Q: How he can keep this quietness which he acquired in Nashik in his everyday life. Because now when he returns to his place he will be more and more involved in his working troubles, so on and so forth. What is your advice?
M: Working troubles?
Q: Yes. Working troubles and family troubles, everyday problems.
M: Concentrate meditation, what we discussed last time. All these troubles appear because you are having body. Body is related to relations. Bound to affect you. So, in the process of body life; good things and bad things are bound to happen. Good thing means what we tolerate, we say is a ‘good thing’. What you’re not tolerating is a ‘bad thing’. So, how to take this matter it is up to us only. How to take this external happening or not happening, it is up to us only. If you take very seriously, it will definitely trouble you. Take it lightly. So, same situation may not remain constantly. Handle everything very tactfully. Handle these things very tactfully. Handle the things tactfully. Handle the situation tactfully. So far you are involving with them, therefore they are troubling you. Because all of these are body based relations. When there was no touch with the body all these relations were not there. The moment the spirit disappears from the body, there is no relation at all. So, your spontaneous existence is beyond all these worldly effects. Behind everything your spontaneous Presence is there. All these unpleasant or pleasant veils appear on your spontaneous Presence. Not to give so much importance to whatever you are experiencing. Concentrate on your inner experiencer, inner master. These are temporary storms. Sometimes they raise, sometimes they dissolve. But you stick up with your spontaneous Presence. When we came across with this world? the moment we touch or click with the body. After knowing this secret, everything will disappear. So, in brief, body based knowledge, is troubling you. But your existence is beyond body. So see your spontaneous Presence. It is not touched by, there is not any touch of body based knowledge. It means you are totally separate from all this world and worldly things. Always remember you are Supreme. You are providing power, energy to all these external, all these internal elements. Just remain the observer. You have got Self Realization. Because you have got a very good spiritual background. Put it in action. Not to give so much importance, what is happening or not happening. Because you are there, family members are there, business is there, so many people are there, entire world is there. But, it is your reflection. So, don’t struggle with the words, don’t struggle with the ego, mind or intellect. Just only spectator. So, then entire unpleasant atmosphere will be subsidized. You have internal peace. You will have internal silence. So be strong.
Q: He compares you to wind which removes the clouds from the sky.
M: It is by the Grace of Master. I want to make you very, very strong so you can face any type of storm. Because behind everything your tremendous energy is there. I am brushing your memories. So, therefore I tell you ‘You are not a beggar, you are millionaire.’ So, you do not require anybody’s Grace. The moment you know yourself in a real sense, everything will disappear or dissolve. So, no internal or external difficulties will trouble you. Always remember you are strong man. If any difficulties try to attack you it will be totally dissolved externally.
Q: It is clear, Thank You.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
In our lineage, exceptional knowledge you will find. So, therefore I told you, all these books are indicating, that except your Self nothing is there. Because you are the source of this entire world. All god, goddesses, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, everything, they are your projection. You forget the projector and are trying to enjoy projections only. That is the mistake. Just saying when you saw the entire problem, but because of some little mistake you are in the problem. This is a silly mistake, childish mistake. Simple knowledge, simple knowledge. You have ever come across such knowledge before? Why approach so many masters? In our lineage, master is not taking any credit. Because there is no difference between masters and disciples. For conversation, for talking, we have to take ego ‘I am Master, and you are disciple or devotee.’ Bodies are different, spirit is the same. So, we are not doing any special thing. We are showing your identity. Your property, You are Master of Masters. Therefore I show you that silly mistake. OK.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
One thing is there, after spiritual knowledge, you are getting courage to face problems. Problems will be reduced. You’ll get tolerance, patience. How you will be with that particular problem, prior to realization, prior to spiritual knowledge, and how you will be after spiritual knowledge it changes. Today there may be unhappiness, tomorrow you may have exceptional happiness. But what happens is you concentrated, ‘why this, why this?’ You are trying, some or other way, to relate that problem to spiritual knowledge. ‘Why is this happening’, ‘why is that’ ‘why this irritation is there, why this depression is there’. So, it is a type of cleaning process. Body base, it creates some vibrations inside. Veils are there, layers are there, it’s cleaning. Purification stage. It happens to everybody, myself also. In my early stage, having taken Naam Mantra, prior to realization, always had bad, very bad dreams. Dead bodies are there, burning dead bodies, all this no sleep. I went to Nisargadatta Maharaj to tell about all these things, he said ‘Let happen, what happens’. Then one week, two weeks, I am in depression, because I am not yet having conviction. I am always asking ‘why this, why this.’ Then it goes away. Clean all this, all this mess is going out. All garbage is gone away. Inside, you know, like I told, there is a lot of garbage inside. A lot of garbage inside. This is renewed. Years together a lot of garbage is inside, so many concepts. As I told about the tenants. Now you have conviction, knowing the Reality. You know that body was not identity, is not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity. Through body all this action, being done by whom? It is called Brahman, invisible, anonymous, unidentified.
It is coming out. Don’t worry about it. For certain moment, for certain experience, everybody is having different experiences. Your experience may be different, his experience, etc. It depends upon vibrations, it depends upon the changes inside. One thing I’ll tell you is after having involvement with spiritual knowledge, so many changes taking place inside, you’ll feel it. Then ultimately there is exceptional peace, beyond imagination. Total peace, beyond… Then you are not required to go anywhere. There is no temptation or attraction of a material cause for happiness. Steady there. Until that, something happens. What is happening, we are trying to relate what is happening inside with spiritual knowledge. ‘I am spiritual man, how this happens?’ So my advice, just be calm and quiet. Have patience, I tell you, it is my experience also. It’s OK, some burning is there. Just like Nisargadatta Maharaj says ‘If drop of poison goes inside, there will be irritation.’
