Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 16, 2017.
So in short and sweet, the Principle Of Spirituality, try to Identify YourSelf Real Sense.
You are identifying everybody in the world except your Selfless Self, it’s most important.
Because body is not your identity, body was not your identity, body not going to remain
your identity. What you are accepting, what you are doing through the media of body it is
illusion. So try to know yourSelf, try to identify yourSelf, so that’s the basic. And for which
you are to undergo strictly meditation in the beginning. After having Conviction no need of
meditation also. Meditation required in initial stage, just like learning some language.
(inaudible) reading alphabet and all, mhhh? After hearing master repeating alphabet, now
he need not to go to (inaudible) the alphabet. So likewise meditation is the media through
which you can identify yourSelf. After having Conviction, after having Realization no need
of meditation also. All these requirements, meditation is required, Master is required,
Spiritual Knowledge is required. Why? To know your Selfless Self. We are knowing ourself
in body-form, that is illusion. Basically you are Formless. What you see it is illusion. So you
concentrate Concentrator, Invisible Seer within you. When there is no seer how can you
see the world? To say “this world” to say “God” to say “Brahman” your Presence is
required. That means Entire World Projected Out Of Your Invisible Presence, that you are
unknown to yourself. Try to know yourSelf and for which in the beginning you have to
strictly undergo meditation. So if I go on talking hours together, it is meaningless.
Q: Can I have a question?
Maharaj: Yes, yes.
Q: Ok. When I read the book Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharishi,
sometimes they say, sometimes somebody ask the question, “I want to just go somewhere
in the nature and be alone and quit everything and just meditate.” And they say, “Ok, it’s
good.” And sometimes somebody ask the same question and they say “You can work, you
can keep your family and ….
Maharaj: Yes!
Questioner: … you can just meditate – half an hour everyday. So my understanding is : for
everybody it’s different, everybody has different situation, different path, and I’m
interested what is my, what is good for me. I am now in the situation I can look myself for
unlimited time and just sit and do this finding the Invisible Listener. I can do it, I have the
money, I have the time, I have no responsibilities.
Maharaj: No question of, no question of money (inaudible)
Q: And I want to do it but, …
Maharaj: You must have a strong desire, strong willpower, “Yes I am To Do it!
Q: Yes
Maharaj: Money is not necessary, but “I have to do is, I have to know mySelf in a Real
Sense”. Strong willpower is a must, number one. Second thing, you must have read so
many books, Ramana Maharishi, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Not to analyze their words. It is
(inaudible) nature of the mind, why Nisargadatta says like this, why Ramana Maharishi
say like this? We are analyzing their words, statement. What they want to convey that is
most important. All Masters are right, they want to say for Perfection. But what we are
doing, Nisargadatta Maharaj say like this, what is the meaning of these words? Or the
statements contradictory to the statement of Ramana Maharishi or somebody. But that
analyzation not be there. All the Masters wanted to convey One Principle, That Except
Your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman. That conclusion you have to accept. It’s a
practice of the mind to analyze their words, statement, why Ramana Maharshi, there is no
comparative study. We are not here to debate on somebody’s statement. What they wanted
to convey out of that all statements, that is most important. And the Principle of
Spirituality, Except Your Selfless Self There is no God, No Brahman, No Atman, No
Paramatman, No Master. You are the Principle of this world. If your Presence is not there,
who will talk about the world? So what you see it is illusion, Through Which You See is the
Ultimate Truth. That Conviction supposed to be appear spontaneously within you, until
that time you are to undergo the meditation.
Q: So would your recommendation to me, when you see me, would you say it’s
appropriate or suitable or best for me to do that? That I just drop everything and just focus
Maharaj: You do your duties, do all your responsibilities.
Q: I don’t have any.
Maharaj: What I say, only meditation no I recommended? You do your normal job, your
duties. If you are a family member take care of your family members. While doing all these
things you can Concentrate Concentrator. “Oh I am spiritual man, how can I see my wife,
my father, parent?” Our spirituality is practical. Do your duties, whatever duties is there.
Even if you are alone (inaudible) something will be there. Whatever duties, body-based duties
you are to do it. Suppose you take go to eat something. You are hungry you are
getting hungry or doing something body-based. You can’t avoid it, “oh I am spiritual man I
cannot do”. That is theoretical. Be practical. What I want exactly? I want to Identify
MySelf. It’s fact, even if you are thinking intellectually, body is not your identity at all.
Some or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you are to leave this body. What is the use of
this knowledge? Suppose you read thousands of books, you’ll be a master of words,
spiritual words, not Master Of Your Selfless Self. You are to be Master of your Selfless Self.
“You know God? Yes, I know. I am not man or woman, I am totally formless. Since I am
formless there is no death and birth, no future, no past, no destiny.” It’s Fact. Your
Presence Is Just Like A Space Or Sky. Does sky know anything? Sky does not know
anything. Likewise Your Invisible Presence Is Just Like Sky or Space. That conviction
supposed to be appear spontaneously, then only, Yes So That I…… Everybody want
happiness, fearless life, peaceful life. How it will be? Unless you identify yourSelf you not
have some that peacefulness. So money is not matter. You need not to go to spend a single
penny for spirituality, but this is an opportunity for you. Human body is an opportunity for
you to Identify YourSelf. So there should not be any birth, there are so many concepts, last
birth, future birth, no What Birth? Who knows what (inaudible)? Last past birth or destiny,
future destiny, all these concepts, illusory concepts developed (inaudible). What you see is
heaven and hell, all these concepts. You are to come out from all these concepts. All
concepts supposed to be dissolved. That is the Principle Of Spirituality. (Questioner:Yes)
So be firm. Visit YourSelf. Not today here, tomorrow here, tomorrow here, why? why? You
may visit, but not with expectation “Oh I go some place I will get happiness, if I go this
place, Himalaya is happiness.” You not get happiness. Because so far you are measuring
yourself in body-form. You may go anywhere in the world, you may change thousands of
masters, not helpful to you. Happiness is already within you, which you are ignoring.
Peacefulness already within you, you are ignoring it. Because directly or indirectly you are
having so much attraction of the body, so much faith and trust with the body. So that
concept supposed to be dissolved. Not to kill body. Try to identify. There will be no ego, no
intellects, no mind. Mind, ego, intellects appear upon your Presence. They are veils, they
are veils. We have become victim of our mind, ego, intellects. You can use them, but not to
become victim of these mind, ego, intellects. They are not bad, but they should you not
take excessively. Whatever excess is poison. So Be With You All The Time.
