Q: Maharaj what is strong meditation?
M: Strong meditation is, where you forget your total body identity. There is no individuality. There is not any experience, no experiencer, you have become one with the Selfless Self. There is no any awareness, absence of consciousness, so you forget all the world when you are having strong meditation. Because the words given to you, you become with the same with words, what is the meaning of that word – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’– so Brahman means Ultimate Truth. That means: body is not your identity at all, all these efforts we are doing to forget our body identity.
We are holding human form and human form is not our identity, that you know. We are having some time limit, age limit, after certain time we have to leave this body. So who is speaking from this body? Who is listening from this body? It is separate from this body identity. It is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. But still, we have got attachment with the body, we are having body-based questions, concepts, and because of that strong attachment with the body, we are not able to accept the Reality.
What is Reality? You are separate from the body. Human form is not your identity at all. But, the Presence holding, the Presence I call Ultimate Truth, the Presence or Spirit holding the human body. In human body we are having a lot of suffering, unpleasant atmosphere, but that Spirit, that Presence, does not know what is good thing, bad thing, does not know blissfulness or peacefulness or any unpleasant atmosphere. The Spirit is just like space or sky. So, you must have Conviction, body form, body identity is not my identity at all, then only, you will be fearless, there is no death, no birth, there is no form.
Prior to Beingness we are formless, at present we are formless though we are holding body form. I am talking about the Invisible Presence within the body, that to have Conviction, or Realization, you have to undergo meditation. Through meditation you are hammering all the time – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’ – because it is the nature of the Spirit: what you impress, it reflects, it accepts. For example, when so-called birth is there, our parents say, “you are male or female”, we accepted “I am male or female”. At that time, we are not knowing what is male or female, but our parents said this body called male, this body called female, we accepted that. Along with that, so many concepts were impressed upon us by our parents, by society members and by other family members. We accepted each and every concept and our life style is according to that concept.
So, so many concepts we have engraved, we have protected, we have accepted, those concepts are supposed to be dissolved, that is the main purpose. Because unless that, dry talking, dry reading of the books, approaching so many Masters, it is meaningless. Because everything starts from you, everything ends within you. Stop measuring yourself in body form, stop measuring yourself with illusionary concepts.
So not to count yourself in body form, because you are not body at all, that Reality is supposed to be accepted. Because you are not accepting, since childhood till today, we have accepted so many illusionary concepts and we are not ready to go out of these concepts. We are under the pressure of that vicious circle of various concepts.
So it is clear even if you think logically or intellectually, it is fact: this body is not your identity at all. Who is talking from this body, who is listening from this body? It is separate from the body identity, there is no form, just like space or sky, but we are not accepting it.
When you accept that Reality, then at certain stage, you will be thoughtless. Body identity will not remain, that is called strong meditation, where everything is forgotten, including yourself, entire world. Because entire world is projected out of your Presence, if there is no Presence within the body, who will talk about the world.
So, entire world, this illusionary world has taken birth because of your Presence only. So, main focus is your invisible Presence, unidentified Presence within the body. That Conviction is supposed to appear, you can read books, you can listen, but at the same time, try to digest that speech or digest what you have learned and listened. Try to accept it, try to have Conviction. Then only what you read, what you listened will materialize. Otherwise only listening is not sufficient, along with the listening, you have to continue the meditation.
Meditation means not only sitting idle, it is continuous reciting of the Mantra, Soham sadhana is given. According to breathing. When you’re sitting for meditation, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, half hour, one hour, sit with full concentration. If you are not getting time, it is not bad, okay, you can recite the Mantra wherever you are, while walking, while eating, every time, you can recite the Mantra. Only reciting Mantra is not technical reciting, try to accept the Reality.
What is the meaning of Mantra? ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. That meaning is supposed to be absorbed within you, without which only reciting Mantra will not materialize. So be serious, it is very simple, you need not to go read so many books, you are not to go to so many Masters. Your own Master, Spiritual Master within you is Ultimate Truth.
So, after meditation entire Truth will be open within you because you are central point of this world. World does not have any existence. World’s existence came along with your Presence. So, this world does not have its own aspects. Therefore, we are talking about the world, we are talking about relations: my father, my sister, my Master, my God- so many relations are there. All relations, all requirements, all needs came along with the body only and then they will be dissolved along with the body, disappear along with the body.
