Except your selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman. And to accept this Reality you are to undergo meditation. Through meditation all these illusory concepts dissolve. The strong force of your mind, ego, intellect is upon you. Directly or indirectly we have become victim of our own mind and concepts. Ego is there. Subtle ego is against your mind. Ego starts ‘yes!’. You undergo your 10,000? “You have not offered tea?”. Subtle ego is there. When you go to some friend’s house, subtle ego is there expectation ‘oh she should put water or offer something’. Not given, depressed. So, all these expectations supposed to be dissolved. Body-ego supposed to be dissolved. You are having expectation from childhood, you are some boy, father, parent, even Masters also. You are after miracles, ‘oh if I go to that master I will get some miracles’. Nothing, I’m not doing any miracles. Miracles happen from You. This a Box, Miracle Box, Magic Box. Everything is There. But you are unaware of That. You are unaware of that Magical Box. The Spontaneous Existence in your body is Ultimate Truth, Final Truth.
Q: Normally a person expects something, doing all these sadhana’s, I personally feel and that’s why at the end these depressions occur, “if I would do this then I should go there, or I should have this much progress”. But if that does not occur then normally he changes the Master.
Maharaj: What progress is required? There is no I, no you, no he, she, it. Prior to beingness you expect progress will be there? After leaving body what progress is required? You are not in need of the spiritual knowledge after leaving the body. You have read so many masters of spiritual knowledge. Will that knowledge help you at the time of leaving your body? You have met spiritual master, you have read so many books, you are a master of all this spiritual knowledge. Just inquire yourself, question yourself. ‘All this knowledge will help me at the time of leaving the body?’. Answer is there: No! Spiritual knowledge, whatever knowledge you are having is not useful at the time of leaving the body, what is the use of that knowledge? Has this knowledge given courage, spiritual courage to face each and every problem? Because basically You are Unborn. You are posing: I-am-born, my energy is like this, I am going to die, future life, present life, past life, so many concepts are there. With courage, you are to dissolve all concepts. Spiritually is giving courage to accept the Reality. Because you are the Reality, Reality is not separate from You.
Q: So, when we are saying that after the death we are not having any use of this spiritual knowledge…
Maharaj: See death and birth are also concepts. Nobody is having experience of death and birth. Until you see the death, someone die.
Q: The people who follow the spiritual practice…
Maharaj: Why to think about the about the people? You think about yourself! What you see is the Seer’s reflection, Seer’s projection. If there is no Seer how can you see the people?
Q: You Cannot.
Maharaj: If there is no Presence in your body how can you see the people? That means entire world is projected out of Your Presence. If there is no Presence there for a moment, who will talk about the people? Who will talk about the God, master, and everything? That concept is supposed to be dissolved. You are thinking of this people, that people, that people, the realized people or not so, why? You think of yourself. It’s the habit of mind to take the touch of each and everything in the world. The world itself is illusion. Shankara say, “to say ‘I’ it is illusion, to say ‘you’ it is illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ is illusion, entire world is illusion”. Where are the people? Where is the God? Where are the Masters? Hmm? It’s a plain knowledge. Again, I am repeating, for absorbing this Reality you are to undergo the meditation, only thing. Meditation is the only source. Dry discussion will be not helpful for you. Reading thousands of books is meaningless. You are getting some sort of intoxication temporary, painkillers. Everything starts from You, everything ends within You.
Q: Normally we face a certain situation. When we read the book, or when we hear these talks, at that time we feel very good, but after some time then this is vanished.
Maharaj: Because illusion is pricking You, mind is pricking you from backside. What do I mean? See this body is called man, are you forgetting that I am man, or I am woman? You accept this body as a man and you live as man. In dream, also you appear as a man. Likewise, Master says “You are neither man nor woman, You are Brahman.” Why not accept that?
Q: Is the Naama Mantra essential or…?
Maharaj: Of course, Naama Mantra is given to Lineage to Lineage, Sanskrit words through which you are hammering yourself, for which Master is required. Why Master required? Because you forgot your Identity. To regain Your original memories, Master is required.
Q: Meditation means to repeat that Naama mantra or to sit at one place and do meditation?
Maharaj: Mediation you are to repeat, recite the Naama mantra all the time and when you are sitting for meditation. It will give you more effects. But we are insisting to take that Naama Mantra according to breathing, inhaling, it give more effects. But you are to do it. Do it sincerely. In the beginning. Then it is not required. Until you get memories, regain your memory, you are to go through with the meditation. People say, ‘oh I am realized, I’ve got knowledge!’ not sufficient. Literal knowledge, bookish knowledge, it gives temporary relief, not permanent.
Q: Sometimes when I’m sitting to the meditation, I feel that I have lost my body knowledge.
Maharaj: Good.
Q: So, does it mean that…
Maharaj: All these, even that experience supposed to be dissolved. Whatever experience is there, spiritual experience – appeared upon your Presence. At the Ultimate stage, there is no experience, no experiencer. How you were prior to beingness any experience was there?
Q: No
Maharaj: After leaving body any experience is there? That is Ultimate Stage. Even you experience something, even you are experiencing ‘I Am Brahman’, it is still also illusion.
Q: Yes”
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 5, 2017.
We are holding the body, measuring our self in body-form, and that is not Reality. The principle behind spirituality is that, different bodies are there, we are measuring our self in body-form, “I am somebody, I am somebody.” Actually, within the body there is Invisible Presence. There is not any shape. No special identity. It is called Unidentified Identity, it’s called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. That You Are. But despite this knowledge you are not accepting the reality, therefore you are wandering here and there to find out Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. Visiting so many masters, meaningless. Visit your own Master.
What Jnaneshwar, and all the saintly people say, “You are the center of the world. If there is no Presence who will talk about the world?” That means entire world projected out of your Presence. Presence is not different with this body, it’s everywhere in every being. Lord Krishna said in the Gita “My Presence is Everywhere.” That Conviction is supposed to appear for which you are struggling. Why you not getting any happiness, no peacefulness, happiness. Always tension is there, fear is there, because we are not identifying our self in a real sense. We are identifying, since childhood till today as a man or woman, and trying to know our self with the body form, that is illusion. That illusion is supposed to be dissolved.
Then though you are knowing literally I am Brahman, how can that reality be absorbed within us? For which spiritual science says, only you are to undergo the meditation. And what is the meditation? Sitting like this? Reciting the mantra? Not that. Your Total Involvement is there. Total Touch with Selfless Self. “Yes, my Master says you are Brahman!” Then slowly, silently, and permanently all body-effect will be dissolved.
At present, we were posing ourselves as forms, human form, so all concepts related to the body-form will be dissolved through meditation, and that meditation will be spontaneous from you. Naam Mantra that is given by Master, that will recite automatically without your knowledge. And at that time, at the Ultimate Stage you forget all this identity. Though you are holding body, doing all these jobs, you remain unconcerned with all these activities. Exceptional Happiness, Peacefulness is there.