Q: The thing…..can I ask?
Maharaj: Yes, you can ask any question.
Q: The thing which most distract me from looking for the one who is looking, is
women. All the other things like, work, or some, I don’ know, fame, or power, I think I
don’t. But women is difficult for me to pull the attention, when there is beautiful girl the
attention goes there it’s difficult to do the attention inside.
Maharaj: These are the bodies. Presence is neither woman nor male or female. These are
human bodies. What happiness is there? If there is no Presence does this body have any
appearance? If (inaudible) suppose beautiful girl is there, lady is there. If there is no
Presence, dead body. What happiness is there? Because so far we are measuring ourself in
body form therefore we have got attraction of the woman or man, male or female. That,
dissolve. What is woman these are only dead bodies, male and female is the body. But
different parts are there, some parts are different. Who is holding the body? The Holder of
the body is not male or female. So far you are considering ‘I am man’, therefore there is
attraction. You are neither man nor woman, You Are Brahman. That conviction supposed
to be appear then there won’t be any attraction. Attraction is there because all the time we
accepted body as my identity. That body-identity, unless dissolved, you are not able to
know yourself, you will not get happiness. There are source of happiness, what is
happiness? Sex is happiness. Money is happiness, publicity is happiness. These are
temporary things. That supposed to be known. What is there? What happiness is there in
sex? It’s momentary. What money give happiness? At time of leaving the body, all these
sources will be (inaudible) to you? Not at all. Know Your Greatness. Why (inaudible) here
and there? What happiness is there, it’s temporary. You know Castro? Prime Minister
Castro of Cuba. He used to (inaudible number) ladies. You know? (inaudible) very sexual
attraction. (inaudible number of ladies) what happiness he got? After he died. (inaudible).
We’re not thinking. There is instant attraction. Money, okay there is some people with a lot
of money. Are they getting happiness? No. Publicity – there are so many popular people,
are they getting happiness? No. These are not the causes of happiness. Who want
happiness? Body want happiness? If there is no Presence, the dead body can enjoy? Will
the dead body enjoy the lady, or money, or publicity? Think it, you are not thinking. All
replies There. All questions are there and the reply is Within You Only. So think what I
have told just now, read the books, read Selfless Self of course if you want, I’ve got one
copy. (inaudible) If at all you want to read you can read it. After reading all these books you
get some idea, some conclusion, the Principle of Spirituality. Okay today is enough, mmh?
so memorize your memory what I have told you listen. Remember. You’ll get reply from
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj April 4, 2017.
So far you’ve read so many books, you know better, and understand what is Ultimate Truth.
Now, what happens? Everybody knows about spirituality, everybody knows spirituality, after
readings so many books and approaching so many Masters. But some change in here, after knowing
the Reality, there should be something change inside.
It happens, after continuous meditation, after having Conviction you will feel some changes
inside. What changes are there? Suppose you are getting irritations from some small matter,
anything goes against your mind, getting irritated, though you’ve got spiritual knowledge, though
you know the reality, in spite of that if anything happen in society or family, if anything happen
against your mind, after having Conviction, that irritation dissolves. After having Conviction
irritation dissolves. Why? Because at that time you are knowing that I Am Not Body. Suppose
somebody allegate something to you, but you are not taking touch of that. Nisargadatta Maharaj
once said “If anyone say me is a very good saint, I’m not any appreciating for me. If they say you
are a bad saint, worst saint, no depression for me, because I am not good not bad.” That reality will
be absorbed within you. So if anybody appreciate you, or any depreciate you, nothing to do. How
that change is, is because you will remain untouched with the body knowledge. Until today, though
you are knowing that “I am somebody else, I am Brahman, Atman, Parmatmam, God, Master” it’s
literal knowledge.
But there is no practical knowledge because of the impression of the five elements,
impression of ego is there, intellect is there, mind is there. So, central point is body-based so all
those concepts are attracted to body-based knowledge. Whereas after having Conviction, after
having Ultimate Truth, after having, say, Ultimate Stage, all these concepts dissolve.
Because I am not body at all. After beingness I am formless. Suppose after death, after
leaving the body anybody abuse you or anybody praise you, all the same. You will not know if they
are praising or they are appreciating. So likewise, though your Presence is within this body, it
remains unconcerned with the body-knowledge. With the result, if anybody appreciate you, if
anybody praise you, if anybody insult you, no concern.
It’s the first thing. That is called Shama, means forgive and forget. It happens spontaneously.
People ask me “Suppose I am listening from so many Masters, I am reading so many books, how
can I understand if I am realized or not?” the main question, “I know everything. I know better than
Brahman Atman Paramatman God. (inaudible). I listened from various sources but whether that
knowledge absorbed within me or not, how can I understand?” For that the answer is given by
spiritual knowledge.
Six things are there. Most important. After having Conviction, after knowing the Reality,
spontaneous changes you will feel inside. Previously, for some matter, some words, you are getting
irritation. The same person abuse you, there is not any irritation. First thing.
Then second thing, tolerance. So much tolerance is there. Because if anything happens,
against, you are not getting irritations, you’re forgiving and forgetting everything. Tolerance is
there. Say, Exceptional Tolerance is there. Patience is there. So now if there’s unpleasant
atmosphere or unpleasant thing you listen from somebody else, something happen in your family,
something happen again, that patience is there, no enemy, nothing is there. Okay, suppose someone
is in pain, somebody died, momentary some grief or sadness is there. But you say “Okay this is
going to happen to me also. Today this man die, tomorrow this body is going to go, there is no
(inaudible).” So that Conviction appears, you’re not getting irritated, there’s no sadness. You can
convince yourself. Thats the second thing.
Third thing is, if anyone is taking something so, there is anxiety to know the Reality.
Suppose somebody is talking something of reality of Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master,
but something is there. You are having to discern, capacity to discern calmly and quietly. It is called
And then, Uparati means you discard all concern. No attraction. No sex attraction, no money
attraction, no publicity attraction. Your view of the world totally changes. There is no material
attraction, for happiness, for peacefulness, because peacefulness appears spontaneously within you,
without any material cause. That attribute will be absorbed, absorbed within you. Then with the
result you are getting strong Devotion, “Oh!” Then you’ll not be tempted to go anywhere to have
peacefulness. “The Master says I am Brahman, all these qualities are within me , I am peaceful
without any material cause, why to go here and there for peacefulness.” In that case there won’t be
temptation to go anywhere, to any Master, or anywhere. That happens spontaneously because
whatever is required is already within you, so then there won’t be temptation. And then Devotion.