I am not angry with Nisargadatta Maharaj. No, no, no. Not like that. He is my Master. How can I get angry with my Master? No, no anger is there. Anger is at a physical level, mental level, intellectual level. So, you have to come out from physical level, intellectual level, mental level, egoistic level. We are going around within the circle, throw away. Circle says this is Master, this is disciple, you have to throw away. There is no difference between Master and disciple, only body. So why get angry? India sky different from China sky? Sky is sky. As long as essence of body is there, this is bound to happen. Essence of body is supposed to be dissolved. ‘I am somebody else’ as in Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, or spiritual man, and because I am considering ‘I am spiritual man, I am realized, this type of thing shouldn’t trouble me, irritate me’. We have made a frame, and if anything happens against that frame, irritation. Why to be angry.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
It is very easy, but very difficult also. To come out from all illusory circles, the Mantrra is inviting attention. In the begiining stage, at that level. Beginning stage. After knowing the Reality, you are not required to chant, it will be spontaneous. Example, this body is called man. You are not saying ‘I am man, I am man, I am man.’ Your living, day to day living just like a man. Parents said ‘This body is called man.’ and you accepted it totally, spontaneous conviction. ‘I am man’ is spontaneous conviction. I am not repeating ‘I am man’ mantra chanting ‘I am man, I am man.’ Your all actions are indicated by ‘I am a man’ only. Likewise, Master says ‘You are Brahman, this is Reality.’ In the beginning to have conviction, you have to undergo this process. Thereafter it is ‘oh, I am Brahman.’ No individuality is there. No concept is there. No knowledge is there. No experience is there, no experiencer is there.
Q: So we just remain alert?
M: Conviction. Your inviting attention of your Selfless Self. Those external force is there. Reminding when your weak, negative. Yes. It’s process. Why bhajan is required? Why meditation is required? Why knowledge is required?
Q: Is it possible to forget completely?
M: Yes, it happens completely. Definately.
Q: I cannot fear that I forget this power completely?
M: No, No. Therefore Nisargadatta Maharaj says “If you take a drop of poison, it happens automatically, you need not required to say ‘What the consequence is?’ If you take a drop of posion, it acts automatically. Like that, Master implanted exceptional plant, it will grow up. Without your knowledge, then like this ‘Oh’. Fear is there because so far as posing ourself in body form. Not to do anything, not to expect, not to think it. Be as it is, be normal. Be normal, be simple, be humble. Slowly, silently, permanantly, it will go away. Knowledge is not wasted. Suppose that plant is there, there is some channel, formed channel is there, when putting water here, it is not flowing immediately, absorb, absorb, absorb than it starts to flow. Like this, knowledge, Reality is absorbing, absorbing, then you see the flow. You have to be involved. After knowing the Reality, you have full involvement. Because, we are living in some different environment. Karma, Dharma, so many concepts are there. Last birth, future birth, destiny. Good deeds, bad deeds. So, to come out of all these illusory influences, you have to be alert. Even though you are knowing that is a wrong thing. I’ll give example. Child says there is a ghost in the tree. Small child says ‘There is a ghost in that particular tree.’ After that child grows into a man, the impression is there ‘Oh, there is a ghost in that tree.’ Fear will be there. Because that ghostly concept is implanted by his parents in his heart. When he is grown up, he will be going the other way, to avoid ghost. It’s not true, but that particular concept is implated by his parents ‘In that tree, a ghost is there.’ Reality, nothing is there. Therefore to come out from all these illusory concepts, meditation is there, bhajan is there, knowledge is there. Ultimate stage it is not neccasary. Bhajan is illusion, meditation is also illusion. Nothing is required. Only in the beginning you have to do it. Yesterday, I told like alphabets. Not to think so much. Intellect or mind is very crazy, no. Mind all the time, biting all the time.
Q: I know you even recommend to take photos of Saints, yes?
M: Why, because when you take photos, you see all these masters, you get some remembrance. Inspiration. Power. In that is a lot of power. Vibrations come inside. Because, forms are different, but your Presence is there. There is no difference between, that Presence and your Presence. One person asked the question to Nisargadatta Maharaj ‘What is the difference between you and me?’ No difference is there. Bodies are different. Presence is one.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
We are under the pressure, the influence, of all these illusory concepts. Spiritual knowledge removes all this wrong. What you’re posing in this world, it’s wrong, illusion. You are separate from that. Entire world is a projection out of your spontaneous Presence. If Presence is not there, who will talk about the world? Who will talk about the ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, nothing. Who will talk about the Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God? Who will talk about the Master and disciple? All these concepts are there. You’re no more Master, you’re no more disciple. No God is there, you have given birth to God. Siddharameshwar says ‘I am father of God’.
Q: Maharaj, Presence is also nothing?
You have to use some words, without which you can’t talk with each other. You are giving the meaning of Presence, like ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’ created all these words. Just to have a conversation. To say ‘it’, put two lines together like this, you say ‘A’, ‘B’. All this language is created by us, just to convey, for this purpose. So, not to pay so much attention, not to be slave of literal knowledge. Literal knowledge, bookish knowledge, it has some importance up to a certain level. Who’s knowledge? Who is devotee? What identity? See, all this world is just to indicate you are Ultimate Truth. As Nisargadatta Maharaj says, remember these words, very important ‘Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master.’ Entire gist of Spirituality is in this ‘Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master’. Know yourself and be calm and quiet.
Then what do you want? Where is devotee, where is devotion? There is no ‘I’, there is no, nothing is there. So, everything is within your spontaneous Presence. The Presence is unidentified identity. Presence is, unidentified identity, it’s invisible identity, it’s anonymous identity. You can’t guess intellectually. You can’t infer. It’s the listener’s identity. Body is only a cover, just like these clothes. It’s questioners identity. To say ‘I’, to say ‘you’ Presence is required. Who will talk about knowledge, knowledge and knower is also illusion. Knowledge is illusion, knower is illusion. Listen to me. Meditator is illusion, meditation is also illusion. Come to know this. But in beginning it is required, to establish, to have some foundation. You’re asking, after knowing the Reality why you are insisting meditation? ‘After knowing the Reality, why are you insisting on meditation?’ Because, through meditation, you are inviting attention of the invisible meditator, that you are Ultimate Truth. Through meditation, you are inviting attention of the invisible meditator within you, that you are Ultimate Truth. You forgot your identity. ‘I am somebody else, I am man or woman, I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman.’ You have accepted all these concepts. ‘I am God’, also a concept. You’re something, no? You say, ‘I am God, I am Brahma, I am Lord Shiva’, these are also concepts. To say, ‘Lord Shiva’ to say ‘Brahma’ some Presence is required. That Presence doesn’t know ‘I am Brahma, Krishna or Lord Shiva’. We have given the names, this is ‘Lord Krishna’ this is…
Bodies are different. Essence is one ‘I am’. Prior to ‘I am’ Presence is there. Through words we are indicating the listener’s Ultimate Truth. So, all experience, all experiencer, also is illusion. No experience. Because to have experience, experiencer is required. But, just for conversation, just for convincing purposes, we are using so many words. Without words you can’t talk. We have given names say devotee, devotion, deity. Devotee, devotion and deity. Devotee, devotion and deity. That’s it, all inside, you go deep and deeper you find the Selfless Self-knowledge. Reality the same, devotee the same devotion, deity same.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
FREE 255 Page PDF (Raw Unedited) of Sri Ramakant Maharaj’s Talks at Ranjit Ashram transcribed by various devotee’s during 2017.