So therefore, body identity is having some time, limit age limit, it is not your identity at all, you are beyond that, beyond that, because you are totally formless and since you are formless, no birth, no death, you are UNBORN.
So, accept the Reality that is the most important thing, otherwise only listening, only reading books is not serving your purpose, Ok?
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Human life, after touching the spirit to the body, you forgot your identity. We started considering ourself in body form, which you are not. Prior to beingness your Presence was there but without form. Presence is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master that you are. But, to have spontaneous conviction we have to undergo certain process. That is called meditation. In our lineage, from Dattatreya, we are giving some secret Mantra, the meaning of Mantra is ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. After reciting that Mantra, you will find some changes inside. So, we give that secret Mantra, you have to do nothing. If given some time, sufficient time sit alone for meditation and recite the Mantra while you are breathing. Then after some time, all the illusory concepts within your body will be cleaned, then you will get complete pure happiness without any material cause. There are three material causes for happiness. Money, publicity and desire of sex. So, human body knows all this happiness from all these three things. But, after having, reciting the Mantra, you will be completely changed inside. Then you will get spontaneous peacefulness very quiet. Everybody is afraid of death, something, something, say I am suffering from some treatment, some problem. So, though there is a problem, you remain unconcerned with the world, unconcerned with the body. Because it is a fact. Body is not your identity at all. Body is not going to remain identity at all. Some or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you have to leave this body. Because this is a material body, five elements body. Body is not your identity at all. Because, if there is no Presence, there is no value to the body. Invisible Presence within you. Invisible Presence is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. That conviction is supposed to appear within you and for which meditation is the base. Because you have got a lot of theoretical knowledge, but you have to undergo the practical knowledge. After having meditation, the appearance of exceptional happiness within you, blissfulness, there won’t be any fear. Circumstances are coming and going, but you remain totally stable, no instability. For which, it is very simple, but priceless, only you have to devote some time for you. Half an hour, one hour, and it is not necessary to sit down. You can sit on chair meditate it, and all the time you have to recite the Mantra. It is a very simple thing, after doing all these things the Reality will be absorbed within you. That is the purpose behind it. Because, human body, so many concepts are there. ‘I am man, I am woman’ say, past birth, future birth, all these concepts. No chakra is required, this chakra, that chakra, no chakra is required. No Kundalini is required, it is material knowledge. So, it will be opened within you only because knowledge is not separate from you. You are the central point of this world. The moment that Presence clicked with the body, you see the world. If there is no Presence in the body, no world is there. So, world is projected out of your invisible Presence. World is projected out of your invisible Presence. So, therefore, nothing is there. No path, no Kundalini, nothing is there. No birth, no rebirth, no past birth, no future birth, nothing. So, you are totally free from all these things. No special liberation is required. People say ‘I want this Mukti, that Mukti’ no Mukti, you are already free. Why Mukti is required? That reality, that teaching, my Master Nisargadatta Maharaj I had taken Mantra from him in 1962, since then what he taught I am trying to share with all of you. Nothing is required, no garland is required, no money is required, nothing is required. You have to devote some time for you. Half an hour, one hour, ten minutes, fifteen minutes and all other times you recite the Mantra. Just like you say ‘Ram, Ram, Ram’ like that, so you recite the Mantra, the Guru Mantra all the time. Then it will take changes inside. You will feel it. Exceptional peace will be there, ok. In brief I tell you. Nothing to worry, no karma is required, no position, no nothing is required. Simple spirituality.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Only listening, hours together, years together, playing with the spiritual words. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, Maya, these are the words. Concentrate on the listener within you. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God is not separate from you. For which, only source is meditation. Beyond that nothing is there. If you approach so many masters it is meaningless. You read so many books it is meaningless. Now you are not required to read any book. You may read it, but now you have to be practicing it. Very shortcut method. Don’t ignore, practice meditation. Meditation is not sitting like this, I already told you. Meditation means involvement. Totally you are concentrating, my Master said simply. Somebody abuses you with very bad language, always you remember that person. ‘I will take revenge on that person, I will take revenge’. 24 hours you remain with that man. Similarly, Master is given abuse to you. ‘You are Brahman’. Accept, you have to accept like that. It is open fact. This dead body does not belong to you.