And then Trust, strong trust within you, “Yes! this is Ultimate Truth!” So these changes will
happen, that is a sign of Realization, or Enlightenment. If something lacking then you have to do
something for meditation all these things. So in that case meditation will be spontaneous. You need
not go to sit and meditate the words, it happens spontaneously, in your deep sleep also.
So, though you are holding the body, though you are using the body, you remain
unconcerned with the body. After having these changes, how to live, how to live your life will be
will completely changed. So even though you remain in the society, you live in the society, you
remain unconcerned with the world, unconcerned with all these activities. That’s suppose to happen.
Only listening, meaningless. Approaching masters, meaningless. You’ll feel some changes. Until
that changes, you have to undergo the, strictly meditation procedure.
(?inaudible) some miracle experience happening, “Oh I got Knowledge I am Realized!
Don’t have to go for meditation.” So, this is a kind of pricking of your mind, to distract you from
Reality. Mind, ego, intellect always making effort to distract you from the Reality. External forces
are there, half-knowledge, trying to impress their old concepts.
So not to come across with such element that will distract you from Reality. After knowing
the Reality. Why to go to others to know Brahman, to know spiritual knowledge? Not necessary.
You are to identify yourself. Not to identify Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. You have
to identify Invisible Identifier within you. And It’s Formless.
There is no birth and death, there is no shape, It’s just like a space or sky. That conviction is
supposed to appear. Therefore you have to make those changes inside. Even anything happen
against your mind, against you, anything, you are to keep quiet. Not to pay so much attention to
that. That is first stage. Because of that small small matter we are paying so much attention because
our ego is not allowing us to stay completely. (inaudible?) changes is there. So by meditation you
can control your mind, ego, intellect. They will act according to you. Until today we acting
according to ego, mind, and intellect. That will be stopped. That is the effect of meditation.
Therefore, prime lesson of the spirituality is to undergo the strictly meditation. It will take
some time. In some cases within one month, two month, or six years, or ten years. It depends how
your involvement is there, how your strong faith is there. Here strong faith is most important
because there should not be any dull mind, there should not be any say, change of mind there should
not be wavering mind because, “oh so I get something from this master something from this
Approach your own Master. Master has shown, nothing except your Selfless Self. Changing
Master is meaningless. You Be Loyal With You, because Your inner Master is a very strong Master.
After knowing this reality you should be loyal with your own Master, through which you are
listening, through which you are identifying this world, through which you are watching this world,
through which you are watching your dreams and all. That’s Ultimate Truth. But because of lack of
confidence, lack of courage, we have some dual mind, to go here and there. How long you go here
and there? Why to go changing so many Masters? Nothing you get. So everything start from you
and everything ends within you. That’s the Ultimate Truth, the Final Truth.
One thing is clear, this is not going to remain constant. This has a time-limit. So what you
are doing for this, it is meaningless, because this is uncertain, body is uncertainty. So who is acting
from this? Because of Presence body is having value. I’m talking about that Presence, therefore you
must have strong conviction to accept the Reality. Without which, not possible. So we are trying to
change yourself, not to go along with the mind, ego, intellect. You can use your mind, ego intellect,
as it is required, but not to depend totally upon mind, ego, intellect, because you are separate from
it, because prior to beingness there is no mind, no ego, no intellect, no master, no spiritual
Why spiritual knowledge is required? What is spiritual knowledge? It’s just information, the
identification, of the searcher, of the listener, of the reader. Beyond that nothing is there. Where is
spiritual knowledge prior to beingness? Nothing was there. After leaving body, what spiritual
knowledge is there? Will that so-called spiritual knowledge help you at the time of leaving the
body? No! It’s Fact. Spiritual knowledge means just to identify yourself, its the words. All these
confusions are there, wavering mind is there. So to discard all concepts, to discard all concerns, to
discard all desires, you have to undergo the strictly meditation. After meditation it will be cleaning
I call it AntiVirus Software. Meditation is the antivirus software. All the viruses will be
dissolved. Entire thing will be completely changed, clean, totally washed out. All the desires and
concepts will be washed out. And then that Spontaneous Happiness will be there. Peacefulness is
there. It is not through material points. It’s the most important thing. So according to the spiritual
lesson, just start that meditation first. With meditation you can identify yourself in a real sense.
So start from today!
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 25, 2017.
That Spirit or Presence acting through body is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is not limited to the body, it is beyond the body. And knowledge means That Identification. So, theoretically we know that I am Brahman, Paramatman, God, Master. To implement the practice, you have to undergo the meditation. What is the result of meditation? You will not get results immediately. It has happened in my case also. I have taken Mantra, October 31st of 1962. In the beginning, not possible to understand what Maharaj used to say. Every day, in the evening, I used to go to Maharaj, there was lecture, before there are some foreigners used to be at the house, there are discussions, so I’m attending discussion also, attending lectures also. But uh beyond my capacity, no idea. But Maharaj used to say, “Listen to me, Listen to me”. What he wants to say that “Listen to Me”, that Invisible Listener is Listening to his speech and engraving it indirectly. Though intellectually you are not able to understand, but some Invisible Presence engraving that Reality Permanently. At that particular moment, you will not get results, you say “I can’t understand, it’s beyond my capacity.” But it is absorbing within you indirectly, Master’s Word. He used to say, “Listen to me, Listen to me”. Sometimes he used to give some tips. So, he said “What is there in body? Nothing, Only Glimpses Of I”. So, he told long ago this, then after some years back, afterwards, everything opened. How that open? Because after strong meditation, Involvement, Faith in Masters, your Inner Master Open the Secret of the Spirituality. Because Inner Master is not separate from the External Master, these are only concepts. But whatever is in you, that Power, it opens Behind. And I slowly, slowly I form That. Listen, You’re Presence is Everywhere. Every being has Presence, it happens Spontaneously inside, inside, it is surprise. Second thing, sometimes I think very, very bad thoughts. I feel sometimes guilty, some hatred, jealousy, bad dreams, it happens, but I am getting confused. But thereafter after some time, it’s open, “why should I guilty?” Its nature of the mind to know the thoughts. I’m not accepting any thought that flow in the mind. I’m not guilty for that. That is Reality Opened. Some Inner Voice explaining the Reality before you. At that time, you will not have any separate from That. You become One with That.