He was a 13 or 14 year old boy. Exceptional intellect, intellectual. His father was fed up with him asking so many questions. The father asked the god of death Yama, take him away, I’m fed up with him. In those days, that god of death came there. His father said, ‘take him with you, I don’t want.’ Yama takes him. He (the boy) asks the question ‘You are taking the soul of all the people, who is going to take your soul?”You are taking the soul, you are god of death, after your death who will take your soul?’ Yama said, ‘Don’t ask this question, I will give you whatever you want, but don’t ask such question.’ What I am to tell you. We are making self-inquiry, self- inquiry, Master will come with the truth. For which all the process is there. Your inner Master is very strong. I gave so many examples before of Eklava etc. Why? The listener is very sharp, very intellect, exceptional intellect is there. You have tremendous power, which is unknown. Because you are posing all the time in this body form, therefore you are unaware of the reality. All questions are related to the body knowledge only. If there is no body, who will talk and ask questions? No questions, no answer. Because your existence is not in any form. We accepted this form, body-form as my identity. Through which you are asking so many questions. Trying to analyze the words. It’s not bad. There should be self-inquiry. ‘I am reading so many books, I am approaching so many master’s, I am approaching so many temples, so many things I am doing, for what or to whom am I doing?’ Who is the beneficiary out of that? Body is not a beneficiary. Some or other day you are going to have to leave the body. Then who is beneficiary? Who wants happiness? Who wants peace?
After pressing, after inquiry. For whom are you making inquiry, that disappears. That reality will come forth to you.
Not to do anything. Whatever process of your thinking, the process, layers are there, veils are there, flow of thoughts are there. Just observe it. Because, no doubt body based thoughts are there. Intellectual base is flowing there, mental base is flowing there, egoistic base is flowing there. Behind that, body is the base. Without body you can’t experience thoughts. No feeling will be there. But, through this, the intellectual understanding will absorb in spontaneous conviction. Intellectual understanding will absorb in spontaneous conviction. Then no doubt will be there.
You’re on the right path. After these progressive steps, nothing remains. There
shouldn’t be any type of confusion.
It’s obvious. Not to confuse. Everything, behind your Presence is there. Thoughts are there, good thoughts are there, bad thoughts are there, spiritual thoughts are there. When you feel ‘I am Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Almighty God’ these are progressive steps.
Hidden power is there. Door is open for you. Your power. I am telling you I am not
doing any special thing, I am showing your importance. With various words I am trying to convince you. Not to measure yourself in body form. You have tremendous power.
It’s very easy in those days, meditation, Bhausaheb Maharaj use to go to meditation 10 hours, twelve hours, you know. One position, Bhausaheb Maharaj 10 hours 12 hours, same position. He’s not coming up, he is doing meditation in a well, a dry well, he is standing in the circle where the water was lifted. Rigorous effort they made. That made it very easy for you people. It’s fast food for you. They made a lot of preparation from that. Siddharameshwar Maharaj was sitting 6 – 9 months for meditation, in Jaipur.
Jaipur, I don’t know exactly where that is, there is a fort, a fort is there. Yes,
you can go there. Starting from say early in the morning, you can be driven there, no problem. You have to reach there, say by 7PM.
Now it’s very easy. They found out the process with great difficulty. Devotee’s at
that time they had to go for meditation 12 years, twenty years sometime. Also read
books, along with Naama Mantra, then they had a lot of power, tremendous power. That is to say, forget that, Presence is having tremendous power.
It happens, don’t worry about it. See some people came here, some people are having spiritual life 20 years, 30 years, 40 years. They are wandering, wandering, visiting, visiting so many places. If they were to make some self-inquiry, then they are not required to go here and there. After self-inquiry, leads to self-knowledge. Just like some saintly person came from Rishikesh, he’s a monk, a chief priest in an Ashram. He is going here and there, he went to Bombay, he went to city, he came here, I don’t blame him. Because he has not come across with the Reality. He was not guided by somebody else who says, ‘You are Ultimate Truth.’ If he knows that Ultimate Truth, then he is not going here and there, visiting so many places. I am not distracting with this exercise, you want to have peace or happiness or knowledge you are not required to go anywhere.
Of course. You see, people are coming they say, ‘I have 10 years in Ramana Ashram’. They approach so many master’s. You should ask yourself, ‘after doing all these things whether I have got happiness or not’. Simple, nothing required. ‘I have made so many inquiries for the last 10 years 20 years, whether I am free from fear? At the time of leaving the body whether I am fearless’? That’s inquiry. Inner master say’s ‘no’. Then it’s not inside. Then self-inquiry leads to self-knowledge. Then ‘what do I have to do’? After doing, let’s say, rigorous involvement in spirituality, if I am not getting happiness, no peace is there, then what to do? You have to alert. Then that leads to self-knowledge. Something sees that ‘what I am doing it is not correct’. It means something else is there, which I am missing. Efforts I have put in, meaningless. Then coincidentally you are coming across some Master’s. Master says, ‘You go through this way’.
Self-inquiry is connected to the body knowledge only. ‘How that body knowledge will be dissolved’? that question remains. To solve this question, you are pressing further and further the knowledge. Knowledge means what? That you are knowing yourself in a real sense. Because I am doing all these things considering body is my form. Self-inquiry leads to self-knowledge means, whatever I have done so far 10 years or 20 years through body, considering my body is my base. Then when you come to know body is not my base, whatever efforts are there, is in vain, is meaningless. Then you get alertness, ‘I want something else, I have to go the right step, my track is the wrong track’. Knowledge means just to know oneself ‘yes, I am nothing to do with the body knowledge’. Body is not my identity, body was not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity. That intellectual knowledge you will get. And then, try and let that intellectual knowledge about your Selfless Self absorb in Reality. That is called Realization.
Self-inquiry, leads to self-knowledge, and self-knowledge leads to Self-Realization. The knowledge, literal knowledge, intellectual knowledge, absorbs spontaneously, that is the sign of Realization. Then you are not required to go anywhere. No temptation is there. I am unborn, where is the question of death and birth? I am totally free. Why should I feel guilty? I am not a doer. That conviction appears within you spontaneously. That is the sign of Realization. Realized. There are no needs.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj.