Don’t have to go to any material cause to cause happiness. For which you are doing all this spirituality, and so on. Its indicating, inviting the attention of the Listener, that except your Selfless Self there is no God, No Brahman, no Atman.
But we are taking very casually, “oh okay, okay”. You are to be serious about knowing yourself. Because human body is an opportunity. Though we are holding the body we are to Identify Yourself in a Real Sense. If you take casually then again you may see such type of dream. So, this is the last dream. There should not be another dream. Because we become victim of our own concepts, so all body-based concepts supposed to be dissolved. That is the purpose behind spirituality.
Everybody coming here, taking Mantra, listening, then no good. Because of lack of faith, lack of confidence again going here and there. You should be stopped somewhere. Because everything is within you. I repeatedly say except you Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman. Why to go here and there? Why is there pressure to go here and there? Because you are posing yourself in body-form. It’s a Fact. Even if you think intellectually. Body is not your identity prior to beingness. After leaving body, what happened to body? So, your Presence is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. That will be accepted, that Conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously.
And for which, again you are to repeat, recite mantra, devote some time for you. Only discussion, dry discussion on spirituality, meaningless. Be practical, do your job, do your duties. Not to neglect your responsibilities. I’m asking everybody, I told everybody, don’t neglect, spirituality is not separate from you. Some people want to become sanyasi What is sanyasi? Wearing all these necklaces, neglecting all these responsibilities, not sanyasi. You are to throw out all concepts, body-based concepts. Try to find your Real Self. It is not difficult at all. But we are not paying so much attention for our self. Still we’re having some mind is working inside. Intellect is working inside. Ego is working inside. Directly or indirectly we have become the victim of our own mind, ego, intellect. Mind is very tricky. Manufacturing so many thoughts. You are accepting that thoughts and going along with the thoughts. It should be stopped. Okay, having of thoughts is nature of the body because the body belongs to 5 elements. But your identity is Exceptional Identity which is not limited to the body, through which the entire world is projected. If there is no awakening in the morning who will talk about the world and God? Try to identify yourself in a Real Sense. It’s the principle of spirituality.
There are so many words, so many languages, so many things are there. But within all this knowledge where do I stand? That is the question. Who am I? That is the question. After trying to find out Who Am I? That I-am also disappear. So, this is the purpose of spirituality. Jnaneshwar says “I’m going down, earlier to earlier, where there nothing was.” Through which, speech, through which you’re talking, language, words, through which words are appearing. It’s called- 4 languages are there. So, it comes from this body. “Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari”)—Para means the thoughts, subtle thoughts are there. Pashyanti you can experience the thoughts. Madhyama coming from here (heart). Vaikhari come from mouth, instantly. First thoughts are appearing, you don’t know and then second stage, you experience the thoughts, then it comes to the neck, then it comes out. This is spiritual process, not to pay so much attention. That means, through which you are talking, through which you are listening, that Invisible Presence is called Brahman.
So, when you are trying to identify the Brahman, the identifier disappears. Nothing remains. That You Are. Where Everything Ends There, You Are. That Conviction is supposed to appear, for which you are to undergo strictly meditation. It’s the only source. Meditation is not sitting all the time, 2 or 3 hours, but you are to – complete involvement is there. Complete Devotion is there. After being here, you may be anywhere in the world, Complete Devotion, “Yes, my master says I am Brahman, I am Brahman”. No other thoughts. Like that, Conviction is required. So, nothing doing here. Not to do anything. Because there are not any expenses, not any restrictions, not any exercise, just to identify yourself then you will stay firm with the Perfection of the Identity. It’s the purpose of spirituality.
So, if I go on talking hours together, it will be meaningless. It’s a very simple principle.
Entire world is projected out of your Invisible Presence. That You Are. It’s called Brahman. But, you can use this body. You are holder of the body. Body is not your identity at all. That Conviction is supposed to be appear. So Be with You All the Time, recite mantra, what is given to you by Master. It’s one and the same thing. Meditation means you may utter any words which is given by Master, but meditation is most important. Through which you can be very, very close with You. Listener within.
In that lecture, he says – Amrut means nectar – after taking nectar, how it reflects, in our body, spiritual body. Nectar means after having the Knowledge through Spiritual Master, and it absorbs, how it reflects? Through Masters you have got Knowledge that means you are Ultimate Truth. That is called Nectar. After taking, after consuming the Nectar, how that spiritual body reflects? It’s a question. And I have given the symptoms of the Sadhu, Sannyasi, Saint. You become one with the Ultimate. There is no separation. Though you are holding body you are, he is one with himself. Himself, those are the words. But there is no special identity. Swarup, it is called Swarup, that means Selfless Self, there is nothing separation. Just like sky. Sky is everywhere. Sky does not have any parts. Indian sky, Chinese sky, Sky is Sky, Everywhere, like that, Presence is Everywhere. But it does not depend upon the body. That Conviction is supposed to appear, for which you are to undergo meditation, it’s the only source to identify yourself.
And that through Master, what the Master has told you, you must accept it. Master has told you that except your Selfless Self there is no God. It’s your Reality. So why to go here and there to find out God and Brahman. It’s not difficult to find out Brahman and God. Brahman is not some material matter. Brahman is formless Ultimate Truth which you are holding, you are having. Except your Self there is no Ultimate Truth. That Conviction is supposed to appear it’s the purpose of spirituality. So, be strictly with meditation in the beginning and then after having meditation that Knowledge will be absorbed spontaneously within you. Then you need not make any special efforts. Your purpose of spirituality is just to identify yourself in a Real Sense. We identify our self as this body-form, but it is not true. It is illusion. It’s the only thing.
Yes? Okay! So Be with You. This is the purpose, this is direct knowledge. Not to do, nothing you have to do. Because you’re not doer, there’s no deed. How you were prior to beingness, do you know anything about past birth, future birth? Nothing. In between? Any seen? No, nothing is there. No present, no past, no future, nothing is there. To know nothing, you are to do something. That’s the Meditation. That will clear from you only, because Source of the spirituality is within you. We are finding here and there.
Any question for you? Very simple thing. Very simple thing. Became complicated by so many sources. Very simple thing. Entire source of this world starts from you only. The moment Spirit clicked with the body you see the world. Prior to awakening we are not knowing what the world is. We’re not knowing any Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Lord Krishna, Lord Something. Nothing Knowing. Prior to beingness do you know any Shiva, Shankara, or some Krishna or Brahma, nothing was there. All this information appeared when the Spirit clicked with the body. We are unknown to our self. After leaving body what happens? What happened to your Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and Lord Shiva. I am not criticizing it, but all these detailed devotees of Brahman came along with your awakening. If awakening disappear, if Presence disappear, who knows what is Brahman, what is Atman, what is Paramatman? So, all answers are within you. So, after going deep and deep in your Selfless Self, reality will be merged. Then knowledge, difficult knowledge complicated knowledge will come out. All questions will be solved within you.
So now the ball is in your court. How to act, how to live, up to you. Despite that if you have temptation to go here and there, what to do? It’s direct knowledge. OK. Keep in mind: be practical we are teaching practical spirituality.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj July 29, 2017.