That Spontaneous Instructions, some answer of your special question, or some difficult question, is flowing inside. And there was some dialog within me. See it is very funny miracles, directly within you. When you are asking some question, when some question is raised inside, immediately those questions are answered. There Is No Master physically, but your Inner Master – this is also concept – your Inner Power replying that questions and you accept that “Oh how it is!” So whenever, if anybody asking any difficult question the instant answer is there because your Inner Master is pleased with you, you have not become separate from Inner Master. Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj say, “I’m not making you disciple I’m making you Master.” Because Masterly Essence already within you. It happens, you are unaware of that power. Always you are measuring yourself, counting yourself in body form. That body-concept supposed to be dissolved for which meditation is having powerful effect. It happens, and then slowly, silently, permanently, you feel that “Oh, body is not my identity at all, why should I fear?”. Because prior to beingness I am not body, after leaving body nothing remains.
So, knowledge, purpose of knowledge, value of knowledge, till that, till that knowledge that Reality absorb within you. What is knowledge? Spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge, what spiritual knowledge? Spiritual Knowledge, through Master, place before you the Reality of the Listener. And You Are Listener, To Whom There Is No Shape. That Conviction supposed to be appear. Then everything will be clear within you. You need not to go to anywhere in the world, no need of any Masters. But you are to enter your Master, your Spiritual Master external master. If external Master say “You Are Brahman” you are to accept it. Therefore, those illiterate people they have accepted it, plainly, no doubts. We’re having some intellect, we are creating some “why this? how this? how this?” No why, no how. My Master is Master. My Master says, ‘You are Brahman’, You are Brahman. No other thoughts. Like that you are to accept the Reality. What happens?
We develop intellect, spiritual intellect. We’re having subtle ego. We’re having pressure of mind. And therefore, always, though we are Knowing the Reality, we are confused. We confuse ourself. Our thoughts creating problems. When alert these thoughts are illusory thoughts, not to struggle with thought, it is natural, that mind is manufacturing something that I told you. So, whatever thoughts are useful for your routine you can accept it, else throw it. What happens is the nature of the body is that whatever person accepts “yes, my thought my thoughts”, and then some depression is there. So, in that case, how to act or how to react under the various circumstances, that Reality will come out of you. There’ll be inner voice, no doubt will be there. If mind says no no-oh I don’t want it. So, you are to have commanding nature. Your mind has become slave, now we have become slave of mind.
Mind instructing your power. So, in that case we are powering power to the mind, ego, intellect. What is mind, ego, intellect? They are subtle organs. Subtle functioning bodies. Where are those prior to beingness? Nothing. We came across with the body only, needs, requirement, desires, good desire, bad desire, all concept, all concepts, came along with body. And now only you are afraid of all these concepts, but we are trying, we have accepted the concept, my thoughts.
Therefore, we feel guilty or feeling tension, anything happens against our mind you are getting tension, depressed, “oh that man is not”, there is jealousy. Nisargadatta Maharaj used to say not to be jealous of anybody.
There should not be attract, not to hurt anybody’s feelings, that is basic. That means directly or indirectly you are assaulting family members, your friends, anybody else, you feel that he is not doing well, or say something bad or some…. ok. Don’t insist, don’t force somebody to act according to your wishes. Suppose your wife is there, brother is there, sister is there, son is there, mother is there, so many. They are expecting that they should behave like this, this, this and that, it become again to accept that, some concept, a spiritual exhibition. You feel something irritating. I told that “You not follow me.” So, like that force, create problems for you. Forget it. forget it, why to insist? You are Master of Your Own. The world itself is illusory world, it’s a dream. Because prior to 100 years you were not there. After 100, how you will be there? So, nothing dissolves into nothing. Nothing came out of nothing. And we are fighting because ‘this is something’. That fighting is supposed to be stopped. That confusion is supposed to be stopped. You can stop it. Not difficult.
Why Master is required? Because we are not knowing Reality, even though we are knowing the Reality it is not implemented. We’re having body pressure, we’re having mind pressure, we’re having ego pressure, intellect pressure. Some thoughts are there. So many thoughts racing all the time. So, that to say, not to come across with such element which will distract you from the Reality. You know better, your aware mind. When you know the identity perfectly, why to go to enquiry, ‘how that I Brahman is” hmm? Brahman does not have any shape. It’s the nature of, ‘oh after this going Master, how that Brahman is.” And he’s trying to impress concepts. This master says like this, this master says like this. You follow your inner Master, and through meditation you are giving some strength, power to inner Master to open the Truth to you. Then your external identity will be dissolved. No identity remains. You become one with your Selfless Self. Though you are living as a man or woman, you are not taking any touch, you remain unconcerned with the world, as if you are acting in a drama. So, That Reality is supposed to be absorbed, digested, for which meditation….
Q: So not to struggle? I mean you want to put in effort but not to struggle with it….
Maharaj: What, why to struggle? Why to struggle with, we are struggling with our own thoughts. It is the nature of the body to manufacture so many thoughts. 24-hour thoughts. In dream, also the thoughts are there. After meditation, after Conviction, after absorbing the Knowledge, Reality, you are not giving so much importance to thoughts. Why become victim of your thoughts? Ok the thoughts are flowing. Some dog is barking. Are you paying attention to why that dog is barking? No. Similarly, mind is flowing with thoughts, then you can forget it. Listen to me. Then you become thoughtless. If you give importance to the thought, then again and again it’s trying to confuse you. So be alert. Be cautious. All the time. Because Bhajan is there, prayers are there. It is a systematic Devotion. All the time you are alert. Alertness is there. Through Bhajan and through prayers, through meditation, knowledge. You are getting alertness. You are not becoming a victim of anybody’s thoughts, anybody’s concepts, or your own concepts. Very simple thing. You are not forgetting, from that dedication. Knowledge is there, but dedication is there. It’s the only thing, beyond that nothing is there. You don’t have to think how to maintain it, that you have to do. You may be anywhere, you can do your job, do your duties. You can recite the Mantra, reciting Mantra.
Sit for meditation, if you got sufficient time to, one hour, half an hour, sit for half an hour for meditation. time. Remember all this Atmosphere so your mind will not play tricks against you.
The mind always tries to distract you from it. Even some other people, some different concepts are there. Everybody says, “I know Brahman, I know Brahman, I know Brahman.’ The story of that blind boy going to see the elephant. Whatever part he got he says, “this is the elephant”. But when you see the entire elephant, you don’t argue with that. That is correct. You are Knowing. Like that, there are so many Masters, so many things are there. Everybody says, “Brahman is like that, Brahman is like this, Brahman…….” Ok. Not to struggle with it. When you know the Reality, why to struggle?