Q. When people practice the I Am meditation, they don’t seem to know how to cross over, or go beyond it?
M. Forget about spirituality. .to say I is ego. Why are you trying to remain in/as I? It means you are taking some ego and saying I am somebody else. I am… this means you are somebody else and you are to stay like this (eyes closed) “I” – this is duality. I! You have not to make any efforts. In the beginning, you are to accept that your I am is in existence. You are knowing I am through body only. It is open fact, the body is not your identity. So while remaining in the I am, you are considering yourself as somebody else and, with the subtle ego, you want to stay as “I Am”. This is not the Ultimate Truth which will not give you happiness. So your presence is spontaneous – don’t think, don’t apply the intellect, so, to stay in the I am, how to stay there is all illusion. You are already in that. It is already within you. But you are trying deliberately to remain in the I am. I am somebody else and I am to remain in the I am. Illusory concept! Be as it is! Reality, don’t think, don’t pressure the brain. The spontaneous feeling is just that… I am… there is no concept. As Nisargadatta Maharaj says: What is this body? Just glimpses of “I”. Just the glimpses of I which has no shape. no colour, no witness, no experiencer, just… (M holds his hands up and relaxed saying”I”. We’re tryng to experience I to be Brahman, Atman, and to do that you are having to be somebody else.
Q. So there is duality, there is a split?
M. Immediately! When you try to stay like that. Why to try? I want to stay Charles. I am Charles. You are already Charles, so why to be I am Charles. Charles has been given the name to this body. .It is not your Ultimate Reality. Similarly, your spontaneous presence, existence, is without shape. It is called Brahman, Atman, God… Name is given – I also is illusion. To say I, you are to take ego; to say Master, you are to take ego. You are neither Master or disciple. But for beginning, for understanding, we have to remain in that I. Q. Be as you are? M. Because you are. As I told you – you are Charles, why to remain in “I am Charles”… so, who says I am to remain there? Who says I am to remain?
Q. I think the understanding was that if you stay in the I am, meditate on the I am, then you will go beyond the I am. But everybody seems to be staying in the I am and not managing to go beyond.
M. You see your spontaneous existence manifested, so without you, there is not any focus. When I say I am, I stays there – subtle ego. Don’t make any effort. What to know through the various spiritual words, what they were trying to convey – don’t take literal meaning. Meditation is concentrating on the concentrator. It is spontaneous. It is spontaneous action.
Just like you are remaining as Charles, not as I am Charles, I am Charles. So, for 24hrs you are remaining as Charles, without making any effort. Similarly, to stay in I, to remain in I, you are already I, and name is given to the I – the invisible, anonymous identity. Name is given “I” to the invisible, anonymous, unidentified identity.
Q. So when people sit down and meditate on the I am…
M. At the beginning, meditation means you are concentrating… I told you what is meditation. Someone talks and abuses you, so for 24hours you are remembering that. That is meditation. So the same thing when you are told ‘I am Brahman’, you forget all body expressions / experiences, so like when a person abuses you, you won’t let go. I want to know Brahman, so you are taking the revenge, you’re all … every cell in the body, is having one goal, which is I am to take revenge on that, (mistaken body identity). And if someone tries to convince you or to forget, no, no, no.. the entire body is wanting to do the meditation. Entire body is consumed by anger, this is meditation. So when you are told that you are Brahman, you are Ultimate Truth, you are accepting life in this way. Then totally and spontaneously you forget about the body. Though you are living in the body, body is the external cover. That is why I told, to say I, to say you is illusion. I means through which you feel, through which you spontaneously feel. But it is presence without any shape, without any form. And then you say ‘I’ – the Ultimate Truth through which you know yourself in the real sense. Sometimes called I. I does not have any figure, no shape, formless.
You can’t realize presence through bodily I. Prior to beingness did you have any I? The total body dissolves and the presence also dies. Where has that I gone? The beingness disappears. And if the beingness disappears, where is that I? There’s no I, there’s no you, nothing is there. So why to say stay in the I? Why to remain in the I? You are dumping yourself in an illusory muddle. You’ve kept yourself in this balloon. You have this balloon and in this balloon you are dumping yourself, and trying to concentrate and remain there in the I. So you need to pop the balloon. So how to break the balloon?
Chickens, you know, eggs. Inside the chicken has a beak and it pecks and breaks out of the hard shell. So beak is given in the form of knowledge. You are in the circle the beak is given to break out of that circle (of illusion). That chicken inside, that baby is spontaneously breaking it – a thick cover. Q. So the beak represents knowledge which is used to break through the shell. M. Ultimate Truth is like that. What you call Brahman, Atman, Paramatman.. its action is spontaneous. When the egg matures the breakthrough happens. You see it is a very hard core. But that small chicken breaks it. So around us is hard core illusion. So with the knowledge, Ultimate knowledge, spiritual truth, peck and come out. You are your own Master.
So whatever you read or listen, to some extent, it is helpful but after reaching the final destination you do not need an address. So don’t take literally the meaning of what the Masters say. What they want to convey is most important. To remain in I is stuck… you have created a balloon, a concept, how to stay – it is not.
Q. Similar to Ramana Maharshi – and people who sit asking ‘Who am I?’ and last night you said ‘The answer is the questioner.’ – which made people laugh. And yet many people are sitting for years asking who am I? Similar to Nisargadatta’s… It’s self-enquiry.
M. Yes, self—enquiry. First stage self-enquiry, second stage self knowledge, third stage self- realization. So after getting so much knowledge, reading so many books, listening to Masters, you must ask where do I stand? Whether I am fearless? If the answer is no… tension-free life? If the answer is no? So out of this reading it knows… I am a blank cheque. I am blank. So having such knowledge should make you fearless. Because it’s simple knowledge, yu are not the body, you were not the body, you are not going to remain the body. Through body, you visualize and come across so many concepts. Prior to beingness you are not knowing who am I? It’s open secret. After the so-called death of the body total knowledge is dissolved with the disappearance of the body. After leaving the body, who says ‘I am’? I am also disappears along with the body. The moment the beingness came when the spirit clicked with the body. So from the beginning yo say I, I, I… So prior to beingness there is no I, after the body dissolves
– no I. So why to concentrate on the ‘I’?
Siddharameshwar and the Dasbodh said prior to beingness there is no I, after the disappearance of the body there is no I, in between how did that I come? So think of this in the light of all the knowledge.