Devotee: Maharaj sometimes you use the expression “Glimpses Of I”.
Maharaj: Yes
Devotee : What do you mean by that?
Maharaj: Just, just ‘I’, Just ‘I’, Just Feeling, Just Feeling ‘I’. Glimpses means Just Feeling, That Just Feeling, there is no specific identity, no form. I am giving an example: early morning you are getting up, that particular moment, even though you are holding the body, at that time, just ‘I’, just feeling of, it is called Glimpses of I. Glimpses Of means just feeling, there is no any identity, no man, woman, no… just ‘I’. Because you can’t have any specific words. Therefore the ‘Glimpses Of I’ means, just the appropriate word, there is not any form. There is not any gender, It’s an Exceptional Peaceful Feeling.
When you are – suppose, in deep sleep. When you are awakening early morning. The first moment, the first moment, you feel that Just I. There is no any feeling of the world, nothing is there. Because you are in deep sleep, That Exceptional State was there. If you are to compare it, it is just like a Samadhi. Samadhi there is no any awareness, nothing is there, Just I. It Is Glimpses of I. Just for understanding. Because at that particular stage there is no any gender, no form, nothing is there. And you see what is the body. Just we are feeling ‘I’. This body just feeling ‘I’, in the morning, and then you will say that ‘I am somebody else’, man or woman or all these feelings start, again and again, all memories started. But prior to that, just in the early morning when you are waking up, at that time you feel just ‘I’. But that is also, because Ultimate Stage There Is No Experience, No Experiencer. Because we are holding body, therefore we are feeling I, you, he, she, it, what- so-have-you. So many things you are knowing. But as a matter of fact, your Presence or Unidentified Identity is Unknown. Knowledge came afterwards. If there is no body how can you identify knowledge? No Knowledge Is There, No Brahman, No Atman, No Paramatman, No Master, Nothing Is There.
Even if you imagine through intellectually, prior to beingness, what experience you are having? Nothing. Do you know anything? Whether you’re a man or woman, or whether-what type of forms are there? Prior to beingness, Totally Formless. In the moment that Presence touched with the body, you started out saying ‘I’. And that ‘I’ taking form that, either a man or woman or any animal, any being. But that Beingness, it’s colored with some form. It is not permanent. So far, our body is there, you feel Beingness. The moment that body disappears, or in other words, death, so no experience is there. Nobody is having experience of the death or birth. We say, ‘you die, you have taken birth.’ But that particular person is not knowing whether ‘I have died or whether have taken birth’. Nobody knows about earlier birth or the future birth, it is just imagination. Nobody knows whether you see the God that is the God. All identification of God appears along with this body only. Prior to body, body knowledge Nothing Was known. Your Master Is Not Known, ‘I Am’ Also Is Not Known. Nothing Was Known. That means that Everything Came Out of Nothing, Everything Dissolve Within Nothing. That Nothing Is Supposed to Be Identified. Through various words I Am Trying to Invite Attention of The Invisible Listener Within You That Except Your Selfless Self Nothing Is There. Those Bodies Are Different, The Spirit, The Listener, Invisible Listener, Is One and The Same. For which there is not any form, it’s totally formless. But all the time we are measuring our self in body-form, and we take the knowledge, or accept the knowledge through body-form only. The Body-Form Is Not Your Identity at All. That Conviction is supposed to be appear spontaneously, for which you are to ask for meditation.
Meditation is the only source to identify. It is creating some atmosphere. Meditation, Bhajan, Master…these are, all these concepts. But it is required to identify ourself. Source are there, these are sources to identify. And after identifying yourself, that mean conviction will appear ‘I am not body at all, I was not body at all. There is no birth and death for me.’, these are also concept. So, ‘I am not doer, there is no deed.’ There is no past no future. No destiny. Nothing is there.
So, all concepts will be dissolved totally, collapse, suddenly, all will disappear, discarded. So, no concept is there. Even ‘I Am Brahman’ also concept. ‘I Am God’ also concept. Because, it’s a good concept. (laughter) It’s giving encouragement. Tomorrow you feel ‘I Am a Master’. It’s a good concept. But you are neither Master nor God nor…something else. You Are Beyond That. Sky does not know ‘I am sky, I am Indian sky, Chinese sky, or American sky. Sky does not know, if you are saying ‘that is America, and this is America sky, Indian sky. Is there any difference in the American sky, Indian sky? Not at all. We are experiencing this body, that body, that body. So, that means, the Presence within all the bodies, in all beings is one and the same.
Therefore, in Bhagavad Gita, it says “My Presence Is Everywhere, It Is Formless.” Just like say, electricity everywhere. The fan is there, this is there. All these instruments working through electricity. But yet, it is not visible. It’s a Power it’s an Energy, Invisible Energy. Similarly, the Speaker from this body and the Listener from that body, One and The Same. There is, energy is there. Without energy, I can’t utter any words, you can’t be listening to anything. So, that Energy is working, that Energy is given name Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, That You Are. It is very simple.
That Conviction supposed to appear spontaneously, and for which you are always struggling. Because there are so many concepts impressed upon us. “You are going to die, next birth will be there, past birth you’ve done something wrong, and then hell are there heavens are there, a lot of concepts are there. You are to discard all the concepts, for which the discipline of meditation is there.
It is very easy, it is very difficult. Because you must have Strong Faith Within You, Strong Faith in Your Master. If My Master says, ‘I am Brahman’, I am Brahman. Then in that case, not to come across with so many Masters. It is a mind habit to go to this place, that place, that place. Unnecessarily you are wasting your time, and it is distracting from the Reality. Because Reality is Not Separate from You. In spite of that, there is temptation, ‘oh I will go to that master, I will go and see that master, this master. Nobody seeing any master, nobody visiting any master, you are Master, Master is not separate from you. But mind is tempting, creating confusion within you. Stop this confusion. Because your mind is wavering. It is pricking from backside, trying to divert you from the Reality. So be alert, be cautious. And then try to Identify Yourself. Because Except Your Selfless Self Nothing Is There.
Ok any question for you? (no questions)
Take it seriously, you do your job, do your duties. But take it seriously because, body, human body, is an opportunity for you. If you neglect it, if you take lightly, so you can’t say what body, any form will be there… So now after accepting the Reality no form will be appear for you. So How You Are Prior To Beingness That You Remain. But if you rely on concept ‘oh my last birth future birth, this birth, that birth, so all concepts again create another concept, another concept another concept, concept, multiple concepts will appear. Not to feel guilty conscience, ‘oh I am doing something wrong.’ You Are Not Doing Anything, in dream you are killing so many person, and after, ‘oh it’s a bad dream’? mm? You are not taking ego ‘I done something wrong’. If you do something, good thing in the dream, so actually, you are not taking ego ‘I have done some good thing or bad thing’ These are dreams. Similarly, this is a dream. So not to take ego.