So be Strong, Spiritually Strong. Now you know the Reality, you are to maintain that Reality. Do your duties, do your jobs, your responsibilities. Earn something if you are earning something, what is there? Nisargadatta Maharaj was working, not to depend on anybody else, stand on your own feet. Spirituality is not restricting any of your activities. Whatever is required for this body, you can have it. “Oh, I am spiritual man, how can I do this?” Nothing. If you are having any time you may come to master. If not, I can talk with you on telephone, mobile is there. Nowadays lots of facilities are there. But stand on your own feet. Spiritually lets you stand on your own feet. Master is there, but even if Master is not with you physically Master is Master. Master is not there so I find other live masters, disciple of, so many persons “oh I have to go find live master”. What do you mean live Master? You are live Master.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj March 3, 2017.
Maharaj: So as we are discussing the same thing. Same tape we are repeating again and
Devotee A: Just push play…
Devotee B: Raga…
Maharaj: Same Raga. (Laughter) Words are different. The principle behind that you get
some Spontaneous Happiness. Then, so many (inaudible) are there. They’re reading books,
listening, but some or other way they’re coming on the body-based-knowledge. Yesterday
some lady made a lot of arguments, in a message, and “Why is my family like this? Why my
son-in-law is acting like this?” So many (inaudible) But we are not concerned with family
matters. Spirituality not concerned with the family matters, why your son is not studying?
How can I help that? Why your husband (inaudible). I can’t help you! The main thing
(inaudible) family life, I can’t help you. Because base of the Spirituality, You are not body
at all. You live Happily. You are getting some Courage to live Happily, Peacefully, because
since You are holding your body you have started to believe in the body and you are acting
according to that, therefore we are having some depression, and some sadness,
unpleasantness, painful life. How to be painful life (inaudible) pleasure (inaudible).
Devotee C: But still it can be that Spirit feels it just by chance helps you in life. So that, I
don’t expect so much from my family members anymore, then they are free.
Maharaj: Yes, it happens. Because not you, but some other people say that, particularly
ladies, a problem, “My husband is not going like me. I am spiritual, doing bhajan,
meditation, why my husband is like this? My son is like this? Why he’s not learning?
Why…” What you? How to do? What to do? (Laughter) I can’t take care of your family life.
So it happens. So after teaching, after listening, after reading, again that body-based
concept pricking. It should not (inaudible), because our concept of the reality is not real
point. (Inaudible) devotees are reading, but that Conviction is not there. Some or other
body-based-concept is there. That’s supposed to be dissolved, melted – without it, it is not
possible. Even if told that, even intellectuals say that “this is not your Identity at all”.
Where are all these bodies prior to beingness? Nothing was there. My husband, my father,
my sister, my guru. All these concepts came along with the body. After leaving the body
what concept remain? Nothing remain. It’s open, even forget of spirituality, you think
intellectually also, “this is not going to remain.” And further, if there is no Presence, what is
the value of this body? It’s a dead body. So after knowing this, you will be have Conviction
that (inaudible) that I am not birth and death, no birth, there’s no death. Inside this body,
what is there? Just glimpses of I. It’s space, just like a veil, subtle veil, through which we
feel ‘I’. If there is no veil, how can you feel ‘I’? And that ‘I’ we are directly experiencing. And
it’s nature of the Spirit to continue this life for long. It’s not possible. But the importance of
spirituality, it give you Courage. Whatever happened, happened on the body. It may be
words, but it give courage to, how to live happily. (Inaudible) Nisargadatta Maharaj,
number of problems, number of problems. Since he was a – there was so many – he was
there, even he become disciple of Siddharameshwar Maharaj. He left all his things. He
wanted to experience these words, etc, etc. Now his family life and his business are totally
disturbed. Then his mother died, daughter died. Father, what why he die? So many
calamities! His business gone. Now out of ten shop, one shop remains. So many things are
there. He also (inaudible). In spite of that he not left spirituality. Because you are getting
Courage how to live in all these circumstances. So this spiritual teaching show how to live
successfully, peacefully in spite of there are so many difficulties and depressions. It’s the
purpose behind it. But you are trying to relate, ‘my family life’ to spirituality. So this
Understanding, this Conviction (inaudible) reading book. So try to overcome all these
difficulties. Because you have got Power how to overcome all these difficulties. You can use
your Power. And as it, it is fact that this is illusory world. There is no I, you, he, she, it,
nothing is there. There is no master, there is no disciple, there is no god, there is no
devotee. It’s Fact, but so far we are holding body so all concept are there. The moment
body disappears what concept? Nothing remains. Who is God? What is God? What is
Brahman? What is Atman, Paramatman, Master (inaudible)? So everything came out of
nothing, everything dissolve within nothing, It’s fact. (inaudible) the ego. So not struggle,
not struggle with the mind. No fighting with the mind. We are fighting with the mind,
fighting with the thoughts, yes why not? We behave like this. We are preparing some
frames and within that framework (inaudible).
Devotee A: My only depression is not repeating the Mantra enough. Otherwise I feel very
good, but I feel like I’m not repeating the Mantra enough. But I guess as depression goes,
it’s a good depression to have.
Maharaj: So now to accept that thing within you. Mantra is saying that ‘You Are Brahman,
Atman, Paramatman, God, Master’. Master does not have any death and birth. No
depression, nothing is there. No peacefulness is required, no happiness is required because
happiness, peacefulness, they connected to the body only. Because body-knowledge is not
tolerable. So Spirituality teaching you to stand on your own feet. Not to depend upon
anybody, including masters also. Encourage you own Master, approach your Own Master.
It’s Powerful Master. But we have our habit, “give something, be something, give me
blessing. (Inaudible).
Devotee D: Who needs to be courageous? When you say that we need courage. I don’t feel
that I am very courageous person…
Maharaj: Courage is required because you are considering yourself in body-form.
Devotee D: Yes, but where I get that courage I……
Maharaj: It’s Spontaneous Courage. Even difficulty appear before you, you not disturbed,
you’re not depressed. Some incidents, some unpleasant incidents happen in your life, at
that time you are getting some Courage, Firmness, to remain unconcerned with that
incident. Previously if such thing happens we are getting afraid, disturbed, depressed. That
depression will not come after having this Conviction. You are getting courage
spontaneously, it happen. Let it happen, even it happen I am not concerned with it. Like
that black clouds will go away. Clouds are coming, going. You are There and There Only. So
you will feel spontaneous within you, continuous meditation. Because slowly, silently, and
permanently all body-based-concepts supposed to be dissolved. Then only You remain
untouched with the world. Whatever happening in the world, forget it. Because You are not
body at all, I was not body at all. So stop measuring in body-form because You are
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Q: Bad thoughts, bad expectations is it necassary to fight with them, what to do with bad expectations, yes like worry.