Q. So in a way one could say that I am needs to be removed?
M. In body form you are saying I am.
Q. But if the meditation on I am does not lead to Ultimate Reality then it’s not very helpful to meditate on I am?
M. Why to remain in the I am when we are already there. But you are colouring with form. Meditation on I am when you are already… Prior to beingness where is the I, as I told you, I is just like the sky. This is reality. We are giving this America, India, words, names like Brahman Atman, Parabrahman… I is there. Why to concentrate on I? You’re already there, just to realize the body is not my identity. Because you are not accepting that the body is not your identity, you like to remain in I. Because you are not coming out from the body identity. Body identity was not there, body identity is not going to remain there constantly. At present, though you remain in the body it is not your Ultimate Truth. So you’re concentrating on something else, I am going to remain in I. … Master says you are to undergo the meditation. Why you want to remain in I? This is not meditation. You are unaware of your identity. You are unknown to you.
That unknown spirit is covered with the illusory thoughts. Mind, ego, intellect, so many thoughts. To come out of this illusory field,….mantra is given. What is the meaning of mantra? I am Brahman, Brahman I am. So like I am That, I am That. So after concentrating this, you forget your identity, you forget I also. At a particular moment, you are totally
invisible to everything. No experience, no nothing. At a particular moment, I disappears, I also disappears. To say I some subtle ego is there.
So through meditation you… become blind to everything like a trance. But trance also has witness – so beyond trance. Trance also is witness, so …I had a good sleep, so who said, and who sleeps? The seer is there, I had a very good sleep, peaceful sleep. Who had the peaceful sleep? The seer is there in invisible form. We are using I. So likewise we are to convince you. It’s open secret – name I is given to that Ultimate Truth. Name I is given to that invisible Ultimate Truth. And therefore, to know yourself in the real sense, all this meditation, concentration, self-inquiry, bhajan, knowledge – these are the various steps.
After having conviction, nothing to do. Your reaction is spontaneous action. Why are you trying to remain in the I am? You’re already there. You’re already in the ashram, so why you try to remain there? You don’t say I will reamin in ashram, I remain in Ashram… So meditation is just to forget the body identity. Just to forget mind, ego, intellect. These are the
… your landmarks. So beginners are given meditation, after this it is spontaneous. So I am meditating I, is what? Meditating is different, I is different…
Q. Back into the duality – subject-object.
M. Yes! You see when there is no object, the question of subject never arises. So you say I am object, I am to become something else. You are already there, why to become. How to become Charles, you are already Charles. Likewise, you are already I. I am the name given to that Ultimate Truth, invisible, truth, anonymous truth. It is the indication, because names are used. How long are you going to remain I for? I does not have any identity. You are posing yourself I as someone else..….
I tell you a story… one foreigner came to India and he asked who made the Taj Mahal? And the guide said ‘I don’t know’. He visited so many places and asked that question… I don’t know the name of the person… sees a dead body being carried and asks who is that? Again guide says I don’t know. So he says this meaning he does not know the name of anything, any person. All is entire dream and therefore I don’t know….. I don’t know who died…Likewise the entire world is I don’t know. Just for understanding… So prior to beingness there was no
I. After dissolving beingness, there is no I. Whatever feels that I through body only. So here you are giving shape to that I. Making it a balloon. I does not have any identity.…
Q. Having read some Nisargadatta Maharaj, I got the impression that the I am was the doorway and like a tunnel, you had to go through the I am, like the chicken with the egg.
M. I am is the process. You know algebra – and you get the proper answer X or Y… and from that X you come to the right answer. So I is just an X after that process of I you are coming to the truth. The real answer. It is a process, through the I you are coming to the Final Truth…
Q. As long as you don’t stay with the I all the time? It is becoming no movement to stay in the
I. Because I told you that during a meditation, I had this concept of Nisargadatta Maharaj, ‘Stay at the door, the door is open… and the door became a block and then I realized that there was no door.
M. There’s no door at all. Because walls are there, bodies are there.
Q. I removed the door and I was through…what I mean is that the door was no longer there.
M. So you broke yourself with the concepts. Master has given key how to open the door. Ok
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Maharaj: You have got knowledge, but that knowledge is supposed to become part and parcel of your spiritual life. Everybody knows that this body is not going to remain constant. But as long as you have got attachment with the body, attachment with the mind ego intellect, that knowledge will not be absorbed. At present, there is the pressure of mind, ego and intellect on the body. We are supplying energy to mind, ego and intellect. Your energy is most important. Your Presence is most important. You are not knowing your importance. Still you are considering “I am somebody else, male or female”. That is not your identity. Basically you are formless. It is fact. You are not accepting it. Listen carefully: human body, human form, is a golden opportunity to identify yourself. Though it is not your identity, human form is a media through which you can identify.
What is the necessity of this spirituality? In human life, what is the necessity, the importance of spirituality? See, the moment that Spirit clicked with the body, you started knowing “I am”. Instantly you see the world. And in childhood, father and mother, called parents, social life, relatives, everybody tries to impress their own thoughts. Social culture, spiritual culture. And it is the nature of this Spirit to accept those illusionary concepts. You are man or woman, you are father or mother; these are your relations, and so many concepts, hundreds of concepts, thousands of concepts. And our lifestyle is within the circle of these illusionary concepts. We are totally ignorant. We are not knowing ourSelves properly. We live in this human life with so much attachment to body, so much attachment to body related relations, father, mother, sister, brother, Master, God, so many. But we forgot what is the truth? Where are the attachments prior to beingness? No attachment is there. All relations came along with this body. All relations dissolve, disappear, along with the body.
So at the last stage, there should not be any desire. At present, we have got lots of desires. A lot of needs, a lot of requirements because body knowledge is not tolerable? It happens, every being, in animals also? But in human form, we are having some intellect. We are having some mind, we can understand. Mind means flow of thoughts, a continuous flow of thoughts is there. Good thoughts, bad thoughts. Mainly there are three types of thoughts flowing inside: spiritual thoughts, commercial thoughts and criminal thoughts. Spiritual thoughts means we are thinking always about gods and goddesses, prayers, self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge, etc. Commercial thoughts means all commercial life, enjoyment and so on. Criminal thoughts means hatreds, struggle and all. So spiritual thought will help you to develop your identity, to convince yourself. Therefore, which thoughts to be accepted, and which thoughts not to be accepted, it is up to you. There are so many questions; hundreds of questions are there, because all these questions appear upon your Presence, because you forgot your identity.