That means there should not be all freedom “oh it’s a dream so I can do anything.’ No. Some limitation is required. It is good just for understanding. Because anything excessive will be poison, so your actions will be limited actions. Control yourself. Control is most important. After knowing the Reality, you are to control yourself. Otherwise you’ll say, ‘oh Master has given me all freedom, so I can be acting like anything’. It should not be there. It creates problem for you. So, that means human body is very, a very, very important body through which you can Identify Yourself in a Real Sense. Otherwise you have to again see another dream, another dream, another dream. How long you are going to stay see that dream that dream? It is called rebirth, rebirth. This should be last dream there should not be any other more dreams. That you have to convince yourself. Nothing to do, there is no any restriction no bondage, no orders, nothing is there, no condition, no.
The moment you Identify Yourself, or you have Conviction, Be Calm and Quiet. Be humble, Be Normal. Be Simple. If anybody appreciate you, there is no any something encouragement or if people don’t appreciate you, no depression is there. So, like that, because you are unconcerned with the world. You have to say, ‘oh this is very good sky’? Sky doesn’t know. Or you say, ‘this is a bad sky’? No effect on the sky. Similarly, you are subtler than sky, thinner than sky. If anybody appreciate you, yes, it’s ok. If they say you are good saint… Once Nisargadatta Maharaj said “If anybody says me I am a good saint, I’m no any appreciation or encouragement. If they say I am a bad saint, or foolish saint, no depression is there. It’s one and the same for me. Good and bad are one and the same for me”. Good and bad is concept impressed by somebody else, from somebody’s thought. Not to become victim of somebody’s thought. Nisargadatta Maharaj said “Not too came across with such elements that will distract you from the Reality.” So, have caution. There Is Nothing to Know That You Are to Know It. No Knowledge Is Knowledge. Knowledge also illusion, Brahman also illusion, entire thing is illusion. Shankaracharya said, “Entire world is illusion, to say ‘I’ it is illusion, to say ‘you’ it is illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ it is illusion, entire world is an illusion”. No needs, no requirements, all these things are body-based relation. Just to try to Identify. Same thing. I’m repeating same thing again and again, just to Impress Reality. You Are Reality. You Are Ultimate Truth.
Ok. Short and sweet.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 23, 2017.
Q: What is the nature of the power that emerges due to devotion to the Sadguru? You once said, “Sadguru bhakti has strong shakti power.” Can you comment on this?
Maharaj: There’s no doubt that Sadguru bhakti has tremendous power. It is rooted through the disciple or devotee. As a matter of fact, there’s no difference between Sadguru and disciple or devotee—the power is the same, both are formless. But, so far, we are considering ourselves as individuals with form, so the concept of Sadguru, the concept of disciple, is there.
Power is everywhere. Though you are in the form of disciple, there is essence of Sadguru there. And Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “I’m not making you a disciple, I’m making you a Master.” So, everybody has that Masterly essence, but you forgot your identity. Therefore, the Sadguru and disciple, these two concepts, are there. As a matter of fact, there’s no difference between Sadguru and disciple, number one. The power is there, already the inbuilt power within the devotee and Master is there. So, when you’re having strong devotion with the Sadguru and strong devotion with this Naam Mantra, and the vibration is going on inside, you’ll get that power, it will emerge inside. For example, if there’s a fire covered with ash, if you remove the ash the fire is coming out. Similarly, the power is there but it is covered with so many illusory concepts. The moment those concepts dissolve, at that time that power will emerge, or will be focused. So, in the beginning you are to undergo strictly meditation—that is most important. Without meditation, dry knowledge will not help you.
See, we’re holding the human form. What do we require? Everybody—every being, forget about humans—every being wants happiness, peacefulness, a tension-free life, a fearless-life. Everybody has the fear of death. So, after knowing the Reality, there won’t be any fear of death. At the time of leaving the body, you won’t have the feeling that ‘I am dying’. So that is the purpose of spirituality. Spirituality is not only dry teaching, you have to live a practical life. So, so far, we are holding the human life, and so many difficulties are bound to be there. But those difficulties and unpleasant atmospheres will be minimized after spirituality. And meditation gives a lot of help for that. So, we’re asking, we’re insisting from everybody, that instead of reading so much theoretical knowledge, be practical, because meditation is the foundation. If the foundation is weak, the building will be weak. So, to understand, to digest that knowledge—what we read in the Bhagavad Gita, in the Vedas, so many books are there—to have practical knowledge, you have to undergo strictly meditation, it’s most important. There’s no other way besides meditation. And therefore, read the books, listen to the Masters, no problem, but your inner Master is most important. Your inner Master is Master of Masters, because the entire world is projected out of your Presence. I’m talking about that Presence through which you can identify yourself. You’re watching the world, but if there’s no awakening in the morning, who will talk about the world and God? So, after awakening…Prior to beingness, how were you? Presence is there but it is not visible. It is visible through this body-form. And therefore, I’m inviting the attention of the Invisible Presence within you that is called Ultimate Truth, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is very easy to understand intellectually, but in practical life you have to digest, absorb this knowledge of the Reality. The Reality is that except your Selfless Self, there is no God. Reality means that you are Ultimate Truth. The Invisible Listener within you is Ultimate Truth. God is not separate from you. “Oh God, bless me, oh God, bless me.” Where is the God? If there is no Identifier in this body, how can you recognize God? If there is no Presence in the body, who will talk about the God? So, you are prior to God, but you’re not accepting it. It’s fact. Because, I’m telling everybody, you’re the father of God. You may not like it, but it’s fact. Because God is a creation in the human body, by the human being. Where was God prior to beingness? After leaving the body is any God there? So, God is also a concept, hmm? Saint Tukaram Maharaj says, (Maharaj quotes in Marathi): “They are imaginary Gods. All Gods are imaginary.” And it was in those days (17th century) that Tukaram Maharaj said this. It’s a fact, but nobody is accepting it. But forget about that. We’re not going to have any analyzation or personal struggles. But during this human form we have to identify ourselves in a real sense. We’re identifying ourselves in body- form and that is not our Reality at all. For that Conviction, that Spontaneous Conviction, you have to undergo strictly meditation.
What is meditation? Meditation means concentration. What do you mean by concentration? Concentrating on the Invisible Concentrator within you, which is called Brahman, Atman. You can’t guess it, who is concentrating. But after trying to know, the Knower will disappear. Because this entire world is projected out of this Knower. The Knower is invisible Knower. You may give it any name—Knower, Seer—names are given. It is beyond imagination. It is said, your Presence is just like space or sky. There is no specific identity. Therefore, in the beginning we are insisting, undergo strictly meditation. Because only talking, talking, discussing is meaningless. Because I can say so much theory: “What ‘Brahman’ is, ‘Atman’, ‘Paramatman’, ‘God’, ‘Master’, ‘Maya’, ‘five elements’, ‘five bodies’…” This has nothing to do with that. So, have practical knowledge. What is the use of the Vedas and all these things? Try to identify yourself, through which you can vanish all the concepts. You have to come out of all concepts. So, to have this fearless life, to have a comfortable, blissful life, you have to undergo strictly meditation in the beginning. Thereafter it will be spontaneous. Afterwards it is not necessary, but in the beginning, you have to strictly undergo meditation.
