“Bless Me” – Nothing Will Happen
“Bless Me” – Nothing Will Happen Download Link
Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj December 12, 2017.
M – “Maharaj, bless me!”, nothing will happen, you have to come forward. Maharaj is there to take care of you, Maharaj Sadguru blessing always with you, but you have to start yourself. Maharaj told “you are Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master”. Nisargadatta Maharaj says “stay with the ‘I am’”. That is a question: stay with ‘I am’ means, ‘I am’ is Ultimate Truth. Through which you are experiencing ‘I am’ is Ultimate Truth. You got to stay with that Reality. You have to forget body identity and it is fact: body is not your identity at all. It has got time limit, age limit. So, you have to come forward with the Reality, what Master says you have to accept it. Only you are expecting “oh, Maharaj, bless me!” “It is not possible, how can I do it?” It is not sufficient, you are not man or woman. Your Master says you are Brahman, Ultimate Truth, you are Master, why don’t you accept it? You are going along with the mind, going along with intellect, and I told you: mind, ego, intellect came along with the body and you are not body. Every time I am hammering you: you are not body, you were not body, but you are not accepting it. Again “my mind is not controlling, what to do Maharaj, give some blessing”, Maharaj can’t give blessing, you have to come forward, you have to have some daring.
I have given example of that Eklavya, you know Eklavya’s story? Yes, but you are ignoring it, it is one of the best stories about Reality. Eklavya is this character in Mahabharata, he was a small boy, hardly fourteen years old. He had been to that kingdom of Pandava. And that time, Master Guru Dronacharia was teaching the art of archery to the Kauravas and Pandavas. At that time, he was outside, he is seeing Dronacharia king of archery, kingly people Pandava and Kauvala. And then he approaches Dronacharia, he requests him “I want to learn the art of archery can you teach me?”. Dronacharia said no because circumstances are there, he is supposed to teach only kingly people and Eklavya is from a lower caste. He says, “I am sorry, I am unable to teach you”. But Eklavya is not depressed, he accepted Dronacharia as his Master and then he went to forest. He prepared a bow, he prepared arrows, he prepared a statue of Dronacharia. And with full faith, he concentrated Concentrator and he asked questions to Dronacharia’s statue “Oh my Lord, oh my Master, I am aiming this, is this correct?” And his inner voice says, “Yes, my boy, it is correct” and like that, he learnt that archery in such a way which is not taught by Dronacharia or anybody else. See what power he is having!
The next story is that, when Pandava and Kauravas boys went hunting along with Dronacharia in the forest and this boy, Eklavya, was concentrated, fully. They came along with the hunter dogs, which were barking, barking. Eklavya felt disturbance, so what he does? He aims an arrow at their mouth, in such a way that there is no blood shed, their voice stopped, there was no blood shed. When they came to know “why our dogs are not barking? What is the problem?”, they saw the arrows in the dog’s mouths, but no blood. Then “who is the archer?” They went there, they saw one boy concentrating fully and learning that archery. Then they said, “who is your Master?” – he says – “My Master is Dronacharia”. They went to complain to Dronacharia “how you taught this art of archery to him, which is not taught to us?” Then Dronacharia was surprised. And then Dronacharia asked that boy “who is your Master?”. “You are my Master”– he forgot, Dronacharia forgot.
Then, next story is most important: Dronacharia says ‘If I am your Master, give me Guru-Dakshina (gift to Masters) – Eklavya says “What do you want?” – “I want your finger, through which you are aiming.” – “Ok, take it, I don’t want to become warrior, I wanted to learn the art of archery”.
The story indicates that: you are not supposed to be Master of philosophy, you have to implement that Reality, “I want to know the Reality”. So, like that, with full faith, full confidence, you have to learn this Spirituality. Only “Oh Maharaj, what to do? Give some blessing, I am helpless, how can I do it?”-this is not…, you must have courage! You have to start from your own!
Q – I understand after reading that book ‘I am That” …
M – Yes you read it, because everything is mentioned. What you want? You’ve got a lot of power energy which you are not using. So, you are going along with the body and that is illusion, this world is illusionary body. Mind, ego, intellects are illusionary bodies. So, you have to discard all these. When Master says you are Ultimate Truth, you are Ultimate Truth. Again, not to go along with the body, along with my mind, ego. Mind is always crazy, mind creates problem, FORGET IT! Have some courage, “yes I can do it! Because Master says that I am Master, I am Master!”. So, live like a Master, not like a slave.
Q – I had the recognition that whatever I am speaking or whatever you are speaking is different from what I am. I would like to stay with the recognition. When it comes to repeating the Mantra, my recognition goes because Mantra repetition is like I am doing some action.