Basically, you are Ultimate Truth. Which is called God, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master. In spite of this literal spiritual knowledge, still you have got so many questions. All questions are body related questions. So first thing, first priority to be given, after knowing the Reality “I am Brahman I am Ultimate Truth”. So why are these concepts appearing? All concepts are appearing upon your Presence. They are creating confusion; mind is such that it is creating confusion. So many questions are being raised, body based questions. I receive sometimes so many questions from devotees, seekers, always body-based concepts. So first thing, discard your body based concepts. Discard your body. Body is not your identity at all. Unless we accept the Reality that “Body is not my identity, body was not my identity and body is not going to remain my identity”, the experience of a body appears upon your Presence. Body is having life problems, depressions are there, unpleasant atmospheres are there, we are afraid, we have tension, no peacefulness, no blissfulness, always fear of death. All these illusionary concepts are supposed to be dissolved, that is the main goal of spirituality.
“How can I discard all these concepts?”: that is the question. To know your self in a real sense, we are knowing ourselves in body form, and body form is not going to remain constant. Prior to beingness, prior to consciousness, you are not holding any body. Prior to one hundred years, have you got any body? No. After leaving body, what body remains? You are neither man nor woman. You are not Brahman, Brahman is a name given to Ultimate Truth. “Then how was I?” That is the question. Spiritual science says you are just like space or sky, sky is everywhere, it is not limited with India. It is everywhere. Sky does not have any special identity; sky does not have any individuality. It is vast.
Your Presence is everywhere. In every being, your Presence is there. Bodies are different, Presence is there. How can you identify? Because the moment that Spirit clicks with the body, the entire world is projected. Just like in a dream, you are in deep sleep, you see the dream. Who has created the dream world? You are seeing yourself, you see the entire world, you see the sun, moon, gods, goddesses, friends, father, mother, everything, all things. Not even that, you are seeing yourself, you are acting there. You are having some role. You are playing some role. In that dream you feel that dream is true. You are enjoying that dream or not enjoying it, there may be good experience or bad experience. Who is experiencing that dream? Who is watching that dream? That is your identity. Because you are sleeping, there is subtler and subtler identity there, which is called Brahman, Atman, Ultimate Truth. I am talking about that subtle unidentified identity which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, That you are. Though you are holding body, you are unconcerned with the body. So this Reality is supposed to be absorbed. So literally you are knowing everything. You have got literal conviction. It should be spontaneous Conviction.
After having spontaneous Conviction, though thoughts are flowing, good and bad, you will not give them importance. Just like in a dream world, after awakening you say, “I had good or bad dreams”. Just like Janaka, he was king, but he had seen that he was begging, so he questioned all his stalwart spiritualists “Is that true or is this true?”. In the Ashtavakra Gita, this story is there, it is a good book. Ashtavakra was a great spiritualist in those days, he was only a 14 or 15-year-old boy. But he was having exceptional realization. It is a big story, I am now talking about a big story. And here, he replied to Janaka. Janaka asked, “The only question I have is whether this is true or that is true?” He told him, “I was having a dream where I was begging as a beggar and now I am king”. Ashtavakra was a very very brilliant spiritualist. Instantly he said, “That is also false, this is also false”. What you see in a dream, that dream world is also an illusion, what you see today with this body form, it is also illusion. No other question is there, but the Presence in a dream and the Presence in this body form are one and the same. Without Presence, you can’t watch a dream and without Presence you can’t watch this body-based knowledge. So your Presence is there also and it is here but you are measuring, you are counting yourself as body form. That concept is supposed to be dissolved.
And all this is okay, some basic knowledge you have got, how to implement it? How to digest it? That is the main question. And the main question will be solved with meditation. Why is meditation required? Because within this body, invisible Presence is very sensitive. Considering the virtue of sensitiveness of this Spirit, the words are given, “Aham Brahmasami”, “I am Brahman” or “Soham”, whatsoever the words may be. Every lineage gives different words. Those words are creating vibration when you are reciting Mantra, meditating with the Mantra, concentrating with the Mantra. You are asking how to meditate: in the beginning you are to have some discipline. You sit in this fashion, half closed eyes, you concentrate on the tip of the nose. Why do this? Because your mind is very crazy. To keep the mind busy, we ask you to concentrate on the tip of the nose. So while the mind is concentrating on the tip of the nose, at the same time, you are reciting the Mantra. When the mind is busy, it will not play against you. After keeping it busy, your purpose is served. You are hammering it. Keeping the mind busy with concentration, you are not allowing it to create any questions or any crazy activity. And then by reciting Mantra, you will be directly hammering your Selfless Self : “You are Brahman, you are Brahman, I am Brahman, Brahman I am, I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. After nonstop reciting, Originality will be open: “So that I!” And instantly, after some time, of course it depends upon your involvement, seriousness in meditation, not casual meditation. What Master says, you have to accept it, and then instantly, Reality will be open with you. Where experience and experiencer will disappear. You will forget form. There isn’t any witness or witnesser. Though you are sitting for meditation, you remain unconcerned. You will forget everything. You will get exceptional peacefulness inside. Through meditation, some vibration are created inside, and the waves create a spiritual atmosphere within you. That spiritual atmosphere helps to absorb the Reality.
And for which, we are insisting, in the beginning, meditation is supposed to be strict and well disciplined, without which you can’t identify yourSelf. Only literal knowledge, dry knowledge, will not help you. So be strong, have courage to accept the Reality. I am always saying not to neglect your duties, not to ignore your responsibilities, not to neglect your family life, not to neglect your routine life. Do your duty. But at the same time, there is the conviction “I am not doer, there is no deed”. It is fact. You are not doer, there is no deed. For deed and doer, some form is required. You are not having any form, you are basically formless. This human form is not living constantly. How are you prior to one hundred years? Formless. No birth, no death. Not to do anything. You must have conviction, spontaneous conviction, in the beginning. Then after having conviction, though you are living in this illusionary world, you will remain unconcerned. All body-based concepts will dissolve, disappear. You are knowing, you can watch: “Yes, this is correct, this is false, this is illusion”. After knowing they are illusion, you will not have any attachment. No desire is there, thoughts are flowing, mind is very crazy. Previously, we were becoming slave of mind ego and intellect. The mind was dictating terms “do this and do that”. After knowing That: “I am providing energy to the mind”. Without your Presence, how can mind run? If there is no Presence, mind can’t act. Prior to beingness, or consciousness, there was no mind, no ego, no intellect. The question of thoughts never arises. The question of existence never arises. We feel existence because of the body form, but who is acting from the body? Who is listening from the body? Who does activities from the body? The invisible Presence called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Ultimate Truth, That you are. It is not having any experience. It is Final Truth.