So, we’re giving some lineage words that came from Dattatreya, and the meaning of those words is ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’, very simple words. But, you have to practice it, you have to devote some time —half an hour, one hour, two hours. But in those days, previously they used to meditate years together. Bhausaheb Maharaj used to meditate ten hours, twelve hours per day. Now it is reduced. But at least you can devote two hours. Half an hour at a time, you can divide it. But at the beginning it is necessary, and then it will be spontaneous. Okay.
So, any questions anybody wants to ask?
Q: So that power that arises after—
Maharaj: That power is inbuilt power within you. Power is not separate, energy is not separate. It is inbuilt power, but you are not aware of that power. That energy, power, emerges out of your meditation. Power is inbuilt within you, power is not separate from you, but you are not aware of that power. Therefore, we are trying to invite the attention of that Invisible Listener that you are Ultimate Truth, you are Final Truth.
Q: Maharaj, I have one question. Why is it so rare that people reach the Ultimate stage?
Maharaj: Forget about other people. Why are you concerned with other people? Be concerned with yourself. When did you come across the people? If there’s no awakening, what about the people? If tomorrow there is no awakening in the body, who will talk about the people? This is a wrong concept. Where are the people? If in the early morning there is no awakening, who will talk about the people, Gods and Goddesses? You stick with your Selfless Self. Don’t think about the people, forget about people. Who are the people? If there is no consciousness in the body, who will talk about the people?
Q: I am able to perceive you physically. Eyes are seeing. Then why…
Maharaj: Eyes can’t see. If there’s no Presence, the eye is not seeing. This is a dead body. This is a dead body; how can you say—
Q: —that identification is happening…
Maharaj: These are the words—’identification’, ‘knowingness’, ‘seer’, etc. —these are the words. Through various words, try to identify yourself. You’re using so many words. We have created language just to understand, just for conversation. Don’t analyze each and every word. I’m always telling you, always advising you, not to analyze my words. What I want to convey, that is most important. Not to talk about the people and all—where are all the people? If there’s no awakening in the morning, who will talk about the people? (Maharaj quotes in Marathi). You are the witness of the world. If the Witnesser is absent within your body, who will talk about the people? No people are there, no God is there. And just to know the Reality, therefore you are to undergo the meditation. You are unconcerned with the people—what are the people? In a dream, are you talking about the dream people? When you are having a dream, you see so many people. After awakening, what has happened to those people? Will they go to hell or heaven? Nothing. This is a long dream.
Q: So, if in this dream I start meditating to understand (inaudible) the Reality, what happens if before reaching the destination I leave—
Maharaj: Not to reach anywhere. You are there and there only. There’s no destination—you are the final destination.
Q: But if before having that Conviction—
Maharaj: There’s no before and no after. Your Presence is Ultimate Truth.
Q: So before having that Conviction, if I leave the body, then what happens?
Maharaj: Nothing has happened. In a dream, if you leave the body, what will happen to the body? It’s a dead body. That is a concept, an intellectual concept. Your question is an intellectual question. Where were your intellects prior to beingness? Prior to beingness have you got any thought, “What will happen to my body?” Have you decided, “I will come to India and I will take birth in India”? After leaving the body, which body will you take the form of? No form—you’re basically formless. No birth is there. Because, some or other way, there is the concept ‘I am somebody else’. Questions are coming out of ‘I am somebody else’. You’re nobody, you’re everybody. Your Presence is just like space or sky. So therefore, to dissolve illusory concepts you have to undergo the meditation. Otherwise this question is bound to prick you.
Q: (Inaudible) if I leave my body?
Maharaj: How can you experience leaving your body? Have you got any experience of your birth? Are you having any experience of death? This is an intellectual question. Mind is playing with you. “I’ll leave my body”—have you got any experience of leaving the body? Not at all. There’s no birth, no death.
Q: So, there isn’t (inaudible) reincarnation?
Maharaj: Nothing is there. That concept is wrapped upon you. No birth, no death, you’re basically formless. This form is not going to remain constantly.
Q: So, this is a dream. The dream may—
Maharaj: This is a long dream, this is a long dream. And just to identify, just to know the Reality, you have to undergo meditation. So, this question is going to prick you all the time. Don’t measure yourself in body-form. So far, you’re measuring yourself in body-form and therefore all questions arise. You are not the body, you were not the body, you’re not going to remain the body. “I’m dying—what will happen after my death?” This is all guessing. Intellectual questions. No death is there, no birth is there. Every day you see different dreams. What has happened to those people?
So, like that, you have to identify yourself. You must have Spontaneous Conviction. It will happen, definitely it will happen. And for which, instead of analyzing the words, try to understand yourself. These are the words. Because with various words I am trying to convince the Invisible Listener within you that you are Ultimate Truth. Does sky have any birth and death? Indian sky is having birth or dying? Sky is sky everywhere. You are subtler than sky. So far you are considering yourself in body form, and therefore all concepts are there. You’re talking about so many people. After leaving the body what will happen to those people? Prior to beingness have you seen anybody of all of this? After leaving the body does anybody remain? (Maharaj quotes Kabir in Hindi)
Q: At the time of death, (inaudible) meditation?
Maharaj: At the time of leaving the body, there should not be any concept of ‘I am dying’. (Maharaj quotes Tukaram in Marathi)—Why is he insisting? Because the last moment before death, that particular point, that particular moment, there should not be the feeling that ‘I am dying’. And this is a fact, even if you think intellectually: The body is not your permanent identity. Some or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you have to leave the body. So, who is listening from the body? Who is talking from the body? Who is watching the world? And therefore, the entire world is projected out of our Presence. If there is no Presence in the body, what is the value of the body? Nothing. If the Questioner is not there, what is the question? No questions are there. So, all replies you’ll get from inside, within you, because your inner Master is very strong. And through this meditation, your inner Master will emerge. It is called ‘Atman-Nivedanam Bhakti’—’final devotion’, ‘ninth devotion’—when you dialogue within yourself with your Self. Because, you see, you are the base of this world.
So, read the books, but try to find out the Reader’s identity. There are so many concepts around us. And we’re a victim of all this vicious circle. Come out of that. And meditation is playing a very good part.
It’s open fact, what you see is the Seer’s reflection. If the Seer is not there, who will talk about the people? Seer means Ultimate Truth, Final Truth, that you are. But all the time we’re measuring, counting our self, in body form, and therefore we are unaware of our identity. Who is talking from this body and who is listening from that body is one and the same. Bodies are different, but the principle is one and the same, Spirit is one. No disciple, no Master. No God, no devotee. All these concepts are in the circle of body-knowledge. If there’s no body, how can you identify yourself? This is a combination of body and Presence. Just like if you click a matchbox and stick, you see fire. Only the stick and matchbox alone cannot produce fire, it’s a combination. Similarly, the body can’t act independently, Spirit can’t act independently, it’s a combination of body and Spirit. The moment the Spirit touched with the body you say ‘I’. Prior to that your Presence is there. That means except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master.