It appears upon your Presence. Body based concept that appears upon your Presence. For which you have to undergo strictly meditation number one. Then through meditation you can identify yourself. Concepts are going and coming, just like clouds are coming and going. But you are separate from that. There are so many problems, this body has so many problems there, not to take touch of problems there, problems are coming and going. Their physical problem, concepts are a sort of physical problem, inner physical problem, it is rooted through mind, ego, intellect, all the concepts inside are rooted through mind, ego, intellect. Because you depend upon, mind, ego, intellect.
That is to be dissolved, the purpose behind the meditation, that will be dissolved. Mind ego, intellect came afterwards. Good concept or bad concept is rooted through mind, ego, intellect. Mind ego, intellect, when they came, they came along with the body. The moment Presence touched with the body mind, ego, intellect came, entered. In that case you are prior to that, you are identifying mind, ego, intellect. This is my mind, thoughts are coming, thoughts are coming, when thoughts are coming, to accept or not it is going to intellect. First thing, thoughts are coming, to accept or not it goes to intellect, and to implement it is ego, threee stages.
Flowing thoughts is nature, the nature of the body, what you see, what you learn, impressions are there from childhood til today. That impression comes, appears, now you have to be firm, whatever thoughts are coming, whether to accept or not accept is up to you. Bad thoughts are coming, negative thoughts are coming, not to accept it. They are thoughts. The thoughts which are positive you can accept it, this means whatever thoughts are appearing on Presence, thoughts which are useful for you you can use it, the thoughts that are not useful you can neglect it. Suppose dishes are offered to you for you to take food, you say ‘I dont want this, I don’t want this, I don’t want this thing’ Similarly so many thoughts are crowded inside, thoughts appear upon your Presence. Which thought to be accepted and which thought not to be accepted is up to you. Their is complaint that so many negative thoughts are coming, what happens is since childhood we are under the impressions so many impressions are there. From the beginning you are a male or female, so many thoughts are there. Negative thoughts regarding destiny, prarabdha, hell, heaven, so many bad concepts, so many bad dreams are appearing. You are totally different from all these concepts, that conviction is supposed to appear. Whatever appears upon your Presence is illusion. Whatever appears upon your Invisible Presence is illusion, through which you can identify is the Reality. You are the base, but it is not a body base, beyond that. Your Presence is beyond that. You are totally different from all these concepts, therefore you must have conviction, not to go along with the body based thoughts. Not to go along with the body based thoughts.
You can identify good thoughts, bad thoughts. Which thought to be accepted which thought not to be accepted is up to you, you are master of your own. That conviction is supposed to appear spontaneously, for which spirituality is there. It is open fact, you are not body, you were not body, you are not going to remain body, it’s a fact. Thoughts are coming because Presence is there, a dead body can’t have any thoughts, after leaving body no thoughts will be there, prior to beingness any good thoughts or bad thoughts are coming, nothing. Thoughts are coming, the moment spirit clicked with the body, thoughts started from childhood til today, thoughts are appearing graduated. Small child you are having different thoughts, now you are young lady you are having different thoughts, when you grow old different thoughts. According to age factor according to circumstances, thoughts are appearing. So you are unconcerned with the thoughts. Thoughts that are trying to give you trouble, you reject it, it’s up to you. Which road you go, which not to go, it’s up to you. If you follow some road and have so many difficulties, you change your way, you bypass something or other. Similarly thoughts are flowing in nature, which thought to be accepted and which thought not to be accepted is up to you, you are a master.
But since you are measuring yourself in body form, therefore you say ‘What to do?’ Bad thoughts are coming, good thoughts are coming, something depressing, depressive thoughts are coming, directly or indirectly we are encouraging these bad thoughts, it is the nature of the spirit to accept bad things immediately. Suppose if I abuse you, you accept it, you are slapping someone. But suppose I say You are Brahman ‘Oh, ok, I am Brahman’ If I say You are Brahman you say ‘Oh, how can I be Brahman?, You are making fun of me’ But if I abuse you with very bad language ‘What Maharaj, You are insulting me.’ See words are same, meaning given is same, if I say you are donkey ‘What are you saying, you are insulting me’ If I say you are Brahman ‘How can I be Brahman’. This is the play of words, see we have created language, meaning given to donkey is say dirty animal, Brahman is some supernatural power, we have given the meaning. Suppose tomorrow Brahman is donkey and donkey is Brahman. So like that you have to convince yourself, you are master of your own, your architect of your own life, not to go through with the thoughts. You know better which is good and bad.
What happens generally we are flowing along with the bad thoughts, depressive thoughts and then say ‘What to do, this happened, this happened’. We are crying unnecessarily, shouting, weeping unnecessarily, you can judge, you can stand on your own feet. Not depend upon anything, you need not depend upon mind, ego, intellect, they came afterwards. Prior to beingness, there is no mind, no ego, no intellect. Mind ego intellect appeared upon your Presence. Presence is Ultimate truth, that you are. Which is called, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, that you are, that you were, that you are going to remain. For which there is no birth and death, it’s fact. You are measuring yourself in body from ‘What to do, what to do’ Your impressing yourself badly, you are insulting yourself badly, stop it. Because you know better.
‘Oh what to do? I am doing so many things. No miraculous experience is happening.’ Why do you want miraculous experience? ‘I am not getting experience like x, y, z’ No miracles are there, miracles appear upon your Presence. Your presence is a miracle, your not knowing anything about you. Your posing yourself and acting as a male or female, and experiencing so many things. In dream you see so many miracles, what happened to them after awakening? So you have to awaken, spirituality is making you awaken. What is awakening, you are not body at all. You are Brahman it’s Reality, Brahman is Reality, Ultimate Truth, Final Truth.
But again and again you are posing, you are jumping back into the ditch. Master is removing you from the ditch, but again you are jumping in the ditch. You can do it, spirituality is giving you courage, strong courage. So in the beginning you are having some certain problems, so it is necassary problems are coming, thoughts are coming, and consider it some problem is arising, so now you are going to be firm. My Master told you are not man or woman, you are not body, so I don’t accept all these thoughts. That firmness will be there, thoughts, different thoughts are coming, depressive thoughts are coming, this is a kind of cleaning process.
Something a bad thing is going on, there are so many tenants residing in this body. So many tenants in the form of very bad thoughts, while going, while vacating your room, they try to re-enter, they will abuse you, because years together they are staying in this body. When you have the knowledge, you want them to vacate the body, they will abuse you, they will give trouble to you, they will rebel against you. Mind, ego, intellect, they are dissolving, at that time they will rebel against you. So you have to say OK, let them go. This is a cleaning process, so not to accept thoughts. Which thoughts to be accepted and which thoughts not to be accepted is up to you. You follow? So you are master of your own, Brahman is not separate from you, Atman is not separate from you, Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. All the time you are measuring yourself in body form that ‘I am male or female, or something, something else.’ and with that effect you have accepted so many thoughts. Forget it. Not to go with the thoughts. They are pocketing you, they are making you a slave. Mind, ego, intellect is making you a slave.
So the main target is just to identify yourself. After knowing the reality, prior to beingness you are not having any body. After leaving body, no body will be there. This is burning wood, this is a burning wood.So you can take care, not to neglect body, but not to have so much attachment to the body. At time of leaving body ‘I am dying, what to do?’ that concept should not appear. At time of death, so called death, there is no death, there is no birth for the Spirit, Presence. But the feeling appears,’I am dying, I am born’; this concept, birth and death concepts are supposed to be dissolved. Inside what is there?
Everyday we are talking, everyday listening, through listening you have to establish the identity of the listener, Invisible Listener within you. Everyday we are trying to hammer you, except your Selfless Self nothing is there. So far Presence is there you see the world, the moment Presence seperates from the body, no world is there. Entire world is projected out of your Presence, it’s fact. Same principle. In the beginning you have to undergo the meditation, until you have got conviction. Meditation means involvement, involvement, total devotion.
If you read any books, you go to any masters, this is Ultimate truth, except your Selfless Self nothing is there. What do you know? There is nothing to know. Whatever your knowing, you have got knowledge, it is illusion. No knowledge is knowledge. What is knowledge? Knowledge means just to identify oneself in real sense. We’re identifying ourself in body form and that is illusion, very simple thing, nothing complicated.We are giving more importance to body-knowledge, what ever knowledge we have extracted through body we are depending upon that, body-knowledge.Basically you are not body prior to beingness.
Therefore your view will completely change. No attraction to the world, no irritation. No hatred. No jealousy, nothing is there. Everybody’s equal. Because we are identifying in body form there we have jealousy, hatred, greediness, ‘I want, something, something, something.’ Prior to beingness, what do you want? Nothing. After leaving body what to you want? Any money is required? After leaving body, a dead body can’t say ‘I want money’ No requirements, no needs. All needs, all requirements, came along with the body only. ‘I want this thing, I want this thing, all these, so many things’ That ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved. Spiritual knowledge is giving you courage to accept the Reality.
It happens some problems come, everybody is having different problems. Because since childhood, so many impressions, so many illusory concepts have been engraved upon us. That will be dissolved. You’re a man, you’re a female, we are knowing ourself ‘I am a male or female, I come from this country, that country’. Ego is there intelect is there, mind is there, all are working for this body. If the Presence is not there, where is the ego? Where is the intellect, where is the mind? My mind, my ego, my intellect, nothing was there. You have to be loyal with yourself. Whatever is told, you have to accept it. We are not accepting it because we have so much body impressions. ‘I am somebody else, I am somebody else’ We are not ready to surrender our ego. We are not ready to surrender subtle ego. Subtle ego is there, ‘I am somebody else’ ‘I am Brahman’ also is ego. ‘I am God’ is ego. ‘I am Master’ is ego. No ego is there, why ego is there? Because basically body is not identity, it is like firewood. This is firewood. Because of Presence we have got some importance. If there is no Presence, people will say ‘Take away, take away.’
Therefore Siddharameshwar says “This is the dirteist body, this is the dirtiest body. Within this dirtiest body, purest things are there.” Dirtiest body, within dirtiest body, purest thing, the Presence is there. The importance of this body is because of the Presence, Invisible Presence within you. But we are measuring ourself in body from and that is illusion, because we are not ready to dissolve it. Literally we are saying “I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, something, something.’ Practically, ego bites you from the backside, pricks you from the backside. This should not be a problem. Very simple, be normal, be simple, be humble. Nothing to earn, nothing to lose. Nothing to earn, nothing to lose. Not to gain. No attraction of the world. No publicity, no money, no sex, nothing, nothing. Completely aloof, completely seperate, unconcerned with the world. Though you are living in the world, reacting to all people, but remain unconcerned.
Be silence. Mind, ego, intellect creates violence. Be silence. Just listen. Try to know the secret of your Presence, Try to know the secret of your Presence. When all this is over the Presence is there. Presence does not know. Name is given Brahman, Atman, Paramatman. To identify this Presence, name is given, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is yourself only. Therefore body-knowledge is supposed to be dissolved. Nama Mantra is there, meditation is there, prayers are there, Bhajans are there, all these to dissolve knowledge. Melting process is supposed to be started. That ego is supposed to be dissolved, totally.
Whatever status you are holding in this world, in society, is because of this Presence. If there is no Presence, what is the status of this body? Your neglecting even if you are multi-millionare, what is the value? If you have millions of dollars, if Presence seperates, what is the use of that millions of dollars? No value. Your not gonna take millions of dollars after leaving the body. The greed. “More, I want more, I want more’ How long are you gonna hold wealth, money? You can’t take it. Don’t underestimate you. Nothing is wrong with you. All these great saintly people have same Spirit which you are already having. Spiritual science says this is a long dream. You are Unborn. There is no death, no birth. Death and birth are related to the body only, not to you. Because you are not having any expereince of birth or death. But everybody is afraid of the death, ‘Oh what will happen?’
Why fear it, let it come. Because you are Unborn, ‘I am Unborn’, that reality is established after having Spontaneous Conviction.
‘I am Unborn’, that reality is established after having Spontaneous Conviction. You’ll not have fear of the death. Whatever happens you will remain unconcerned, untouched. If something happens, it’s ok, nothing. That is the sign of Realization, Enlightenment. Be happy, make others happy. Be peaceful, make others peaceful. There is no hard and fast rule. You can start. Siddharameshwar Maharaj says ” If your enlightened, make others enlightened, start teaching them about spirituality.” But you must have strong conviction. It is not hide and seek. Have to hide alot of spiritual knowledge, ‘oh I’ve got spiritual knowledge’ you are hiding. What your hiding? You are a free bird, you can fly without wings. You can fly without wings. No wings.