You got, I don’t say that you neglect it. But try to identify. The holder of the body, the listener in the body, is Ultimate Truth. Because why this is required. Because at the time of leaving the body there should not be any consideration ‘I am dying’. Then again, another dream may be put there. If you ignore it, then there is the possibility of another dream. So, don’t develop concepts. All masters are good. What they say: Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are the words. Address to the listener. You are Ultimate Truth. Accept it. It is priceless. Not to have any ego or anything. Because direct or indirect we have a lot of attachment with this. Now we have got a lot of ego ‘I am somebody else.’ What is the use of ego? Ego, mind, intellect came afterwards along with the body. They are not prior to beingness. So, how were you prior to beingness, and how will you be after leaving the body? At that time everything is unknown. Unknown came into existence in known in the form of body, and unknown will be dissolved in unknown. That means bodies will be formless. Basically, you are formless. Because these clothes are there, therefore we say ‘Oh’. It is very simple. And therefore, I am insisting instead of playing with the spiritual words, be practical knowledge. This is a request to everybody because if I go on talking and talking it will be meaningless. You listen and ‘Oh, Maharaj has given a nice lecture.’ No. It is your information. It is your story, listener’s story. Try to concentrate meditation. If possible, sit alone. If you have got a small group, have a small group. If it is not possible to sit, you can recite the Mantra and remember the words of the Masters. You must have strong faith within you. You must have strong faith with your Master. That is the principle of spirituality.
So, no struggle with anybody else. No hatred. I told you the symptoms of the Realized person. Forgive and forget. Symptoms of the Realized person. Internally totally changed. After that knowledge is absorbed within you totally at that time, you will be completely changed from in and out. Feeling will be there. Forgive and forget, I have given a number of examples of Jesus Christ, example, when the soldiers are nailing him, what he says, ‘Oh God, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.’ In that condition. That happens within you also. The moment knowledge, Reality, is absorbed. And tolerance, if anybody made any allegation. Nisargadatta Maharaj says ‘If anybody says you are a foolish Saint, no depression. If he says you are a very good Saint, no appreciation. Nothing for me, because whom they are addressing their abuses, I am not that.’ So likewise, tolerance is required. Ignore everything. Then, anxious to know the Reality. Third thing, no attachment to the world. No attraction of the world. It happens. Because whatever requirement is for body only, not to you. If there is no body, no requirement. Who wants peacefulness, happiness? Nothing is required. So, though you are living in this world, you remain untouched with the world. Then total devotion and trust. These are the qualities, symptoms of Realization. It is very easy, it is very difficult. Try to absorb what I have told you until today. That’s enough. Only playing with the words, spiritual words, meaningless. You can read books, what they want to convey that is most important. Suppose this master says like this, this master says like this, O.K. They talk about yourself. They are giving story of their own, the story of the listener or reader. O.K.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
At that time, you are possessing the body, ‘I am somebody else’. That ‘somebody else’ is supposed to disappear. We are reading so many books. Everybody is reading so many books. But they are neglecting the invisible reader within them. I am pointing out, inviting attention of that invisible reader, or invisible listener within you. See, it is a simple thing, body is not your identity. It’s fact. We are doing all these things considering body is base. If there is no Presence within the body who will talk about the world and knowledge? Spiritual knowledge is just like a lighthouse. You know lighthouse? Lighthouse? Signaling, it’s signaling, it is not Ultimate Truth. Because the holder of the body is Ultimate Truth. It is invisible, anonymous, unidentified. That conviction is supposed to appear within you. For which we are reading so many books. After reading so many books, what is the gist, principle of the contents of the book? That content of the book says, ‘Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master.’ This is the principle of spirituality. So, only reading, reading books, you must have some stability. Have some stability.
It is not your fault. I am not blaming you. I am trying to convince the invisible listener within you except your Selfless Self nothing is there. The moment that invisible Presence disappears from the body you forget world. There is no world at all. You are coming across with the world the moment that Presence touched with the body. The moment that Presence disappears from the body everything disappears. That means the invisible Presence projected this entire world. This world is illusionary world. Nothing is true, including yourself, myself. Was this world prior to beingness? No. After leaving body any world is there? No. Any God is there? No. But we are not accepting this Reality. To accept this Reality totally, to have spontaneous conviction appear, you have to undergo in the beginning, meditation. Because going here and there this place, Rishikesh, Himalaya, O.K., enjoy tour, entertainment of spiritual tour. Be stable. Try to find out what is the Reality. After reading so many books, after visiting so many places, what is my achievement? What have I achieved? I am there and there only. That means something is missing. Try to find out that missing thing. When you are trying to find out that missing thing, the finder will disappear. Because your invisible Presence is Ultimate Truth, through which you are viewing and watching this world. That means you are the central point of the world. Correct.