It’s very simple spirituality. But the impact of so many concepts, ‘I’m somebody else’, ‘I’m a man or woman’, ‘I’m Master’, ‘I’m disciple’, ‘I’m devotee’—all these concepts are there. You’re Final Truth, you’re Ultimate Truth. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. But all the time you’re counting yourself in body form, and therefore you’re expecting, “Oh God, bless me, do something, do some favor for me, put your hand on my head.” Why? You’re not a beggar. Why do this? Master has given you full authority. Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “I’m not making you a disciple I’m making you a Master.” Because basically you are a Master. (Maharaj quotes in Marathi): You are the architect of your own life.
Because you forgot your identity, therefore we are giving you some words for meditation. Through meditation you are hammering yourself, “I am Brahman, Brahman I am. I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. And at the advanced stage, meditation is also illusion. But it is necessary. Just like you are removing one thorn using another thorn, hmm? (Maharaj quotes in Marathi): To remove one illusion you have to take the help of another illusion. After having Conviction there is no necessity of anything.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You forgot your identity. So what are we doing? We’re trying to invite the attention of the Invisible Listener within you that you are Ultimate Truth. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. We’re repeatedly advising you: Be with you all the time. And therefore, meditation is the first step. Only reading so many books, you’ll collect a lot of information. Be practical. It’s very simple, there’s no restriction. You’re already free. (Maharaj quotes in Marathi): You’re already free. You want liberation— what liberation? You’re already free. You can walk on your own feet. Only a lack of courage is there. Have some spiritual courage, “No, I can do it”. See all these saintly people have the same Spirit (Maharaj refers to the pictures of the lineage Masters). What their master’s said, they accepted it. When their master’s said, “You are Ultimate Truth. You are Brahman, Atman,” they accepted it. And for which you must have strong faith within you, and strong faith within your Master. After knowing the Reality there should not be any temptation to go anywhere. Changing Masters—what to do with all this changing master’s and all these things? Because you are Master of your own. The Master is not separate from you, but you are underestimating yourself. Not to count the Master in body-form—it’s formless.
So be strong. Have some courage to accept the Reality. And meditation is giving you some courage to accept the Reality. Many times questions are asked, “Which time is good for meditation?” Particularly early morning is good for meditation, and when you’re going for sleep is a good time for meditation.
Q: (inaudible)
Maharaj: Yeah, yeah, all the time you can recite the Mantra. When you’re sitting for meditation, we’re asking you to “practice the Mantra like this”. (Inaudible). Thereafter it’s not necessary afterwards. But all the time you can recite the Mantra. It’s most important. When you’re sitting for meditation, sit in this fashion. If you’re not getting sufficient time for meditation, you can recite the Mantra, no problem.
Q: While reciting the Mantra, if thoughts come should we stop the thoughts?
Maharaj: Thoughts will be dissolved automatically. With the power of the Mantra… In the beginning your mind is creating… Mind means the manufacturing of thoughts. Mind, ego, intellect came along with the body only. Thoughts are coming because we are considering ourselves in body-form. There will be the thoughtless stage after knowing the Reality, after having the Conviction.
Thoughts are coming, don’t struggle with the thoughts. Don’t struggle with the mind. It’s the nature of the mind, producing various thoughts. The thoughts which are useful you can accept, otherwise forget it. Be Master of your mind, ego, intellect. Previously we were slaves of our mind, now you’ve become Master of your mind. Try to go against your mind.
Q: Maharaj, there is detachment, but sometimes there appears a little bit of depression. So, “I don’t care, I don’t care”—
Maharaj: I’ll tell you, in the beginning while you are meditating, some depression, nervousness, appears. That means it is affecting. Some vibrations are being created. Some wrong things are going out. It is called spiritual purification. In the beginning we are complaining that depressions is there, bad thoughts are coming, some nervousness is coming. That means the Mantra is working inside. Suppose when you’re taking medicine—there are some medicines, particularly homoeopathic medicine—when you’re taking medicine something is going outside. Some effects are there. So, the doctor says, “Don’t worry about it. The medicine is acting.” After the entire thing is drained, then you’ll get pleasantness, blissfulness. So, in the beginning it happens. So, don’t be nervous, don’t be discouraged. It’s the nature of the mind. You’re beyond mind. In Ultimate Truth there’s no mind, no intellect, no ego. These are functioning organs. So not to use excessively. They’re not bad—mind, ego, intellect is not bad. Use them when necessary. Just like pickle, you know? You’re using pickle for taste only. If you’re using so much, then it will increase blood pressure. Anything in excess will be poison.
Q: Maharaj, is it okay, while in the process, to not have interest in having more knowledge like reading books (inaudible).
Maharaj: There’s no more knowledge, there’s no less knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge. Knowledge means just to identify yourself in a real sense. Knowledge means just to identify yourself in a real sense. We’re identifying ourselves in body-form and that is illusion. What you see is illusion, through which you see is Reality. This is the Seer’s reflection. If there is no Seer, how can you talk about the world? Nothing is there.
In a dream you see so many things. You see temples, you see oceans are there, sky is there, so many things are there. So many people are there also. After awakening, what happens to all those people? You see good dreams and bad dreams. You’re witnessing those dreams? The ultimate stage is where all experience and experiencer dissolves or disappears. The ultimate stage means where all experience and experiencer disappear. Witnessing and witnesser disappears. There you are. No experience and no experiencer. No witnessing, no witnesser. It’s the ultimate stage, final stage. Last destination, last terminal. And therefore, don’t count yourself in body-form. It’s fact, you’re not the body at all. You’re formless, you’re omnipresent. Everywhere your Presence is there just like space or sky.
Not to give so much importance to your thoughts. Not to struggle with your mind. Okay, intellects are there, mind is there, for your routine life. Be strong. There’s nothing wrong with you. Some body effect is there. And don’t think about other people, forget it. The entire world is an illusory world. Shankara says, (Maharaj quotes in Marathi). Shankaracharya says, “To say ‘I’ is illusion, to say ‘you’ is illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ is illusion—the entire world is illusion.”
Nothing has happened, and nothing is going to happen. All happening is within this illusory dream. (Maharaj quotes in Marathi): If there’s no root, where are the branches? What happens is that directly or indirectly we are considering that this world is true, and that ‘what I see is reality’. “My father, my mother, my sister, my wife, my Master,”—all these relations are body-based relations. Prior to beingness where are all these relations? Any father was there? Any mother was there? Any sister was there? Any God was there? Master is there? Devotee is there? Nothing was there. Everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing—because you’re everything.
Meditation is giving you power, courage to accept the Reality. You have to be sincere, there’s no condition. You have to follow it sincerely. There should not be any dual-mind. There should not be any temptation to go anywhere. Because, your Invisible Presence is the base of this world. Why is there temptation? Because you’re considering yourself in body-form. Who is holding this body? Who is listening from this body? That Invisible Presence is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master.