Any questions?
So be strong, spiritually strong. The secret of knowledge is given to you, you have to enjoy it. Knowledge is not seperate from you. Invisible Listener within you is the sign of knowledge. As long as Listener, the Presence is in you, body has got value, where there is no value. You have alot of importance, Presence is very valuable, invaluable. And for which again I am repeating, primary stage you have to undergo the meditation, then that knowledge, Reality will be opened. Because it is within you. Why meditation, by that meditation you are hammering yourself. You’ll get the knowledge, it’s open. Then your inner master is talking with you, will start talking with you. Secret of knowledge is within you.
Today’s news. Everybody’s got strong body confidence. Everybody’s having spiritual knowledge. Directly or indirectly we are having strong belief in body, and therefore spiritual knowledge is not absorbing. We say oh, ‘I can understand intellectually’, but that knowledge that is accepted intellectually is not absorbing. Because their is strong faith, strong belief, in the body, and therefore it is not entering inside.
So for which again I am repeating meditation, through meditation the body knowledge will be melted, dissolved. I am insisting meditation all the time, everybody repeating meditation, meditation, because such a strong body knowledge is there, so even if you wanted to escape or dissolve this, it is not dissolved because of strong feeling of body. So that strong faith, that power of body-knowledge is supposed to be dissolved slowly, silently and permanantly. Then you will be free from all concepts.
So many persons are coming here; ‘ok, ok, this is good knowledge, good knowledge I appreciate this knowledge’, but I am telling you, this is not only dry knowledge, try to absorb within you, it is your knowledge. If your listening and reading on the base of body-knowledge, it will not absorb. One thing is certain, some or other day, willingly or unwillingly you have to leave the body, it’s a fact. You can’t escape from this incident. I am not asking you to neglect your body. You must believe, prepare yourself, ‘Yes body is not my identity at all’ We are knowing everything but we are not preparing, at time of leaving the body getting some suffocation or something, a pitiable condition, that should not happen. At that time there should be strong courage, ‘Yes, I am not leaving body, I am not body at all, let the body go’.
Nisargadatta Maharaj used to say “When the body is going just think of passing stool.” You know passing, when your passing stool your not thinking, you just let it go. Suppose your passing stool, at that time you are having any grievances? Your refreshed. So he said like that just like your passing stool. Body is gone away forget it, ‘I am not dead’. So what he wants to say, at the time there should not be any grief or sadness inside. If any ambitions remain, subtle ambitions then another dream may be there. This is an opportunity, always requesting everybody, only listening is not sufficient, changing Master’s is not sufficient. Why are you wanting to change your Master, here and there? People say ‘Oh, I have to go to that Master, this Master, that one’. You are wasting your time, wasting your energy.
Because your not faithful with you. Be faithful with you. Be faithful with you and be faithful with your Master. That is the purpose behind spirituality, so you will always remain concerned with the spiritual knowledge, always remain in touch with the spiritual knowledge. You remember all these things, suppose you go anywhere, you may be there, suppose some doubts come, or some confusion or depression is there, unpleasant atmosphere, you remember when you were at Nashik Ashram, you remember all these things, and that concept will be dissolved.
But people are so much attached with the concepts, I’ve told about torturing, one person says ‘No I caused some bad something’, he’s not leaving his imaginations, not leaving concepts. ‘You say don’t worry, but how can I not worry?’ So you have to believe in your Master, Master says ‘Nothing is my property’ but he says ‘No something happened, I have done something wrong in my previous life, that life, that life’. After coming to me, after coming to any Master, if your not leaving your concepts, what is the use of that spirituality? Master says you have not commited anything wrong, you have not committed any sin, but if you say ‘No, No, I did sin.’, what to do? How can Master help you? My Master says I have not done any sin, I’m not doer, there is no deed, if your not accepting that, your own mind, own concepts will be torturing you, nobody is torturing you, nobody is torturing you, your own concepts are torturing you all the time.
You have done something wrong you are a sinner or something, try to mold into the light of this spiritual knowledge, therefore strong belief in yourself and your Master is required, it’s a closed situation, Master says nothing has happened, you are Ultimate Truth, but your not accepting it. Habbit of the beggars, you have a lot of money even though you are begging on the street, like that. That should not be there. So therefore all these great Master’s, they strongly believe in their own Masters. ‘My Master is final’, if God appears before you, ‘No, my Master is Final’ That reality is supposed to be absorbed. That is the principal of spirituality.
Visiting so many places, visiting so many sacred places, something places, what to do? Where are the sacred places prior to beingness? Talking about gods and godesses, and all the certain stories, and according to their stories your trying to go here and there. Waste of time. This is last destiny, last destination, beyond that nothing is there.
Why is knowledge required? So far body, therefore knowledge is required. Why body is required, why Master is required? If body is not there, why Master is required? Master is trying to identify yourself. You forgot your reality. Why Master is required, because you forgot your reality, forgot your identity. You are posing all the time as a man or women, a being. So beingness is supposed to be dissolved. How are you prior to beingness, after leaving the body? That is your identity. In spite of that, people are not following. Listening, reading, black magic, white magic, this magic, nothing is there. If somebody falls sick ‘Oh, some black magic is there, black power may be there’ where is the black power and white power? There’s no black power, white power. So far as you are measuring yourself in body form, therefore your considering the the black power or white power. No white power, black power nothing is there. But that belief so much sticked with him, he was not leaving that, and for which meditation is required. Meditation is slowly, silently, melting all concepts. You will remain always in touch. Bhausaheb Maharaj was very, had very strong foresight. All the prayers, morning prayers, early morning prayers, morning prayers, evening prayers, because the intention you always keep in touch with you 24 hours.
After leaving the premises, some thoughts may come. So you are to recite the Mantra all the time. Do your duties, do your job, while your doing your duties, job, recite Mantra, so it is always hammering you. What to do? What Master can help you? You have to act it. Master has placed before you delicious dishes, you have to eat it, not define it. So be with you. Only listening is not sufficient, have some courage, have some confidence, develop your confidence, develop you will power, spiritual will power. Like I said there won’t be temptation to go anywhere. God, Master, is not seperate from you. So far as your measuring yourself in body form your unable to identify yourself in a real sense. So be strong, OK.