So therefore, see what is there. What is there, just glimpses of ‘I’. Just glimpses of ‘I’. The moment that glimpses of ‘I’ disappears, world disappears, God disappears, Master disappears, everything disappears. So, you are central point of the world. Unconcerned with the world. Everybody is trying to have happiness, peacefulness, tension free life, fearless life. To whom is this required? So far as we are counting ourselves in body form, all these are required. The moment there is conviction ‘I am not body, I was not body’, nothing is required. But it is very easy and very difficult. Therefore, for which, you have to have strong faith within yourself and your Master, whosever it may be. If you have accepted some Master, you follow that Master. Follow yourself. Master is only giving guidelines. Inviting attention of the listener. Beyond that, nothing is there. So, you have to find out. And in finding out Selfless Self, the finder disappears, nothing remains. This is the principle of all spirituality. Today you take it, tomorrow we will discuss in detail, O.K. What you have is enough, given some heavy dose. It is very simple, I am trying to simplify spirituality. No conflicts. I can talk hours together this Buddha, this thing, Brahman, Maya, only playing with the words. Chakra, this Chakra, that Chakra, playing with the words. No Chakra is there. You have to come out from the vicious circle ‘I am somebody else’. O.K. Short. Short and sweet.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
This type of spirituality will not help you. You will get some temporary relief. Not help you. If you want to see you have to be really involved. You do first, meditation, it is the base, foundation. And then it will be, the door of knowledge will be opened. You will see everything within you. Only, O.K. ‘Maharaj says like that very nice’, No. You do your job. I am not asking to neglect your job, neglect your duties. If you want to earn money, you can earn. But at the same time, 24 hours concentration is there. ‘Yes, I am Brahman’ Master says ‘You are Brahman’. That concentration, that involvement is most important in spiritual life. Only theory, this master says like that, words for the masters, it is meaningless. Language is created by us. Meaning is given by us. These are not Ultimate Truth. Your concentration with the concentrator is most important. You’re concentrating, but concentration remains on the concentrator within you. That is most important. Then everything will be opened for you.
What you are expecting, the knowledge, will be open for you. Knowledge is nothing. Just to identify yourself. Just to know yourself. Entire world is illusionary world. So far as the Presence is there, you say O.K., ‘this world is there.’ The moment that Presence disappears from the body, everything disappears. No God, no Master, nothing is there. Why is spirituality required? Because, our body, mind, ego, intellect, everything is wrapped with so many illusionary concepts. Now to come out, you have to come out of this vicious circle. To come out from the vicious circle you have to concentrate spontaneously with your Selfless Self. Master is there to help you at any moment. But, you must have strong faith in your Master. All these saintly people, having strong faith in their Master. There is no duality mind. ‘What my Master says is my Ultimate Truth’. They are not referring, after accepting Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj they are not referring to a single book. Nor referring any masters.
He is respecting all the masters. But, ‘oh, this master says like that, that master says like that, that master says like that.’ No concept is there. All masters are good. But what he says, ‘approach your own master within you.’ You’re neglecting your master, referring to this master, that master, that master. This is spiritual entertainment. So, be cautious, it’s up to you. Now ball is in your court. The ball is in your court. How to handle that is up to you. Don’t neglect it. Do everything, but don’t take lightly. O.K.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
No confusion is there. It is plain and direct knowledge. Plain and direct knowledge. Plain and direct knowledge. Trying to use ego, intellect, mind, therefore confusion is there. So this knowledge means it is your own story. Issue of confusion never arises. I don’t want you, I don’t want any doubts within you. Come with open heart.
Q: He feels his thoughts like a bee buzzing. Bee that produce honey, like a buzzing. Buzzzz.
Just watch it. See a kind of cleaning process has started. Tenants are going out. Tenants are going out. They’ll not go simply, they will abuse you. You wanted them to vacate the premises. They are giving trouble for you. Good symptoms. Don’t allow them re-entry inside. You don’t have any doubts?
Q: No I do not have.
Don’t make any deliberate effort to know yourself. Don’t struggle with the thoughts. Whatever is happening, whatever is not happening, just glance and just watch it. When you observe the confusion you are beyond the confusion. Just you are sitting here something is happening outside are you giving any attention? So, in body something is happening or not happening. Watch it and just clear it. It is nature.