And therefore, the basic is meditation. Only dry discussion will not help you. Only reading will not help you. Be practical. For which you have to spend some time for you only. There’s not any condition. Not to spend a single penny. No garlands are required. No namaskar required also. Bow down to your Self. You’re not giving importance to your Self.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 16, 2017.
M – You would like to ask any question regarding spirituality?
V – For the past three years I practised meditation but sometimes I feel something like separate, something like missing, I need to go home.
M – What happens, see, one thing is basic thing: we are holding human form. The moment the Spirit, Presence touched with the body, we started knowing our self “I am male or female”, correct? As a matter of fact, male and female, or any form is not your identity at all, very basic thing. Can you follow me? This form is not our identity at all, who is holding this body? It is called Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are names given, we are trying to identify. The Spirit which is holding this body has got a lot of experience. Through body we have a lot of experience, good experience, bad experience. Secondly, when the Spirit clicked with the body, touched with the body, we want some happiness, pleasure. We come across some pains also, pains which are not tolerable, body is not tolerable. Some wrong feelings are there. Psychological problems are there. Physical problems are there. Mental problems are there, so many problems are there.
The moment we came across with body form, problems start. And what do we want exactly? Why are we doing spirituality? Why we want Master? Why is meditation required? Because we are not happy, no peacefulness inside. Everything is there, but basic thing, our basic need is peacefulness. And for which we are searching here and there. We are searching Masters, reading so many books and doing so many things, visiting temples, why? Because we are not having pleasure inside. We are having some pain, psychological pain, mental pain, so and so, and therefore you are wandering here and there.
But in our spirituality, we are focusing on the Invisible Listener within You is the root cause of this world. The central point of this world. We are inviting attention of that invisible Presence who is holding this body. Correct? That is your Ultimate Truth. Body is not your Ultimate Truth. A lot of theories are there. I am avoiding these theories: 5 elements, Maya, Brahman, and so many things are there. Theory is ok but theory will not serve your purpose: after reading theoretical knowledge, what help do you get? Nothing.
Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who wants a fearless life? Who wants a tension free life? How will we get these? That is the problem. Only dry knowledge, dry spiritual knowledge, any rituals, any karmas will not give you happiness. A lot of people say “do this karma, do that karma”. Some rigorous exercise is given. Discipline is there, stand on one foot. So many things are there. We say not to do anything! Try to identify yourself. Because directly or indirectly, we are having impact, impression of body knowledge. We are doing everything! Even though we are doing meditation, but we are forgetting that meditator “I am somebody else meditating”. So many questions are asked: “how to find out ‘I am’, what is ‘I am’?”. There is no specific definition of ‘I am’. The term ‘I am’ came into existence the moment Spirit clicked with the body. Prior to that, no ‘I am’ was there, no ‘you are’ was there. No language is there. No experience is there. There is no experiencer also.
In brief, prior to Beingness, nothing was there. After leaving the body, what remains? Nothing is there. So, all requirements, needs and expectations came along with the body only. Because this food body is not tolerable. This is a food body. So far you are supplying food and water, it is growing. The moment you stop supplying food and water, it will go away. So, it is open fact, even if you think intellectually: body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity at all and body is not going to remain your identity at all. But through body, and through Presence or Spirit, we can identify our Self. Apparently, it appears in duality. But, sometimes we have to take the ego, duality is required. If I don’t exercise duality, I can’t talk with you a single word. As a matter of fact, there is no difference between you and me. Different bodies are there. The speaker within this body and listener within that body, are one and the same. It is formless. No form is there. That spontaneous Conviction is required.
The purpose of spirituality… we are not having Conviction therefore realization is not near about to us. What do we mean by “realization”? “Oh, he is realized, he is a realized Master”: he identified oneself in real sense. What identification is there? Body is not my identity at all. This form is not my identity at all. I am formless. There is no birth, no death to Me. No deed, no doer to Me. After knowing this, you can live your life normally. Just like in dream. If you come to know this is a dream, then you are free. In dream you see so many things: good things, bad things, you are enjoying your dream. But in that dream, if you come to know this is a dream, then you’ll enjoy that dream. Because you know this is a dream, it is not real, correct? Same thing: at present we are holding this body, this is a long dream. It is fact, this is not going to remain. This body is having time limit, age limit, stages. You’re a small child, then you turn young man or young woman, then you grow to old man or old woman. And one or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you have to leave this body. That means this form is not your real form. We are holding this body, but who is acting through body? That identification is most important. Unless you identify yourself in real sense, again there are chances of another dream. Now we don’t want any dream, so this is an opportunity. Human body is an opportunity to find out yourself, to identify yourself.
We are having a lot of questions. So many questions are asked. Because these questions are coming through body only. Because some or other way, body establishment, body identity is there. When you come to know “body is not my identity at all”, no question is there. You are Final Truth. Brahman, Atman, God, Master, names are given to You, not to this body, the Invisible Listener within You.
This is the brief of spirituality. So, dry knowledge, dry discussion will not help you. Intellectually we understand everything. But, in practice, Conviction is required. Theoretically we are knowing “I am Brahman”. Because so many books are there, they are inviting attention that: Except your Selfless Self, there is no Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God. It is fact. But, in spite of that, we are having some attachment with the body. A lot of attachment with the body. Suppose anybody hurts you with any words, you feel “oh he insulted me”, it happens. Suppose, any person, he hurts you by any words, bad words, you feel “I am insulted”. Because you are not expecting those words from others. That means there is some impact of the body.
Directly or indirectly, we are living with mind ego intellect. Mind ego intellect came along with the body, they are functioning authority, functioning organs. So, unless you overcome the mind, ego, intellect, unless there is confirmation “I am not body”. Until that time, you feel so many things. You will feel insulted, depression maybe there, non-peacefulness maybe there, so many problems are bound to be there.
So, to overcome all these things, some method is there, some discipline is there. What discipline? You have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation is the base, the foundation of spirituality. You need not, nor are required, to do anything. Meditation means concentration, concentration on the concentrator. In this body, invisible concentrator is there. In this body, invisible listener is there. Body is not listening. If there is no Presence within the body, who will listen? So, that Presence, Invisible Presence, within this body, it is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, that You Are. But you are not accepting it! Again, and again, mind is playing, creating some questions, not allowing to stabilize. We are unstable because mind is playing along. Mind is very crazy. Mind, what is mind? Manufacturer of thoughts, in your dream also. So, mind is one of the parts of this body, it is not you.
Mind, ego, intellect appear upon your Presence. You are supplying energy to the mind, ego, intellect. So, try to identify yourself. The basic principle of spirituality is: try to identify your Self in real sense. Though we are knowing everything about spirituality, but we are not having Conviction. To have Conviction “I am not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain body” – you have to undergo strictly meditation IN THE BEGINNING, underlined. Because that is the only way to have Conviction, that’s the only way to have realization. I am telling you meditation is also illusion. We are giving some words – “Aham Brahmasmi”, “Soham”, so many words are there. Through those words, you are hammering your Self – “You are Brahman”. Because you forgot your identity. In spite of knowing this, our mind is not allowing us to stabilize, creating some problems. There are so many questions asked “oh, my mind is doing this thing, I am not stable, some problems are there, physical problems”, because you are giving more importance to your mind.