So though you are living with this body, human form, you will get spontaneous Conviction. What is the Conviction? That “My role in this world is not the doer, no deed is there, I am nothing”. Everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. So what you feel, what you experience “I am something”, that will dissolve. So the concept of body form is supposed to be dissolved. It is not your Ultimate Truth. The Presence within the body, through which you are acting and you are doing all these things, is spontaneous Presence, which is called Brahman, Atman, That you are. It is just like space or sky. So there is always the question, “After death, what happens to the body, what happens to the Spirit?” You know that death means leaving the body. As a matter of fact, there is no death and there is no birth. But these questions are there always because you see everything. Death and birth are connected with the body only.
Suppose in a dream, you see your body die, just imagine. Who is seeing that body die? Or somebody dies. After awakening, that man is there. When you see a dead in dream, after awakening that man is there. So what is true? The Presence of that man or being in this world is true? Or is his death in the dream true? Question yourself. You will get all answers from you. Your Spirit is exceptionally powerful. You are unaware of your power. You are unaware of the tremendous energy within you. Not to beg for any blessing from anyone else. Not to go here or there in search of Masters. Master is not separate from you. You are a Master. My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj says: “I am not making you disciples, I am making you Masters”. Bodies are different, forms are different, but Masterly Essence, Ultimate Truth, is not different. Just like I am always mentioning, countries are different, houses are different, but the sky within the house is one and the same. Likewise, the invisible Listener within you and the invisible speaker within this body are one and the same. Which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, That you are. But you are not accepting this truth because of long association with the body form. You are protecting so many concepts. We have developed so many concepts. Through meditation, all body- based concepts are supposed to be discarded. It is true. As in a dream, you see somebody doing a good or a bad thing. After awakening, you have nothing to do with that experience. So whatever experience you are having in a dream, after awakening all experience disappears. So this present life is just like a dream, a long dream. So like that you have to convince yourself because you are your own Master. You are the architect of your own life.
So don’t encourage body-based questions. Mind is always asking “Why this, why that? Question yourself. What is true? The illusionary world and all experiences? False. In this illusionary world, all questions are body-based questions. Nothing has happened. In a dream, you are seeing and experiencing so many things. Are you asking “Why this thing, why that thing?” It is a dream! It is false! It cannot be true. Similarly, the present life is not true. As long as Presence in the body is there, you feel it is true. After leaving the body, what happens? No question is there. So just like nothing remains when the dream disappears, similarly, after this dream disappears, nothing remains. Where does it go? Body is burned or buried. Are there any problems for the dead body? Because you are holder of the body. Does sky die or take birth? Does sky take birth or does sky die? Just like the sky is not having death and birth, similarly your Presence is not having death and birth. You are unborn, you are formless. That Conviction is supposed to appear. It is not impossible, but in the beginning, follow the instructions of the Masters and strictly administer their meditation. Do the meditation. Unless you undergo the discipline of meditation, your foundation will be weak. Your foundation will be weak and all your building will be weak. It is very simple knowledge, for which you are not to do anything, you are not to spend a single penny. No garland is required. No rituals are required. In India so many rituals are there: “Do this pranam, do that pranam”. Why? When you entered this world, did you have to do any pranam? Have you taken any name? “Ram Ram Ram Ram?” When did you come to Ram? When the Spirit entered the body, you started knowing “This is Ram”. All this is ok, I am not criticizing this. It is faith. These names are having faith. Question yourself.
In a dream, there are so many gods and goddesses, where are the gods and goddesses after awakening? Where have they gone? You see so many people. After awakening what happened to them? Have they gone to hell or heaven? Nothing is there. Therefore everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing. That you have to know: your invisible Presence is the Reality. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. I am shouting all the time. But still some crazy mind creates so many questions “Why this, why that?” Some people say “Oh I have got depression, why this thing?” There was once a question asked by somebody “When I am doing meditation, I forget everything, but on awakening my mind is playing and I get depression”. This is a game of your mind. So your happiness in this world is also false and depression is also false. Depression, happiness, blissfulness, appears on your Presence. Your Presence is subtle. Does sky have depression? “Oh this Indian sky has got depression” or “Nasik sky has got depression”.
So you will get all answers from your side. Ask questions to yourself, make it answer. In the beginning, you will not get answers, but after hammering, just like the criminal in the police station, the criminal says “I have not done anything, I’m innocent, I’m innocent”. They are torturing him and then he says “Yes, I am guilty”. Similarly, with the Nama Mantra meditation, you are torturing yourself: “You are Brahman, you are a liar, you are Brahman”. And after continuous torturing and hammering: “Oh I am that!”. And then all answers, all replies you will get from inside. You are not required to go anywhere to solve your questions, all questions will be solved within you. For which, in the beginning, you are to undergo the discipline of meditation. Make it talk! Just like the police officer taking answer from the criminals, he did not reply, he tried to divert the mind. But after continuous torture, you will place before you all evidence: “Yes I am Brahman”. So after hammering yourself “I am Brahman, Brahman I am” or “Soham”, Ultimate Truth, Entire truth will be opened from you. You will be surprised: very difficult questions will be solved within you and you will not have to go anywhere.
Not to change any Masters. People are changing this Master, that Master, that Master, that Master. It is meaningless, you are wasting your time because you are not giving importance to your own Master within you. Master is not separate from you. Take the answer from your own Master, which exists in your human form. The holder of the human form is the Master. It is not having specific identity, so not to guess, not to imagine. Try to convince yourself. In the beginning you have got duality, but I am always advising not to make comparative study of the various Masters. Many times there are questions of whether this Master is realized or not: “Is that Master realized?” How are you concerned with who is realized or not realized? You are not concerned. Talk about yourself, whether you are realized or not! Some people compare “Why is Ramana Maharshi like this, why does this Master says like this?” How are you concerned? You are not analyzer. You are not to make comparative study. It is a waste of time. So instead of wasting such time, make yourself invincible, powerful, and get answers from you. You are fine, you are the central point of this world. Don’t ignore it. It is fact I am placing before you. So you need not to question. Why questions are there? All questions are related to form, they are basically rooted through mind. And mind, ego and intellect, it is itself an illusion. They are functioning organs. Your entire body functions through mind, ego and intellect. Who is supplying power to them? That you are. You are supplying electricity, you are supplying power. Survival of mind, ego and intellect in this form is because of you only. How were you prior to beingness? Unknown. After leaving body? Unknown. That means unknown dissolves in unknown. What you feel as known is because of this body only. Basically you are unknown to yourself. After leaving body, you are unknown. So unknown came into existence in body form and after leaving body, unknown will dissolve into unknown. In between you are posing “I am somebody else”. You are not somebody, you are everybody. You are everywhere. Just like space or sky. So be with you, it is not impossible.
Don’t waste your time going here or there. People are coming here “Oh I will go this way and that way”. Why to roam here or there? Not to go anywhere. You may visit it no problem, but not for spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is always within you. Don’t underestimate you. You do not know your greatness. Greatness is always with you. So we have created language, to convince with various words. Language is not important. Try to identify and understand the meaning of those words. We have created words, “Spirituality”, “Brahman”, “Atman”, “Maya” and so on and so forth. So instead of analyzing the words try to understand. What is the message out of those words? What is the message given by various Masters through their spiritual statements? And where do you stand in that message? That is most important. Question yourself, get answers from yourself. You will make yourself get answers for all the questions. See the fun. And then you will find so many complicated questions solved within you, you will make the Spirit talk just like the police officer made the criminal talk. So likewise, with meditation, with hammering, you will force your Selfless Self to talk and answer all questions. In the beginning, there is duality, it is a deliberate act. But you are to do it until you get spontaneous conviction. Then everything is easy.
Even if you think intellectually, logically, what is in this body? Just sit quiet and calm. What is in the body? Nothing. Just glimpses of ‘I’. Just glimpses of ‘I’. This body form is not going to remain constant. It is having a time limit, age limit etc. So what is appearing on your Presence, good thing, bad thing, don’t give so much importance. Sometime you feel some depression, some unpleasant atmosphere, it happens because you are holding body. The body belongs to the five elements. When there is an imbalance in the five elements, you feel it. I am suffering from a cold. Some weakness in this body form is there. So that you have to understand. So body concept, body feeling is not constant. Different atmospheres, different things are there. Just like seasonal things. Clouds are coming, clouds are going, you are there and there only. Like that, you are to convince yourself. Therefore, the first basic thing: you have to undergo the discipline of the meditation. Hammering yourSelf all the time. Recite Mantra non-stop. For which you are not to spend anything. There should not be any attraction of anybody else: “if I go to that Master, I will get different knowledge”. It is not necessary to go to any Masters. For what? That will only add confusion.
My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj has given a good message to all the devotees: “After knowing the Reality, after having Conviction, not to go anywhere or come across any elements which will distract you from Reality”. Because somebody else may not be knowing the Reality, and he will try to impress his own thoughts, his own concepts? His mind will create confusion and your faith will be damaged. Don’t do that. This is a red signal. So have alertness. There should not be any attachment because attachment with someone else’s thoughts will create problems for you. So all your effort will be ruined. So be cautious. I’m not against anybody else, but now you have got realistic knowledge. Basically except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, Paramatman. What more do you want? If you go anywhere they will say “Do this thing, do that thing”. Why? Because you are not doer! Some people think past life, future life. There is no life at all. You have not done anything bad. Suppose you have done bad. In a dream are you thinking “Oh, I have done a bad thing”? How can it be a bad dream or good dream? Likewise, this is also a dream, a long dream. You are basically not doer, there is no deed. There is no experience, no experiencer. No witness, no witnesser. After leaving body, what experience is there? Prior to beingness, any experience is there? Any questions are there? Prior to beingness, no question was there. The moment that Spirit clicked with the body, all questions, all concepts started, all attachment started. So all these problems are to be solved and you can do it, you have that capacity. So be alert. I have tried my level best to convince you, to invite the attention of the invisible Listener.
So be strong, have some courage to accept the Reality. Ok. So what you have recorded you will display, it may be useful for beginners and all the devotees. The recording should be typed also, it will be helpful to everybody. Those who are not present here, they can see it in book form. I am insisting for book form because if book form is available, they will continuously read the book and that will lead to making them more and more strong spiritually. After listening to this, you are to make yourself very strong in spirituality. Not to hurt anybody’s feelings. Not to compare. Not to hurt anybody’s heart. Not to struggle with anybody else. There should not be ego “Oh I have got a lot of knowledge, I am a spiritual master”. Not like that. No comparative study. Sometimes there is temptation “Oh, I have got good knowledge, I am a great master”. Not like that. Everybody is a Master. Not to count yourself as an individual. Therefore the Reality of your formless Self, you are to accept it. Because you are not accepting the Reality, therefore all confusion starts, all illusion starts. So be strong. Again I am repeating: this human body is an opportunity for you. Don’t waste your time. Do your job, do your duties, take care of your health, take care of everything, but not to neglect It. If you take It lightly, casually, then you will be a victim of your own desires. So this will be the last terminal. No birth, no death, nothing is there. So be strong spiritually strong. Ok?
So be simple, be normal. Just you see, just like you are sitting on the bank of a river. Whatever is happening, whatever is flowing. Nature of the river it is flowing, just like the nature of the body that contains five elements. So many thoughts. Good thoughts, bad thoughts, miraculous thoughts, dramatic thoughts. Bound to flow there. So, be steady, be silent, don’t get disturbed with that thought flow. Thoughts are going and coming. You’re not concerned with the thoughts. Thoughts which are useful for you, you can take it, otherwise throw it out.
See we travel all the world. You came across with so many people. Are you remembering how they are? What has happened to them? All memories flush out. Similarly, memory, through this body form, whatever is there, it will be dissolved automatically. Keep in mind, all experience, it may be ‘I am Brahman’ as experience is also illusion.
Because ultimate stage there is no experience, there is no experiencer also. No knowledge, nothing is there. Consciousness, awareness, everything disappears. No witness, no witnesser. The purpose of our talk is just to convince yourself your identity is beyond that.
Q: He says conviction cannot happen spontaneously and he must make some effort to convince himself.
I am repeating. This body is called ‘man’. You have been told this body is called ‘man’. You accepted it. So, all activities are of the nature of the ‘man’ only. That is conviction. Simple thing this body is not going to remain constant it is a fact. You are using the body, to experience all the incidents happening, not happening. So inviting that attention of the invisible Spirit. Through which you are doing all the activities. Through which your mind, ego, intellect is working. Everything prior to, everything prior to any experience, your Presence is there. All questions, prior to raising the question your Presence is there.