Q: How can he know that it is him the one who watches, not his mind?
Therefore you have to see all these things. If you are not watching, how can you come with all these words. ‘How can I?’ See entire thing whatever is happening or not happening you are realizing, seeing. Because you are experiencing some confusion is there, some struggle is there, experiencer is totally different from that trouble or confusion.
Q: He can not understand whether he watches or not, and some part of him always requires to fix this knowledge.
Don’t make deliberate effort. Why you want? You are separating from the Reality. ‘I want this, I want that.’ That ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved totally.
Q: Looks like he understands. He has found the root that strangled him.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Q: Yes. This morning it was quite a strange feeling. The ‘I’ somehow separated from what I used to think was my ‘I’. It lost it’s properties, and was without any properties. Without time, without, without any properties. This ‘I’ was forever and it will be. There was no fear of death at that time.
M: Something is going on inside. Just observe it. Don’t concentrate ‘I’, don’t concentrate on what is happening. Don’t concentrate ‘I’, don’t concentrate on what is happening. That means you have to make some deliberate effort. Just be silent. See the fun. Whatever is happening, not happening, is upon you only. Just like a screen.
Q: If we recognize ourself with the help of this body, what is he going to know after the death of his body? If he does not manage to know himself during his lifespan, what is going on afterwards?
M: These are body based questions. Because at Ultimate stage there is no identity. ‘I am’, ‘you are’, ‘we are’, ‘what will happen to body?’, ‘what will happen to experience?’, ‘what will happen to experiencer?’, these are body based questions.
Q: After the death of the body the process of knowing, how will that go on?
M: How you are knowing? You do not know death, you do not know birth. During this lifetime you are knowing the terminology of death and birth.
Q: But the search happens during the lifetime.
M: Who wants this search? Who is searching and what does he want to have after the search? Again you are taking the body ego. Ultimate stage, nothing is there. All thinking process dissolves totally. ‘What will happen after death?’, ‘What was I prior to birth?’ these are the terminologies during this body form only. You are not knowing how you were prior to body knowledge. The moment this body disappears, who is saying what will happen to body? So whatever knowledge you listen that will be automatically absorbed within yourself.
Q: What is the process, what is it? If all knowledge is related only to the body, what is the process of transmitting this knowledge?
M: This is not a process at all. When you forgot your identity, just to indicate your identity, Ultimate Truth, this process of words, process of knowledge, is required. When there is conviction, so all these process disappear. You have address to reach Nashik Ashram. You are searching here and there, Nashik Ashram, where is it? During this time you are blindly following, yes this is correct. When you arrive at Nashik Ashram, the process is already over. You are not knowing the location of the Ashram, therefore you are searching here and there. You are asking questions of so many persons ‘where is the Ashram, where is the Ashram?’ like that. After reaching the destination, you are throwing away that address. Similarly all this process, thinking, knowledge and discussion is inviting attention of the invisible listener that behind everything your spontaneous Presence is there. All process is over. Ask if he has any doubts. Come, come.
Q: So he is not alive and he is not dead.
M: Why this question is? Who says ‘I am not alive, I am not dead?’ ‘I’ does not have any individual identity. Remove all the concepts. Just like sky does not have any individuality, similarly you do not have any individual identity. But, since you are covered with the body, therefore we feel ‘I am somebody else.’ Our thinking process on the basis of mind, intellect and ego. So, when all this mind, ego, intellect dissolves then nothing remains. Even ‘I’ does not remain at that last step. For discussion purposes we are using ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘you’, all these terminologies we are using. But, in that perfect, after ultimate stage, nothing remains.
Q: As soon as I have found ‘I’ without properties, you end it also.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Therefore importance of Naam Mantra is there. People say ‘I have got knowledge, so why should I undergo Naam Mantra?’ Apparently it’s OK. But, if you want to know yourself perfectly, if you want to identify perfectly, the process of Naam Mantra is most, most important. Because you might be having a lot of knowledge about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, etc. But, it is not practical, it is just what you say dry, dry knowledge.
Q: Some people claim that they have practical knowledge without Naam Mantra. Some people claim it is enough to read Nisargadatta Maharaj books, to follow his instructions, and without Naam Mantra they claim they have found Absolute knowledge, Absolute State.