To control your mind, to control the intellect and ego, you have to undergo strictly meditation. I am not doing any miracles. Miracles happen from you because you are miraculous source. Source of miracles starts from you. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, is not separate from you. I am again and again repeating the same thing. Only thing, what I am telling you, you are to accept it. What is my advice for you? We are inviting attention: Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. You are Master. My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj says: “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master” because you are already Master. But, you forgot your identity. You are missing yourself, trying to find out outside.
Go to this Master, that Master, that Master, read so many books…. No happiness. So, everything starts from You, everything ends within You. You are the source of this world. Your Presence is subtler than sky, space. Nothing was there prior to Beingness, nothing will be after leaving this body. Everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing, it is fact. But, we are not accepting that fact. Still we are having some ideas, some concepts, still some temptation to go here and there. Why to go here and there to find out yourself? You are there and there only.
You are not to go anywhere to find out Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is a waste of time. Settle with your Selfless Self. You are the central point of this world. Entire world is projected out of your Presence. I am placing before You fact, your facts, listener’s fact. Listener has tremendous capacity, tremendous energy, you are not using your energy. Still you are living just like a beggar “oh do something, do something, give me your blessing, have some blessing, oh god, bless me, bless me”. Why?
Have your own blessing. God is not separate from you. Master is not separate from you. Brahman is not separate from you. Atman is not separate from you. But the impact or impression of the body knowledge, that is supposed to be dissolved. It is a very simple thing. And how will it be dissolved? You follow instructions given by the Master. Don’t raise any question. Meditation is the base. When you ask about meditation to someone “oh, I am doing meditation but not stable, what to do?”. Follow it. Ok, immediately you can’t be Master of the language, you have to study it. When you are a student, ‘a, b, c, d’ like that. We don’t become master of language, we study ‘a, b, c, d’ first standard, second standard, third standard. Then you’ll be Master or PHD of all this, post-graduation, etc. At that time, you need not, nor are required, to say ‘a, b, c, d’. Similarly, meditation is ‘a, b, c, d’, beginning lesson, basic lesson. You have to go through strictly. I am telling you, in the beginning you will find some difficulty. Your mind will not allow you to steady, it will create problems.
Mind means flow of thoughts. It is very crazy, because mind is in commanding nature. Now, Master says “you be of commanding nature, don’t follow instruction of your mind, don’t be slave of your mind, have command, try to go against your mind”. If mind says, “do something”, “no I am not doing”. There are some children, parents ask “do something”, “no! I am not doing this”. Try to go against your mind, that is the basic thing. Directly or indirectly, we are a slave of mind. We are following, “oh my mind is not doing this, what to do Maharaj?” What to do? Instrument is given, power is given to you, you can use your full power. Not to depend upon your Master, I am not doing any miracles. “Bless me, put your hand on my head”, why? You can put your hand on your own head. Because there is no difference at all, I am placing before you Final Truth. I am not claiming ‘I am a great man, great Master or great philosopher’. This philosopher, spiritual man is already within you, but you are neglecting it. You are underestimating your Self, that is the tragedy, don’t do this. Because human body is a Golden Opportunity for you, if you neglect, if you take casually, again there is possibility to have another dream.
Now this is last terminal. No search, not to search anywhere. Searcher Itself Is Ultimate Truth! Why to go search here and there. No Master can do anything. Knowledge is also ignorance. What knowledge? Knowledge means just to identify yourself in real sense. We are not going to become great Masters, spiritual Masters. The purpose behind that: we want pleasure, happiness, peacefulness, blissfulness that is already within you. But we are giving so much importance to body-based concepts. Unless the body-based concepts dissolve, disappear, vanish, you will not get pleasure. Fear is there always, fear of death is there, “oh what will happen?”.
So, you can have commanding nature, you are not to take egoistic thoughts. You can do it, but you are lacking courage. To have that courage, you have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation in the beginning, until you get Conviction. Then, again the question: how to meditate? In our lineage, we are giving some words, it is language. Those words are creating some vibrations. Those words are very powerful. Those words are having so much power, energy. People are not knowing the importance of the words. It is having tremendous importance. Therefore, we are asking not to disclose that Mantra to anybody else. But try to stand on your own feet, nothing is impossible. All these great Saintly people, Ramana Maharshi, so many Saintly people, what did they do? They followed the instruction of their Masters. They digested what they read and listened. You’re reading so many books, “oh, I Am That book, Ramana Maharshi, this book, that book”, only reading books is not important. Try to find out that Invisible Reader within You, whose story is that?
Invisible Reader within You, it is Ultimate Truth. I am pointing out that Reader, invisible Reader within you, not to the body. I am inviting attention of the invisible Listener within you, not to body, you are formless. Just to accept this Reality. And to accept this Reality, you must have courage, not to follow the instructions of the mind, ego, intellect. These are only the functioning organs of the body, it is not Ultimate Truth. Because, their existence came along with the body. If there is no existence of the Spirit within the body, who will talk about the mind, ego, intellect? Therefore, I am always advising all of you: try to identify yourself, convince yourself. Power is given to you, use your power. You have got tremendous power. Not to be beggar “oh do something fair to me”, why?
No doubt, you be humble, be normal, but not to have any expectation “do something for me”. Why? You can do it. So many things. Because your power is not limited to the body. You have got tremendous power. So, don’t consider yourself as a coward or something “oh what to do?” hmm? You can do it. So many things. So, therefore, first thing you have to follow the instructions of the Master and the discipline of meditation strictly. Then there won’t be any question, all questions will be solved within you.
All questions are related to the body only. Psychological questions, mental questions, “my mind is not…”, what do you mean ‘mind’? Because we are giving more importance to mind, ego, intellect. You can stop it, you can listen to the mind, not to follow instructions. So many people advising you, you just listen to it and forget it. Things which are useful for you, you can accept it, otherwise forget it.
Not to follow mind all the time. Mind means flow of thoughts. Thoughts are appearing in your mind and go to intellect to take decision and through ego it is implemented, it is a process. So, theory is important up to some extent, until you get realization. Not to depend upon theory. You need not go to do anything because you are not doer, there is no deed at all, Ok.
So just, what I told, you follow it. Listen again and again. Because in a nutshell, in brief, I have given the entire philosophy. You need not go anywhere, you can approach your own Master within you, not to go any Master. Master is not separate from you. I am again and again repeating the same thing, same principle is there. Only reading so many books, it is meaningless. Only collecting information, is not necessary. Not to go to any other Masters. Master is not separate from you. Respect the Masters, I am not asking to neglect Masters. Respect all the Saintly people, but at the same time, that Master is within you.
So, to know the Master, to identify God, your Presence is required. If there is no Presence in the body, who can identify God or Masters? So just to follow it, that’s enough. Some problems are there with my body, but I am trying my level best to convince those who are coming to me. Beyond that no spirituality is there. Ok?
Sri Ramakant Maharaj