M – See: unless body identity dissolves, all this up and down is bound to be there. And, for which, I am again repeating for you: sit for meditation. It will take some time, three months, four months, six months, or eight months, one year, but effect will be positive.
Don’t expect any miracles because you are Ultimate Truth. “I am doing something, I am doing like that”, that ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved! There is no ‘I’, no ‘you’, so these are the intellectual games, mind playing intellectual games with you. You are separate from mind, ego, intellect, so that ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved. Where there is no experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser. That is a stage. So, since you are experiencing something, experiencing ups and downs, that means it is a game of your mind. So, you have to discard mind. To control your mind, you have to undergo strictly meditation. Through meditation you are hammering – ‘I am Brahman, Brahman I am, I am Brahman, Brahman I am’. With continuous hammering, it will come with explosion: ‘So That I am THAT’. So, something is wrong with your imagination or something wrong in your understanding: that “I am doing something, I am feeling something”, there is no ‘I’, that ‘I’ is supposed to be dissolved totally. So be strong, you are not a handicapped man, you have to stand on your own feet. Master is teaching you: stand on your own feet, not to depend upon your Master. Master can’t do anything, I am not doing any miracles, miracles happen out of You, I am placing before you your Ultimate Truth.
So, if you feel “oh Master, give me some special favor, special blessing”, no Master is giving blessing. You are Master, you ought to have your own blessing. Therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj says – ‘I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master, because the Master essence is with you’ – how long are you going to be disciple? So, have some Conviction, have some strong faith within you and within your Master – ‘Yes, I can do it’– all these Saintly people, they were not highly qualified, they did not know, they had complete faith in Master.
Master said “you are Ultimate Truth” they accepted it, no other way, no other thoughts. Not to go anywhere to search any Masters. And therefore, Nisargadatta Maharaj says – ‘Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman.’ – so don’t be dependent, you are Independent.
Q – Should I, continue repeating Mantra or should I stay with the recognition?
M – You don’t do anything.
Q – I am not doing anything, that’s when I feel peaceful ….
M – You are making partition “I have to do something, do I do Mantra, or do I stay with me?” You are not to do anything, be normal, be simple, You’re Always With You! You are discriminating: whether to stay with the Mantra, whether to stay independent. It is not like that because ‘YOU’ does not have any form, there is no ‘I ‘, you are Formless.
In the beginning, we are telling to undergo the meditation, afterwards it is not necessary, it will be spontaneous, even in deep sleep, your meditation is going on. You have not to go make any deliberate effort, whether to stay with ‘I am’, whether not to stay with ‘I am’, like that. There is no ‘I am’ also, in Ultimate stage, Prior to Beingness, where is that ‘I am ‘? There is no any ‘I am’. After leaving body, what ‘I am’ is there? No meditation is there, so just think and the entire Truth is before you. Prior to Beingness, are you doing any meditation, are you doing some sadhana? Nothing. No sadhana was there. Sadhana is required because you forgot your identity. You’re Ultimate Truth. But, you are posing your Self as a man or woman. That is not your identity. Therefore, this sadhana is given, just to regain your old original memory.
So “I am doing something, I am doing that thing”, peacefulness is also illusion, happiness also illusion. Who wants happiness? What is happiness, what is peacefulness, prior to Beingness any requirement is there? Peacefulness? After leaving body any peacefulness is there? Nothing is there.
So, peacefulness, happiness, and so many depression, these are all concepts that came along with the body, this is a dead body! Body is not tolerable therefore you have to do all these things, meditation you have to do, you have to follow the master’s instruction. Where are the master’s prior to Beingness? Where was God prior to Beingness? God, Master is given to you. In spite of that, you are considering “I am somebody else”, that somebody is supposed to dissolve. The ‘I am’ is supposed to be dissolved.
Q- If that is the case, you are asking me to repeat the Mantra which am doing, but that Mantra is not sinking, and some other Mantra from my childhood which I learnt sinks in well. Can I repeat that Mantra?
M – See I have given Mantra, if you are happy with another Mantra, you can do it. Whatever gives you happiness, you do it …
Q – I mean I feel very comfortable doing …
M – Don’t be confused, through which you are comfortable, do it, no problem. If you say- “Ram, Ram” – do it – “Ram, Ram, Ram” – if – Siva “Siva, Siva”. Mantra is given, where to keep faith, where not to keep faith is up to you. Whether to accept Master’s instruction or not accept Master’s instruction is up to you. I am giving freedom to everybody, if you are not happy with this, you can change your Master, no problem.
Q – Not the Master but the Mantra ….
M – Yes, you change anything. What I suppose to tell you, I place before you your Truth, if you are not happy, that is ok, forget it. You’re a free bird to go anywhere. The Truth which I suppose to place before without any expectation, if you not agree, if you want to change, do it no problem, Ok.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
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