It is not, it’s a question of foundation, finding out or attaining that Ultimate State. Because certain discipline you have to observe. Because on the background that body based knowledge is there, hidden, body based knowledge is hidden inside. Unless this dissolves, whatever you are building on that, the building will collapse. That is the basic. So therefore without Naam Mantra, ‘I attain spirituality, or I have got knowledge.’ It’s OK. But it is giving only temporary relief. One should undergo this process, then only. I will tell you one instance of Mr. Pagay a great philosopher and a great politician. He was at that time say 65 or 70 years in age. He used to discuss with Maharaj philosophy, everyday, for about six months. He read so many philosophy books including Veda’s, Janeshwar, Tukarum, etc. One day he told Maharaj ‘I know your knowledge very well, but it is not impressed inside.’ Then Maharaj gave an example that you know tree is there. Tree is there hangs on the side of building, tree is hanging on some walls, tree, seed plants the tree. How it is coming through some close, crevice. So it is rooted through that closed crevice. So like that spiritual knowledge should be rooted through Master’s only. If you put the seeds of the tree, it is not planted anywhere. Like that Guru Mantra process is a must for initial stage. It makes a perfect foundation of your spiritual knowledge. Everybody is having different opinion. Nisargadatta Maharaj never insisted anyone, he may be foreigner or anything, taking Naam Mantra and be my disciple, never, never. Then that man told Maharaj ‘I want to have Guru Mantra.’ Therefore the importance of Guru Mantra is most, see, is very, very essential. It’s not all the time. If you have got devotion just like Ekalavya, it is not impossible also. So, casual reading,casual enlightenment it is not so easy. But, if you have total involvement, ‘Yes, I want to know!’ If you totally surrender to the Master, whosoever is Master. It is not to say, his presence may not be there, he may not be in existence. But, if your involvement is strong, it is also possible. That type of devotion rarely happens. There should not be any type of wavering mind. Therefore, I am not insisting anybody, so many persons are coming to me, I am not insisting ‘Take my Guru Mantra, be my disciple.’ Nothing. I am discussing with them all spiritual secrets, I am not keeping aside any secret, I am putting out all secrets. How it is impressed to him, that is up to him.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
As long as we are having association with the body, different types of feelings, questions, temptations are bound to be there. At the same time you are witnessing different climate, different feelings inside. When we are getting trouble is when we accept that feeling or thoughts as my thought, then it reflects something good thing or bad thing. If you remain yourself aloof from the thoughts, letting thoughts come and go, then these thoughts or feelings will not trouble you. Which thoughts or feelings are useful or to accept it and which thought not to be accepted, that you have to decide. Because we are holding body different types of thoughts, feelings, so many things are going to be happening, flowing all the time. Because these feelings, thoughts, temptations, various types of feelings we are not aware prior to body consciousness. The moment spirit touched or clicked with the body, all these feelings and mind, ego, intellect, impressions, so many things, happiness, unhappiness started. And because we are not knowing ourself perfectly we are thrown into that feeling and suffering bad thing, good thing, happiness, unhappiness, like that. Self knowledge, inviting attention of your invisible spirit that you are totally different from all this body based knowledge. I’ll repeat it. See, spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge is inviting attention of invisible identity that you are totally different from all this thoughts, feelings, temptations, mind, ego, intellect. Because they came across with you when there was a touch of that spirit with the body only. When there is no body experience you are not knowing what is mind, what is ego, what is intellect, what is good thing, what is bad thing, what is happiness, what is unhappiness, what is peace, nothing you’re knowing. Principle behind the Self knowledge is you are totally separate, totally independent from all these feelings. To establish this reality, you are given to undergo certain process, like meditation. After practicing meditation, after reciting that Mantra, Guru Mantra, some dramatic, miraculous changes will take place inside. Then you will go closer and closer to your Selfless Self, unidentified identity. Though you are feeling your existence, but at the same time that existence is not related to any body knowledge. Similarly your unidentified identity is not connected with any body based knowledge. With this available spiritual knowledge you try to convince yourself that ‘I am totally separate from all this body knowledge.’ The moment that there is conviction then, there will be no attachment with the body based knowledge, no happiness, no unhappiness, no temptations, no experience though there’s mind, ego, intellect, you are totally untouched by them. You are only using this (body) for temporary purpose, just as I am consuming this tea. I am forgetting after having tea. Similarly whatever thoughts are flowing inside good thoughts or bad thoughts, any type of feelings, are having temporary aspects, they are coming and going. But you are there just like standing on the bank of a river and so many things are flowing from the river, you are not concerned what is happening, what is flowing from the river. Whatever water you want you are taking the water and then going away. Similarly with the mind, ego, intellect, whatever thoughts are flowing inside accepting that thought, after using that thought, throw it, forget it. With the result that you will not become a victim of your mind, ego, intellect.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
You can’t guess. ‘How I am’. ‘After death of body, what happens to me?’ Are you giving any thought when coming in this world? When Presence came into existence in body form, prior to that are you thinking what will happen? Just like a dream world. Seer’s reflection. Without your Presence you can’t see the world. This is ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’. Entire world is projected out of your spontaneous Presence. No death is there, no birth is there. To have this spontaneous conviction, again I am repeating, meditation is most important. Literally you are knowing, intellectually you’re knowing. Intellectual knowledge, literal knowledge. Knowledge is supposed to be spontaneous conviction. You are Reality, You are Reality. There is no knowledge, no knower. Unless body knowledge dissolves, we are not able to know ourself in a real sense. To dissolve the body knowledge, you have to undergo strict meditation. Not sitting like this. Know the Reality. Simple example, somebody abuses you, ‘I take revenge.’
Q: You can recite Mantra all the time?
Yes, Yes, you can recite the Mantra all the time. No restriction is there. Then it will be spontaneous. Example, you are Max. You are Max, no. Are you saying ‘I am Max, I am Max, I am Max.’ Thousand people call Max, ‘Oh, I am Max.’ That means that particular word, becomes close and close, there is no difference between Max and yourself. This body is called ‘Max’. You have got spontaneous conviction. Master says ‘You are Brahman.’ But you are not accepting that. You accept body knowledge, body name. This is called ‘hand’, this is called ‘fingers.’ Someone said this is fingers, same, they are something here. In your childhood, you are taught fingers. If taught different ‘Oh, no these are eyes, look at my eyes.’ So what you impress to the spirit, it accepted it. We have created the words, we have given the name to all of the words. Go deep and deep in your Selfless Self.
Q: Maharaj it appears the main problem is whom to trust? If oneself trusts his Guru, no problem at all. If oneself trusts somebody else, problem appears.
Trust your Selfless Self. Trust your Selfless Self. Because when you say Guru, to say Guru your Presence is required.
Q: My Guru is my Selfless Self.
Of course. If Selfless Self is not there, if Presence is not there, who will talk about the Guru and Master and God? Because you are unknown to you the form of the Guru is inviting attention that you are Ultimate Truth. Just like Lion and Lamb story. You are already Lion. You were brought up with some sheep and goats, therefore you say I am a goat and sheep. I leave you with the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj, very important words. Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master.
Q: But I do not except it literally.
It’s open fact. It’s open fact. To absorb this knowledge you have to undergo meditation. Concentration. You are not separate from Reality. You are Reality. Impression of the body is there ‘I am somebody else.’ Directly or indirectly you have strong impression of body. Therefore I am coming again and again to the same point. You were not body, you are not body, you are not going to remain body. It’s open fact. Prior to beingness you are formless, after leaving body you are formless. There won’t be any hell or heaven. You are master of your own. You are unknown to that Reality. Therefore you are shown, ‘You are Ultimate Truth’.
Q: So once you have established that ‘You Are That’ then the job is over.
It’s, not to say, it’s open truth. Only you are not accepting it because of the use of the body. It is Reality. Not to infer, not to intellectualize. Your Presence is Ultimate Truth, is Reality.
Q: So to reach this Reality.
Not to reach. You are Reality.
Q: You talked about that change inside Maharaj.
These are only sources.
Q: What I am asking is that without these things…..
But at that time you are posing yourself in body form.
Q: I am not posing….
When you have to think, you are making deliberate effort. ‘I am concentrating on myself very strongly.’ That means that myself is there in egoistic form. There is no ‘my self’ their is no ‘your self’, nothing is there.
Q: So Mantra is?
You say Aham Brahmasmi, these are only sources.
Q: I am Brahman.
I am Brahman like that, so it is like, I told you spirit is very sensitive. You are inviting attention of spirit ‘You are Ultimate Truth.’ Through Mantra, you are inviting meditator, that You are Ultimate Truth.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj